Bayview High School Role Play!

(([MENTION=2605]TheJoker[/MENTION] sure, go ahead))

Riley smiled real big when she saw Bryce's text. "Awww you're too cute!" Riley responded.

Logan leaned over and whispered to Bryce in a joking tone, "Shouldn't be texting in class." he laughed.
Name: Tyler Henderson

Age: 16

Grade: Junior

Personality: Funny, nice, relaxed

Bio: Tyler lived in New York City all his life. Then, his father's job moved to Paraguay. Tyler had the chance to either go with them, or go to Bayview High with his cousin, Bryce. He chose to go to Bayview. He is the opposite of Bryce in most ways. Also, Tyler loves photography.


Relationship status (single/or not, enemies, crushes, etc.):

Bryce texted Riley back, "can't wait to see you tonight. I'll pick you up at 7."

He rolled his eyes at Logan and whispered "Practice what you preach," as Logan ppulled out his phone.

Tyler opened the door of his aunt's car. Bryce was at school, so Tyler was alone to explore the house. He hadn't seen his cousin since they were ten. He wondered how different Bryce was. He opened the door of what was going to be his room and unpacked. Later, he'd ask Bryce to show him around.
Tyler wandered around. He finally lay down on his new bed and fell asleep.

Bryce was very bored. He didn't like science, and science didn't like him.
Bryce sat there, thinking.

"Crap," he said out loud. "Sorry," he saiid as the teacher frowned at him. After the attention was gone from him, he texted his mom. Their conversation went

"Mom, is Tyler there?"

"Yes, we just got home."

"I'll be back at lunch to show him around and get him registered."

"Sounds good honey. Also, do you mind getting him a tux for the formal? He should go, but I doubt he brought one."


Finally the bell rang for lunch and Bryce stood up. He said to Logan. "I gotta go home for lunch. My cousin from New York is here, and I have to show him around and stuff. See you later."
"Way to ditch your best friend." Logan joked. "Don't you think it would be good for your cousin to meet me, the coolest guy around." Logan laughed.

Riley caught Bryce walking out of class. "Hey. So where do you wanna go for lunch?" she asked with a smile.
Bryce said to Logan, "You can come if you want."

He turned to Riley, "I have to go to my house. My cousin Tyler is gonna be going to school here and I gotta show him around. You're welcome to come, but I understand if you don't wanna." He smiled at her.
Alex made his way through the halls and wondered about the formal. im going to be soooo bored. he thought. its not like i can bail though, Aria got me a tux already. why does she want me to come anyway? shes got Cole and Zaya. anyway, i wonder what i should have for lunch?

Aria sent Cole a text and waited outside the school. "lets go somewhere for lunch, your choice, my treat!"
"Oh." Riley said. "Well I don't wanna be in your way." she said softly.

"Hey you and I can go out together." Logan said jokingly to Riley loud enough for Bryce to hear. He then winked at her. In a joking friendly way of course, and he knew Bryce would know he was joking.
Tyler woke up and looked at the time. Bryce should be back soon. He wondered what his cousin looked like. They had been so similar when they were younger, but who knows now?

Bryce rolled his eyes at Logan.

"I want him to see my girlfriend." He said to Riley
Riley smiled at Bryce. "Ok." She said, and grabbed a hold of Bryce's hand. "So Logan, maybe another day I can take you up on your offer." She laughed.

"Alright, well see you guys later." Logan said and he walked outside. He sat down on a bench. He wanted to go to lunch with Nicole, but she wasn't here.
Aria waved at Alex as he left the building. she wondered what he was having for lunch.

Alex put his rollerblades back on and looked for a place to eat. he finally settled with Mcdonalds. at this point he just wanted something to eat, and Mcdonalds was the only pl,ace he could think of where being alone doesnt look pathetic.
Bryce led Riley to his car. Once they were driving, he started telling her about Tyler. "Remember, this is from when we were ten. He was funny. He didn't let anything bug him. We looked kind of the same. I haven't seen him in six years." they pull up at Bryce's house.

Tyler hears a car pull up outside. He sees a teenage boy, who he assumes is Bryce. Next to Bryce, he sees a pretty brunette. Tyler assumes she's his girlfriend. Tyler sits down at the kitchen table and pretends to be busy.
Logan go up, and deicided to drive to Panera and grab some lunch.

"Well I guess it will be a surprise to both of us." Riley said. "Are your parents here?" Riley asked Bryce. She ahd not met them yet.

Logan got in line and notice Zaya in front of him. He smiled but didnt say anything because he already felt things were a little awkward between them.
while Aria waited she text her brother. "hey peanut brain, instead of acting like a loner, talk to people! I thought i was the shy one? and if you dont want to go to the dance alone, i suggest you try talking to some girls. if any of this doesnt matter just ignore, seems like youve been alone today just sayin."

Alex smiled at the text. it sucked being twins sometimes. it seemed Aria hit the head on the nail. he decided to go somewhere else for lunch. he bladded down the street looking for people he recognized from the school, if any.
"I don't think so," Bryce replied while gettin out of the car. "My dad works all day and my mom probably went back to her country club after she dropped off Ty." he opened the door to the house. "Tyler? You here?"

"No," Tyler called back. He went into the hall and saw his cousin. "Long time, no see, huh Bryce?" he glanced at the girl next to him. "Who's this lovely lady?" he asked, smiling at her.

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