Beach Trip [Fight or Flight]


A slightly odd feeling went across Ezekiel's shoulder, it was like something was prodding him, but, it wasn't entierly solid. He opened his eyes to see someone poking him it was a girl. and she was green. and looked like jello. and her body was...was she melting? Ezekiel nodded, half to the girl and half to his own questions. "Go right ahead, nobody's called this seat." He motioned with both hands to the spot next to him. Though before she responded he asked, Umm, though, I have to ask, are you ok? You seem a little, well, more than a bit nervous." He also outstretched his hand for a friendly handshake, "Ezekiel Strauss by the way. Zeek for short if you prefer nicknames."

Penny breathed a low sigh of relief as she sat down, before noticing that in her anxiety she had started melting. Before she could fix the problem, Penny got distracted as the blonde boy asked about her health and informed her of his name. Her cheeks gaining a slightly darker shade of green from embarrassment, as no one had ever taken an interest to her health of their own free-will before, well, as far as she could remember. Breathing in and out, regaining complete control over her slime's density, Penny answered, "Hi, Z-Zeek. U-Um, yeah I'm okay, just bad w-with, m-my name is Penny...P-Penny Wilson." Zeek seemed to be really nice. He hadn't even made a huge deal about her little melting problem. She knew she looked kind of freaky when that happened, so it made her happy that someone tried not to call her out on it right off the bat.

@Der Kojote
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He noticed the melting on the girl get worse, he was about to say something when it seemingly stopped as she seemingly calmed down. Alright She melts when she's upset keep that in mind. Note to self avoid making that happen. He nodded to her as she introduced herself, "Penny, not heard that name a lot. Then again, I don't know a tenth of the people around here. I transferred recently. The only two people I've gotten names from were another student and a graduate student. Well, now it's at three with your inclusion of people into that group. Speaking of which, how long you been at the school? or are you in the same boat like me?"

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Lori caught the look of annoyance as it crossed the girl's face.

Hmm, didn't mean to offend her, but she does remind me a lot of Kojiro...

Slumping into a vacant pair of seats at the front of the bus, Lori turned to look at the girl.

"Well, at least you got suspended for doing something right. I bet that lady was grateful at least, even if you did a total number on her attackers."

Lori smirked.

"You like punching stuff? You're definitely like Kojiro when he was younger. In fact probably a little like how is now too."

Lori threw a humorous grin at the big guy. Turning back to the student, she said,

"I'm afraid you'll have to excuse me for a moment though. I'm going to make a headcount and check that everyone's behaving."

Crossing her arms and resting her chin on her chest, Lori looked like she was trying to sleep. In reality, she was preparing to step outside of body.


Penny listened avidly to what Zeek said, trying not to miss a single syllable of what he said. This person was the first to ask her for her name, so she was going to give him the attention he deserved. Listening to his question, Penny was suddenly struck with a problem, or more like a conundrum. Should she tell him? About how she had been found eating a nearby town dry? Or should she try to be vague about and maintain a level of cool mysteriousness.

Penny smiled, now more comfortable than before, and said,
"Well, I-I got d-drafted yesterday. Yeah, drafted is a good word to describe what happened."

She hoped he would leave it at that. While she didn't mind talking about why she was here or where she was found, it was always quite awkward to talk to people about the time you started eating a town's entire food supply. She didn't know why. Eating had always been a rather mixed feeling subject for Penny. She loved eating and burning the solids down with her acidic body make up, but she also disliked how the food sometimes influenced her a bit too much. It had never happened before, but Penny sometimes had nightmares about eating 'someone', and not just 'something'.

@Der Kojote

The drive was uneventful and lasted only a half hour. The buses pulled up to the edge of the board walk which lead out to a long stretch of sand fading into the ocean. The part of the beach they set up was empty and partially set up with beach chairs and umbrellas. As the kids loaded off the bus staff members gathered up the beach gear and set up on the beach with a grill and some umbrellas and

large overhangs to provide shade for those who didn't want to (or couldn't) sit in the sun.
Ren Yuuki (Male Version)

It was a quick trip, but she doesn't really care. Most of the kids eagerly get off the bus to see the ocean, but Ren still worried and sat by the window, what if she need to swim? she can't think a good excuse for that, and she can't wear a boy swimsuit. If she do it then she everyone will know that she was a girl. From the window she can a see a huge ocean, it's all blue and she can see till the horizon. Even when she inside the bus the smell of salt is so strong that she can't resist anymore, but still she sit inside the bus watching the ocean
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Gladly stepping off the bus the beach looked just like any other beach but with a grill. Sighing still hating the idea of a beach he walked over to a chair under an overhang as he watched everyone else run out into the beach excited. It was a good day but it was hot nonetheless. Hayden hoped that he could just sit under the shade the whole time and relax. He kept his sunglasses on and slid down a bit in his chair clearly comfortable by this point. "I wouldn't mind this all day." He said to himself taking a deep breath of fresh air. If it wasn't for what happened yesterday he wouldn't have been able to be as relaxed as was.


Nikolas remembered why he teleported everywhere now, he was hated cars, buses, trains and planes, they were always cramped, always dangerous and always depending one person not to fall asyleep. Teleporting was easy, faster and he was in total control. Looking around the beach he was noticeably out of place among everyone else in sleeveless shirts, bathing suits and various feet coverings. Though Nikolas wasn't there to relax, he was there in case anything went wrong, that was why he brought his Rapier with him. Morgan was probably a little more relaxed than he was and would probably scold him for not taking the time to enjoy the trip. Due to the amount of clothes he was wearing Nikolas teleported to a nearby umbrella and chair to keep himself shaded while keeping an eye on the students. Surely the students were going to behave themselves and not require Morgan or Nikolas to intervene.

He let out a bit of a laugh. "Drafted? Interesting terminology to use there. Especially sounds odd me coming from a military family. Ahh well same boat I'm in then." He noticed the bus come to a stop and saw the beach out before him, "Nice, suns a bit too bright though. I should have brought some sun glasses. Lets hope for no headaches." He looked out seeing a few overhangs, he decided he needed to get to one of them before they filled up. He turned to penny, "Well, seeing as how we're already acquainted up for heading out to one of those overhangs? Best to get to one before they get too crowded."


Penny mentally sighed in relief as Zeek didn't take the "Drafted" issue any farther, and was distracted by the stopping of the bus. Penny mentally noted his mentions of a "Military Family" and "Same Boat". A part of her wondered if he also had been caught eating a bunch of food, but she kicked that stupid thought away before it could even fully form. Penny blushed a dark green as he asked her to accompany him to the overhang. When she had introduced herself she hadn't be so sure as to whether or not they would stick together once off the bus, but in all honesty, she hadn't been leaning towards him really wanting to be anywhere near her for long periods of time. I mean, come on, she had greeted him while melting!

Realizing she hadn't answered Zeek, Penny nodded shyly, and said,
"S-Sure, i-if you do-don't mind." Following Zeek out, Penny felt the sun shine down on her skin, making it slightly translucent. Her clothes, made from her slime and basically just another part of her body, also became slightly less opaque. Not paying the sun's effect on her looks any attention, Penny noticed that a lot of the other women around the beach were wearing Bikinis, or at least that was what she had been told to call them. A sudden ghost of a memory driving into her head, Penny morphed her darkened slime clothes into what looked like a dark green one piece that covered everything.

@Der Kojote

(Let me make it clear now that Penny does not have regular female anatomy, and her female curves are pure by-product of her having memories of having those curves. There are no lady parts, if you know what I mean. I'm going to probably need to put this into her Character Sheet.)
Boris ran towards the leaving bus, screaming: "Nyet! Nyet! Nyet! Nyet!"

The Mannequin followed at Boris' pace, as it had been ordered.

"Damnit, damnit, damnit! Bunch of imbeciles! Couldn't they just wait for me! Now I have to go and take my car. If I even brought it..."

Boris hurried (as quick as his alcohol level allowed him, towards the small, unsafe car.

"Ah right, right wheel is kind of gone. Ah, well, will have to make do..." He mumbled, using his robot to quickly change the wheel with another, ill-maintained one.

"100% safe!" He said, yet even the Mannequin looked somewhat afraid.

He drove to the beach quickly, arriving just a few minutes after the rest of the school, and quickly noticed Kojiro standing out in the crowd. Of course, the large man was hard to miss (but even harder to hurt, he knew from experience). He went up to the teachers, to rant about the bus driver's failure to notice him.

"Miss Winford! Good to see you once more." A less-drunk-than-usual Boris greeted the principal. "Now, have question. Is bus driver deaf or blind? Because he ignored me when I told him to not drive away yet, because I had to find dude who controls materials. You know, to maintain robot? Still, glad to visit beach today. Beach is always fun. Also, I've seen no problems on my patrols. Except maybe a few students that may not have been very stealthy in their attempts to hide their makeout sessions, but I do not care for such things, they are no danger."

Indy Savage

As the bus came to a stop at the beach a blissful smile came to Indy's face. He saw the deep blue ocean led out from the sand to the unknown. He saw boats far out. He could smell the salt and even sense it. He yawned as he stood up and walked into the bus walk way and walked down it. As Indy walked he saw a guy still sitting in his seat and looked to be no rush.He honestly looked worried about something. Indy sighed and decided to asks what was wrong with this dude. "Yo dude, What's your problem?" Indy asked more curious then concerned "Look like you going to freak out any minute now."

@Night Vision
Once she'd got off the bus, Lori took a moment to look around and catch her bearings. There were students everywhere- staff and graduate students dispersed amongst them like islands in a sea. Some of the kids has already rushed down the beach into the surf, while others had congregated under the umbrellas to enjoy the shade. Lori started to wander over to the umbrellas- she'd neglected to pack a swimsuit, largely because swimming would mean leaving her gun- and the students- unattended. As she reached the shade Lorelai spotted a familiar man, sat under an umbrella with a rapier at his hip. Like her, he wasn't dressed for relaxing on the beach. Lori grinned, and wandered over.

"So your here too Nikolas? I'm guessing your looking out for the students."

Lori stuck her hands in her pockets and surveyed the beach. No-one stood out as unusual, but metas rarely did stand out until they were trying to kill you. Leaning closer to Nikolas's ear, Lori whispered so that the students wouldn't hear.

"Are we expecting Metas to show up, or do we need so many Staff and Grads just to supervise a school trip?"

Ren Yuuki (Male Version)

While she staring innocently into the ocean. rested her chin on both of her arms. and suddenly she heard a man talking to him. She gasped as soon she saw the man, he look like a normal person except for the hair style, The afro it's almost make her laugh but she held her mouth with her hand and turn back for a moment. after a while she start talking to that guy but still not focusing on his hair. "Im good, just... staring at the ocean, just looking at it making you feel refreshed especially with those girls wearing bikini, don't you think?" she smirked

@Kyd Jhesus

The sun was nice, actually fairly decent, it wasn't to harsh as to start a headache. He looked back at jenny who currently was still wearing her usual clothes, Guess she isn't one for beach wear then. Continuing on he got to one of the overhangs. Upon looking back at jenny she now was wearing a one piece swimsuit. Ezekiel looked dumbfounded "How did you? I moment you were wearing and now you are wearing-" He then remembered what happened when she got upset. "Never-mind, questions don't need to be answered. So the beach. You like swimming or sitting back in the sun? Sandcastles are a thing as well... though from Hawaii...mine tended to be...more ummm more moundish"


Nikolas looked over at the graduate who was asking why he decided to appear. "While I do not care either way about going to a beach I came because the students need supervision. I am not saying they can't handle themselves but we still need people here like Morgan and myself just in case." The other reason was that Nikolas was a bit worried a particular meta might make an appearance, which was why he was covered head to toe. "There shouldn't be any rogue metas showing up. I don't see why they would." Nikolas said lying to her face in hopes that she would believe him and enjoy herself on the beach. "Why don't you go and enjoy yourself? Surely you must have brought something like a beachball or a book." Nikolas said quickly remembering he could have brought a book with him as he mentally kicked himself.


Penny smiled a small smile as he asked what she like to do. Looking over his shoulder and at the blue sea, Penny felt a chill go down her spine. She looked back at Zeek, "I'm a-alright with j-just making s-sandcastles if that is o-okay with y-you. M-Me and water do-don't fit well t-together." Penny felt another cold spike of ear when the word water was said. It was like her body had a natural fear of the liquid, and for good reason. Before she had been found Academy, Penny had quite a bunch of time to learn just how damaging water was to her system. Penny looked down at her clothing and back up, preparing to follow Zeek anywhere he went.

@Der Kojote
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Indy smiled at his comment. "Yeah, Just being near water makes me a more pleasant guy. Water is the root to all life you know, We wouldn't even had live to turn out the way we did with are gifts." He told the boy still in his seat. "Ah the girls, Gotta love the girls. Can't you see all the pretty ladies either with big butts, Mean rack or pretty face. They all got at less one." He replied awing them but then he decided he must be on his way. Before he walked of he told him his name. "Oh yeah, My name Indy if ya wondered." He told him before leaving the bus.

@Night Vision

Indy stepped into the sand, If he wore sandals he would feel the hot sand on his feet. He looked to see everyone around him having a good time. He wondered if anyone knew that all these kids that just came from the bus were metas. That's what science says they are but other would say freaks or devils molded by the devil himself but a few time he heard metas being called blessed, special works of god and even angels which could invoke a laugh. Indy just knew he was different, Even before the power he knew he was different. He looked at the humans and sighed, He wondered why he felt a slight level of sickness looking at them, Even the prettiest chica on the beach couldn't stop him from feeling distrust. What if she found out he was a meta, What would be her reaction. Most likely fear out of what i can do or hate out of jealously for not being so lucky.
Ren Yuuki (Male Version)

The man stepped outside the bus before she can tell him her name. It seems like there is nobody else inside the bus except her so she decide to go outside right now. The sun is so bright that make her cover her face using the right hand. Watching everyone else playing make her feels lonely, is not like that she doesn't have any friend. She just don't want to get too close with somebody, her father is a jerk that could send someone to hospital just because they want to be friend with her. Don't know what to do, Ren choose to strolling at the coast.
Sen Harper

Sen watched as the buses pulled up along the beach surprised that it had taken such a short time to get there. She waited for the rush of people to get off the buss first before edging her way out beside Jon. She followed the rest of the group before everyone dispersed to what they wanted to do. Sen lingered on the sand just looking out over everything watching as many of the students lingered about on the sand. "Pretty cool" She smiled slightly over to Jon before making her way over to one of the overhands that wasn't occupied to put her bag down claiming the spot as her own as many other students had already done. Then kicked off her sneakers since it didn't seem to be the most practical thing since sand seemed to get in her shoes anyway.


Morgan Winford

Morgan was coordinating the staff in setting up making sure everything was going smoothly when one of the graduates ran up to her. She blinked a few times "Ah sorry, but the buses were said to be leaving at 10:00 sharp. Still I'm glad you managed to make it. For right now were just keep an eye out on the kids to make sure they don't wander out too far or get into trouble. There have been times where some students get into fights so were trying to avoid that."

Jon followed Sen out of the bus, noticing several more exotic looking students who he'd somehow missed before. One girl even seemed to be made out of slime, which made him grin as he past her out of sheer individuality. Still, he felt an internal unrest, and desperately tried to avoid looking at the sea. Some say it is beautiful, that it brings freedom. All Jon felt when he gazed out over those eternal waves was powerlessness, all consuming, like somebody had wrapped him up in a tight, thick jumper. Too bright, too clear, too much of it, all of it glaring, teasing.

Jon plonked himself down next to Sen, perhaps a little too close, as if her presence would comfort him somewhat. Smiling, he cast his vacant eyes across the rest of the beach. Some people were already stripping down, caught in a landslide of stupidity. As if water was a good excuse to bare all you could afford to bare, just in the vain hope of some far-off romantic transaction. No, beaches are hopeless places, Jon mused cynically, and hating himself for it, Places where dreams arise and promptly fall down. The freedom of the sea is overpowering: it only inspires overwhelming and utterly unachievable hope.

Eager to escape his troubled thoughts, he desperately cast his mind back to the conversations they had had on the bus, and after a long pause he spoke up: "Sorry to dig up an old topic," he smirked slightly, "but a while back you asked if my tutoring partner was somebody else with time-stuff. Well, I never answered, but she's not, no." He wondered if Emily had joined them. She's probably enjoying this to the same extent I am, he chuckled internally. "But Timestorm thought my powers could be used to help her out. She's a little like you actually, or rather how you used to be. Just her shyness is ramped up to a million. Probably scared of the sun, bless her." He laughed wholesomely for a moment, but as it trailed away his smile began to waver, his discomfort rapidly replacing it.

"Well, what a beautiful day, huh?" he said hollowly.

Dex woke with a start, as he had been doing a lot lately, to find himself against a plate of hot steel. He shielded his eyes from the shining sun, and hoisted himself into a sitting position, peeling his sweat-soaked shirt from his back. Perhaps a suit is not the most practical attire after all... nah, suits are great. Dex thought as he swung his legs over the edge of the bus roof, dropping down with the grace of a single dove feather, blessed by divine powers as it drifts on the wind. Extended metaphor aside, Dex, now on the ground next to the bus, scanned the horizon. The crystal blue sheet sparkled as white-crested waves broke the smooth surface of the ocean, like a thousand diamonds strewn across a blue plane. Dex remembered the first time he came to this beach, but now was not the time for painful reverie, and the game was afoot! So Dex grabbed the grill and icebox from the bus' storage and hopped downhill towards the sandy shore. "Meal orders, step right up! Burgers, veggie burgers, hot dogs and... Oh." Dex said, opening up the icebox. "Veggie burgers it is! Who wants one?" Dex conceded, firing up the grill.

Sen Harper

She set her shoes aside and unzipped her hoodie so she wouldn't get too hot in it. She was tempted to go try the water when Jon spoke up. She shifted her gaze from the blue waters noting the tension in Jon as if something was bugging him. "Ah alrighty." She muttered softly as he explained. She quirked a small smile he mentioned her shyness not really thinking about herself as shy just... distant. "Hm Yeah its really nice." She looked back to the rest of the beach "Kind of nice to be on a beach instead of just seeing it in a picture or something..." She muttered softly. She dug her feet into the sand finding the texture interesting to say the least. Definitely different than playground sand.

"I suppose it is, yes," he mused, also removing his shoes and placing them beside him, along with his bag. He watched her kick around the sand with a protective smile, but couldn't share her sentiment; sand had always been either too hot or too slimy for him, and then there was the nightmare of sand creeping into everything you own. Still, Jon knew that his opinions were warped by his fear, and could empathise and understand that to somebody totally new to a beach, it would indeed be nice. And sitting alone on the beach with his lover...

No, he refused to fall into their pathetic mindset too. Shaking off the negativity's once more, he smiled over at her and gave her a friendly nudge. "Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it," he smiled earnestly, "You deserve it."

Sen Harper

Sen chuckled softly as she was nudged "Eh... I think we all could use a break." she smirked a bit. "especially after surviving the first week of school.... at least one." She replied still looking down at the sand. She looked up as several students ran into the water giggling and yelling as they raced into the surf. Some started to race while other played simple games in the shallow shore. Some kids got up a small volley ball court and started to play as well. The whole scene was light with jovial bliss and excitement. "I think everyone else is feeling the same way." She grinned before sitting up straight.

With the sun reaching a high point in the sky the shade was a welcome place to sit and relax but most opted for the water to cool off. Well... when in Rome she though to herself shrugging her hoddie off her shoulder and letting it slide off leaving her in just a gray tanktop. "Let's go cool off" She suggested getting up to her feet.


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