Beacon Academy.

Name: Larion Valentine

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Nickname: Loki

Story: He was a fisherman just helping his family survive. He was always training because he had to protect his family from Ursa and Beowolf attacks. One day when he was on the beach he heard screaming, and when he got home his family was murdered. He swore that he would never allow another person to lose a family member from the monsters.

Weapon: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/115-HK57004.jpg.ebf526c3235713b72b8d70c558a1c900.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14441" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/115-HK57004.jpg.ebf526c3235713b72b8d70c558a1c900.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dust: Doesn't know enough to use it.

Personality: He is very quiet, but can be out spoken when it comes to his fighting styles. He is slow to warm up to people due to him getting picked on for being a poor kid. Is more then willing to help someone out if the ask politely.

Team: None yet.

Appearance: Shoulder length black hair always kept in a skull and crossbones bandana. He usually wears black baggy pants with a chain wrapped around his right thigh, a fishing hook is attached at the end of the chain. He has a grey t-shirt with a leather jacket that has a dragon on the back of it. He also has a large trident with a dragon wrapped around it tattoo that covers his outer left arm.



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Name: Thanatos Malcharion

Gender: male

Race:Human or rather the unhuman, demon

Nickname: ONI

Story: lost to the sands of time and the pain of lonesomeness. the beast is the ford family's burden to bare. he was bound to the family in order to mange his fallout.

Weapon: 7 inch long talons attached in the fingers. the blades come from Micheal's sword and he carry's the rifle with him usually in one had but sometimes for goes it entirely, favoring the melee. unarmed combat +2 lolz

semblance: blinding speed unholy energy fills him, the semblance multiply his ability to scream 2 fold. midnight blue and oppressive

Dust: TBA

Personality: violent, cold, calculating, decisive, brutal, and cunning in his madness



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Name: Tavril Luminous

Gender: Male

Race:Wolf Faunus

Nickname: Fluffy. It's...a long story

Story: Tavril growing up had one friend, Annabell. And...maybe her sister too. Once she died he disappeared into the woods, only making contact with those in the White Fang, an organization he'd grown up with sense his parents were both members.



The gauntlets have guns in both sides as well

Dust: Black Dust

Personality: Cold and unattached, Tavril doesn't like to waist a lot of time talking.

Team: White Fang


Name: Aires Phoenix

Gender: Female

Race: Bird Faunus

Nickname: Wings

Story: Wings was abandoned a long time ago but was taken in by her big brother Kaze. One night working with a forbidden dust combination he accidentally went blind and could not attend Beacon. He previously trained Wings in the art of combat, machinery techniques and dust science. She grew strong and five years before she entered Beacon Academy she joined the White Fang because she lost her brother. She succeeded and excelled in the White Fang but grew tired of doing wrong deeds. She felt as though something was missing. She is now able to enter the academy for her own benefit and on behalf of her brother Kaze.

Weapon: Her wings have a mechanism placed upon them that fires blades and shards of glass at enemy targets.

Semblance: She doesn't know it but she can explode things just by looking at them and changing her eye colors.

Dust: Elemental Dust (Uses fire most of the time)

Personality: Reserved, strong, quiet, she has a beautiful voice that can enchant others.

Team: Whichever.

Now she has one ice blue eye and one neon violet eye. Her eyes change colors constantly, though the mix matched eyes are her natural eyes.
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Name: Kaze Phoenix

Gender: Male

Race: Bird Faunus

Nickname: Prize

Story: Aires's older brother, though not by blood. He has a grudge against her because she was accepted to Beacon and he was not. He took her in when he found her day wandering about through forests. He ran away from home and creatd a life for them. But then he went blind because of an experiment gone wrong. He blames Aires for his loss of vision

Weapon: Dust Pistols

Dust: All and any

Personality: Dark and somewhat evil.

Team: None.

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Benjamin Grey




Faunus, part Monkey


Benjamin is fine with any nickname except for Benny.


Benjamin was born poor and lived with his parents for the first few years of his life. His parents then started a small business and then faced prejudice against Faunus like everyone else. One day, the shop was bombed and his mother died and his father was severely injured. From that point on, Benjamin was essentially an orphan and lived on the street since his family had no way to pay for anything with his father unable to work and Benjamin had to steal to survive. He tried to keep both him and his father alive, but couldn't do so according to his father. Soon after his father died, Benjamin left for the city, working on ships to earn meals and get around. After a year or so of earning a meager wage, he had saved up enough for some weapons, but the shopkeeper refused to sell to a Faunus. Frustrated, Benjamin attacked and robbed the shop keep, grabbing the Chain Blades and running. He continued to run as long as he could, being caught. But instead of rotting in a cell, he was given an offer to help the police investigate the local faction of the White Fang in exchange for parole. Benjamin foolishly agreed immediately, thinking he would be able to escape his PO after he helped take down the White Fang.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/upload_2014-3-21_19-46-32.jpeg.441f035984545d690d278b4479abb927.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14939" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/upload_2014-3-21_19-46-32.jpeg.441f035984545d690d278b4479abb927.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Benjamin's weapons are the Chain Blades Gambit and Risk, twin rope darts housed in a pair of bracers and equipped with a firing mechanism to launch the blades like projectiles. He can grab onto the chain at any point and use the weapons as rope darts. The bracers also house different blades that can switch out with the one attached. The length of the chain is around 75 meters while retaining integral strength and the blades are sharp enough to embed themselves into stone and are obviously durable.

Dust: He doesn't use Dust too often, but his preference is ice, giving his weapon a chilling edge.


Benjamin is a laid back person for the most part. However, he is serious when necessary. He cares more for others safety before his own, trying to make up for his past mistakes. He also despises intolerance towards Humans and Faunus, believing they are equal if anything.


Whatever he gets put on.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf95d1b66_GreyArmor.jpg.696b97d8a908065f6bcd51a4881c30cf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22057" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf95d1b66_GreyArmor.jpg.696b97d8a908065f6bcd51a4881c30cf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He has a black prehensile tail.


Ben's semblance is probability shifting. He can influence his luck, but every action is at the mercy of karma.




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Name:Trey D. Arkstar



Nickname: T, The Lamp Guy,

Story: He doesn't remember much of his past, all he remembers is his name and waking up in a puddle of blood in the midle of the forest. Bodies of Grimm and Humans surrounded him. The night made the sight

more gruesome. He himself was wounded, slowly bleeding to death, he wanted to move, he wanted to

live. Refusing to die, he pulled himself up with a tree and liimped. He kept limping towards a town.

Unforunately this town was infested by Grimm, they smelt his blood as he crossed the town borders. As

he reached the park they attacked. Swarms of them surged from the dark. He ran. He tried to run to

safety but no place was safe.The night was getting darker and it was getting harder to see. The only light

that shone was the moon's and from a single lamppost. He stopped at the lamppost and looked back.

The Grimm were starting to surround him now and he backed towards the post. Second by second his

will faded as he slowly gave up until...until he looked up, the lamppost was shining brighter than before.

'I'm not going to die like this,' he thought 'I WILL LIVE!'. With renewed vigor and a feat of strength he tore

the lamppost from the ground and fought. He fought his way through the night until finally no more Grimm

stood against him. Travelers happened to come across him and rumours started to spread of a boy with

a lamppost for a weapon. These soon led to him being recruited to guard villages and small towns from

Grimm and kickstarting his ambition to become a Hunter.

Weapon: Saving Light, a lamppost he tore from the ground while fighting for his life, normally for close

combat. Despite being large it's very light and durable. Heavily modified to contain Fire Dust he can set

on fire to add more damage to his attacks, set things on fire, shoot fire balls by swinging it hard enough

and for it's original purpose, lighting up dark areas (Picture below)


Personality: Tenacious and Optimistic, you can kill his parents and he'll still be happy

Team: anything

Appearance: Black spiky hair, golden eyes, goggles on his head. White billowing coat, jeans and armored boots<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/lamppost.jpg.d0565aeea7b569f96968d6e237001f4b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15542" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/lamppost.jpg.d0565aeea7b569f96968d6e237001f4b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Ferlick Slan

Gender: Male

Race: Human though his name makes people think he's an alien

Nickname: Fence

Story: Ferlick never stood out in the normal crowd. He was always below average when it came to fitting in and making friends. He was always made fun of as well because of his odd name. Ferlick, a name that nobody had ever seen before. His parents told him that they wanted to give him something special, but he resented it. He preferred a nickname given to him by the people who mocked him, fence, simply because it wasn't his real name. He got the name Fence from the fact that he did have one skill. If he didn't want somebody to pass by him there is no getting past him. He will stand his ground until he is unconscious even if he is on his knees. He grew up angry with the world because of how much he is mocked, but when he saw others like this he would protect them. He slowly learned that he did have one thing he was good at and that was strategy and strength. His ability to stop a large group of people came from his ability to look at a group of ten people and know where they would try to go. He used this to begin as a hunter and slowly made his way to the top. It didn't take him long to become known for his ability to take on a group of monsters and leave without a scratch. Eventually he was invited to Beacon academy and gladly accepted though he is very awkward. Had he known that he would eventually have to work with others he would have probably turned down Beacon.


Dust:(Optional.) Fire dust. He uses it in five ways, first way is to sprinkle it on his blade to make it burn as he cuts with it. The second is to place it into the hilt of the weapon making fire burst out from the phoenix mouth making a larger flame around the blade. The next way he uses it is more destructive throwing dust around in order to make specific areas of walk able ground in order to give himself an advantage. He also uses controlled bursts from the hilt to fly on top of his weapon Like a hover board and launch himself into enemies. His last way of using it is in the cannon formations which are a large beam cannon, a Gatling cannon, and a dish to receive energy into a blank dust crystal and fire it back.

Personality: Ferlick's past experiences make him very awkward and he hates to have to talk to people. He enjoys a good fight because it makes his strategic brain work at its fullest allowing for him to feel a nice high. He uses his strategic mind to study people so that he can understand if they are friend or foe before getting close to them. He will only ever directly enter a social interaction on his own if somebody is in danger who he sees being bullied. His reclusive attitude leaves most people without any idea about him.

Team: none right now he really isn't looking forward to being stuck in one.


Extra: Ferlick's semblance allows him to increase his brain power 3x to the point where his perception is so heightened he can even notice the cameras hidden around beacon and read an opponents moves before they make them. Unfortunately it also means that his own thoughts are so powerful that they spread out of his mind and into others. For those with weak auras or weak minds it means that they will fall unconscious from the entrance of another beings thoughts into their own. For those on equal or slightly higher standing to him they will simply have his thoughts as a subconscious idea meaning that those who are easily manipulated can be persuaded by his thoughts to an extent. Those who are much stronger than him in aura use will be able to isolate the thought though and track him down with it. They will also be able to read his next move the same way he reads theirs because they will be sharing in his thought process. This makes his semblance useless against those that are much stronger than him.
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Name: Drake Scagallati




Story:Drake was born into the working class, but he knew that he was destined form something bigger and better. At the age of five, he was put up for adoption by his mother. His father died when he was one. After about a year he was moved to a rich family, but he kept his name. The people wanted him to know who he was. They sent him to signal, and he shined.

But his life was about to get bad. He lost his adopted mother and father a year into his time at signal. He went to the funeral and felt complete depression as the people that raised him were lowered into the ground. He went back to signal, but that time period was the worst for him. Four years before he even went to Beacon he began working on a device. It was like a master computer. It took him so much time. Some days he wouldn't be able to go to bed, he would stay up all night working.

After three years, 11 months, and 7 days it was finished. Most of the work was done by him. Everything except the screen, which he had no talent, or the time to learn and how to.

Weapon:(Can use pictures.) A Chainsaw from black ops 2 that can switch into a pike.


Personality:He has no real opinion on the white fang. He's not all in your face.Plus he is caring about people, when they are hurt, and he knows a lot about computers, and can fix anything that would be considered technology.


Appearance:(Optional. Can use Picture.) It won't let me post the pic, so I will post the site, it is the first one .

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