Azae - A World At War - Out of Character Chat

Zuka said:
If it needs embellishing I understand enough of Rufus I'll fill in the gaps if you like?
I won't do anything crazy just cute stuff c:
Im fine with everything :)

Cute stuff is always nice
[QUOTE="King Ad Rock]Garnerge doesn't seem to be the one to enjoy leafy greens. xD

My thoughts exactly.
Alrighty then, hey everybody, I am here to lighten up your day with party poppers and hats. But for real, I was invited by Ad Rock to join the party over here and it seemed very well made. I think this will be a lot of fun.


So, without further ado I present to you..

A wall of text!
Name: Alexia Aresa

Nickname: Ally

Age: 19

Sexuality: Unexplored

Weapon of choice: Speech, Reasoning, Acceptance


Alexia Aresa (Ah-lex-ee-ah), Ally for friends, is an open-minded and pacifistic individual of Kildran descend. She will treat all people as equals, no matter their walk of life. This does get her into trouble with followers of The Defenders as she is a Kildran in Par Quan who refuses to view the Defenders as superior.

There is one thing she has favorites and “less favorites” in, and that is food. Alexia adores cheese for a reason she herself is unsure of. She is indifferent about the smell, shape or color of the cheese, but the taste is far better to her than any other types of food.

Even though she does have a favorite something, there is nothing she hates or dislikes as everything has a reason for happening. Some people view this as a very cold attitude, but it gives Alexia peace to think this way about life.

Because of her way of thinking Alexia’s greatest strength is something that is often overlooked in times of conflict, compassion and acceptance. The only thing she fear is that she will eventually be taken advantage of and be forced to make a choice she cannot make without regretting it.

Alexia believes in the words of Azae, the Five Ways. There is no reason for her to think about if the commands were really eroded or simply never there. She believes the Five Ways are a perfect moral code anyone should follow, regardless of belief.



Alexia has no distinctive facial features apart from her eyes. With a closer look you can make out that her eyes are in fact brown in color, but it’s such a dark brown that most people view it as completely black.

She has very long hair bound together at the base and end of her hair by into two ponytails. Also, her hair is pink because pollen from different plants found in the jungle stained her hair and clothes. The clothes could be thrown away so no problem there, but she had to dye her hair with a mixture from those plants to cover up the pink smudges. I should grow out, eventually.


Alexia wears a dark pink dress made of a silk-like fabric. The dress doesn’t go through fully and is cut off at both her hips resulting in two long parts of fabric at the front and back of the dress that reach just below her knees. The dress is held up at the front and back by a golden ring around her neck.

She wears a dark hood made of the same silk-like fabric over her head and shoulder. She will wrap the remaining fabric around her neck and face when it gets colder. Otherwise she will just hold it in whichever hand is free at the moment.

She wear pink harem pants that almost seem white in the right lighting. The pants are cut of at the top of her legs and held up by a golden ring around the fabric. This type of ring is also attached to the bottom of the pants, giving it the wide fit. Around the bottom rings are gold colored threads of fabric.

Alexia wears gold colored shoes with a line pattern around the opening. The shoes themselves resemble ballerina’s.


Alexia wear two golden bracelets around her arms with gold colored threads attached to one side of the jewelry. She wear a golden headpiece over her hood with a red gemstone placed at her forehead.

Around her waist is a thin belt with a golden symbol attached to it. She is unwilling to tell if it has any meaning, but seems uncomfortable when the subject is brought up.


Alexia was born and raised in one of the less fortunate villages outside of the safety Kein’s walls provided. There was no immediate danger from an outside force however, the dangers were the very people that lived in the village.

There was a lot of violence between Kildrans and Nomasdae, but at a young age Alexia didn’t have to see a lot of it. Her parents did a good job protecting their daughter’s innocence by keeping her inside whenever another, usually alcohol induced, fight broke out between the village people.

When she got older she started to see the reality of the world around her. Her parents couldn’t hide it from her forever, that would have been an impossible task. Between all this mayhem in the street Alexia saw a wounded child and the visual of an innocent child trapped in the middle of a chaos he didn’t create was the last straw.

So at the age of 16 she set of to the place with the most conflict about race, Par Quan. Once she reached the capital of The Free Republic she realized it wasn’t free at all. People were being harassed for the worst reason imaginable by a group people who viewed themselves as superior based on their own judgment.

Her task was clear. She would become a voice of kindness and would try her hardest to unity a city that was split up by hatred and fear of the unknown. And so she did. Alexia is 19 now and has been in and out of imprisonment for crimes that were pinned on her in an attempt to shut her up.

However, you cannot lock someone up without a good reason and the more you put someone away for vague charges, the more suspicious it seems. Alexia is now once again free by lack of evidence against her and immediately continued helping whoever she can, trying to make to world a better place. Step by step.
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Forgot to include the picture, whoops, also I am not great with the codes yet. But here is Alexia Aresa in all her glory, I guess?

Edit: Picture has been added to the sheet by Ad Rock, thanks ^^
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Hey everyone. Got so many posts to get to tonight. Not sure how many I'll get to before I go to work in twelve hours though. I swear, GMing this thread is like being in 5 RPs at once. OK so here we go:

@CharmyPie - I will write to you soon continuing right where you left off. I will take control of the masked man.

@Zuka @too much idea @Robyn Banks - Will definitely be writing more Leonard and Janer perspective either tonight or tomorrow morning (so 24 hours from this post)

@Lord Zanicus @Darkfeather21 - I will definitely get that small bit of NPC dialogue in to you by later tonight.

@Rengar - I can role as an NPC who helps Berk. What do you think?

@Edin - Definitely got Ziek's changed dialogue and more dialogue after that in for you by later today. Expect it in the next twelve hours.

@EmerySnowe - Start working on a second post detailing your character getting harassed/into it with the T'Odis who was angry at her while @Lakita and @Dirk Diggler finish up their conversation and hear it to come investigate.
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[QUOTE="King Ad Rock]- I will write to you soon continuing right where you left off. I will take control of the masked man.

Ayt, sweet heart :3
King Ad Rock] [URL=" said:
@Rengar[/URL] - I can role as an NPC who helps Berk. What do you think?
Sounds good. That seems like a plan to me.

A l o y s i u s

The Basilisk Of The Sands



Name: Aloysius Amon-Apophis 




The Basilisk

The Khamsin Roar

The War-Poet of Anahit

The Palest Nomasdae (Used as an insult)

His old name was Apep, but ever since he was "reborn" he refuses to share that name. 



Age: 35


Race: Believed to be Parshumain and Kildran. Unknown as due to the passing of his parents. He views himself as Nomasdae due being raised by a Nomasdae woman and with Nomasdae culture.


Advanced Information

Personality: Aloysius is a strange case of a man, outwardly apathetic to the world around him filled with politics and shadowy intrigue--He is not one for the political games of the land. Which kings and servile feudal lords own what land, own what people and own what church. He is not simple, but more often than not he takes very little regard of what crown lies on top of what head or what holy word desires his attention. This even tells of his disinterest in learning why conflicts continue for ideological reasons and the values that some nations hold, he understand only that passion burns bright and he is willing to spark the flames if he gets to see the flames burn bright and devour the small lights in the sky.

The only interest he gains from this political game is what conflicts he can exploit for his battle lust and desire to fight against stagnation.

(He could care very little about the cultural conflicts as well, such as the plight of slaves from past years)

His apathy is not his true nature, he is rather ambitious, quizzical and analytical. He seeks to continually fight for the rest of his life, causing conflict after conflict in order to seek an ascendant nature to where he can transcend the stagnation of peace and the lack of conflict. Aloysius is very apt with analyzing a plethora of clues in battle and human social events thus he is able to decipher the slightest of muscle movements as the start of an attack or a simple brush of one's nose. Despite this amazing skill to which he honed and trained for in the seediest scums of mercenaries there was.

He was never that book smart--thus he is rather dull when it comes to certain subjects. Mostly rights of succession, regency, political games, and history. However is learning, but at a very slow pace due to his lack of interest in such subjects--he is often chided because of his lack of understanding and it annoys him.

Aloysius made his life and living in war and battle since a young child. This tempered his nerves and solidified him beyond a man with and intense intent to kill and destroy his foes. Though some view him as a sadist and a scathing foe to fight once he has dominated the 'bout, he is not entirely so. He doesn't take joy from hurting his foes--only the idea of conquering them and watching them seek to win. For he desires to see the world as a place willing not to settle for stagnation.

Anahit is viewed differently by him as he allowed himself to take part in understanding the human mind and plight. To him Anahit is less a god of war and more a god of strife, continuation of passion, and giver of reasons. Aloysius believes that Anahit embodies these aspects for it considers what war is comprised of than just a battle. This leads into his value of battles, conflict, and desire to better one's self.

He highly respects anyone willing to improve upon themselves in the face of a challenge, he respects the passionate, the idealist, and those who take action. War is merely an event, but the aspects and values it brings out in those fighting inside of it are a wonder to him, it is where he can truly understand a man's heart. Not like society, to where he has a trouble of even understanding human emotions and reasoning. It is in the fires of war that humanity's frigid exteriors are shed and the burning soul is laid before the world--waiting to be either snuffed out or devour men whole, adding fuel to the flame.

Aloysius has trouble understanding the complexities of society, but this does not deter him for he understands what men are and thus he become much less a part of society, and more a user and exploiter of it. He cannot properly convey this feeling, but he describes it as a wall at the forefront of his mind--covering his eyes, mouth, and thoughts indiscriminately.

The is a deep sense of hatred for inactivity, inability to overcome, stagnation, homogeneity and social norms coming out to destroy his progression. His mercenary corps rumor that he once found peace, even marriage, after an event to where he killed his master mercilessly and viciously. But now? How knows how much is rumor is truth and lie, and how much the stillness of death and abyss reminds the soul of peace and tranquility in a different shade of light?  

Fears and Aspirations:


  • Peace and Stagnation
  • To lose purpose


  • To be rid of his "peace"
  • To be reborn by battle
  • To find his true purpose, to find his passion



Long ago there a man named Dennat' Irrah. A Parshumian/Kildran by blood and culture, born in a time of strife, hate, and war between Parshum and T'Odis. A sell-sword by trade, he had seen many a horrible act and many a man die in vain as war continued. From the shores of Parshum to the mainland of T'Odis's kingdom he fought. Meeting several warriors and gaining the trust of many people, one in particular was of notice. A Nomasdae woman by the name of Sekmet. She was once a slave who killed her master in fair combat, she gained her freedom this and unable to find place in the world she took up a seat in mercenary work.

The two met on the field of war, becoming good friends and one with unrequited feelings. It was when the Nomasdae were released after the Skirmishes and civil wars Dennat found a strange and alluring woman. Eventually marrying her.

Orphaned and 10 years his junior, the maiden's race and history was unknown. Dennat could have cared little for the past of the woman or her heritage. As the war and conflicts of the T'Odis and Parshumian died down he sough to return to his homeland, much to the dismay of his Nomasdae sister-in-arms. Unable to tell her true feelings, she sat at the waters edge while the ship sailed away without even being told that Dennat and the woman bore a child....


| Sekmet's Journal Entry |

It was when the half day ended I witnessed the clouds. From Azae to Vavos, to whatever god I could have prayed to, I wish for their travels to be safe. They swallowed the sky in a harrowing and engulfing maw of black and sullen grays. Blue hues and white lights shown through. It was as if Vavos and his very will slammed down his incoherent rage and dissatisfaction with my old friend.

Perhaps I wished it, or perhaps I did not--it matter not any more as I saw was for a brief moment of rain and monsoon may have been death's herald for my Dennat. My Dennat who proudly killed a hundred men in T'Odis. My Dennat that slew invaders on Parshum. My Dennat who was unkillable, had been slain not by sword--but abyssal maw of the Dark Sea. No honor for my Dennat who proudly wore blood and rage as a warrior of Anahit, but was a devout of the Tempests and Sea.

My Dennat was lost forever--there I sat waiting for a ship to return--Only driftwood and waterlogged supplies returned, but not Dennat. Not his pride, not his honor, not even his blade.

But the woman who stole the one man I loved in my life. Hold on to driftwood and child. As I looked at her leave this world, she handed me the young babe. The child of my Dennat.

Was this Anahit's insult to me? Was it Vavos tell me to accept a gift of his to my god? If so why does it feel like a betrayal?

As I write this the child coos and rocks, what am I to do with such a being my Dennat? I hate you. You forsaken me and now you leave me with not only an empty heart but also the burden--I wish to refuse, but I know deep down I cannot. He looks so much like her. So much like you. It inspires hate in me. It tempts me to run my blade through it's skull. And yet as I stare it in the eyes I hear my Anahit call to me. To turn this peace you once had and turn it into the warrior of Anahit you were not. That you refused to be.

This is my curse to you Vavos. To you my Dennat. To you family-less whore. I will make a monster out of your son. I will do unspeakable things to it. And offer it to Anahit to become it's avatar.

I am Sekmet, Daughter of Slaves, Daughter of Warriors, Daughter of the Devout and I curse you with your blessing.


|Sekmet's Journal Ends Here |


The youngling was later raised by Sekmet. A woman now scorned and turned hateful, but unable to let go. Thus it experienced a rather strange lifestyle as he grew. Sekmet would often berate him on weakness and force him to fight.<span>  </span>To become stronger and thus become a warrior worth of even being consider of Anahit's faithful. Sekmet was naturally solitary and their relationship was  so the two lived alone in the Deserts of Indoriaa. The sands often proved to be challenge to the boy.

She named the child Apep, a rather contemptible and obscure name. A legend from old Indoriaan culture that has been little lost hails of a snake that sought to devour all, but it was ever so small and unable to devour anything as large as the world--so it settled for poisoning those who any passerby as it sought to take out its frustration upon the world. Any that sough to hear its plight with kindness and forgiveness were bitten and died of the poison. 

Devotion to Anahit was forbidden to the child. Seeing as he was unworthy of their grace. Unworthy of solace, The more she watched him the more she grew disgusted with the idea that they'd be children under the same god. As such religious practices never became part of his life. She often verse the comment "You are but a worm within the world. Not fit to worship the word of Anahit. Not fit to gain honor or to gain pride in a fist". 

Soon the day came that he would be tested by Sekmet. She tossed the child into the deserts of Indoriaa to fight the wildlife saying that he was not worth a bandit's blade. It was less of a test and more of a way she knew that she could not be blamed for the child's death and that the gods willed it. No guilty, if she even held any. 

He was 14 during those days. Day after day she would toss him into the deserts to fight Tral-el and the other wild life in Indoria. Maimed many times, but he would continue to fight--Surviving and ultimately conquering the harsh landscape. Even outright killing the Tral-el for that was the only way he could eat. As she refused to give him nothing but the clothes on his back.

With bare-hands he was forced to fight the devils of those wastes. And with blood and venom in his veins he came out not a boy or man, but a skewed person of strife and conflict. 

In those longs days he stay in the wastes--with no animal in sight, with bone scarcely littered about, and with sand dominating the horizon thoughts began to arise in his mind. Thoughts that often bore no epiphany, no sudden realization, no great plan suddenly aware to his insignificant existence. Something beyond the baser emotions he felt came to. Questions of his existence and whether or not this horrid survivalist game will be his lot in life or perhaps even what does his life even matter? Answers are not always easily found and questions such as these are not given such an easy and objective answer. However as he observed the habits of the animals around him from simple Tal-El to birds feasting on carrion he wondered if they cared so much about their lot in life as he did. 

They did not, but the chose to hunt. To continue their existence. To live under the scorching heat from above and to sleep during the frost ridden nights. What madness drove them? The will to live. He concluded that he had the will to live--but something greater attached itself to that idea. A reason to live. And as he delved deep inside his mind and heart he witnessed something that inspired an unknown feeling within him, something that felt as if it warp his very mind and core--sucking all that focus for life in a singular point that was deepening and devouring his soul.  It started with a mental image Sekmet's glare as she tossed him into the deserts.

Rage couldn't account for that feeling. It was pure hate. Betrayal. Disgust. A desire not to feed and fend of death, but to utterly and mercilessly destroy and proud stand above the corpse of the woman. It was in his mind an ascension from beasthood, this was not survival--it was the peak of what someone could feel.   

Passion bore in his heart as he realized his conflict, there was no reason given to life for existence--it was place upon him and he could dominate however he pleased. To enjoy the life and to end others. It was not long after his "enlightenment" that killing became less of a way of thriving, but a desire to invoke his will. His proof that he conquered the knowledge of the will to live--and now he was coming into something greater. 

The beasts became better teachers than that of Sekmet, constantly teaching him to be perceptive and aware, to be truthful of his intent to kill with every strike. Soon he even developed a fighting style based on the "teachings" of these patron beasts, but as he came to the conclusion of his difference between them as creatures who only had the will to live and not a reason to live it sparked a much more malicious way of form. Abhorrent thoughts and techniques that seems overly gruesome--it wasn't about survival anymore. It was living with his own path laid before him.  

The scars and wounds the desert inflicted on him would not deter him and only refine him. To bring more mass to the pyre-like abyss that scorched his mind and nestled in his heart revealing to him a true independent way of thought.  The world of lower creatures became something a play thing to him. Hunting down Tal-El were a sadist's game now. 

When Sekmet returned numerous times, she was annoyed that he was still alive, believing that the gods had betrayed her and the she knew deep with in her heart that Apep did not deserve the life he took from his parents. She settled however as she witnessed his actions, almost vindicated by the child's near-death experience--seeing his scars and bruises filled her with twisted satisfaction that she believed she earned a place in making the child into a man. To a warrior. To see him brutalized by the sands was benefit as she believed she was truly injuring Dennat in his afterlife. She would often sell the meat he did not eat as a product for the local merchants, believe she was increasing the challenge and struggle he was going through. 

It was also a nice way to earn extra coin for her funds as she was trying to enter the world of mercenary work once more. However it was not long after this she found that it would make little money and that the boy was more than apt in killing a man so she began selling him for small bits of coin that she could get. Apep cared little for it--he was still in the process of gestating his thoughts and beliefs, waiting to kill Sekmet. Even though he desired so intensely he felt a slight fear of ending it--it was too quick and she was proven to still be his superior in combat as she would spar with the boy. Often as an excuse to pulverize the boy. And she was rather keen on his new martial art--making a mockery of it and acting as a mimic, insulting the brutish style. 

The benefactors of his indentured servitude were numerous as their choice in use. Play-thing one day, bodyguard the next, and even thief--though what he lacked in subtlety he showed in raw power and destructive potential--outright brutalizing children and adults for the lining of his pockets for debt collectors and filth. And in a few moments; murder. The killing of humans changed him, watching that struggle, that pinnacle of life giving itself reason to live and somehow emboldened by the will to live inspired awe in him. He was fascinated by how humans fought back, depraved and disgusting once backed into a corner.

Sekmet had earned her coin, supplies and weapons for herself. And scraps for Apep, as always. She worn fine armor and bore weapons deadlier than her. She dragged the boy along--giving him as a comfort boy and dispensable soldier if need be. Though this was mostly due to proxy as Sekmet has grown tired with a simple life and desired to be slain in battle He had reached his twenties, but as to why he allowed this is rather insidious. He was intentionally luring the woman into a false sense of security--it also helped to learn the men of the army.  

Although as she brought the boy along she readily made his life harder. Testing him. Even embarrassing him in front of other soldiers. And in many battle stripped him of even a weapon and armor. Forcing him to fight bare handed in war.. He still survived. 

It outraged Sekmet and garnished wild respect from his comrades. It was a change--to be honored. To be wanted. A feeling he had not understood, but accepted. Soon he began to speak more, confidently defy Sekmet and berate her failings. Manipulating her emotions, writhing in anger and annoyance got him a slight arousal. Triumphing over her in a different aspect provided some release of the build up.  

It had gotten to a point where the merc leader forced them to fight out their differences. A brutal and vicious bout began. With Apep using nothing but his fists with Sekmet fully armed. It ended in a draw--with Sekmet dissatisfied with the result--Apep however constantly reminded her that she had failed in killing him once again. It was that moment she realized his actions, his motives--Apep had grown much more wiser and malicious that she first believed. A manipulator. 

Soon small proxy wars were slightly more common. Perhaps a sign of tiding over the instability of some nations, perhaps just out of familial spite no matter the meanings he still fought. It was in those skirmishes and battles he had little regard for what war or what political dispute arose for him to be sent of to die in the name of some fattened, gluttonous king. A slight contempt grew within him. A change for him, someone other than Sekmet to garnish such a response. However this was much more broad and general compared to the overwhelming hate focused into one woman.  A passion for destruction. A reason to live. Something to truly invoke his killing intent was within these skirmishes now, something that was going to relish the next few days. 

A devastating battle had occurred one day, a ember-ridden battlefield, pools of blood of both enemy and friend. The battle was actually out of circumstance--the roving armies had met incidentally on the field, and a skirmish that later turned into a blood bath ensued. However most would not ever know is Apep's involvement in that battle. There was a small feudal lord located within the ranks. He pondered the idea of killing the gallant lord  himself,  to test if what he  would feel at the moment of coming full circle in his rage and hate.   

In the beginnings of skirmish ranks were haphazardly made with leaders franatically calling out orders. Voices breaking and men's calling for blood. Suddenly out of the lines of war-cries, a howling call. A roar of unimaginable human quality came forth. Apep had broken formation to test his theory, Chaos ensued, the armies clashed and in those few moments many lives were lost. Trampling over the bodies of the dead with little care Apep had reached the lord. Armored and on horseback he jabbed at the young man with his pristine and bloodless pike.  Apep had caught it, wrestling for control of the spear. In fury he smashed the bladed point from the weapon and slammed the metal tip into the neck of the horse. As the horse fell in agony, it bucked off the Lord. Apep pounced and began experience euphoria as he bashed in the feeble lord's skull inward. Taunting him and shouting that horrifying war cry. 

He killed the Lord without a hint of mercy--even as he begged. Wailing on his face with fist so bloodied. Suddenly in the rush and intoxication he turned to the fleeing army of the Lord and ordered his comrade to rout them. The slaughtered them as they fought for their lives--and only a few soldiers were left. 

Apep had made his judgement--it was worth the murder of Sekmet. He would do it now. He turned on his own people and killed them. Seeing them as a nuisance to the battle at hand. He left Sekmet last. As soon a silent stand off began.  

At that point nearly all were dead save for some dying and deserters--and two souls who found themselves enthralled in the battle.

Sekmet and Apep. Apep had challenged her, hand still red with blood and armor charred--he rung her neck as he choked the life from her. Smashing her shield across his face Sekmet reeled back and recovered while the boy wondered what happened. She charged him with her mace--only to be slammed in the stomach with a well placed kick in the abdomen. She wretched as he began to wail on her. It was a long fight--perhaps prolonged due to both of them wanting to remember the killing of their most hated foe.  It ended rather unsavory. Sekmet had been violated, he taunted her as he did such. And finally as he thought he had been finished-- she has killed and maimed by the child she so hated and raised reluctantly in the venomous curse she laid upon her love unrequited..  

He wandered off into the outskirts of the battlefield seeking to journey out into the nearest town, coming off the highs of his great massacre and victory. However as he began to realize his reason had now been completed, he collapsed due to succumbing to his wounds.  He laid in the field, waiting for death to take him as he was unable to move until another happenstance shined upon him. A clergy of Anahit followers has shown. Blessing the dead for their valor--but when coming upon Apep they were in shock to find a man so bloodied and injured, alive and well. They sung verses of old hymns. It sparks bitter memories of his childhood of Anahit, where he would sneakily pray to her for guidance. Suddenly it was as if he need to be heard. To be assured that this was not death. Was it Anahit that gave him this task? He still wanted to live. He needed a reason. He needed to move forward. He needed to live. 

His resilience was gained by his struggle through the years--whether they could see the fire burning within Apep in those moments is speculation. Apep shout forth a cry, perhaps it was merely manipulation or was it a truth he held within his faith, "I am a child of Anahit--baptized by blood, hardened by flames, and matured in war. I find this death ill-fitting for the likes of me."  

The clergy looked at the half dead man and laughed. Losing consciousness soon after the rowdy applause. 

| A Man Dissatisfied With The Calm |

Apep had awoke in a small settlement. Tended to by a priestess of Anahit, a beautiful woman who enthralled Apep from the moment he saw her pouring healing potions on his wounds and scars. She was a Nomasdae woman, a tad older than he was as she commented on his spitfire and youthful desire to fight.

It was then he was told that he arrived in a small clergy-based settlement. They often supplied troops of Indoriaan warriors, but was shocked to find a blood bath such as this on a return trip. 

It was here that Apep became a devout of Anahit, or at least partially taken to the ideology. Reading the last remnants of old scriptures and debating the meanings behind it--providing scholarly debate of the meaning of war and battle. Of what Anahit desired. It was a long half-decade he had spent there and even there he had amassed a small followers of those who held the like minded philosophy of strife, conflict, and battle being the very nature of change that humanity and all life  both invokes and desires. Vavos also became a topic of study, something that he felt naturally inclined to study. The survival and strife were two halves of a whole of life. That if one was given strife it was the duty to those oppressed and challenged to survive, to hunt, to access their killing intent and conquer over it and continue to the next conflict. He took the name Aloysius, disgusted by his old name once he was told of its origins and namely that it was Sekmet who gave it to him. 

He took the name Aloysius Amon- Apophis. Aloysius was an old name that was given to foreign warriors, it meant fame and war. However Amon-Apophis was his clerical name, something given to him by his Church leader as a rite of passage. It was also in that 5 years he had bore a child with the Anahit priestess, or rumor has it. But as he watch the peace and civility take over his life and grew hateful of it. A simple life with no challenge. To die with a book in hand and not a passion in his heart. What life was this to have? 

It was then he admitted that he would leave the clergy, to leave his secret lover and to go about become a war-priest of Anahit. They adorned him in armor and left him parting gifts, but he had no reason to turn back--there was stagnation if he were to turn back and any sort of attachment he had was devoured by the overwhelming need to fight, to fight against conflict, to consume, to invoke his own killing intent--perhaps the word of Anahit and Vavos was merely an excuse? But who is to say as he recited the hymns of old ages and calls upon these gods to bless him?  

He now wanders the land, become a fist for hire--but something is going on in his mind. Something thought out and may reveal his iconoclast nature. What dark depravity does he have in store for the world? Is this just another conflict for him to relish and gush over? 

Perhaps so, perhaps not--but none hope to be in his path as he seeks to devour the world 


Believed to be Parshumian and Kildran. Unknown as due to the passing of his parents. His hair is a darkened brown, a shade of brown ever close to ebony--almost wooden cinders like in it's appearance. His face is stern, and littered with healing scars faded into small pale slashes giving away their age. They are old, healed, and relished with their learning experience. 

His cheeks as set-in and slightly deep, shadowed by shapely cheekbones. His eyes are a pale green, not even a hint of another color in the pale-green jade eyes. These near white eyes --however the whites are slightly reddened and dark as it appears many sleepless nights have taken their effect. 

He stands at rather average height, but his limbs are rather long compared to men of the same size. Allowing for reach and mobility. 

While not in battle, he speaks rarely--giving small blurbs and short worded sentences. He stresses himself once he has to do more with something he is not interested in. His armor is a mixture of Parshumian and Nomasdae culture. A sea blue-green with sandy gold coloration. This alluded to his faith as both a Vavos and Anahit faithful. 

A small grimace is always on his face, but if one were to witness a small smile it isn't good nor is it well placed. Any emotional interact seems hollow, almost rehearsed thought it would take a keen ear to listen on to his faults. He squints too much for his own good--makes it seem like he smelled something more horrible than what ever this era could produce. 

His voice is often low and hushed, wispy even. However his war cry sounds as if a great beast has awoken. 

Equipment and Fighting Styles


Sekmet: A pair of metal and Tral-el leather Caestus. There is small metal claws towards the knuckles--these can puncture platemail with enough force. These Caestus ensure that Aloysius's knuckles and hands are safe against his more daring moments (Like punching a blade's edge to send a shock to the hilt, disorientating his foes).

These are reliable companions to his work. Bound to his hands and locked in by his armor, almost removing the chance of disarmament. Some find this weapon rather bold for its personal nature, but some find it even more sadistic as it desires the user to actually watch very closely the life fade from a foe--Aloysius shows to be very apt with these and willing to cause vicious amount of damage. While it removes some articulation and range it allows for tighter control and constant use.

Sobek: Thin knives that lock into Sekmet (Caestus) and his gauntlets these allow for puncturing between chainmail, open armor slits, and can slice through leather armor. He dips these in venom, however he rarely changes them out in battle--giving way for possible infection due to old blood being on them

Set: Set is a weapon given to him by a priest of Anahit. It was originally a ceremonial item, but given Aloysius's ventures with the weapon it has become more a weapon of sheer disgusting brutality than anything. Long as typical pole-arm with a rather menancing head of a mace with it coming to the peak of a pike. It deals different damaging qualities, stabbing, piercing, maiming, bashing, smashing and man-killing-ing. 

Set is not normally wielded by Aloysius and is often regulated to a slave to carry the heavy burden. No one dares steal it as he hold some sentimental value towards it. Some say a slave once tried to steal it and Aloysius once split their head apart by ripping the thief's skull in twain. 

The stains of battle and crimson shine on the cast-iron colored behemoth leave a rather grim remind of how he deals with certain foes.  

Fighting Style:

The Wyrm's Intent || Martial Arts/Melee || The Wyrm's Intent is a fighting style based on the Tral-el of many lands, mostly the desert variety. Aloysius is the last and perhaps only true user of this style. Developing this style with his master, Sekmet, it was born more out of necessity in the wilds as Aloysius was tossed out into the deserts filled with creatures seeking to devour him in the scarcity of the sandy wastes. Tral-el were rather common sights. Hunting down most anything that crossed their path, it was Aloysius that observed their hunting techniques and killing intent to which he became a student and learn what killing intent for survival meant. 

Seeing their calculated actions one moment and improvised movements became life-lessons in fighting. The viciousness inspired many of his movements. From perfect stillness when lying in wait to rapid, pure brutality, to the next. 

The Wyrm's Intent is a style based in the fluidity of combat and the raw brutality to kill one's opponent devouring them in a flurry of blows, holds, and destroying of vital points. His style was further developed through the years as his fighting took him out of the wilds and into real combat. Human brutality was something he had not experience--but it brought something out in him. A terrifying ability to dodge, close gaps, and topple even armored foes much heavier than he was, his ability didn't come naturally though. It took numerous battles, numerous moments where blades found places in his flesh. He learned through the strife, learned through the pain, learned through the conviction. 

An interesting aspect is intimidation through sadism/brutality. When fighting against large crowds he becomes rather enveloped in the violence--this shocks some opponents of lesser constitutions an reveals weakness in the lines. He picks of these lesser few after he commits such horrible acts. It is moments like these rumors of his devotion to Anahit are called into question--it becomes less of war and strife and more of murder, killing and conquest. Whether he enjoys it or not is entirely unknown. 

He uses Tral-el venom and toxins as a supplementary attack. Hissing and tongue clicks follow some attacks, especially after creating grievous wounds or wounds that are open. This is him spraying the air with venom and toxin through his mouth. Things he forced his body to become resistant to. These have various effects. In some moments he sprays this putrid attack even in his opponents eyes and even laying venomous bites on his opponents.   

It was not him who named it, he gained the name through those who asked him how he learned to fight in such a way. The story shocked and inspired stories about his brutality and slight sadism 

Other Aspects || While rarely fighting without his martial arts style, he does use some weapons and conventional warfare to his abilities. Although none to the greatest warrior around, however he is highly adaptable and where he doesn't hold much skill he has adaptability and ingenuity that it is deadly in it's own right. 

Other Fighting Styles || He wields a mace/maul-polearm called Set. He rarely uses this weapon. He uses this as a weapon to brutally tear and mangle foes without much as a care. Aloysius's usage of Set appears to be unique and a nontraditional way of fighting with polearm and mimics the ways of fighting from Parshumian monk and hermits. However the sheer weight and momentum he gains from using the beast of a weapon is devastating and is said to create flanges within armor that puncture through the body leaving gnarled wounds and scars. It is best said how he uses this is for when something of a greater reach presents itself, but why he uses it so aggressively and sadistically is unknown.  

A rather horrid thought is that he leaves those incapacitated with the wounds by his deadly polearm to fester their wounds and die alone. To be eaten by carrion and to become disgusting huddles mound of man. 


The Limbs of Strife: A set of four items. Two arm guards and two shin guards. These are rather durable and damaging if stuck by them. The shin guards are separated into some pieces like a small steel bulwark on the sole and tip of the foot/shoe. These greaves and guards are sturdy and stalwart being able to with stand many hits. The impact felt by these though is that of a metal club. The are small grooves and studs on the surface, these are for sword/blade breaking--but also leave terrible injuries. Cleats are at the bottom of his feet allowing for better movement and hardening his kicks.  

Small Medicine Kit:Assorted Bandages and Concoctions. No Battle Usage. 

Metal Wire: Used for various reasons. One is for mending armor and such, but another is more vicious and cold-blooded. Using it as a choking tool or even a throat slicer. 

Various Tral-el Toxins: Using various toxins in his fighting style--He has been known to actually ingest them to build tolerance, but even more rumors is that he let's the toxins sit in his gullet and hocks the bile and poison up to use in battle for venomous bites and sprays.

Types of Toxins:

Petrifaction Toxin - This toxin is rare and thus he rarely uses it. This toxin coagulates the blood and stiffens the muscles, as if one were turning into stone. This takes rather quick and is very lethal if not treated. Bloodletting, Open wounds, and blood thinning items offer an escape. Thus one would either would have to sustain wounds for a blood to leak

Anahit's Hiss Toxin - The body beings feel hot, increasing over time. It is here when the body begins to feel intense burning pain. The areas of entry feel this immediately. This toxin last for a long time considering it's effect. Those affected by this tend to act more irrationaly and more brash due to wishing the battle to be over quicker. This could be a side effect, but another neutral or beneficial side effect is a spike in adrenaline. Ways to combat this: Bloodletting RIGHT AFTER it enters a wound.

Vavos's Abyss Call - Promotes lethargy and slows heart rate to a point where one could be left in a small coma from lack of treatment. This is said to sting like a small jellyfish's barb annoying foes and overwhelming others with pestering. Eyes get heavy and the body beings to tire--eventually getting to the point where one may fall asleep. He has this in abundance so he uses this for the more unsavory foes.

Tral-el Liquor: This a personal treat for him, disgusting swig and life-saving swill for the rest of the world. Made from various parts of Tral-el. Pheromone sacs and venom sac most often. These are made by Aloysius. The pungent odor alludes to the high alcoholic content. The Pheromones are used for a relaxant and the Toxins are used as a small kick. Little do most know is that the Toxins in this assortment is actually an antidote against the previous mentioned toxins above. He is long past the point of being phased by the toxins. he just likes to partake in the drink. This is the only type of liquor he feels that is worth drinking and he believes it taste like amborisal wine.
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@By the Chesapeake @Crucified Fear

So that time is almost upon us. The offline break. Let's cross our fingers and hope for 2 days, not 7. I'd suggest to start checking from Wednesday on. hope you all have a nice break, and in the downtime, maybe if I gave you a lore assignment a while back and you never got to it or finished it, maybe you take a swing at it again? If any of you would like a lore creating/world building assignment to work on in the offline days please PM me by the end of the day. If you are a new participant and don't know what this means but think it sounds interesting PM me and I will explain.

I will be working on the ever fabled "Timeline 2.0" with more detail and more historical events to tie into the main story. Depending on how long we're off I hope to get finished?

I'll miss you guys (TAT)

You better all come fucking back.
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Does anyone have an off-site messaging site like Skype? If ya do and wanna help me build my guy and start some planning with other things just holler and I'll send you my contact details
@Zuka@Lakita@Lord Zanicus@Darkfeather21@Robyn Banks@too much idea@bottlecap@Edin@Savagai@CupAndCough@Rengar@EmerySnowe@TheImagineer@Chewed @ByTheChesapeake @CharmyPie

So things are on track everybody! Here is a progress update!:

Settings/Locations Thread: 40%

Lore Thread: 100% (Thank @Dirk Diggler)

Important People Thread: 40-50% (Thank @Edin )

Overview Thread: 100%

Gallery/Maps: @Lakita I will send you a PM about this.

Rules Thread: 0%

Updates Thread: 0%

IC Thread: 0%

Cast Section Thread: 0% (Last big one)

I might be being optimistic, but I'm thinking we can get back to RPing this weekend.
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me 2 

I'm sorry for being so backlogged ;;

the loading times and all keep screwing with me but it's getting better

did I ever get back to you with that npc sheet @King Ad Rock?
@Zuka@Lakita@Lord Zanicus@Darkfeather21@Robyn Banks@too much idea@bottlecap@Edin@Savagai@CupAndCough@Rengar@EmerySnowe@TheImagineer@Chewed @ByTheChesapeake @CharmyPie @Crucified Fear

Hard At work guys! Things are really coming along!

Settings/Locations Thread: 60% (I have added new pictures too! Ones that weren't there before!) Will definitely get this one finished today.

Lore Thread: 100% (Thank @Dirk Diggler)

Important People Thread: 99% (Just needs some tweaking by me)  (Thank @Edin for doing it all)

Overview Thread: 100% completed

Gallery/Maps: Just waiting on a response from @Lakita

Rules Thread: 100% completed

Updates Thread: 100% completed

IC Thread: 0%

Cast Section Thread: 0% (I would actually like a volunteer for this one. Somebody who thinks they can salvage the picture links for the Character sheets out of the coding.
@Zuka@Lakita@Lord Zanicus@Darkfeather21@Robyn Banks@too much idea@bottlecap@Edin@Savagai@CupAndCough@Rengar@EmerySnowe@TheImagineer@Chewed @ByTheChesapeake @CharmyPie @Crucified Fear

Hard At work guys! Things are really coming along!

Settings/Locations Thread: 60% (I have added new pictures too! Ones that weren't there before!) Will definitely get this one finished today.

Lore Thread: 100% (Thank @Dirk Diggler)

Important People Thread: 99% (Just needs some tweaking by me)  (Thank @Edin for doing it all)

Overview Thread: 100% completed

Gallery/Maps: Just waiting on a response from @Lakita

Rules Thread: 100% completed

Updates Thread: 100% completed

IC Thread: 0%

Cast Section Thread: 0% (I would actually like a volunteer for this one. Somebody who thinks they can salvage the picture links for the Character sheets out of the coding.

I have tried to take the pictures out of the sheets but I failed... better someone else does it :|

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