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Fandom Beacon Academy.

William stops and turns his head toward Markus with a blank look on his face. Did the prisoner just call him a coward? Oh this insult won't be forgotten easily. Not by a long shot. "No you don't need to call Elinore down here. I wouldn't want her to listen your dirty thoughts you pervert." He then walks back toward the cell with a smile on his face. "Now what did you ask me before? Something about my family if I'm correct?"
Markus only smiled."Yeah I asked about your family. They sent you here, and your all alone here." He got up from the seat. "Your here, and what is your family doing now, are they in pain, or do they even care about you." He walked over to the glass. "Come on, I dare you. walk in here, I will beat the living daylights out of you." He was trying to anger him into coming into the cage. He was stronger, and markus had the collar on him which could explode at any time.
William's smile goes away when Markus asked about his family to him. "I'm not stupid enough to go in there. I know what your trying to do and it's not going to work with me." He said as keeps staring into Markus's eyes coldly. "I don't have a family since I was taken away from them at a young age, being kidnapped so they could use me for free labor as a child slave." He then starts using his scroll as he continued talking with Markus. "But I was saved from that tiger faunus after he raided the mine I was working at and adopted me when he learned I had potential as a hired killer with my semblance." Electricity then skids across William's skin as a bit of his gray aura glowed from the reaction. "Alex can be considered my father but he never did care about me much so he's out of the equation." He then moves his eyes up from his scroll to coldly look at Markus again. "So pretty much I am alone here but I don't give a dust about it. I'm used to that kind of reaction from other people. Now that I told you about my so-called family, why don't you tell me yours? It's a fair exchange you know?"
"You wanna know about me. I lost family to you and your kind. My father was killed by humans, then I had my mother taken form me.Everything was in total disarray, like after a earthquake. Glass was shattered, the couch ripped to shreds, the tables broken. I ran up stairs to what was left of my room, that also in disarray. I then ran back downstairs to see my parents, but they weren’t there, they were out in the front yard, with the other faunus. My mother was being taken away, and my father beaten to a bloody pulp. I found my mother in a whore house being pushed around by your kind. She died and I burnt the brothel down, with her in it. I grew up with no family, except for the white fang, they took me under there wing. You had someone, I had no one. so you wanna talk about being cold hearted, I burnt down the house where my mother was staying." His skin began to glow red. "you have lighting, I have strength." His anger grew. "Get out, leave before I pull this collar off and killus both."

(This is where I have to leave.)
"Okay Mr. IBurnedMyMother. I'll leave you alone if that makes you feel better about yourself." William said as he started walking away from the cell. "But don't rely on your strength too much prisoner. Strength might be important to have in a fight, but remember that the soul and mind needs your body to connect with each other equally if you want to be powerful in this cruel world. Only then will I consider you a worthy foe on the battlefield."

He then stops before leaving through the doors, turning his head toward Markus once more. "You were never alone after your mother's death you fool. At least you were surrounded by people who actually gave you a purpose in life. Mine was never there for me and is nothing more but a wall I must break if I want to live my own life."

William then makes a creepy smile to Markus. "But you think your more cold-hearted for burning your own mother to death? Then have you ever enslaved an entire group of faunus protestors without caring about what freedom you've just stole from them? Have you committed assassinations that would leave many families heartbroken without feeling remorse from them? Or have you ever shot down a comrade over a simple cookie, not giving a dust as you eat the cookie over their dead body? No, I don't think you ever did you simple-minded weakling. Your not as cold-hearted like me and never will be." William then leaves the dungeon before locking the doors behind him. He then starts wandering around the school again with no specific destination at all.
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Elinore walked through the courtyard of the acadamy, holding her new cat friend in her arms, "William!!~" she called out, "Oh Williammmmmm!!" she felt awful knowing that her new cat was made of the armor William loved so much. It was something she was going to have to reconcile. And she had a much better plan then sticking the cat to his face and calling it good as new! She spotted the raccoon faunus and ran over to her friend, "Magnolia!" she called happily, holding out the robotic cat, "look what I have! Isn't she just the cutest?!" she cooed, "oh, and have you seen William? He disappeared"
"Magnolia wait!" Elinore said as she placed the cat on the ground, "she's a robot! And also me!" she said as she ran over to the bush and knelt down in front of it, "I mean....well it's an AI unit, like AD. But she's based off of me" Elinore looked over her shoulder, "it's a realllyyyy bad imitation" she whispered, "but she has no interest in eating. Especially raccoons"
"Umm... meow?" E.L said as she stared at Magnolia with her new eyes. She then jumps out of Elinore's arms and starts playing around with Magnolia's tail, rubbing her body against the soft fur while purring. Being a cat felt weird for the A.I but it was a new feeling she was experiencing since she could physically move around now. So if E.L is going to be a robotic cat from now on, she might as well act as one then.The cat then claws her way into Magnolia's jacket to see if she had any treats hidden in there.
"OH DUST! STOP THAT YOU BAD CAT!" Elinore gasped as she picked EL up and held her away from Magnolia, "You're a cat but you don't need to act like one! You're better than this EL" Elinore gasped as she hugged the cat, "you're intelligent, you can solve mysteries and eat waffles. And uh...talk....and....all those things you and AD do that make life so much easier"
Elinore backed away from the scared fauns, holding the cat tight "Magnolia calm down, she's a robot....and like....a hundred times smaller than you!" so that estimate was way off, but she was more concerned with how badly Magnolia was taking to her cat to worry about accuracy of data, "please just calm down"
"Yes please calm down faunus. I mean you no harm with my metal paws." E.L teased at Magnolia as she slowly waves her paws up and down toward her attacker. Who knew faunus were so scared of other animals when some of their DNA is made up the same as them? Organics have a strange sense of logic...
"MICHAEL SAVE MY CAATTTT" Elinore shouted as she ran over to Michael and shoved the mechanical cat in his arms, "She's crazy and crazy Magnolia is gunna slice her to bits with her crazy weapon!!"
"Greetings Michael, how are you today?" E.L said as she wiggled herself out of the man's arms. She then climbs on top of Michael's head and lays on his hair while purring.

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Aires flew into the sky with her metal boots. "I feel bad that I'm basically wearing Will's Armor but these boots are amazing and so pretty!" She smiles and she flies up higher and higher. She then sees another pair of wings. Wha? It was Kaze.

"Hello sister dear. You've been gone a long time." His black wings pulsed with her silver ones.

"No I haven't. Anyway I don't have time for your silly threats today."

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"The cat is going to kill me Michael. Cat's are evil! Oh no! Now it is on your head." She runs behind Elinore and points her halberd at Michael.
Elinore turned around and grabbed Magnolia by the shoulders, shaking the girl slightly, "Magnolia don't be scared! Calm down! She's a metal cat, she only eats metal raccoons!" Elinore said as she shook her head, still shaking Magnolia by the shoulders.
Reaper was staring at the sky thinking about how he'll escape until he saw two figures in the sky "is that Aires?" And he just watched.
Kaze raised his eyebrows, "I'm not going to threaten you. I heard you almost died."

"Well clearly I'm alive, so if you'll excuse me. " She began to fly past him when he grabbed her wings and pulled her in close by her waist. She protested but he was powerful. She growled while smirked saying, "I will eat you right here and now baby sister." He placed her arms behind while he wrapped his arm tighter around her waist, he breathed in her ear, "I hear there's a dance. To bad you have nothing wear, OAF! OW!" He said letting her go because she shot him with her new boots.

"Heh, thank you, Will, well Alex." She flew away at full speed.

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Elinore picked up her cat again, holding it pritectivly. Why did no one like her kittycat? Maybe it was because it didn't have a top hat yet. "You two go hate cats by yourself. I'm taking EL to where she'll be appreciated" she scoffed. Now if only she knew where that was.

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