Bayview High School Role Play!

Kai groaned, if she was correct the dance was next Friday & the girl had no friends, no boyfriend & no social life what so ever. The red head let out a sigh, socializing was hard, maybe she should lower her standards a little? But if she did that she might end up with someone terrible, Kai shook her head & knocked 'Perfect grades' off of her list. That was all Kai was willing to give up. She headed out of the school gates, searching for some food to eat, she would probably go hunt for a salad but maybe settle for fast food if she didn't find one quick enough.
"My mom is that one crazy mom who stresses over the whole prom queen thing. I doubt it will be any different for formal, so a new dress, probably." Nicole responded with a nod, eating more yogurt.
"How about the day after the game? I don't think I have plans then." Nicole said, throwing away the remains of her yogurt.
Tomoyo sat up and tried on her dress. She took a picture and texted it to Riley. "You like it?" she texted and sent it.
"Ok sounds good." Riley said.

Football practice ended. Logan walked over to Bryce in the locker. "Hey i'm going home to shower and eat, but hit me up in a little bit and we can go do something." Logan said to Bryce.

Riley sent a text back to Tom saying "Yeah it looks great. It's really pretty."
Nicole nodded, when her phone began to buzz.

"Hello?..... Oh, hey...... I'm out with Riley, why?....... Oh, okay..... Love you, too... Bye!" Nicole said as she hung up.

"Now my phone is dead. Oh, well. My mom is going to the beach, and said that you were welcome to come."
The best Kai had found was a salad from McDonald's so she picked a table & began to eat her salad, alone. She never liked to eat in places in public when she was on her own but maybe someone would come up to her, she really needed someone to talk to or else she wouldn't go to the dance at all & feel terrible about it so she just ate in silence, doubting that anyone would want to talk to her.
Tomoyo walked around school later that night. It was completly empty. She looked at some rooms she had not been to, and some things she shouldn't be poking around into.
"Alrighty, then." Nicole said. "Do you wanna stop t your house first, so you can get your bathing suit and such?" She asked, leaving the Yogo Factory.
Tomoyo found the text on her phine. "Sure I'll meet you there." She ran to her hotel put on a bathing suit, caught a bus and was waiting at the beach.

([MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION] reply to private RP)
Riley changed into her favorite swim suit, and then headed over to Nicole's house.

When she got there she walked up to the front door, knocked and then walked in. Her and Nicole have been best friends so long that she just lets herself in.

"Im here." Riley yelled.
Nicole quickly nodded. "Kay. I'll go run home and get ready." Nicole said as she ran off. She ran in to her house, and grabbed her bikini. She plugged in her phone, grabbed a towel, and a book. Nicole handed her stuff to her mom, and greeted Riley.


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