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Fandom Beacon Academy


I live in my own world.
Students with the aspiration to become Hunters or Huntress, whose duty is to keep the peace within the world, strive to attend Beacon. You were one of them but unlike most you have been accepted to attend Beacon. You have just arrived at Beacon now its your time to make a store for your selves.


  2. Grammar.... is not a need just make it readable.
  3. Romance is allowed but fade to black or PM it if need be.
  4. No god modding. If you do mister invincible getting kicked.
  5. Standard RPN rules.
  6. No copy characters.
  7. No bunnying. Controlling someone else's character without their permission.
  8. Standard RPN rules.
  9. And the most important rule HAVE FUN!!!
  10. moderators word is law (Me and @Morgand213)

It's a warm sunny day in the kingdom of vale and all the people who were accepted into Beacon were on the Airship's heading their One of the passengers was a girl named Aoi Blade. Aoi was sat down waiting to arrive at beacon she had her weapon in three parts and attached to her back so it was easier to carry. She knew no one and was slightly nervous about the whole situation since she has wanted it her whole life it would be a different experience than whats she is used to but it seems like it could be fun.
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Xeno test out his weapon, he switches it back between sword and railgun just to see if it freezes up like a couple of weeks ago. He eventually just puts it in his holsters and sits by some girl, he doesn't look at her, he simply looks out one of the big windows of the airship.
Being accepted into Beacon Academy was something Samantha thought would never happen, she was extremely excited but nervous at the same time, Sam boarded one of the Airships and was alone, but she wanted to find someone to talk to, maybe make a new friend so she searched around and found a girl and boy sitting with each other "Hey, can i sit with you please?" Sam asked the girl and boy with a big smile whilst playing with ribbon in her hands.
Xeno looks up,

"Uh...Sure, I guess." He scoots over and pats the seat. This girl was pretty excited for some reason, but Xeno wasn't one to dive into people's business.
Aoi nodded her head "Sure" She said quietly before looking out of the airships windows.
Sam smiled and sat down in between the girl and boy "My names Samantha, Whats your's?" Samantha asked the two of them whilst getting more ribbon out of her pocket to play with.
Xeno looks over at the girl,

"Xeno." He says followed by a sigh. She's one of those perky girls. He thinks to himself.
Aoi smiled. "Aoi." she said quietly. This girls seems hyperactive to say the least. She sighed wondering if all the people where the same.
Laretta pushed loose hair strands out of her face, tapping idly at her weapon as her eyes skimmed over the words of a book. She heard voices not too much of a distance away, but decided to stay put. She'd be able to talk to the others later, right? And besides, it's not like anyone would want to talk to her, anyway. She turned the page and sighed, hoping to reach the destination soon.
Sam smiled "Well its a pleasure to meet you both, Im sorry for being so hyper its just that im looking forward to going to the Academy" As she calmed down she stop playing with her ribbon and turned towards the window "So how long you think we will have to wait till we reach the Academy?" Sam said hoping one of the two would answer
Xeno stretches,

"Probably not too long." He says as he takes out his weapon. Xeno adjusts the sights a bit before holstering it again.
Sam saw in the corner of here eye that Xeno had un-Holstered his weapon for a moment to tamper with it, Sam's head rapidly turned around and she was impressed with Xeno's weapon "Woah, nice gun you got there, can i have another look at it?" Sam said with a slight smile on her face.
They was a news broadcast going on which caught Aoi eye until it was interrupted by a introduction which explains to the arriving freshmen that their world is currently in a state of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it's their job to keep it that way. All the students there have already demonstrated the courage and ability necessary to become Hunters, and now it's their turn to mold that potential via training and knowledge. Aoi ignored most of it but looked out of the window. "So that's Beacon." Aoi said looking towards the Beacon building.
Xeno listened to the welcome message and then looks at Samantha,

"Sure." He shrugs as he unholsters the railgun,

"It can also turn into a plasma sword, but I usually just use the railgun." He changes it into a sword before sheathing it.
Sam eyes were dazzled by Xeno's weapon "Thats really cool, i will have to see you use it in action sometime" Sam said with a huge smile, but she heard a welcome message come on about the Academy but she decided to ignore most of it and continue to examine Xeno's weapon.
The airship landed just outside of Beacon and crowds of eager people got off the airship. Aoi decided to wait until the rest have gone so she wouldn't be bumping into anyone by mistake.
Laretta closed her book and tucked it in her bag. She slowly made her way off the airship, looking around, one hand on a blade, which was a habit she developed over the years. Her hair was braided down her back in a messy fashion since she's hopeless with hair and 'fashion sense,' and her red glasses rested on her face even though she wasn't reading anymore. "Finally here," she murmured.
"Yeah sure" Sam said before she started to get out of her seat, Sam started to walk off the airship and saw the Academy, amazed by the way it looked, she started to walk and noticed people were together, but she was alone and looked around for someone she could go around with, she noticed a girl around her age was walking, Sam went over to her "Hey, names Samantha, can i go around the Academy with you?" Sam asked with a smile on her face and in a polite and welcoming tone
Aoi stood up and walked towards the ships exit and looked up into the sky only to have her eyes attacked by the sun and bumped into a girl(Laretta) in front of her. "Sorry are you okay I wasn't playing attention." Aoi asked quietly before walking away.
Laretta turned towards a friendly-sounding voice. "Oh, hello, Samantha," she greeted. "Sure. I'd like some company." Then she stumbled in a direction, her eyes darting to another girl who had seemingly bumped into her. "Oh, yeah," she mumbled, but stopped when the said girl walked off. She turned back to Samantha. "I'm Laretta, by the way."
Aoi headed towards the main looking building and too the main hall guessing if the was a place she was meant to go it would be there. When she arrived there she found that most of the freshmen were there but were waiting for it to start.
Samantha smiled "Its a pleasure to meet you Laretta, i think we better get going to the main hall" as she moved next to Laretta and tried to forget about the girl walking into her and just staying positive as she pulled ribbon out and started to play with it

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