Ban the person above you for any reason.

I ban Young for lying, she's not a full-blown sorceress nor a sorceress, just a wannabe.

I ban Amie for not being above average as a fake sorceress.

I ban Yumoto because he's Yumoto-senpai.
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I ban Jet because now I'm being discriminated for being an under-average sorcerer which cannot be helped and I ban Young for elaborating on his wrongdoings, nobody says a bad word about sorcerers, even average-ish ones of-sorts or I'll turn you all into frogs, but only half a frog, because I'm average like that, but it's still scary and anthropomorphic frogs are still daunting.
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I ban YoungX for bringing dishonour upon the beautifully-handcrafted ramblings of a true nonsense-spouting doofus.

The highest degree of nonsense-spouting doofus, I'll have you know.
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I ban Amie for the fact that she would dare call my actions "bringing dishonor" when I have actually brought honor to myself in general for the reason that I must bring honor to my family when the actual point of this post is to make you waste your time and energy reading it.
I ban Jet for implying and retching at the thought (not actually that gross to turn people into frogs!) that I'd want to make him a prince at all and would probably make him a half-blood frog ballerina, so there.

I also ban YoungX for actually making me pour effort and true intention into reading his silly babbles whereas mine, though rambly in nature, was ACTUALLY WORTH READING. :(
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I ban Jet for the mention of Seppuku in general.

I ban Yumoto for deeming me 'way too serious'. I'm a sorceress! I turn you into frogs. That isn't serious!
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I ban Jet for discriminating the frog ballerinas, who are a very noble race indeed.

I ban Jet for a second mention of Seppuku.

I ban Young for speaking badly of lenience.

I also ban Yumoto for the implication that adding an extra category of RP makes someone lenient.

I ban myself for all my wrongdoings on this thread. Which could fill hundreds of meters of parchment, so imagine the document of all my wrongdoings in every forum game I have ever participated in.
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I ban you all because I'm dead, I just drove a sword through my belly. I also ban confusing posts, which are every which one up to this one. I will also ban Amie for banning a dead seppuku kid. Let me have my honor.

I will ban Young for him causing me so much confusion.

Then I ban myself for wanting to leave but being brought back. :l
I ban Yumoto for being twisted and crazy enough to find anything wrong with banning 'Jetty' and even going so far as to ban me for choosing the rational option of banning him and his Seppuku obsession.

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