Beacon Academy.

noalaniwolf said:
Scorpion faunus sounds like its gunna be awesome 030 can't wait.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
Hehe, he's already in action. Thank ovo
@RushWing I edited Constellion's Bio. It might seem a little Op, but I found a way to make it less Op.
Last edited by a moderator:
Name: Shade ((Real Name is Aiden Star))

Gender: Male

Race:(Human or Faunus.) Human

Nickname:(Optional.) Shade

Story: Shade prefers not to talk about his past. Shade was an orphan in his childhood and learned the ways of the streets. He had no home to look forward to and no family to greet him. He was completely and utterly alone. He soon grew a profession at stealing and so he began to make a name for himself. He had been called Shade cause he was as slippery as the shadows of the streets. One day when he was about to rob a wealthy store blind he was attacked by an unknown group. He would've died if not for a Huntress and she offered the thief a chance to redeem himself at beacon academy which he accepted the offer and is the new arrival for the academy.

Weapon:(Can use pictures.) He dual wields two of these swords

And uses this staff as his main weapon



Dust:(Optional.) He uses Red dust

Personality: Shade is a man of few words and tends to stay away from people. He can be polite but tends to be an asshole sometimes. He's always doing something to occupy himself.

Team: None at the moment

Appearance:(Optional. Can use Picture.)

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