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Fandom Batman: The Caped Crusader

"Mhm, hang on," he replied. Within a minute, a number of addresses were sent to Jean via email. "You think they're fake? It'd certainly seem like he wants to boost his rep that way," Jason bit into his protein bar again and discarded the paper into the bin next to his desk. He opened another card on his computer and checked out a forum about magical rituals involving satanic sacrifices and bathing in blood. It was full of bullshit about satanism, so Jason closed it.

"And? Any results?"

Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
"Mhm, hang on," he replied. Within a minute, a number of addresses were sent to Jean via email. "You think they're fake? It'd certainly seem like he wants to boost his rep that way," Jason bit into his protein bar again and discarded the paper into the bin next to his desk. He opened another card on his computer and checked out a forum about magical rituals involving satanic sacrifices and bathing in blood. It was full of bullshit about satanism, so Jason closed it.

"And? Any results?"

Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
Jean's heart plummeted. What he saw made him want to vomit. He grabbed his Azrael armor and began to strap it on. Bruce had been trying to 'tame' him for a long time. But for now, nothing would stop the spirit of vengeance.

"No, the addresses aren't fake. They're real. And they are all located near orphanages." Azrael growled. "And I'm ending this."
Hearing the response, Jason clenched his hands in tremendous, bitter anger.

"You're not ending it without me. I'm on my way. Where are you right now?" his voice was serious and had a sense of duty. Jason ran out of his room and through the living room, jumping out the window and grabbing his mask on the way. He climbed to the top of the rooftop, still speaking on phone. As soon as he got a response, he would change to using the radio communicator in the red helmet of his suit.

Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
With a confident smile Edward stepped through the darkness of the alleyway, the bright neon lights of the ice berg lounge illuminating his dark silhouette. "Evening...gentlemen... gentle thugs?" he approached the two thugs on the door, tipping his hat slightly as he spotted the two broad-shouldered bodyguards infront of the backdoor. "No entrance for you...Sod off, the boss is busy." one of them said gruffly placing his large hand on his shoulder keeping him effectively from sneaking past them.

The Riddler displeasedly watched the man place his likely unwashed, sweaty hand on his neatly ironed suit. His face immediately crunched and something dark gloomed up in his eyes. He quickly shook off the large hand off his slender shoulder. He cleared his throat slightly, his lips quirking up into a smile. "Very well, just one more task for you fellas." he began, adjusting his glasses. "What is easy to get into but hard to get out of?" he challenged them, his smile never fading. The two men shared a confused look before their gaze fell back to the Riddler. He looked at them expectingly moving up and down on his tip toes. " Did you not hear me, geek?! Piss off!" he was told rather gruffly a second time.

"Wrong. Answer!" he stated, his eyes clearly darkening now. Before they could look twice a cubic object fell from his palm right infront on their feet, a green question mark flashing brightly on it's texture. A shocked gasp fell from both their lips as they suddenly felt something wrap around their feet knocking them down on the ground. "The answer was: Trouble." Edward lectured them, stepping over their bodies. "I hope you don't mind, Oswald..." he said to himself, raising his arm to push the button in his hands, not bothering to turn around as the two man were shamelessly electrocutioned.

"Sir?" one of the waitresses blinked as she spotted the green suited man entering through the back door. "Hello. Sorry for the inconvenience. I'm an old friend of...Mister Penguin." he told her unashamedly using his nickname. Before he could be stopped else how he entered the jazz filled club. He couldn't help the genuine smile that flickered over his features as he spotted a familiar face within the more or less crowded room. He quickly checked his reflection in one of the large mirrors on the side and dusted off his suit, making sure his appearance was in a flawless state before he approached his old friend.

He could tell not much had changed, age sure had flawed them both in some certain ways. His gaze however fell in slight dissmiss as he noticed the tall figure beside him. Well...now that was new! A woman on his side? "Hello again, Oswald... " he spoke, not letting his smile fade. "I'm not interrupting something, am I?" he spoke, not bothering to look up at the young girl standing by Oswalds side. His grip unmistakably tightened around his cane. Had he really sunken so low? Replacing him with-... Whatever the matter was, it certainly wasn't his concern, he quickly told himself, trying to keep his features clean from these unwanted emotions.

Harley Quinn Harley Quinn
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Oswald lazily scanned the room as he waited, not caring enough to look the way of whoever was entering. Ava traced a finger in circles just above his chest, but he didn't seem to notice or care. She spotted their green guest way before Penguin, looking him up and down with a judgemental stare. As the band changed track Oz let out a long sigh hearing it was one of his mothers favourites, it was always soothing to him. In fact he was so into his music that he didn't hear Nygma approach them.

Ava didn't bother welcoming Riddler as she knew who he was and didn't want competition ruining her plans. When Edward spoke Oswald jumped out of his seat, he would recognise that voice anywhere. "Ed?" He gasped in disbelief, turning to face the grinning man. It had been so long, but he looked pretty much the same as he'd remember him. Suddenly a mix of different emotions came flooding back all at once and he felt the need to hug his old friend. Quickly he cleared his throat and closed his agape mouth, regaining his composure. A thousand different questions started running through his head, like how did he get inside? and what was he planning? Edward obviously had some sort of angle, Oswald had to make sure to be one step ahead and make sure his emotions didn't cloud his judgements.
"What are y- interrupting?" He glanced at his assistant then back to his friend "Oh, no of course not" He gestured for Ed to take a seat across from himself with a smile that looked almost fake, although he was genuinely happy. Before sitting back down himself he snapped his fingers for Ava to fetch another bottle. Although he was being polite, he was merely just using the facade until Nygma's true intentions came out. Trouble was definitely around the corner and to be honest, it excited him. It would be just like old times. "I suppose I shouldn't bother asking how you managed to sneak inside." Ozzie got comfortable in his chair while bouncing his feet up and down and then chuckled slightly, pointing towards Ed. "You always were the smart one."It sounded almost sarcastic the way he spoke. Just then Ava arrived back with a fresh bottle of wine and another glass, she set them apon the table without a work. Then took her place behind her boss, not so subtly glaring daggers at Riddler.

Taking a long sip from his glass, he finally asked. "So Ed, why are you here? This sure isn't your scene afterall." This night just got a whole lot more interesting.

DiscoQuinn DiscoQuinn
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Edward couldn't help but feel relieved when she finally left. "Oh I see you've redecorated...." he commented, taking a seat on the opposite chair, his gaze automatically falling to Ava and roamed over to the large ice building in the middle of the room that had once been graced by no one other than himself. Frozen into place. Flashbacks of that rather obscure turn out of events hit him and a slight shiver ran down his spine as he remembered. He had seen things he'd rather not...

"I don't like it..." he added, shaking his head with a distasteful look until he spotted Ava returning with a bottle. He threw her a displeased look across the room but quickly changed it into a fake smile. Truthfully she couldn't stand how handsy she was with him, it was unsettling in a way. Although he couldn't tell why it bothered him so much.

"To answer your question.. Yes, I found a gap in your security." he told him, throwing him a boyish grin looking down at the glass that was placed infront of him in suspision. "But to get straight to the point. I'm here to warn you...." he spoke turning his body further more towards him so their knees were almost touching. Out of the corner of the eye he spotted a blonde girl rushing past, her eyes somehow glued to them. His focus however was all put on the man infront of him.


Harley Quinn Harley Quinn
Museums seemed to be the big hotspots of crime that night. Not an hour after busting the Natural History heist, Batman was stalking around Gotham's Artifact Museum. If his intuition was anything to go by, a certain feline burglar was responsible.

Batman stalked up to the top of a nearby roof, employing thermal binoculars to track any heat signatures inside the museum. He spotted more than one within the building, but only one was mobile, at least at first. From a distance, Batman observed what he could discern as the thief in question grabbing her desired item, being noticed by guards, and the following struggles with those guards. They wouldn't be nearly enough to deal with Catwoman, if it was indeed her, but he didn't mind biding his time. He counted the seconds as she exited up to the museum's roof. Batman took an electrified batarang out of his belt and, at the right moment, tossed it in an arc. If his aim was true, it would catch her on the side opposite to him, creating a brief distraction and giving him the opportunity to pounce and overwhelm her. With Catwoman, his best bet was pinning her first thing.

One, two, three, four- she was about to be in the right position. Batman pounced at her.

Literally Batman Literally Batman
Catwoman was gently strolling across the museum rooftop, surrounded by unconscious guards. The night was rather chilly indeed, but after a succesful heist once more her blood felt warm. She coiled her whip, clipping it at her side, before continuing to move, her Golden Cat statue in hand.

Then, she heard something. Slicing through the air. Could it be? She leaped to avoid the projectile, watching it slice into the rooftop on an angle, pulsing with electricity. Its bat-like shape made it clear who it was. So he did bother to show up. That makes me feel better.

If Selina knew anything about Batman, it was that he liked to set traps. Like a bat? I don't know, I'm not a Bat-Woman. Catwoman then decided that getting out of there was the good idea. She cartwheeled out of the way, seeing a streak of black shoot through the sky into the position where she was then standing. He was good. But not good enough.

"Glad you could show, Batman. A woman like me can feel lonely sometimes," Catwoman said with a gentle purr in her voice, twirling the statue in her hand. She had removed her whip once again, and she circled him, like a tiger his prey. "Especially after taking a prize like this sweet little thing." She placed her lips on the statue. "Isn't it adorable?"
Hearing the response, Jason clenched his hands in tremendous, bitter anger.

"You're not ending it without me. I'm on my way. Where are you right now?" his voice was serious and had a sense of duty. Jason ran out of his room and through the living room, jumping out the window and grabbing his mask on the way. He climbed to the top of the rooftop, still speaking on phone. As soon as he got a response, he would change to using the radio communicator in the red helmet of his suit.

Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
Azrael hung up, and began free running across the rooftops in order to make it to the church. He had never been so furious in his life. As he ran and jumped across the rooftops, he spotted Red Hood a few roof tops behind him.
"Jason!" He shouted, and beckoned him closer. "I'm going first, understand?"
Red Hood looked in the direction Azrael shouted from. He ran forward and jumped the gap between buildings, catching the ledge with his hands and climbing it. Jason had no reason to disagree. Besides, he didn't know where the church was. Trying to argue would be fruitless. "Sure," he said in a half-sassy and clearly disappointed tone of voice. Jason sighed. What a pain. "Where's the place anyway?" Jason had an AK-47 on his back, two handguns at his side, a grenade, and several bombs, plus shurikens, batarangs, a taser, and several knives. He was prepared for a complete slaughterhouse.

Safety Hammer Safety Hammer

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