Bayview High School Role Play!

Tomoyo saw the guy they were looking at. She walks toward him and began talking to him. "Hey, my name is Tom, mind if I borrow your surf board?"
"Hey!" Riley said to Tom. She glanced over at the guy laying down on the towel that they seen walking earlier, she wondered who he was.

Logan jumped into the passenger seat of Bryce's car. "So why are we in such a hurry to go to the beach anyways?" Logan asked Bryce.
She laughed and took the surfboard. Tom ran into the ocean and began surfing. Back in Japan, surfing was pretty known, so most people knew how to surf.
Kai looked up at the sky, it was sunny. People would be at the beach! This was perfect. The red head went home quickly, putting a simple red swim suite under her clothes before walking to the beach, it felt kind of awkward, since she was alone when she wanted to be with people. Kai arrived at the beach, everyone was in groups, lowering Kai's confidence even more if she approaches them they might laugh in her face, Kai let out a groan, she was once again thinking too much.

Riley recognized Kai when she saw her enter the beach. She gave a small smile to her, and then a quick wave.

"Wow look at Tom surf. I would have never expected that." Riley joked to Nicole.
Kai wave

d back a smile on her face. She decided to approach them, these guys were friendly & her best chance. Kai walked over to them, a small smile still on her lips "H-Hey, can I join you guys? It looks like I've been ditched" Kai lied, she didn't want them knowing about her coming here just to make friends, to her it was a bit embarrassing.

"Haha I know. I'm pretty sure she does too." Riley laughed. "I wonder where Bryce is?"

"Hey. Sure, of course you can." Riley said nicely to Kai.
Finally she fell and got washed to shore. "That was fun!" she went back to Makaha she put the surfboard in the ground and kissed his cheek. "Thanks!" she walked back to her friends.
Kai smiled "Thanks" She replied, moving her hand up to play with her hair, something she did when she was nervous but she was good at calming herself down so hopefully soon she would be laughing & joking freely or whatever friends do when their together.

Stands up and grabs board runs toward the water and swims out, once on the waves looks out and shouts "akaw!" swims to the wave and does an a-frame 180
After that surfs back to land seeing the girls from the convertible and walks over to them with his surfboard under arm and towel over shoulder

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