Bayview High School Role Play!

Aria rolled around in bed. she couldnt sleep. she was too worried about Zaya and Cole. Zaya still didnt have a date, Cole might have gotten weirded out by her brother. she felt agitated.

((time skip maybe? im waitng for morning, i dont know about eveyone else though.))
Riley woke up. She was so excited for the formal later on tonight. She picked up her phone, and texted Bryce saying "I can't wait to see you tonight. :) "

Logan woke up on the couch. He had fallen asleep next to Nicole. He checked his phone to see what time it was. Oh my gosh! He thought to himself after he realized it was already the next morning.
Zaya stood up, she went to the bathroom to get changed and ready for the day she looked at Riley "Im going to go, thanks for having me over" she started for the door
Alex put his shoes on his bookbag and put his roller blades on. he left long before Aria and sped towards the school.

Aria finished cleaning the breakfast dishes and made her way to school. she texted Cole on the way. "where do you want to go for lunch today? my treat, espesially after what happened last night"
Alex saw a skate park near the school, did a few tricks, and did a grind down the stair railing and headed towards school.
Alex arrived at school, put his shoes back on and tossed his roller blades into his locker. he felt energatic, ready to tackle the head on, new guy or not.
He reached into his locker and walked to Riley's, hoping she hadn't gone to homeroom yet. When he saw her there, he grinned and sped up the pace.
Aria finally made it to school, put her things in her locker and went t class. she sat down and started to doodle.

Alex spotted Zaya in the hall. "your Arias friend right? Zaya, if i remember right." he aproached the bored girl.
Riley spotted Bryce coming over to her. She smiled real big. "Hey." she said grinning.

((be back within like 30 minutes. Hope you are all still here! :) ))
"well, i feel like i should apologize for last night." Alex looked a little embarrassed "i was acting like a child, im sorry for making you feel awkward. can i make it up to you?" he asked.
"ok. but if theres anything i can do just ask." Alex said. "to tell you the truth, my sense of direction is as bad as Arias, she had to give me a map to the school this morning. anyway could get you to show me around?" he asked.

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