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Graded [Azuran City] Corruption and Riches Pt. I


Bosco nods thoughtfully at Kasumi’s response. It may be a bit cliched, but street orphans wouldn’t have much better to do than keep an eye on things around their community. It seems unlikely that someone of the Lord Constable’s status would heed their words personally, but maybe an advisor… Well, it would be best to keep a low profile, regardless. Bosco turns to Lucian and, his words failing him, he can only watch as Lucian makes a theatrical display out of taking the satchel from Bosco’s outstretched hand. Discretion suddenly seemed out of the question. A weary voice escapes Bosco’s lips. “Don’t do that again.” He turns back to Kasumi and nods at her final words. "Subtlety and good sense may prove to be impossible, but I'll try to keep an eye on him. For the sake of my things, at least."

He follows Lucian to the produce stall, looming behind him with a reticent expression. His eyes, unerring in their focus, pierce the merchant as he initiates the bargaining. Only when Cedric makes his presence known does Bosco turn away. “I thought you were taking a break. Did you… Did you follow us?”
Bosco turned to Lucian and, his words failing him, he can only watch as Lucian made a theatrical display out of taking the satchel from Bosco’s outstretched hand. Discretion suddenly seemed out of the question. A weary voice escapes Bosco’s lips. “Don’t do that again.” He turned back to Kasumi and nods at her final words. "Subtlety and good sense may prove to be impossible, but I'll try to keep an eye on him. For the sake of my things, at least."

Lucian for his part grinned and patted Bosco on the back, "Don't worry Bosco, you'll learn someday." Replying almost as if Bosco's comments had been self-depreciating as opposed to directed at Lucian.

Bosco followed Lucian to the produce stall, looming behind him with a reticent expression. His eyes, unerring in their focus, pierce the merchant as he initiates the bargaining. Only when Cedric makes his presence known does Bosco turn away. “I thought you were taking a break. Did you… Did you follow us?”

Cedric, standing upright with his customary butler-like posture, looked a little chagrinned and blushed looking between Bosco and Lucian. "You see Master Bosco, when I returned to the manor, the walls were bleeding again despite my best efforts to stop the flow of blood. Several of the crockery was on the floor and most of your cooking supplies in disarray. So I thought that since Master Lucian does occasionally require my assistance, even in matters such as these, I might as well join him. It is my duty to ensure everything goes smoothly, after all," he said, his voice calm and even. "And perhaps we could find an exorcist while we are out?"

The Halfling merchant, noticing the dynamic between the three, coughed discreetly. "Best I can do is...," he said, addressing Lucian while casting a wary glance at Cedric and Bosco. "35 Rykes for four bags, and I'll throw in a bunch of those fresh herbs on the house, seems like you need 'em. Will that suffice, sir?"

Lucian smiled, pleased with the negotiation's outcome. "That sounds reasonable," he replied, placing the coins on the merchant's counter. "Cedric, would you?"

With a practiced grace, Cedric lifted basket. Lucian walked over and put the bags into the basket. Oddly enough the basket didn't seem to get heavier. Cedric continued to hold it as if there was no weight in there at all. Peering into it, Lucian looked up and winked at Bosco.

As they moved away from the stall, Lucian leaned in slightly to Cedric, speaking in a hushed tone. "Thank you, Cedric. Your presence, as always, is invaluable. Even if you came back because you were afraid of our house."

Cedric simply nodded, his face betraying no emotion. "It's my pleasure, sir. Where to next?"

"How's that? Now where did you want to go to next? Sounds like we should pick up some holy candles, holy water, maybe salt as well? What did you have on your list?"
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Kasumi school 3.png
Kasumi Kagu
Character Grade - C

Title(s): Human, Rogue, Kunoichi, Inquisitive, Adventurer E

Mentions: gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Qu-Ce Qu-Ce
Notes: While not in combat skill that do not deal damage have no cooldown. Please try and refrain from taking control of the NPCs XD


While the group in the market were doing whatever they were doing, Kasumi walked into the first apothecary shop and instantly covered her nose at the smell of rotten eggs. This place must sell or sulfer. She thought to herself as she pinched her nose trying to get rid of some of the smell. As she walked up to the counter, an old woman with several worst on her nose and a clip to cover her nose appeared from the back room. Though the woman didn't seem at all concerned about the smell of the place. However, that could just be because she was used to the smell at this point.

"Hello, welcome to Madaline's Vials, I'm the shopkeeper Madaline. Now Miss, I don't think I have seen you around these parts before. So what can I assist you with?" Madaline smiled as she greeted Kasumi and leaned on the counter. The woman's silver hair was pulled back into a rather sloppy bun which looked more like a rat's nest than hair. Along the walls were jars and ingredients of all kinds. Her amber-colored eyes seemingly scanned Kasumi as she stood there.

"Yes, I'm looking for these ingredients do you happen to have them? I need them for a project," Kasumi inquired as she handed over the list her voice more nasally than normal thanks to her pinched nose. Madaline looked the list over and nodded her head before disappearing to the back room once again leaving Kasumi alone to explore the room. As she walked around the room there were jars upon jars some of them holding what used to be living creatures that would be used for potions and other things though her face showed obvious disgust with seeing it all.

After a few moments, there was a shuffling sound as the old woman came back out with a bag of the ingredients, "All the ingredients are here, some of these are dangerous if not prepared correctly so do keep that in mind. Don't need you accidently mess your project up or get someone hurt. Don't need that kind of attention for my shop," Madaline cackled her laugh cutting through the air like butter. Kasumi nodded her head and put the rykes down on the table before grabbing the bag and leaving the shop. Meanwhile, Madaline watched her leave and walk down the street.

In the market as the group had picked up the bags they had purchased, there were a few children who could be seen watching the group. When the trio would get close to one they would simply stand up and walk in a different direction. A young girl and a boy could be seen whispering in the corner though they were too far away to hear what they were talking about. Though it seemed like they were being watched for something.

It was about that time Kasumi with the bag safely stored in her pack returned to the market, the smell of sulfer lingering on her clothes to which she wanted to burn. "Did you guys get the supplies you wanted? I got the ingredients here-" Kasumi paused for a moment as she noticed the children and then looked at Lucian the one who no doubt drew attention somehow. "Whats with all the orphans?" Kasumi whispered as she lowered her voice keeping an eye on one of them watching from a stall behind Lucian.
Lucian leaned over and whispered to Bosco, "If you want to sneak away and get what you want, now would be the time." Lucian reverse pick-pocketed Bosco, dropping a bag fat with rykes into Bosco's pocket.

Seeing the kids come like rats in a burning building, Lucian wasn't entirely surprised. Indeed, he'd never intended to keep a low profile. The magician's game was hiding in plain sight. He'd never be as a good as Kasumi nor as buttoned up as Bosco, but he could draw attention away from them. With a flick of his hand, an apple appeared. With a flick of his other hand another apple appeared. They were golden and seemed to glow when the sun caught them. They made for an excellent distraction. The pair became a quad, as Lucian juggled them in the air.

"Now, who is ready to see the greatest show on earth?" Lucian winked when he saw Kasumi coming his way.
The bustling market, which had been filled with the chatter of merchants and customers, began to shift in energy as Lucian commenced his performance. People stopped in their tracks to gaze at the man effortlessly juggling golden apples that seemed to shimmer with their own internal light. Whispers spread through the crowd like wildfire, drawing more and more attention to the display.

"Step right up, good people of the town! Come see the marvels of the world, tricks your eyes won't believe!" Lucian's voice boomed, with the natural flair of a showman.

As if on cue, Lucian dramatically made one of the apples disappear, only for it to reappear in his other hand. With another swift motion, a bouquet of vivid flowers sprang out from his sleeve, which he gallantly presented to a wide-eyed child from the audience. The crowd gasped, a few people clapped.

Utilizing his Dimensional Fingers, Lucian continued to dazzle the gathering, pulling out random items from thin air. A small, colorful bird flew out from his hands and perched momentarily on a nearby stall before vanishing. A trail of glittering coins flowed from his fingers, bouncing on the cobblestones and trying to draw the attention of the orphans even more.

Nearby, Cedric stood vigilant, discreetly watching over Lucian from a short distance. Though he maintained his impeccable butler demeanor, there was a subtle gleam of admiration in his eyes for his master's impeccable showmanship. While ensuring Lucian's safety, Cedric was also tasked with managing the coins and trinkets Lucian dispersed to maintain the illusion.

"Sir," Cedric murmured under his breath as he approached Lucian's side, careful not to interrupt the performance, "would you like me to arrange a pathway for the orphans? Perhaps lead them to a space where they can watch without obstructions?"

Lucian, without missing a beat in his juggling, whispered back, "Do that, Cedric. And perhaps have a small treat or coin prepared for each of them. Let's give them a day they won't forget."

Nodding, Cedric gracefully made his way through the crowd, subtly trying to direct the orphans and other onlookers to a more open area. If they moved, they would hopefully leave a clear path for Bosco and Kasumi to proceed without being noticed.

Lucian saw the opportunity and skillfully began moving, still juggling, trying to lead the crowd with him, drawing them further from the main market and closer to the quieter streets. Like the pied piper of lore, he tried to get the orphans and many townsfolk to follow, enthralling them with stage magic and sleight of hand.

OOC: Because I'm quite enjoying myself, I'll use 1/4 Luck points to help give me an edge here. Here's Lucian will use Wealth E as well both in terms of items and props to wow and bribe the audience, but Cedric is an Asset E from Wealth E as well.

Lucian combos [Game Master] and [Dimensional Fingers[ to read the crowd and try and manipulate the orphans in particular with all the panche of David Copperfield. Like the pied piper, he will lure them down the street and away from Kasumi and Bosco.

Dimensional Fingers: Grade D - (Effectiveness 10; Int B5/Precision B5, Pocket Dimension D3, Sleight of Hand E2/F1, Wealth E2). Sleight of Hand F, Insight F, Pocket Dimension D, Wealth E. Using precise movements, insight into those around him, and his pocket dimension, Lucian is able to steal or play with items around him to make random items appear (basic gear, etc) or disappear (taking a watch or key) without others noticing.

Game Master: Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown (Effectiveness 9; Intelligence B5, Wealth E2, Gaming E2). Insight F, Gaming F, Sleight of Hand F. He has keen insight into all games and excels at those games of chance most of all; however, no games are purely chance. Reading ones opponents is a key part of success. Able to see and understand his opponent, predict their next moves, and excel at games.
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By the time Bosco registers the words Lucian had for him and the weight that had settled into his pocket, the show was already starting. It’s too late to stop it, but that’s likely for the best, anyway. No matter what he did now, Lucian had already made a spectacle of himself when he chose what to wear this morning.

As Kasumi approaches, Bosco’s face scrunches up slightly. It’s good that she picked up the reagents; no respectable chef would let someone into their kitchen smelling like that. “We’ve made no progress on anything except groceries, courtesy of Lucian and Cedric’s extensive haggling. But-” Bosco grasps the coin pouch in his pocket and shakes it slightly, the metal coins jingling together merrily, “I’ve been given an allowance. We should start with clothes. No buggy driver would wear… that. And he still has my bag, so I'll need a new one to actually carry things,” Bosco watches the crowd, waiting for the perfect opportunity to leave. Soon enough, he walks away to find the clothes market.

After Kasumi and Bosco sufficiently distance themselves from the crowd, Bosco pauses abruptly in a relatively quiet part of the market. "Let me see your bag for a moment. I should make sure that the things you picked up are quality." [Appraisal E, Alchemy/Medicine D]

Kasumi school 3.png
Kasumi Kagu
Character Grade - C

Title(s): Human, Rogue, Kunoichi, Inquisitive, Adventurer E

Mentions: gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Qu-Ce Qu-Ce
Notes: While not in combat skill that do not deal damage have no cooldown. Please try and refrain from taking control of the NPCs XD


Kasumi heard Lucian as she wasn't sure of what was going to happen in his head. They seemed to have made quite the attention in the market if there was an army of orphans who simply came out of the woodwork. Kasumi couldn't help but wonder what had caused the whole scene though she gave Lucian the what did you do look before running her hand through her hair. There wasn't much she could do besides letting Lucian try to do what he had in his mind. She had a feeling once he was set on doing something it wasn't going to be easy to change his mind.

She watched as the plan was slowly getting put together, though to be honest even she didn't know what was going on inside that head of his. As the crowd started to follow Lucian and Cedric started to lead the children away from the other two. Which left Kasumi shaking her head as Bosco explained the situation to her and what they had accomplished thus far. "Well I suppose it was a little too much to expect Lucian to not attract attention to himself, though I think that's what he does best at this point," she chuckled as she stopped a few feet from Bosco. "Well I suppose we should get more normal clothes for him, I managed to get the rare ingredients from the apothecaries," she concluded.

Meanwhile, with Lucian and Cedric Lucian had managed to get a vast majority of the orphans to follow him to the performance. The ones that did seemed to be completely enthralled by the show they were now receiving. There were a few however that did stay behind, though they quickly moved onto other things a few of them went back to sitting along the street. A few of them disappeared from sight and a few of them went back to selling random things along the sides of the road. There was one or two of them selling papers.

“You move quickly,” Bosco says, nodding appreciatively. “Let’s get as much done as we can while the complications have pulled each other away.” Bosco sets out for the clothes market with a brisk stride. Making themselves look the part was the most important part of preparation that needs to be done, and one of the easiest to accomplish. It’s not hard to find an abundance of simple clothes that would be expected of a servant in a market the size of Azuran’s, or a barber to change their style. And unless Lucian would be expected to provide his own maintenance on his buggy, any occupational tools are likely already provided by the Lord Constable’s estate.

That leaves tools for their private use. Large enough drafting paper to map out the mansion and draft plans on it, infiltration tools, and, of course, the ingredients Kasumi had already procured. …And while they’re out, some holy water or talismans might actually be worth picking up, just in case. Bosco stops in front of a clothing store, and turns to Kasumi. “How long are we planning to stay here? I’d rather not go overboard.
After performing an array of spectacular tricks and engaging the crowd with his charismatic banter, Lucian gracefully wrapped up his performance with a grand finale. With a dramatic flourish, he conjured a burst of colorful powder and even put some flour into his mouth to ignite to spit flame into the air. Bowing deeply, he thanked the crowd for their enthusiastic participation and encouraged the orphans to come forward to receive a small token of appreciation from Cedric.

As the children excitedly collected their treats and coins, Lucian made his way out of the crowd, leaving them buzzing with excitement and wonder. Cedric, ever the consummate professional, ensured that each child received their gift before quickly catching up to Lucian.

The pair wandered through the market, Lucian's eyes scanning the stalls for a vendor selling fine spirits and cigars. Finally, he spotted a stall with an array of bottles displayed, some of which he recognized as top-shelf whiskey. Approaching the stall with a confident stride, he greeted the merchant with a warm smile.

"Good day, sir. I am in search of a bottle of your finest E-grade whiskey and a selection of quality tobacos. Might you have any recommendations?"

Kasumi school 3.png
Kasumi Kagu
Character Grade - C

Title(s): Human, Rogue, Kunoichi, Inquisitive, Adventurer E

Mentions: gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Qu-Ce Qu-Ce
Notes: While not in combat skill that do not deal damage have no cooldown. Please try and refrain from taking control of the NPCs XD


As Kasumi and Bosco made their way past the various stalls, Kusumi looked over her shoulder every now and then and every so often caught a set of small eyes peeping around one thing or another. Looking forward, she continued to follow her conspirator. "Well I do like to be efficient the longer you put something off the more things that seem to get added on," Kasumi smirked as she shifted her gaze toward Bosco for a moment. As the two stopped in front of the store, Kasumi glanced at the name which made it obvious that it was a clothing store.

She looked back over her shoulder and caught the same set of eyes again, though it was a little too far to discern any features. But based on the height it would have to be a child or a dwarf or some kind of smallfolk like that. When Bosco asked his question, she leaned in a little and dropped her voice to a whisper. "We got someone following us, but as to your question, well I would say the sooner we are out of the markets the better," she concluded before walking into the clothing store. I wonder if we can even get Lucian to wear one of these plain outfits. She thought to herself.

"Though I think we are about to come up against our greatest challenge yet getting Lucian into plain clothes," Kasumi chuckled as she pulled out some clothes that would fit a buggy driver though they were rather plain and grey colored. Biting her lip she looked around to see if there was anything else that she might be able to get the man in. "Say, you don't think he is going to get lost do you?" She inquired glancing back over at Bosco.

Meanwhile elsewhere in the market as Lucian stopped at the cigar and spirits stall. The Half elf tender looked Lucian up and down for a moment. Closing his eyes for a moment as he pondered the question. "Well I would say the finest E-grade whisky I have is the Fae Goldfield whiskey. As for the tobacco well that is bit more difficult I do have a box of various kinds for 10 rykes. The box itself holds 10 cigars and the whisky itself is 10 rykes as well," the tender spoke.

Bosco watches sidelong at Kasumi as she casts glances to their rear, and when she says they’re being followed, his expression darkens. Unless Kasumi was followed all the way from the apothecary, I must have been seen with Lucian. “That’s great,” he says dryly. “Let’s just get what we need here and move on.”

Keeping his eyes facing forward, he heads into the clothing store and quickly scans through a number of the assorted clothing racks, picking out a couple of simple, plain outfits and an apron. He didn't see any hairnets, but... this should at least be enough for work in a private kitchen. He looks across the racks at what Kasumi picked out for Lucian and lets out a weary sigh. “That does seem difficult. Though considering the station of who we’ll be working for, the outfit won’t have to be cheap. The first impression for anyone seeing his transport won’t be his own person, it’ll be his vehicle and its driver, on the outside. We can’t justify anything ostentatious, but maybe it will be enough for Lucian as long as the outfit is well-made.”

Bosco lowers his head, resting his chin in his hand, as he ponders this. It seemed like wishful thinking at this point, but that bridge can’t be crossed until they reach it. Best not to spend undue energy on it for now. “At any rate, maybe it’s better if he does get lost. We don’t want a parade marching on our home. We can find him if we need to, and it’s better if we’re there to stop him from doing anything stupid. Not that it worked this time… I'll help pick out Lucian's outfit, and then we can just wander until we get some privacy back. Whoever it is that's watching will lose interest eventually.”
Lucian, always one to appreciate a good recommendation, nodded appreciatively at the merchant's suggestion.

"Ah, Fae Goldfield whiskey, an excellent choice. I'll take a bottle of that, and the box of various tobaccos as well. However, I am also inquiring on behalf of a friend..." Lucian frowned, "Or at least I hope the Lord Commander will become one. I know he's a bit of a connoisseur, and I'd like to get him something special. Do you have any cigars that are particularly unique or sought after? Is he a cigar man or a pipe user?"

As Lucian conversed with the merchant, Cedric stood a little ways off, keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings. Lucian used Cedric as a prop as much as anything in this situation, hopefully lending credibility that Lucian operated in the Lord Commander's circle. After this, would be the fun part...gambling away huge sums of money to better cement his cover identity. Leaving the city in humiliation after squandering and gambling away money would be a good way to draw cover, Lucian decided.

And after the job, like all good sharks, a great way to win back even more. Lucian's eyes glittered as he kept up his facade of the pampered young rich lordling.

Kasumi school 3.png
Kasumi Kagu
Character Grade - C

Title(s): Human, Rogue, Kunoichi, Inquisitive, Adventurer E

Mentions: gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Qu-Ce Qu-Ce
Notes: While not in combat skill that do not deal damage have no cooldown. Please try and refrain from taking control of the NPCs XD


Once they were in the store Kasumi let her shoulders slump down and relax a bit. So long as they were in a building she knew they wouldn't have to worry about being watched. Though she was starting to get the feeling that they should start to leave the market as soon as they could. After all they did have other tasks they need to complete before the day was over. There was still plenty of planning that needed to happen and more information to gather. She glanced over at Bosco as he spoke, "While that is true, typically nobles don't like being outshined by their staff." She pointed out before moving through the rows of clothes seeing what was all available. "They will get bored sooner or later but lets just get what we need and leave the market. I'm sure as you said Lucian will find his own way back and hopefully without a parade behind him," Kasumi agreed.

Meanwhile at the stall, "The Lord Constable? I doubt I have anything in stock for him, we tends have people go to the high market in the nobles quarters. Don't think I can be of much help with that. I haven't seen the man before at least not up and close. He doesn't really come to this part of the city unless its for work," the merchant spoke as he pulled out a pipe and ignited the tobacco inside taking a deep breath. As Cedric stood off to the side he would be able to see a pair of eyes watching them. Though unlike before this child had a large scar across his face as he sat on the side of a street and took a bit of an apple. The boy made no attempt to hide any of this it was almost like a challenge.

Back in the clothing shop, "I think I'm going to head back to the Noble Quarter are you coming or do you need to pick up more stuff?" Kasumi inquired as her light blue eyes shifted toward her conspirator. She figured Lucian would come back with some random stuff if nothing else and they did need to gather information from the staff and the building itself. Kasumi was eager to see if they could learn more of the layout.

“If you’re done in the market, I’ll pick up a few other things that could be useful myself and then head back on my own. I was planning to visit a barber, but I’d rather save that for later if someone’s watching me.” Having already picked out his own clothes, Bosco occupies himself by absentmindedly scanning the clothing racks as he converses with Kasumi. “Doesn’t really matter if I do it now or later since Lucian should also want a trim.”

Their immediate plans set, Bosco walks up to the counter and pays for his clothes from the coin pouch Lucian had given him earlier, then waits outside for Kasumi. “Since you’re heading back, hold onto these for me,” he says, holding out the clothes toward her. “I won’t be long.” The moment she takes the clothes from him, Bosco turns around and heads deeper into the market, looking for a general store, and keeping an eye and ear open for the person following himself and Kasumi. Drafting paper, hooded lanterns, a crowbar… It should be simple enough to find those things, and then he can head back and start the planning in earnest.
After a bit more banter and negotiation, Lucian, with a respectful nod to the merchant, wrapped up the conversation. "Thank you for your insights and your wares, good sir. I'm sure they'll be greatly appreciated."

Lucian turned to Cedric, handing him the purchased whiskey and cigars, and motioned subtly to the lad with the scar, watching them intently. "Cedric, see to it that the young gentleman there gets a golden apple," Lucian whispered discreetly. "We wouldn't want him to feel left out."

With a playful and indulgent smile at the young onlooker, Lucian wandered off, making a few additional, smaller purchases before heading towards a well-known bathhouse in search of a relaxing, private bath. From there, Lucian paid extra for hours of privacy, before he swapped over to his Alternative Identity and excused himself a few minutes later as a servant out to procure some random curio for his master.

Cedric, understanding his instructions clearly, approached the young observer with a composed yet gentle demeanor. He extended the golden apple towards the boy, his gaze unwavering but kind. "For you, young sir."

Once the exchange was done, Cedric set off to complete the rest of the assigned tasks, meticulously selecting the groceries and purchasing the anti-haunting candles and incense before making his way back to the manor, his posture straight, his steps measured, ensuring that all was in order for their plans to proceed.

OOC: Using [Dimensional Disappearance] to swap over to [Master of Disguise: Bill the Buggy Drive] and then wanders off back towards the Manor.

Dimensional Disappearance: Grade D/E - 1/0 Post Cooldown (Effectiveness 8/7/6; Int B5/Speed C4 -- Catalyst E/Light Armor E, Pocket Dimension D3/E2, Magic D3/E2 (self or AOE 15') with Sleight of Hand E2, Insight F. Using precise movements, insight into those around him, and his pocket dimension, Lucian sneaks away, disappearing and dodging potential attacks back stepping backwards into his Pocket Dimension. With a bit of extra work and their consent, he can take others nearby with him.

Ability Name: "Master of Disguise: Bill the Buggy Driver". Alternate Identify E - Bill, Gear F - Buggy Driver, Servant's, Asset F - Peasant Relationships, Insight F (Int D), Sleight of Hand F.

  • Alternate Identity E - Bill:
    • Name: Bill
    • Description: A cheerful, older man resembling actor Bill Murray, with a youthful twinkle in his eyes. Known for his jovial disposition and sharp humor, he's a well-liked figure among the common folk.
    • Titles: [Buggy Driver], [Servant]
  • Gear F - Buggy Driver, Servant's Skill:
    • Bill is equipped with everything needed to be the best buggy driver and servant. This includes a well-maintained buggy, harnesses, driving attire (dark green uniform with white piping), and tools for care and maintenance of the buggy and horse (Juniper).
  • Asset F - Peasant Relationships:
    • Bill has cultivated deep relationships with the peasants and commoners. His friendly demeanor and long-standing presence in the community have earned their trust and respect.
  • Insight E (Int B):
    • Bill has a keen eye for detecting lies and true intentions. His years of interacting with various strata of society have sharpened his ability to read body language and speech patterns. He can often predict someone's next move or sniff out a falsehood.
  • Sleight of Hand F (Precision B):
    • Though not a professional magician, Bill's superior manual dexterity allows him to perform "magic" tricks and entertain others. He can also palm small objects or cheat at cards, though he likely uses these skills more for amusement than malicious intent.
Usage and Benefits:This ability allows the character to seamlessly integrate into the society of commoners, both as a trustworthy servant and a beloved community figure. Whether driving the buggy, entertaining with sleight-of-hand, or subtly gaining insights from those around him, Bill's alternate identity serves as a valuable tool for various missions or adventures.

Kasumi school 3.png
Kasumi Kagu
Character Grade - C

Title(s): Human, Rogue, Kunoichi, Inquisitive, Adventurer E

Mentions: gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Qu-Ce Qu-Ce
Notes: While not in combat skill that do not deal damage have no cooldown. We are in the final round!


When the apple was handed to the boy, he took it and watched as Cedric went about his business. Taking a large bite out of the apple the boy stood up and walked down a shaded alleyway leaving the two to complete whatever they were doing. Lucian and Cedric would take note of the absence of the army of children in the area they were in. The place had been booming with them earlier now they were nowhere to be seen except for a couple here and there. However, the rest of their trip in the market would be rather uneventful as they quickly finished their tasks before returning to the base of operations.

Meanwhile, Kasumi nodded and took the clothes Bosco handed her. "Okay, I'll drop them off by the townhouse before going about my business," She replied nodding her head and heading back out at the door. With the clothes now in hand, she made her way back to the townhouse walking inside the door and toward the kitchen she set the clothes down before turning on her heels and walking back out to the street. Well, I suppose it's time to look into the servants I suppose while the others are gathering everything up. She thought to herself as she smiled and walked back out the door.

Over the next several hours, Kasumi talked to several people and watched the manor they were going to be targeting from afar and from a cafe that sat across the street. She had been here several times and would be considered a regular by now. However, the time hadn't been wasted as she managed to get enough information that she was confident that they could at least get hired by the Lord Constable. Though there was still much sitting in the back of her mind as she needed to know more they would be able to get more intimate details of the manor once they were inside.

As the sun slowly started to set over the city Kasumi returned to the townhouse softly humming a tune to herself as she stepped through the threshold.
"Well I got some good news," Kasumi grinned from ear to ear as she walked over to one of the couches and sat down crossing her legs. "I think I got enough information to get us in the manor after that we will need to do some more work. But we should be able to accomplish our goals," She stated resting her head on the back of the couch and closing her eyes.

When Kasumi enters the townhouse, Bosco is lying back on the couch, letting the dwindling sunlight from the window streaming over his face. At her words, he opens his eyes and leans forward. “So it’s time, then. When you’re doing the paperwork, put down the name Edmund Hayles.” He considered asking her what work she had in mind for after they get into the manor, but… “Well, you’re probably tired by now. We can go over everything after dinner.”

Bosco pushes himself up from the couch and retreats to the kitchen, where he dons the apron he had purchased earlier in the day. “Well, time to see what we’re stocked with…”
Waltzing downstairs, Lucian finished drying off his hair. "We picked up ingredients for an apple pie, I figured you might like to make it for us." He grinned, tossing the towel back over his shoulder and into his pocket dimension without a glance backward. Lucian was in a nice purple velvet evening robe and pajama pants, a bit of his bare chest showing. He snatched a glass of whiskey from his pocket dimension as he descended the last stair.

"We tried the [Heavenly Candles] upstairs and they do seem to stop the walls from bleeding for awhile. Incense worked pretty well with the strange whispering behind the walls." As he walked into the kitchen to sit at the table, he eased back into the chair, sipping again at his recently acquired [Whiskey E, Fae Goldfield]. He glanced at the flakes of golden wheat, at least he assumed they were some sort of magical golden wheat similar to Goldschlaeger in his past life, just magical.

He set the bottle in the center of the table along with four more cups. "I tried out my alternate identity today, seemed to work well. Should be fine to put me down as Bill." He glanced at Bosco, "As Bill was too poor for a sername."

Bosco glances towards Lucian and then turns his attention back to the cabinets, his eyes scanning the ingredients Lucian had picked up this afternoon, as well as the ones he had brought back this morning. “You want me to skip dinner and make dessert, even after skipping lunch?” He lets the question hang silently in the air for a short moment, then responds to it himself before Lucian has the chance to, shaking his head to emphasize “No chance. I’m no patissier, at any rate.”

Bosco leans forward and reaches into the cabinet, pulling out a cut of ground lamb and setting it on the counter, and then a bag of potatoes, which he then starts peeling with a paring knife taken from the knife block beside the stove. The soft sound of his knife flitting over the vegetable escapes the kitchen. While his movements are swift and efficient, it is nevertheless clear from the amount of peeling to be done that it’ll be a while until the job’s done.

He's making shepherd's pie, feel free to just advance to after he made it if it flows better. I only end the post here because I feel someone else (most likely Cedric) would offer to assist at this step.

Kasumi school 3.png
Kasumi Kagu
Character Grade - C

Title(s): Human, Rogue, Kunoichi, Inquisitive, Adventurer E

Mentions: gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Qu-Ce Qu-Ce
Notes: Part I has concluded Part II coming Soon!


Kasumi nodded her head as she picked herself up off the couch. Scratching the back of her neck she made her way to the table, as she pulled out several papers and then wrote in the names the two would be using and then she slid the paperwork into envelopes and sealed it with a wax seal and then left them to dry by the edge of the table. As Lucian sat the alcohol down at the table and spoke she couldn't help but smirk. "Well all the paperwork is ready all I have to do is hand over the letters when we arrive. A small reminder I'm playing a new family that recently rose to noble status. The two of you are servants that came with me to the academy here and now that we are on break, we are looking for work to keep us busy," Kasumi reminded the two before folding her arms across her chest.

Over the next several hours food and drink were passed around, the next morning was going to be the start of the next phase of their plan. The group was going to need to rely on each other in the coming days.

For me to know and you all to find out :p

RewardsKasumi- 65 points
Acquired Optional Title - [Contributor] - This character has contributed to a group action or has become a member of a group and has contributed to a group task in some way.

Bosco - 80 Points
Acquired Optional Title - [Contributor] - This character has contributed to a group action or has become a member of a group and has contributed to a group task in some way.

Lucian - 60 Points
Acquired Optional Title- [Father of the Children's Parade] - This character, for better or worse has made an impression on the orphans in Azuran. This character is known to start parades in the streets.
Acquired Optional Title - [Contributor] - This character has contributed to a group action or has become a member of a group and has contributed to a group task in some way.

mentions: Qu-Ce Qu-Ce gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Novama Novama

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