Ban the person above you for any reason.

You just did. I ban Wolfiy for not being fast enough to intercept my post, just because i know Wolfiy is psychic and could have timed that way better.
I ban Generic Gamer for being too slow and saying something that had been said. I also ban Yumoto for calling me a psychic, I'm an esper check your privilege.
You didn't? LIES! I ban Young for lying though he's not lying but he is because I said so and I must always be right because I don't lie so he did eat fish because he likes fish and he's a fish-man cannibal.

I also ban that guy that posted above me. (Who is it...? o>o)

Confused yet?
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I ban Yumoto, because I also feel like causing trou- Ooh....

I ban @Yaoke Saint because reasons which are unexplained.

I ban @DreamBeat because that ramen dissipated like a ninja.

I also will ban Young and anyone else who reads this, especially you, the one that's reading this. (Confusion Much?)

I also banned people who haven't been in this thread since yesterday, like Dream and Yaoke. (I haven't seen them since yesterday. so get banned you two! Take that for trouble... ._.)

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