Beacon Academy.

Name: Kimori Glass

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Nickname: Morin

Story: Kimori grew up in a bad environment with her dad and sister. Her dad abused her. Kimori got so sick and tired of being hit, she finally had the courage to run away. She heard of Beacon Academy and wanted a new life.


Dust: Fire Dust

Personality: Kimori is a person you have to earn her trust with. She can be very rough at times but sometimes caring. She can be sometimes flirty.

Team: Which team she likes on Meeting Day

Appearance: (I'm using a real person not anime)
Name: Alexi Cammeron

Gender: Female


Nickname:(Optional.) Lexi or Alex to her friends(should she make any)

Story: Aeris does not know her birth parents. As an infant, she was found in the woods by a seventeen year old Faunus girl whose parents were devotedly pro White Fang. Despite her parents protests, the young girl, Amber Cammeron, took in the infant Aeris and raised her as family. As Aeris grew, and hatred for humans grew, Amber and Aeris talked about possible solutions before settling on black market surgery to implant horns into her head. Now appearing as a faunus, Aeris continued her growth and schooling without fear of backlash due to her appearance.

This only lasted so long though.

Eager to learn about her fellow humans, Aeris moved into the outer fringes of a nearby city and began attempting to integrate with society, eager to learn about humanity, and believing that they would be far more accepting than the human hating Faunus she'd grown up around.

Obviously this was not the case.

Aeris found herself at odds with both anti human and anti faunus activists. This came to a head during a nasty confrontation between the White Fang and the Iron Collar, a local anti-faunus group. When the smoke cleared and Aeris was the only one standing, Glenda Goodwitch took an interest in her skills and had her meet with Ozpin. Professor Ozpin was not only interested in Aeris' skill, but even more so interested when he found that Aeris refuses the use of weaponry. Ozpin proffered and invitation to Beacon Academy, and hoping that as a huntress she could make a better change in the world, Aeris took the chance with a passion.

Weapon: Entire body. Careful, push comes to shove, she bites.

Semblance: Aeris can make her body virtually indestructible, but only for bursts, not indefinitely, and on up to two 'full' limbs. or the lower arms and lower legs in a 'half of all limbs'. It could also be that she only covers her torso, front and back.

Dust:Carries multiple vials at her belt, Aeris will coat her arms and legs in the dust and show that even without a weapon, she is a formidable opponent.

Personality: While eager to attempt to get along with everyone, and being fairly easygoing, Aeris steadfastly, and if need be violently, defends her beliefs and morals. Having seen the worst both human and faunus have to offer, she can be rather nasty to both sides, calling out the shortcomings of both races viciously. That said, Aeris has also had a chance to see the best sides of both races, in Amber, her mother, and Ozpin and Glenda. This unique viewpoint means that Aeris often thinks in manners that don't match up to how others do, allowing her to see problems from unique perspectives.

Kind and easy to smile, violent and loyal in defence of her friends or beliefs, and strong in her moral standings, Aeris is quiet unless spoken to, preferring to watch others and how they act before actually interacting with them.

Team: Unknown.




Weight:35.3 kilogrammes/78 ib.s

Hair colour: Platinum/Silvery white

Eye colour: Bright Purple/Lavender

Horn Colour: Ivory/white.
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Interesting character but could you possibly change the name? ^^

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Name: Truth Star

Gender: Female

Race:(Human or Faunus.) human


Story: She is the sister of Reaper ((real name is Astro Star)) and he thought she was dead for many years until Five years ago he found her alive but she rejected him being her brother because of how much he has changed from being a kind brother to being corrupted with darkness. She sacrificed herself to save her brother and by doing so she took an arrow to her chest and that left a scar, the arrow missed her heart and she was still breathing. She went to a forest and began living there.

Weapon:(Can use pictures.) she dual wields two katanas that can be set aflame by pushing the bottom part of the hilt.

Dust:(Optional.) fire

Personality: she is a sweet girl who is kind to everyone but when she fights she is quick and courageous. She is loyal and is a good listener she also can sense darkness in people but how she got that ability is unknown and she will try to change that persons path.

Team: none

Appearance:(Optional. Can use Picture.)
Just Aeris we have a character named Aires so it might get a bit confusing. Thanks for understanding

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RushWing said:
Just Aeris we have a character named Aires so it might get a bit confusing. Thanks for understanding
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Ah, okay. Hmm... Alexi, Alex or Lexi as a nickname of sorts for those she befriends?
Name: Angelica Diaval

Gender: Female

Race:(Human or Faunus.) Wolf Faunus

Nickname:(Optional.) Angel / Dia


Although Angel was orphaned at the age of 3, she has always kept a smile on her face, bringing happiness to those around her. At age 5, she was found sleeping under a tree by a couple, Marie and Jacob Devile. They took her home and raised her as their own, with Marie, teaching her the skills necessary to live a simple life such as cooking, cleaning, sewing and every other thing a female ought to know. Jacob on the other hand, taught her how to fight, both with her bare hands and with her weapon of choice, a bo staff.

Now Marie and Jacob weren't rich, oh no, but they had connections. How? Only time can tell. And when they heard about Beacon Academy, they knew that they had to send Angel there, not just because it seemed like a great idea, but also for her safety.

After a few days of constant phone calls and late night negotiations, they got her into Beacon. Not knowing that the last goodbye really was their last. Landing on Beacon ground, Angel gets a call, saying that her parents have been murdered. A mix of emotions run over her— anger, sadness, hurt, loneliness and most of all, revenge.

Yet she knew that her parents wouldn't want her to be crying. Now, she has joined Beacon, both to improve her knowledge and power, but to also find out who had murdered her parents, so as to return the favor.

Weapon:(Can use pictures.) A bo staff. One made of wood, which can be split into two, and one made of the strongest and hardest metals found.

Dust:(Optional.) Ice Dust

Personality: Angel is outgoing, yet sometimes an introvert. She's friendly but tends to be a loner. She loves to help people in need yet keeps all her problems to herself. She's also smart, curious, and has a weird taste in men.

Team: I'm up for any team.

Appearance:(Optional. Can use Picture.)


Angel is five foot four. She has long brown hair which she seldom keeps in a ponytail. Her eyes are the color of emeralds sparkling under the sun. She has a slim figure with curves in all the right places.
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Hello sorry could not find the ooc form but I was wonder how long its been since Michael has been. A week a month a semester. Thanks

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
I think it was a month... but welcome back Boku. Long time no speak.

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Name: Arata Mayumi

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Nickname:(Optional.) Taser

Story: Arata comes from a family that owns a highly respected technologic construction company known as Damari Appliances. Damari Appliances focuses on the construction of many complicated pieces of data and code which is used for many technological appliances and machines. Trained from an early age to respect tradition, Arata was fine with being married off to the heir of one of Damari Appliances' strongest business associates. She never really considered ethics to hold a candle to the decisions of family. Having her entire life a mix of prestigious schools and tutors, Arata could admit to being surprised when she heard her fiancé had been shipped to Beacon by his family. However, she found it necessary to go as well simply due to the fact that she had to make sure he learned properly. Being married to a drop out would look bad for her family. Plus, what with having been trained in combat herself, it would be wise to give her an opportunity to improve.

Weapon:(Can use pictures.) A set of Silenced Pistols that can form into Electric, Extendable batons.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/imagesHXRZNAEF.jpg.d57215d862937ceb034533523e8b28bc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22623" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/imagesHXRZNAEF.jpg.d57215d862937ceb034533523e8b28bc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Batons.png.b61c080963d079833b2915ad5ed8ef23.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22624" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Batons.png.b61c080963d079833b2915ad5ed8ef23.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dust: Spark-Electric

Personality: Cold and apathetic, holds authority figures at high respect and acts blunt the majority of the time, very traditional upraising has led her to question nothing in terms of family relations. Arata is very skilled in terms of tech and several related subjects.

Team: Unkonwn

Appearance:(Optional. Can use Picture.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfa313fc6_ArataMayumi.jpg.8923a782119cc8649da8cd47fac17af2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22625" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfa313fc6_ArataMayumi.jpg.8923a782119cc8649da8cd47fac17af2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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