Bayview High School Role Play!

"me too. they are so cuddly and warm" Aria said with a goofy smile. "Hey, you, um, you know there is a formal coming up?" Aria tried not to sound to eager. she didnt have to have a date but she didnt want to be all alone either.
"i dont really want to bother these two" motioning towards the two happy couples at the table, but i dont want to go alone either, are you going? we could go together maybe?"
"yeah! im looking forward to it." Aria couldnt wait for the formal. she was really glad she wouldnt be alone at the dance. she turned to Nicole. "have you gone dress shopping yet?"
Zaya texted Aria Hey it's Zaya, I was wondering if you would like to go dress shopping wih me? she hoped that she would go with her, because she didn't have anyone to go with and she thought they were pretty good friends.
Aria texted Zaya back "sure i would love to go dress shopping with you!" she turned back to nicole "nevermind. im going dress shopping with Zaya."
Zaya sighed a sigh of relief Great, would you like to go tonight?? :) she knew what dress she wanted she asked Aria Are you going with Cole? she hoped she was, they were perfect for each other
yeah. more like, Cole is coming along. its not really a date thing. i just kinda asked if he was coming. could we go shopping tomorrow? im having pizza with everyone right now. Aria sent the text and took a bite of pizza.

((i dont know what day of the week it is >.< plus i dont want to push this too far ahead cuz otherwise everyone will get left behind. they are usually one later in the evening))
Bryce sat next to Riley, of course. The others were chatting but Bryce didn't have much to say. This is a great night. We just won against the hardest team, I'm eating pizza with my friends, and I'm going to formal with an amazing girl. He turned to Cole. "So you're new here? You should be on the football team. You have just the right build for a wide receiver." And he did. He was medium-tall, with long legs. He looked fast, but he was also lean so he wouldnt get hurt easily.

((Can we make today Tuesday?))
Zaya smiled Congrats, I'll pick you up at your house tomorrow? she sighed she sat at home, she jumped up and drove over to the pizza place, she walked inside in smiled, she looked around for her friend
((Tuesday works for me.))

Nicole decided not to get anything but water, because she was really full. She continued to think about what color she'd wear to formal.

Cole smiled. "I'm not too good at any sports, but I could try practicing."
why dont we just go after school? as Aria finished her text she saw Zaya sit at a different table and waved her to come sit with everyone.
Zaya sat down next to Aria, hoping that was ok. She was a bit bumbed, being the only one at the table without a date. But what ever.

((OOC: Guys, I'm going to post what Zaya's wearing for formal right now, so I can find it when I'm on my phone:



hair and makeup:


"i cant decide between autumn and winter. nothing like hot apple cider when it gets cold." Aria sat as she thought of another question.
Bryce nodded to Cole as Aria started talking again. Those two would be a good couple.

He saw Zaya come to the table.

"Zaya! Nice to see you. Can I talk to you outside for a sec?"

He stands up and walks to the door.

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