Beacon Academy.

Name: Marcus Sensin

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Story: Marcus's first memory was that of a white room with 100's of other people all around his age. They were given training for several years and as time passed more and more of them disappeared. Some died, others were gone without a word or trail. Soon they were down to only 10 people. Those 10 became his friends and comrades fighting and training together till they were all more skilled then the teachers who taught them. Then approaching on his 10 birthday they were offered a way out of the right room, to kill everyone else in it. Despite their bonds 3 of them listened immediately and killed 2 of the others before being but down by the others. Meanwhile akio refused to fight people who had been his friends and comrades and just waited. soon the food stopped coming and then their were only 3 remaining. Even after starving from several days of lack of food (some of the others were better feed off the body's of their former friends.) He refused to fight, eventually the last two got into a fight then nearly killed them both till the last one, his best friend kennan managed to throttle his opponent. He came after Akio bloody and near death, hoping to kill akio before he bled out so he could be treated. Akio never threw a blow at him, only moving out of the way of his blows till the wounded boy couldnt keep up with him anymore. Then he proceeded to watch his former best friend bleed out on the floor as he watched. He was given a 'family' to live with and told he would be asked to pay for his debt in the future. Then years later he was enrolled into beacon, his mission to destroy it from the inside out. Only Marcus doesent plan to follow orders anymore and instead searches for further skill's needed to bring down the organization that made him what he was.

Weapon: look up madoka magica and find kyoko's spear, that is my weapon only the links can be completely disconnected and double as pistols.

Dust: Lightning

Personality: Calm, Collected but polite and friendly. A everything goes attitude when it comes to fights and challenges

Team: unknown

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Arabella Nightshade








there's nothing much to say about Ari. She was born into a middle class family and she always wanted to be a huntress like her mother so she decided to enter the school, aiming to be like her mother.


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she doesn't know how to use it.


Ari is kind, caring, but also troublemaker and cheeky. Likes to help people and treat people nicely. She's cheerful, out-going, and smart, but clumsy and reckless sometimes



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Name: Maxwell Hearse

Gender: Male

Race:(Human or Faunus.) Faunus, (Though it's usually hard to tell what with his attire)

Nickname:(Optional.) Grinder

Story: Maxwell worked at his Father's Dust shop for the better half of his younger years, working hard to provide a stable income for their small

hovel. Maxwell never had any siblings, and his father never told him about his mother, but Maxwell trusted him. Then his father was stricken ill, leaving Maxwell to tend the shop on his own. He didn't talk much during those years, except for the customers. As time went on and his father slowly withered away like a pile of ash in the wind, Maxwell became more knowledgeable of the earth. After his father died, Maxwell decided to sell the shop, as he no longer had the need to support a family. He spent a long time alone in the woods after that, doing nothing but foraging and thinking for the next several years until he decided upon a change of scenery. Maxwell entered Beacon Academy, mostly utilizing the skills he honed in the woods. Not too long after he enrolled is when he met Karmella. At first he was put off by her actions, but it wasn't like he had many options for friends at the time. Besides, it grew on him.

Weapon:(Can use pictures.) A Heavy metal staff that can disconnect into two separate one-handed maces. These Maces can, In turn, change into shotguns due to heavy mechanics inside it.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfa469390_Brunosmace.png.3c0bbb646e0f07a5c4734688b9180ab4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22680" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfa469390_Brunosmace.png.3c0bbb646e0f07a5c4734688b9180ab4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfa46b996_Brunosmaces.png.38b47b1575b8a0d3c018a2ab59e503d2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22681" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfa46b996_Brunosmaces.png.38b47b1575b8a0d3c018a2ab59e503d2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfa46eb06_Brunosshotguns.png.1a47a58d01abf668afc73ab6292f79bb.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22682" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfa46eb06_Brunosshotguns.png.1a47a58d01abf668afc73ab6292f79bb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dust:(Optional.) Crush, Brown dust capable of increasing force when near natural things like trees or grass.

Earth Semblance- Will pull pieces of the ground up to use as armor. Only affects Natural ground, excluding man made buildings and the likes

Personality: Unnaturally Large for his age. Seldom, if ever, speaks. Usually looks through grass in his free time. Is fond of nature

Team: Unknown

Appearance:(Optional. Can use Picture

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfa467181_MaxwellHearse.png.694e6f34ed4c2769fdf7218a51f45842.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22679" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfa467181_MaxwellHearse.png.694e6f34ed4c2769fdf7218a51f45842.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Karmella Valentino

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Nickname: None

Story: Surprising to most, Karmella came from a desperately poor family of traveling Vagabonds. They would move from city to city looking through garbage and what not to survive. Somewhere along their journey, Little Karmella got it into her head that she wasn't actually a groveling scavenger, but a foreign princess who was simply on 'vacation.' And so, Karmella's childhood consisted of:

"Finding interesting trinkets and snacks hidden in fancy metal presents." AKA foraging through trash cans to find food.

"Traveling happily with her band of enthusiastic chauffeurs." AKA being battered by the merciless weather as her weakened and desperate companions searched for food and shelter.

"Playing with the local wildlife," AKA Fighting off the hordes of Grimm seeking to bathe in the blood of those poor wanderers who raised her.

Karmella lived like this for most of her life, the vagabonds dying off until the others settled down. There is a large space of missing information concerning Karmella, at least, up until when she enrolled into Beacon. Turns out that fighting to survive as a child carried over to her later years, as Karmella was adequately prepared for hunting Grimm. But despite how well equipped she was to be a huntress, her delusions of fame, notoriety, and all around self-entitlement left her friendless. This continued until a large student by the name of Maxwell got into Beacon. Maxwell had ended up friendless as well due to his lack of vocal communication and intimidating size. Karmella loved having him around since he looked precisely like a bouncer when near her. It was rocky at first, but the two became friends, and stayed that way ever since.

Weapon: A walking cane that doubles as a sniper rifle, the Cane itself can be used with her dust.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfa470519_AmeliasCane.png.3bcfe731291c4fb7d0999cde5fd12f73.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22683" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfa470519_AmeliasCane.png.3bcfe731291c4fb7d0999cde5fd12f73.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dust: Ice

Personality: Eccentric and delusional. Is fully convinced that she is as rich as can be. Makes red figurines in her spare time.

Team: Unknown


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Name:Castellion Ramsted



Nickname:The old ram

Story:"Begin recording." He said as the pushed a button to a machine that started recording him. "My name is Castellion Ramsted. I am the leader of the white fang. I took over the worlds largest criminal Organization three years ago, and..." Castellion is looking for the right wording. "Unfortunately and assassin killed him." He said with a devious grin. "I didn't mean to kill him, it was just he wasn't right to lead the white fang to it's glory. He didn't make them fear us... That's the only way for them to respect us, is for them to fear us.... I wasn't always like this, a crazy power crazed leader."

"I had a mother, a father, a sister and even a brother. We don't talk much though. We lived in faunus housing, where the humans couldn't really get to us. My father and brother fought in the war... They died. They were massacred with the others."

"When the war ended and the white fang was established. I took my mother and my sister and joined the white fang. After a couple of years I was in the higher ranks of the white fang." He took a deep breath. "End recording. This is part 1 of how ever many." The light on the machine turned off.

Weapon:A Halberd combined with a 50 cal. Pic


Momentum fighter: When Momentum fighter is activated then Constellion can hit harder everytime he is hit. It's a little like Yangs semblance. But to counteract the massive Op, he can't use it for too long. It will cause his whole body to start convulsing, and cause his body to start. If he uses it too much then all that strength will kill him.


Personality:He's a snob, he even thinks he is better than some of his white fang brothers and sisters. He is also manipulative, which helps him with his espionage.


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Name: Arenero Riendres

Gender: Male

Race: Faunus

Nickname: Aren

Story: An orphaned Faunus raised by humans, he never developed the hatred for them that so many others possessed. His family was wealthy, the father being a successful merchant, so he was privileged for most of his life. He always wore a long shirt that covered his arm, for his parents feared what would happen if it showed. One day, Aren's shirt ripped while playing in the forest. His friends saw and ran away from him, scared. He started spending more time alone, and devoted this solitude into becoming a better fighter. He practiced and practiced, until he was noticed by Beacon, where he hopes to start a new life, the life of a hunter.

Weapon: A great steel broadsword enchanted to be light, allowing Aren to carry it in one hand. His other hand can be used to grab and shoot a revolver carried in his belt.

Dust: Earth

Personality: Aren is pretty quiet and doesn't like being the center of attention. He has a quick distrust of new people, but gets used to them pretty fast. He is very imaginative and can zone out sometimes. He is a loyal friend, and will not hesitate to help when someone is in need.

Team: None yet.

Appearance: Ragged unkept grey-silver hair covers his clear blue eyes. He is not tall nor short, and is moderately built. He is usually seen wearing practical leather armor, which allows him to move fast. His left arm is covered in lizard scales, safely hidden under his armor. If very necessary, this can be used to block a hit from a sword.
Name: Acid Ace

Gender: Female

Race:Faunus (Ears are hidden under the hat)

Nickname: Acid or Ace

Story:Raised inside the depths of a lab, she was a test subject to the most twisted intent.

Weapon:Acid Blaster and Acid Axe


Personality:Cheery, but doesn't like needles


Appearance:(Optional. Can use Picture.)

Name: Caron Monos

Gender: Female


Nickname: Caron

Story: An experiment to the most noble yet twisted intent, she was raised as a weapon with duty in mind. 'Perdere Monstris'. Until five years from her captivity the project was shut down and their test subjects freed or exterminated, she is one of the many survivors who decided to continue.

Weapon:Flamethrower/Arrowgun and Fireblade. Incendiary Grenades and jetpack.


Personality:Mostly a normal human being...except she gets pissed real easily


Appearance:(Optional. Can use Picture.)


Name:Oxis Geni

Gender: Female


Nickname: Airhead(She doesn't like that one) Oxis

Story:An experiment to the most noble yet twisted intent, she was raised as a weapon with duty in mind. 'Perdere Monstris'. Until five years from her captivity the project was shut down and their test subjects freed or exterminated, she is one of the many survivors who decided to continue.

Weapon:Air Cannon, Concussive Air grenades, solid oxygen blade


Personality: Normale outside of battle, if not a bit clumsy but when in combat she becomes merciless in disposing of targers


Appearance:(Optional. Can use Picture.)

It's still open, OCs can still be submitted

or at least that's how it should be, it was recently announced as open forever. If not, just post it here to get submitted, no one should have a problem with that

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