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Fantasy Ballad of Renegades

@AriAriAbabwa @escapist @Rohan

The golem Hammerfist abruptly raised its head, staring at Maude with an intense and hateful gaze. "Ah, yes... Little Maude Beswick," he identified the bold convict before him. His voice was just like that of his mortal self, albeit amplified unpleasantly. "Three counts of murder... Now four, and you reject my gift." Hopping down from his pedestal, the runes on his new body glowed. As he landed, a shockwave rippled through the floor, stone bricks cracking under the stress. Tools vibrated and clattered to the ground all around the workshop.

"He's mad...!" the scribe declared, clinging to the workshop wall. "He'll bring down the entire citadel if he keeps that up!"

Meanwhile, the loud chime of an enormous gong resounded through the entire citadel. The entire place was on high alert.

The two male rebels led Jac'aal and Nadi through the caves. "They're not far behind," the deeper-voiced one assured the former. "We should be safe until they catch up. The waterway is just up ahead." Indeed, the sound of trickling water was audible at this point in the hewn dwarven passage. The heat of the citadel's sublevels also gave way to a refreshing, cool, and moist air.

"Fear not, for that is a flesh wound," the other assured Nadi. "We have a gentleman who wants to join you on the journey home. He's a marvelous medicine man, albeit... er, decrepit. Anyway, I suppose you wish to know the whats and the whys."

"The whos, as well, brother," the baritone dwarf grumbled. At that point, they removed their hoods, revealing their long, red hair and braided beards. "I'm Felzen, and this is my... poetic brother Stein. The scribe back there is our friend, Sylvren. Sorry we had to meet under these circumstances, lads."

Felzen's hair and beard were slightly longer, the creases on his forehead a bit more defined than those of his brother, denoting his age. Though younger, a pronounced, angular scar bit into Stein's thick hairline on the left side of his skull.

"Hammerfist is a barbaric bastard, even to his own brethren," Stein continued dramatically. "Scant few are safe from servitude, and many Kupari Dwarves dread seeing their families dragged to this dank dungeon after dark. Most are afraid, while others are complicit, complacent, and cruel."

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