Bayview High School Role Play!

Riley had a weird look on her face when BRyce asked to talk to Zaya outside, and so did Logan. Riley and Logan glanced at each other with a puzzled look, and then Riley look to Nicole. She was wondering what that was all about.
Zaya was puzzled "What? Why do you want to know" she was surprised by his question

Maxx smiled "Elle just makes me think of an ocean; I have no idea why" he grinned softy
Bryce lowered his voice. "Because Logan is my best friend. And, he's with someone. My girlfriend's best friend, to be exact." Despite what e just told her, Bryce wasn't sure if Riley was his girlfriend. He knew they were going to formal, but other than that, he just knew how much he liked her.
Zaya cleared her throat "I know that he is with Nicole, and I would never do anything to hurt their relationship. We are just friends" she was getting a little frightened by Bryce but not backing down from defending herself
"Well, I do guess it sounds... Ocean-y." she grinned back. "But Maxx is a cool name too. Anything that has an 'x' in it makes me think of surfing." she turned her head a laughed slightly.
Bryce didn't believe her. He saw the way she looked at Logan. "We'll see." he said and turned his back on her. He went back to the table and sat down again.
Maxx smiled "Well, I was born in Florida, Miami beach to be exact"

Zaya walked back inside, she was tryin to refrain her self from crying, she sat down by Aria trying to avoid eye contact with Bryce and Logan
"Oh ok. Just checking." Riley said softly with a smile. She was still confused why Bryce wanted to talk to her in private. She walked back to the table and sat back down next to him. She didn't say anything to him though. She just finished up her food and sat there.

Logan felt he would find out what was going on best if he just went and asked Zaya himself. "Be right back." logan said to Nicole.

Logan went over to Zaya.

"Hey whats going on? Are you alright?" He asked her

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