Ban the person above you for any reason.

I ban Jet because I am now fuming with anger for his dislike towards curry, and it is not banned. It is never banned...



I ban Jet for dismissing my accomplishments but I am pleased he is labelling himself a hypocrite, that makes me happy.

I ban Jet for not acknowledging my incredible fish woman curry sorceress under average coolness. I'm very cool.

I'm groovy.

I ban Jet a third time for not realising I'm groovy.
I ban Amie because I'm done playing with her, now then Amie... You can leave my room and house, your rants about curry have come to bore me. Mhmm... You bored a hypocrite.

I will also ban myself for being a douchey douche.
I ban Jet for his own mundaneness causing me to produce similar bans, and actually, for forgetting that...


I did not bore a hypocrite. I bored a boring person and the notions go hand-in-hand so there you have it.

I also ban myself since I have to go in exactly two minutes because of the settings on my laptop, which shuts three minutes earlier than usual today. :(

But I can log on tomorrow. :)
I ban YoungX because all on this thread is truly ceremonious and deserves true commendation.
I ban all of you for all the weird curry and fish-lady references you've made in my absence. That and I wanted to ban YoungX for only writing a single sentence ban.
I ban reading and typing though I just typed this and I'm reading it to check my grammar but you don't care because I did this anyway and you will do as I say because I am this world's conqueror which makes you all my slaves that will obey me and say I'm right. :l Derp Derpity Derp
I ban Danniii for pointing that out and I also ban her for talking about joining her quest which must be a metaphor or something... I don't know.

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