Bayview High School Role Play!

Nicole smiled, and headed upstairs to change. It felt nice to finally be in warm clothes, but she felt bad for being there with Ty and Bryce. She put together that it was a guys night, and felt terrible for intruding, but she didnt want to be rude and just leave. Sighing, she went downstairs, and smiled at the guys. "I see it is a guys night, am I wrong?"
"Well yeah. I mean you said for me to go home when you were at the hospital, so I called up the guys so I could do something fun." Logan said. After he said it, he hoped he hadn't been to harsh.
Logan felt bad for asking Nicole to go home, but he kinda just wanted to hang out with the guys. "Well, ummm... how about I drive you home now, and then tomorrow I will take you out?" he suggested to Nicole.
Nicole closed her eyes, and tilted her head to the side with a grin. "I can walk home, it's fine, Logan. Alright. Byee!" She sang, walking out of the door. She skipped to Riley's house, and knocked on the door.
Before he had to chance to say anything, Nicole was already out the door. "Alright." logan said and then went upstairs to join Tyler and Bryce.


Riley awoke to loud knocking on her door. She was home alone, so she was kind of scared to answer it. She slowly walked downstairs and turned on the lights, she slowly pulled it open. "Oh my gosh you scared me." Riley laughed when she saw it was Nicole. "What are you doing here this late? Is everything ok?" She asked Nicole motioning her to come in, and then closing the door behind her.
"Hey Logan," Bryce said, leaning back on the chair. He was jealous of Logan's rich home. Not that Bryce was poor, far from it, but no one had as much money as Logan's family.

Ty was looking around the room in wonder. He guessed that Logan was rich, but would never say it. He focused on a Michael Jordan poster on the wall and saw a signature. "Dude, you have Michael Jordan's autograph?!"
"Hey guys. Yeah, no big deal really!" Logan laughed in response to what Ty said. "I have Peyton Manning's too." he laughed.

"Hey girl, it's ok. Anything wrong, or you just stop by as a surprise?" Riley laughed.
Bryce pulled out his phone and texted Riley. "Wake up, I miss you." l

Ty widene his eyes. He ten noticed Bryce. "Uh oh, Brycie-wycie is texting his widdle girlfriend."
[MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION] [MENTION=2605]TheJoker[/MENTION]

Logan laughed. He walked over to where Bryce was sitting and looked over his shoulder to see who he was texting although he assumed it was Riley, and what he was saying. "Awwww well aren't you just the sweetest thing ever." Logan joked nudging Bryce in the shoulder.

That's weird, wonder who that could be RIley thought to herself when she heard her phone go off. She smiled when she saw it was Bryce. "Luckily for you, Nicole just came over and woke me up. lol" she responded back.
Bryce smacked Logan on the arm and laughed. "Let me be cute to my girlfriend." he picked up his phone and replied "My lucky day." then, he threw his phone on the chair an grabbed Logan in a headlock. "Am I still sweet?"
"Nope I refuse to let you, and yup you're still sweet!" Logan jokingly yelled as he tried to wrestle his way out of the headlock.

"I Miss you too. :) " Riley text back to Bryce.
Bryce let go of Logan and shoulder checked him. He laughed and went to get his phone. "Hey, Logan. Can we watch a movie?" he then replied to Riley. "What are you doing, gorgeous?"
Riley watched Nicole with a very puzzled look. "I'm not even gonna ask." she laughed.

"Nicole just came over, so just hanging out with her. :) " Riley responded to Bryce.

"Sure. You know where they are. Go pick one." Logan said to Bryce.
Bryce made no effort to move. "Ty, could you? They're under his bed."

he replied to Riley, "Do you wanna go to my beach house tomorrow? You can sped the night of you want."

Ty grumbled and got down on all fours. He pawed through the DVDs. "Captain America okay?"
"Sure, good choice Ty." Logan said. "You know Bryce can't look for one because he is to busy talking to Riley." he joked.

"Sure, sounds awesome!" Riley responded to Bryce.

((gotta go now unfortunately :( be back in the the morning though!))
"Shut up," Bryce told Logan. "Go talk to your own girlfriend."

((I wont be back until later tomorrow. Please try not to get too far ahead please))
Nicole nodded. "And that's only 5. There are probably 50 all together in my clothes, but I didn't have my car, so..." She trailed off.

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