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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Great let's go find them." Loki stands up and leads Aires outside and towards where he hears a fight. He stops a decent way away to watch Micheal and Luna's fight. "OOhhh this looks interesting.
Magnolia dozes off on her belly in a sunny patch of grass in the woods. She doesn't know exactly where she is, but it seems peaceful enough for a nice nap under the sun. Her tail swings side to side slowly. The distant sound of a fight going on somewhere catches her ears. They twitch slightly. The familiar sound of Elinore's axe and Michael's sword registers in the ruckus of clangs and booms. "Oh hey, it's them." Mags gets up slowly and puts Blitzkrieg on her back before slowly bumbling towards the fight scene with no actual sense of direction.
Loki sits on the ground and watches intently, learning some new techniques which he may be able to use. "It's always a good idea, to learn from your opponent, for starts Luna even used a move i used on her against me in the same fight." He chuckles lightly and keeps an eye on Micheal, since he is a enigma to Loki.
"Come on Elinore! Beat his butt down to the ground!" William and A.Is were cheering on as Elinore used her axe to hit Michael's sword, saving herself from a critical hit. Apparantly A.D and William were able settle their differences aside for now and were having fun watching the fight between their friends.

"Hey Willy, did you meet Loki, Aires, and Esp yet?" A.D asked his ex-owner, who was now looking at the new arrivals next to him. "Oh hey Loki, long time no see." William then introduces himself to the Aires, since they never met before. "Um hello, nice to meet you. Names William Rea-... is that a baby King Taijitu next to you?" He then clenches his fist against the small Grimm, unsure if he should punch it or not.
Loki places the tip of his trident against William's throat. "Woah their cowboy don't you dare... oh Will it's you, i am using it as an experiment for a teacher. We are trying to see if we can tame these things, and so far he is perfectly normal. And it is good to see you are doing alright." He moves his trident and smiles. "Sorry bout that, i moved too fast before my brain could register. My sincere apologizes. This is Aires my girlfriend."
Micheal started to panic he was getting trapped bodged down.

"push your attack, rush her."

using his bigger size and perhaps questionable strength he bull rushed her standing up dislodging the ax and trowing her off balance. and then jumping back into his stance a few feet away.

"fool why did you stop you had the advantage"

"Yeah, same to you. Sorry for the misunderstanding between us just now, it kind of just surprised me." William said as he sat down next to the couple.

"AWKWARD MOMENT TIME!" A.D yelled out of the scroll's speaker due to Aires response, right before William smacked the scroll with his fist.
"Isnt that what we agreed on earlier? Or did the last 30 minutes not happen." He looks confused and a little sad.
Elinore rolled backwards, landing in a crouch. She looked up at Michael and grinned. This was getting fun...talk talk talking, "Hey, keep it down over there!" Elinore called over to the chatty group. She had to stay concentrated. Elinore dashed forward, picking up her axe and holding it on the opposite side of Michael's sword. She looked like she was going to go for a low attack.
Mags slowly wanders sleepily into a small pack of 3 napping Beowolves. They were startled at first by her presence, but quickly change into apprehension by growling and baring their teeth. "Hey, I'm looking for a girl with black hair that's about this tall and a guy with a large hat. Have you seen them?" moving her hands around her head indicating an imaginary ten-gallon hat. One of the Beowolves runs at her with claws and teeth showing. "I guess not." She says before pulling Blitz from its holster and swinging at the beast baseball bat style causing it to fly through the air and land somewhat close to the group of chatty people.
"Is that a person?" Loki goes over to Mags and looks down at her. "You alright?" He holds out his hand to help her up.
"Here Ephemeral stay on my neck." Goes with Loki. "Hi honey," She says, "Do you need our help?"

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Of course Mags was not the one to land near the group of chatty people, but the sad and absolutely dead Beowolf that got to fly quite a long distance before hitting the ground.
"YEAH! I AM SO GETTING THIS ON FILM!" A.D then starts recording the romantic scene next to him through the scroll's camera, not caring about the fight scene nearby.

"A.D, stop being such a pest now." E.L scolded as she started to erase the film, causing the other A.I into a mass panick to recover the deleted footage. How very immature A.D was, despite being a few years older then her.

William just watches the group go to Magnolia, before putting his attention back to the sparring session between Michael and Elinore. Then a dead Beowolf lands next to him, apparently killed by the raccoon faunus just now. Poor Grimm never had a chance. Oh well...
"Nice kill. Might be able to cook it too.... hmmm" He grabs the beowolf and drags it to a spot where he will remember for later.
Elinore dashed to Michael and clicked the gun facing away from him, causing the axe to swing upwards at his sword. If it connected, it'd knock the weapon away from him. "AD....SHUT THE HELL UP!" Elinore snapped as she turned her attention away from Micheal. She couldn't concentrate with all his yelling. Dead Beowulf. Something about couples. Why couldn't she be less observant!
dropping the round swing the sword back and switching from his back foot to his front he depend his stance as low as he felt safe by the time Elinore was beyond point of no return he was 3 foot off the ground and ready to flip her in her mid dash. it probably wouldn't have worked if not for Elinore looking away at something, it did not matter to him all he could focus on was his target and the dull thrum of his and her hart.

"you could have finished it. never soften your blows always push. but a counter is not bad"


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