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Fandom Baka and Test to Shoukanjuu!

( if his points are high enough, his attack is strong enough. We use the same attacks add normally uses, down to the exact detail. And on his supermove on diabolic esper, it one-shots any enemy if you have a high enough level to use it. The problem is, in this universe, the power needed to do the move would cause massive damage to the user, so he would lose a couple hundred points or so, maybe less.)
I walk around the School, checking out some classes. I take out some Class E's people. My Time Twister leveling up to a Diabolic Esper. Yes! I soon take out some Class D's. I walk back to Class F, sleeping on the Table.
Roth had been staring out the window of class A looking at the clouds roll by being distracted as always, his attention didn't even take note of the impromptu battle that just went on right near him. He had always been a distracted and aloof person but if you asked him a question he would be bluntly honest, that's the way that Roth was. He finally came back to reality as he looked around and saw Haku kneeling on the ground, not even caring he let out a sigh and kicked back in his chair and practically just stared at her, not rudely but just inquiringly.
walking in to the building late he sits with class f and gives each of them heating packs " try not to get frost bite" he says softly to the one shrouding himself from the cold
(My special is different from his. Doesn't cause damage to user and doesn't one shot at all. But it does deal out massive damage considering how high my language level is.)

Takara looks back up at Momoko. "R-really? Yay! Otaku buddy!" Takara yelled out laughing and seemingly having a fun time. "Huh? that's weird, I kinda feel a disturbance. It feels somewhat..diabolic. Wait a minute...Did my brother just...?!" Takara said with a chill being sent up his spine.
"Huh?" Haku quickly snapped her head up to the classmates surrounding her, along with the ones spectating at a distance. With a bright blush, she crawled from the floor to her seat and shifted to sit in it again. Instead of being interesting, her book served as a shield now.
Momo grinned and let Tamara enjoy his fun. "Finally! I found another Otaku besides myself!!", she thought to herself. "A disturbance?? What kind of disturbance??" Momo's expression went from elated to confused when it was clear that something was up. "Takara, what's wrong?", she asked him, sounding a bit concerned.

Takumi Satoshi

(Sorry for the rushed post, I had no idea this had started...)

"From all the possible days my alarm chooses to die off today seems to be his choice, just my luck..." Takumi thought in disbelief as he took his textbooks out of his locker. "Well, I guess that it was bound to happen. I mean, I had that piece of work for what, three years now? Man, it will be sad to throw it into the trash...Or maybe I could fix it!"

Takumi's melancholic thoughts about his alarm clock were suddenly interrupted by the dazzling view of class A. Never in all of his life had Takumi seen such an architectural masterpiece, only in pictures and painting, but those didn't even hold a candle to what he was seeing. But this glorious sight also awoke Takumi's curiosity: If this was the best the school could offer, then how did class F look like?

"Meh, I guess it couldn't be THAT bad" Takumi thought as he made a mental note to check out the rest of the classes later. "Right now I have to focus on what's in front of me, and boy is it beautiful..." He thought before taking a seat on the front row and opening a textbook "...I think I might be able to get used to this..." Takumi whispered to himself.​
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walking into class A he pokes haku and looks at her with kitten eyes that say can i have some pudding, she can even see it in his eyes. " i did good today, please.." he asked holding his hands together as if praying
Roth looked at the girl who was surounded by the fellow classmates and rudely interected "Don't you think that your making too much of a fuss about this, and also, it's quite rude to make a girl feel embarassed on the first day don't you think." Roth got up from the chair he was sitting in and closed the laptop lid and walked over to Haku and placed his hand on her book and tilted it down a bit so that she could see him, and he see her as well, he liked the look of her red hair, it was pretty and suited her. "Why don't you come sit near me instead of being around these other fools who make a scene about every little thing, i promise i don't bite."

AikoMomone said:
Momo grinned and let Tamara enjoy his fun. "Finally! I found another Otaku besides myself!!", she thought to herself. "A disturbance?? What kind of disturbance??" Momo's expression went from elated to confused when it was clear that something was up. "Takara, what's wrong?", she asked him, sounding a bit concerned.
"Me and my brother feel certain disturbances when one of us has a power surge..The disturbance i felt now was a diabolical surge which can only mean one thing. And if it means what I think it does, then we're in trouble." I said to Momoko with a little tone of worry in my voice.
the boy looked at the giant infront of him and got scared and just stared his mouth open yet drooling his eyes still looking like he is begging for food
"Oh dear...should we go investigate?", Momoko asks Takara. The words "diabolical surge" didn't sound good to her at all. She felt like she may have to battle Add, but she wasn't too worried about that. Her score in art is pretty good. "Me and my shoukanjuu is ready if we have to battle! I'm quite good at art!"
"Huh?" Haku blushed a bit as she looked away. She didn't expect for someone to defend her about... anything. It reminded her, then and there, of an old friend. And it was one she regretted meeting.

"O-Oh, uh...." She sat up straight and closed her book, scratching the back of her head as she looked away. "Well I did just have a Summoner Battle.... and I almost lost to someone from Class F. Plus I laid on the floor like a weirdo. So I guess they had a bit of a right..." Her attention then quickly shot back up to the young man above her. "B-But I do appreciate your help!"

She then looked at the young at her other side. "Hey, are you alright?"
alex the fox]the boy looked at the giant infront of him and got scared and just stared his mouth open yet drooling his eyes still looking like he is begging for food [/QUOTE] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11103-las0r0o7/ said:
his snapps out of it and looks at her his mouth still drooling his eyes showing he wanted food. but yet he said nothing.
I put my hands on Momoko's shoulder's and looked her in the eyes. "Momoko, you CAN'T battle Add under any circumstances. That diabolical surge could do more devastation than anyone imagines. The last thing I want is you getting hurt." I said blushing and realizing what I was doing and saying. "Y-you know, cause you're my otaku buddy, can't let you die on me!!!" I said followed by a nervous laugh.
standing up devon now is much taller instead of normal size chibi him and heads towards ((@Son of Crota )) and tilts up his glasses he just took out " i may be of assistance if she gets in a fight with him" he said his eyes normal " but i have one condition"
Roth looked over to Devon and stared with his cold light green/teal eyes "Is there something you wanted, if so just say it, its rather annoying to look at someone quite dumbly like that." His attention returned to Haku who had already closed her book before he realized it after being distracted by the other person "Nothing dictates the right to ostracize someone like that, and even if you did almost lose to an F class, you just haven't gotten used to you avatar yet, and don't worry about it, some things just need to be brought up, sometimes rudely."

(if your addressing me please tag me so i know who to respond to ^^ it helps in the long run))

@alex the fox @KittyKiero
Momone blushed some as Takara looked directly into her eyes. She sighed and then smiled at him cheerfully. "I understand how powerful your brother is. That's why I can't let you face him alone! Besides, I'm not really gonna die if he beats me." She chuckles some and then continues. "I'll be taken away by Iron Man though..."
Haku took in his statement then, slowly nodding as she began to understand. It was his way of thinking, after all. And it was making sense.

"I see... you're right." The redhead smiled and gave a quick nod once more. "Thanks so much!"

Her eyes then jumped back to her other side. He was.... hungry?

Wait.... just what exactly was with him?


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