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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Mags high fives with much enthusiasm. 
Mags pulls out a sandwich from her coat and nibbles on it. "So how have you been Michael? It's been a while." She smiles and pats his head.
"i guess i have been well. how about you." Micheal pulls out his pipe and starts packing it. with the intention of have a bit of a toke between classes. he was sure to stand down wind from mags he was no ass.
Benjamin observes the scene in the courtyard from above, feeling a left out and alone. But risking killing himself with others wasn't something he was willing to do.
"Elinore, can you please tell me where we're going?" E.L asked Elinore as the human girl was just walking around Beacon aimlessly.

A.D was testing out his new hawk body when he spots Benjamin outside on the roof alone. He hovers toward the faunus slowy to avoid detection and lands nearby him without making a sound. The bird then skips over to Benjamin's head. "KAWKAW MOTHERF*****!" A.D cawed loudly into the faunus's ear. Whoever said he was going to greet him nicely?

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"We're going somewhere?" Elinore asked as she looked down at the cat "Oh yeah! That's right! We need to find William so we can help him rebuild a suit" she said with a nod, "can you use your cat detective powers to find him?" she asked as she put the cat on the ground.
E.L just looks at Elinore with a confused look on her cat face. "I checked the system in my body for anything related to detective powers, but there aren't any programs called that at all." The cat then starts scratching Elinore's legs. "Why don't you just try calling him? He got his scroll back so it shouldn't be too hard to contact him." E.L then starts scratching harder, her claws starting to rip into Elinore's clothing now.

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She landed at the place where Loki and her fell into the water. She sighed, "how am I going to become stronger?" She asked the sky.

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Elinore's eye twitched and she picked up the cat and held her away from whatever she could scratch. She'd break the cat's robotic neck if she tried scratching her jacket. Something she was sure EL would know. Especially sense EL was supposed to be based off her. "El....you're too rational" she sighed with a shake of her head, "William is crap at imitations." she placed the cat on her head and took out her scroll, tapping away a message to William asking for his location.
"Well I was born one month ago." E.L said as she started playing with Elinore's hair. "This was also Creator's first time making an A.I and he was already too devastated over your death when he created me."

William was finished talking with Professer Port when he got the message from Elinore. "Meet me at the statue in the school's courtyard. We'll meet there." After sending the message, he heads toward the statue with one of his objectives complete so far.

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Elinore looked over to her left at the statue that had lost its head some time during their last adventure. Well. That was convenient. Good thing she was good at wandering aimlessly. "Does that mean if I did die, I would go down in his memory as obedient and logical?" Elinore asked as she raised an eyebrow. That was...really far off, "do you at least like fire?"
"No. He didn't really care what my personality would be like when he made me. He preferred that I learn to make my own as an unshackled A.I." E.L replied as she started looking through records of all the fires she witnessed in the past month alone. "I like anything that's related to fire and explosives. It very fantasizing to watch for some strange reason." The A.I then sends a video to Elinore's scroll. "But this is my most favorite one I've seen yet. It makes my circuits spark every time I watch it." The video begins with Elinore surrounding William with walls of fire from last week's reunion, before ending with the couple kissing for the first time.

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Elinore blushed heavily and closed the scroll. "Well....maybe you are kinda like me" she replied with a quick nod. "Please do me a favor and warn me about the videos you send me" she murmured. She probably looked very ridiculous standing there so flustered. She wished William would just hurry up and get there. AD had apparently recorded several very embarrassing moments that EL could randomly pull up. There was one of her making out with a pillow in her sleep, she wondered what else there could be, but didn't dare to think about it.
"Roger that Elinore. I'll keep that in mind next time I do an action like that again." E.L replied as she jumps off of Elinore's head quickly. "Also, incoming hug attack at your six." The A.I purposely warned too late as William hugs Elinore from behind.

"I got you now!" William exclaimed as he lifted Elinore off the ground and puts her on his shoulders with ease. "So do you need my help with anything Elinore? If so, then tell me what to do and I'll do it in a heartbeat." He said cheerfully, his cold attitude from a few hours ago now gone.

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"William..." Elinore said quietly when he placed her on his shoulders, "did you forget something?...I WEAR A SKIRT!" she said as she bopped him on the head lightly, pulling her skirt back down as much as she could, her face still bright red with embarrassment. But in the end she chuckled and leaned forward, "lets go make you a new full set of armor" she said with a smile, "it'll be fun. Archdeath 2.0, three times better than the old one, because I helped make it. And I can finally figure out how you saw with that mask on"
"Roger that my lady. Then let us head to the air docks, since I need to pick up some things from the city if we want to get started now." William said as he starts walking toward the air docks to board the first airship going down to the city. He had a backpack on him for holding the materials he ordered for when they pick them up later. Hopefully they'll make it back to Beacon by curfew if things go smoothly for the rest of the day.

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Elinore chuckled and patted William on the head "You sure are in a chipper mood today, even if you lost your armor" she cooed happily, "And uh...I'm sorry my cat's made out of it...I know how much you liked that suit" maybe after they built a new one she wouldn't feel as bad about having the robotic cat. Then she could teach it to be a detective. "Any particular reason for being so happy? Not that it's a bad thing. Just for...future reference"
"I don't know why." William said as he boarded the airship right before it left for the city. "Maybe it's because I get to make a new armor." He then lifts Elinore off his shoulders and puts her down on the floor. "Or maybe it's because I get to be with you for the rest of the day." He then pats Elinore's head unconsciously out of instinct. "But no need to be sorry about what happened to Archdeath 1.0. What's done is done."

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(Sorry about not being on. Was playing Bully)

Benjamin looked up to see the metal hawk screeching at him. "What the dust are you?" he asks the AI. "Cause you look like something out of a kids videogame." he continues with a laugh.
"Well I'm the A.I known as A.D, the proud user of this robotic bird body!" The metal hawk said cheerfully while jumping on top of Benjamin's stomach. "Now fear my metal beak of pain!" A.D starts pecking Benjamin's body to see how effective his new beak was on organics.

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"Ow!" the faunus yells as he swats at the AI. "Well then AD, quit it!" Who the hell created this thing? he wonders as he tries to block the pecks with his gauntlets.
"Does my beak hurt foolish faunus?! Do you feel it piercing into your soft flesh?!" A.D asked as he tries to make a dent into Benjamin's gauntlets. He then noticed something familiar on the faunus's neck. "What's that on your neck faunus?" The hawk then stops assaulting Benjamin and looks at the metal collar curiously.

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Benjamin notices the pause and smacks the Hawk back a little. "Yeah it f*cking hurts." he says "And this thing around my neck was put on by that stupid tiger faunus." he states, standing up and prepping to fire a blade at the metal bird. "And my name is not faunus!"
Elinore stood in content silence for the rest of the airship ride to Vail. She was looking forward to this adventure. It seemed every time the two of them were alone a third person would pop up and join them. She looked around the ship quickly to make sure she didn't recognize anyone. When it stopped she grabbed William's hand and rushed off of it. There would be no interruptions this time! She would not allow it!

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