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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Y-yeah...I also miss breathing" Elinore said with a quick nod. No fare, she didn't have a giant metal suit to protect her from tight hugs! Elinore took a deep breath when he let go, assuming he would, because you know, try to kill me once shame on your, try to kill me twice...stop tying to kill me bro. "Oh, I've got a question for me" she said with a nod, "EL, if you had the option of a cat suit you could control, would you use it?" she asked the AI unit that was...very loosely based off of her. It was good that EL didn't resemble Elinore past the auditory element, the world was not ready for two Elinores. It was barley ready for one.
"Yeah, of course." Suddenly a sharp object comes out of no where and cuts her wing. They begin to fall. "No!" Aires takes Loki into her arms and hugs him to her tightly. Her hands and head protecting his and Eph. They slam into the lake and she pushes him to the surface.

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"I got you!" Loki grabs her and Eph and swim to the shore. "You alright? Please tell me you are okay?!" He frantically starts rummaging through his bag for things to help.
Aires retracts her wings in. "I'm fine." She says wincing. "Just a scratch. I'm sorry. I did I'd keep you safe. Now this happens. Agh." Her right wing had been through a lot already. "Are you alright Loki? Ephemeral?"

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"I don't care about what happens to me as long as you are okay. Let me see your wing." He pulls out a vial of blue liquid, and a jar of green jelly.
Her wings appear through the slots in her shirt. She realizing the cut is where her enter her back. "Loki, I have to um take my shirt off. Can you look away?"

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"Yeah." She takes her shirt off and covers her front noticing the blood on her shirt. "Okay, you're good. Hey how much blood is there?" She asks worried she'll never fly again.

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William keeps on hugging Elinore despite her futile attempts to escape his wonderful hug full of love, only loosening his grip a bit so she could breath. Once you start a fight, don't give up until they submit. Mostly if the opponent did a surprise hug attack on you first.

"Well... I think I would enjoy that very much." E.L replied back to Elinore's question through William's mask, a bit surprised by the question. So this was the human girl her Creator modeled the month old A.I after it seems. She acts very... strange for a normal person to meet. Probably her Creator's preference in a female it seems...
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"Worse then it looks." He rubs the jelly on the cut, it stings a bit but it slowly starts to close the wound. "Here drink this, it will help with the healing and the pain." He holds out the vial of liquid to her.
Aires takes the vial and makes face. But she downs the liquid. "Ow! Loki, my wing. Why did this happen?"

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"Dunno, not everyday something attacks us. Let's head back to school, might be a bit safer." He wraps up the wound and stands up, he turns around and closes his eyes. "Tell me when."
He turns around and smiles. "If it starts to hurt let me know. I am very well learned in medicine and healing. Comes with the constant fishing injuries i always had to fix." He laughs softly.
His face turns red a bit and he coughs. "Y..you're welcome angel. Let's head back." He takes her hand and leads her back into the school. He heads into the dorms and stops at her room.
"See AD, I'm up for cool things like that" Elinore told the AI unit, referring to the other AI unit as herself...her weird, obedient self....she wasn't going to think too much about it. It was strange enough. Though it seemed William only had intentions to let her breath, and not release the girl. Fine. Two could play at that game. And she could lay it better! Elinore kissed William's mask, knowing that he couldn't take it off without letting her go. Then she began to wriggle around like those bunnies she captured a few days ago. Let's see how long he could hold her now! She stopped when a light blue, tattered ribbon on William's belt caught her attention. "Will...." she said quietly, "where'd you get that?"
Loki steps inside and looks around. Seeing nothing at the moment, he starts to clean up. "This is an odd predicament."
"Careful. There's dust everywhere. Look at this broken jars, mixed dust, ugh, I didn't think there were bullies at this school." She touches Loki back and rests her head on his back. "You don't have to clean, it's alright got it." She as sh gently kisses his back.
"It's fine angel, i would like to help. Plus i want this mixed dust. It might be fun to see what they do." He collects most if not all of the dust into a series of jars that he puts back into his bag. "I wont touch the clothes if it'd make you feel better."
"If you tamper with mixed dust you might go blind." She speaks from experience. Aires pics up clothing and throws it on the empty bed. She immediately places her hand on her mouth and starts to cough sending her to her knees. "Coming to Beacon has made me weak." She says sarcastically.
"It does help." She hugs him. "Good, I don't want you getting hurt." She looks up at him, her ice blue eyes shimmering, she strokes the side of his face. "I'm happy when you're with me."
"I can stay on the floor if it'd help. Maybe said bully might return." He smiles and looks around her room. Learning it's contents.

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