Azae - A World At War - Out of Character Chat

Windows95Toaster said:


'P R O T H E I S ' (alex) V O S S

'W H E R E ' - Mawdry's, in Jakka's Pass > Fight > Girl's tree house -smirk-

'W I T H ' - 4 Fools > Piper > Alone


'O O C' - Forgive the ost, I do it for

every post

And there would be some travesty, some small minutia of distilled thought that left the wanderer with some recourse to remember. Ahh, to remember a time when it was all women all the time, and no thoughts of any other thing. Or perhaps a time it was no women, and he was young, dumb, and nubile enough not to tell the difference. The games were slings and arrows of physical form. He guessed it was the same in latter terms, just not killing with shots and instead having a grand old time.

It was often he plunged into thought. To mire in the knowledge of scholarly whit and retort was a great endeavor, but upon the precipice of his desire for drink and soft skin ,he'd squandered it all. Squandered it as there was a folly to his personage and he often forgot he was out for knowledge and not for a cheap thrill. A sin. A folly his slave bloodline heralded, he felt, with a drunken fool for a father and a wayward woman for a mother--both leaving at some point in his life. Both leaving because, like Proth, they were unable to sway their own desire for greed and lust, thus promoting in him an apathy and distain for ordered life.

Lust of the bottle is still a lust in that, isn't it? Lust of a flesh might as well be a gluttony.

The beatings were probably the worst of it. And it all started with some stupid friendship that ended up on the wrong side of what his father, Demeter Voss had wanted. His mother, Renalda, not wed to the man who helped bear him, didn't care much and instead took her time to wander towns and sew her seed. He didn't blame her for that, as he ended up the same. And in this she was a lonely person, as her true love was not here. Just a man she had found who had enough coin to keep her and her son alive. A lover will wander if there is no love to be had in the bed they occupy. It's only natural. Demeter on the other hand, blamed her entirely, and instead would inflict as much pain on his son as possible. And it all started because of some wayward friendship.

A boy at this time, old enough to string a bow but young enough to not know what to do with his own, and another with light hair and kind eyes. They were too close. It was apparent in his budding pubescence that it was unaccepted even in such a precarious land. Unaccepted by a man too stuck in his ways. And so, the other was beat down; Darren Thatcher. And as consequence, so was Proth.

Live by the belt and all.

Time progressed and he grew old enough to be unable to be managed. His father had taken flight a mere few days after Proth had disarmed a gaggle of men in a bar going after a small, quaint woman with rosey cheeks who had no verifiable business being there. Ignorant, he thought. Taken flight because Proth had left them bloody and sinewed--some bit of rage over the years, most likely. His mother had gone as well, but a few weeks prior, stealing away in the night. They were both older now. Older, ailing, and it was time to move on.

To leave their spawn to defend themselves.

Proth got letters sometimes, carriers sent to his defacto home-stay between a border on war. There was always strife and war, and his silly little home was smack dab in the middle of it, as of current times. Not too far away from Jakka's Crossing, strangely enough for the current gaggle of people having a


time at this current, or perhaps, near future moment. Lovely people passed along hand written scraps to his domicile, and he'd return home after a bit of wander and a bit of lust, to carry these papers inwards. He'd sit at his desk, hand to his brow, furrowed, and read of his waning mother and slow damaging father who was falling into dementia. Calling him things like 'little miss' and 'my dearest'. Words never generally used on a boy. Words generally never used on Proth, even affectations of affection as a youth.

A sneer. They'd be thrown out. As people from his life had been.

He had no real connections except for the people he sought out. A few spots in every town. Smart enough to be able to pass lines. Dumb enough to never find companionship.

Proth was an idiot, through and through.

Against his better intentions, he ended up the same, trolling in various city-areas, ducking the authorities to read, to sup on the flesh of others. He'd often sit, not ignorant to his own charms, writing with a quill and a batch of herbs tied up in paper hanging from his lips. Funny this, as a girl or a woman would eventually find their way to his snake clutches and he'd part those lips of his to inhale, exhale, breathe out the fumes of whatever it was he took to like a frothing fiend. And take a scholarly approach to a conquest. They never stood a chance. So many conquests. Just to see, just to learn, he'd propose. But no, it was to forget. No, it was to pretend he had no wants outside of being learned or partaking. Vices for days, a vulture, but a charming one if ever there was.

Where he was now, he was unconcerned. Someplace. A town. A city. Whatever. Jakka's, Mawdyr's bar. A place--drunk. On this particular night, he spent a good deal of time huddled in a particular set of the room, drinks flowing, his head to a swatch of parchment. Swatches, actually, rivets of the stuff, piled up like past lovers all about him. The bar patron was a kind older woman with an eye for the man, so Proth was allowed to work there when away from home. Work, as there was some great miss-order occurring and he had charted much and found evidence for some platonic foul play.

Not as in friends. As in something seething. Some miscourse of history, some debt of consequence. Proth narrowed his eyes and delved into books. It was probably just instinct. Or maybe it was the fear of the populace. He couldn't place it.

And instead, he studied, wrote, and drank. And kissed. Bergen's Drink-hole was quite literally next to Mawdry's and both taverns had a sort of rivalry that pitched the poor older woman into fits. He stopped there on occasion but was loyal to Mawd and her spicy ale. Proth would not be drinking at Bergen's tonight, as he was intent on peace and privacy, and there was some sortof ruckus and celebration--lots of singing and general debauchery--there at the moment. He had popped in momentarily, eyeballed the place, and quickly tussled his way out so he could write in relative peace. He had, however, noticed a rather tall man with a slave chain on his wrist but had paid him no general mind for the glimmer of time he had stuck his head inside.

Not his type. Moving on to the current point in this deviant's journey.


Proth, are you going to sit there and write all night, or come join us for a drink!



No, I am going to...I'm already drinking. What's the need to join you four in imbibing when I'm fist deep in papers?


Yemen snorted, a sometimes friend. "

Fist deep in what-now?

" An acquaintance, but the only he kept around for very long. And very long was not very long at all. Just talks of girls. No talks of dire ends or words or literature or ideas about theology. Just girls. He was an idiot. The same as Proth but couldn't count to 4 on his fingers.


...come on you fool! I have this,

" Yemen grasped a girl by the shoulders, beautiful pale hair a mess on her head, and she giggled. Intoxicated. The three other men, Proth would therein refer to as 'Doop', 'Dick', and 'Dolt' all jeering. No, he didn't want to have this sortof event. No, he was busy. "

And that, and a bit of this, and more..


More fillies. Proth rolled his eyes. "

...I'm not......



" he shuffled his papers and jammed them into the large sack he carried about, filled with texts and things. A bow on his back, a pair of daggers in his belt. "

.....the red head.



No! He can't call just whatever he w--

" Doop, annoyed at this.

" sure you can stop him?

" Yemen Feres laughed his gruff, low, rolling laugh. Salt and pepper hair and the like, a beard for days. "

.....well, why not? Candy-ass is perched like a bird and he ain't stronger than me.


Protheis sighed and hoisted his bag on his shoulder and proceeded to push past Doop, Dick, and Dolt, to lay a hand around the waist of the 'red head' who might as well have been named 'woman #3'. "

...hey, son. Step down. I've already--

" Proth laughed and continued on, the woman in his employ, her warm smile making him feel a bit more comforted. Something about her was cat-like and not all-together oblivious. It puzzled and intrigued him.


It's your choice dear. I can also take you home and take my leave in swiftness, as it is far too late, and you have had far too much to drink.

" Gentlemanly. Sometimes he wasn't a right arse about these sorts of things. Sometimes. Before she could speak, Doop made a stupid mistake.

Doop swung back a fist towards Proth and he took the hit to his face but didn't flinch, a trail of blood down his nose, which he wiped clean with his dark shirt. The woman was now between two beasts and the thinner, more handsome man had one wrist in his hand, and the other dingus had her other in his.


Both you!

Let me go!

This is ridiculous..

" "


" He struck a sly grin and pulled her back, not enough to hurt, but enough to throw Doop off his balance, and stepped back as she grasped a chair to kick Doop squarely in the ribs. He was drunk. If he had managed to be more salient he would've just gouged his eyes out, crawled up the larger man's body and speared them with his fingers, or did some elaborate flip over his shoulders to slam him to the ground between his thighs. It was always amusing to see a large man pinned to the ground underneath his crotch. Pissed them right off and made Yemen laugh until he was horse in the throat.

Amusing but, as of this moment, he was dizzy enough to be unable to perform some great feat of gymnastic and antagonistic heroism. A kick sufficed. A piss-poor kick. But a piss-poor Proth kick was still far more deadly than the general machinations of most combatants.

It managed to potentially crack a rib but Doop had a strong constitution that Proth hadn't anticipated. He thought he was a two-beer


who puffed up his prowess. A truth to be sure, but the guy could take a smack to the ribs pretty well.

Doop tried to rush him, and the tackle ended up with Proth to the floor. But instead of admitting defeat--he was far from wounded--he simply grinned and pressed his dagger to the man's throat which he had snaked out of his belt like a seething viper during their minor conflict.


Nice try. If you wanted to crawl on top of me, all you had to do was ask. Except I'm not keen on you, so you might want to 'step down' yourself, 'son'.

" Doop, Dick, and Dolt were rather surprised.

Yemen was not apparently and instead pulled Doop off of the thinner man and helped Proth up.


Would you have killed him?

" He asked his 'friend'.



" was all the rogue-scholar said before grasping the girl with fire-hair and meadow-green eyes and ushering her outside. Yemen laughed, but, as always was concerned about his 'friend's' reckless nature.

He'd take her home and take his leave. There was no use in this tonight, he was tired, she was tired, and he wasn't such a beast. Not generally.

Proth kept a hand on her shoulder in this harrowed night. It might have been day, he couldn't quite tell as he was too liquored to give two shakes of a lamb's rear.

Ended up staying the night anyways in her small home, carved from a tree but low to the earth at the base, overlooking a central area of the small village. A village of rain, trees, wetness, and an annoying mud that clung to his boots. That part about the clearing is important later. But when she awoke to find her bed empty, and the handsome intellectual sitting on her back steps, writing, she quirked a brow. It was irrevocably early.

" are an odd for a bit of food before you are off, then?



Do you have meats? I can give you some coin for it--



I'm not a woman of the night. I won't take payment, even if for a meal. Come, we'll eat.

" Her name was Piper. He'd remember it, as he remembered her jabbing him in the face the night prior when he tried to trespass, but ultimately allowing.

She punched hard. Well right hard, a bruise on his charming face this light, lilting morning. He liked a woman with vigor and fire. It was a different pace for him. Birds in the trees, her home cramped between two large buildings, but inviting. She smiled and, in strewn clothing loose and comfortable, wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

" called me 'woman number three' last night.



I'm sorry.



It's fine. I called you 'man number five'.

" She grinned. Her chest at his back, and rolling red hair, much more dark in the day, almost brown, than he remembered the night prior. It was most likely the drink.

He felt fear in his chest when he smiled. She was too kind. He enjoyed her too much. Her smell, her hair, her smile, her hands. Her kind words, the quips they exchanged in the vague hours of dim light and perhaps flickering morn-stars.

It was time to go.

Proth grabbed his things without a word and began to leave, and she stood with arms crossed at her backstep.

" that's it then?


He didn't answer her and fixed his clothing properly, making sure he had everything, filing away his papers into that infernal bag. The only love he allowed in his life. He had no room for her. No room to feel it. Then he'd be vulnerable. Then he'd have something real to lose.

She was uninvited into the journey of his life.

He remembered he had forgotten something, and Piper followed him up her shaky, planken stairs as he rifled around for one of his daggers in her bedroom. A hay bed. He had thickets of it in his hair, and perhaps other places. He had misplaced it like a fool, and he turned to look at her, her arms crossed and face narrowing in a scowl.





I may return. I may not. Light a candle for me in the night, then. One with a red flame. You know, herbery and sorts. I saw them in your cupboards.

" The thin man had found his dagger, turned it over to inspect it, and placed it back in it's rightful place with it's twin.


Sure. Hey...

" She perched a hand to fix his hair, bits of hay in that, and his eyes grew dark and skin pale. After a bit of fussing he snatched her hand away and held it there, not sure if to fling it to the side or kiss it's knuckles.

Neither, it dropped, and he was about to be off on another journey.


...What's your name? Your real name?


So she had sussed out that Protheis was an alias. Smart girl, that one.


Alex. Alex Voss.


There were no more words in this wilted conversation and he was about to carry on, to leave behind a woman he had taken a shining too. The first in many years. Tilting his head out of her window he saw a great path of destruction, a mammoth 'man' was all he could process, devastating people in their wake. There had been screams earlier, but he and the woman had been


too busy with each other to give two shakes of a lamb's ass. Brows lifted, he thought

not my problem

. Piper was the same in this, more or less ignoring it. Have fun, drink a lot, stay alive. They were not so different.

Perhaps equals, even.

Proth ferried himself from her domicile and was about to leave the fair woman, the woman with a mean left hook, and felt a sadness in his cold little heart for this.


Pipes. Don't go out

for a



" His words trailed off like sand between soft hands--her soft hands. Her face in anger was still a lovelier sight than any in soft repose.

She stood, straight faced, brow annoyed, arms crossed, her hair blowing gently in morning air. But as he turned to gaze, she waved. Waved as a brown bird flew above her, and a blacker one, as pitch, a raven or a crow, flew after it. "

I won't. I'm not going to die today.

" A chortle of fathomless resolve in a sea of pain--some kindof sadism was happening. And a scream.

...I'm not getting involved in this shit.

Good...I'd like to see you again.

Something he could never say.

He'd need to avoid whatever-it-was that was happening at the front of the home, screams and


erupting, and was attempting to navigate the backwards, dirty innards of Jakka's Crossing in a part he hadn't been in before. Namely shit stained alley-ways caked in mud and leaves. With the tree-homes littered about like pods. Piper's was closer to the ground, at least. And goddamned giant leaves at that. And bugs.

Navigating seemed silly. It was a small village with a clearing. But he was intent on avoiding whatever was happening, and so, Proth was slinking behind tree areas, shrubbery, and the like. The sounds grew louder.

Perhaps he'd meet with Yemen if he felt the need...and tell him of the girl with red in her hair. companions, indeed, Mr. Proth.

Me reading post:


Sadly, our characters have a unlikely chance of meeting since Sera is on a quest to dominate the world.
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'Tis I! so I decided to join the party! check it out!!

Name: Arcsidian Smith

Age: 56

Sex: Male

Race: Nomasdae

Religion: Cynic

Weapon of Choice: In times of war, Arcsidian prefers his long sword, "Righter!" with elegant carvings of slaves on one side and the master scourge on the other! In addition to that, arcsidian carries a very ominous looking dagger. A new story of murder pops into his head whenever he takes it out for a swing, which he uses to intimidate newcomers.

Personality: One would describe Arcsidian as a person with contradictory personality. He is described as brutal, intuitive, sharp, a wordsmith (which he uses mainly for intimidation). If his not busy torturing, murdering, managing that next weapons trafficking project or dismantling his rivals, his free time mainly consist of spending time in his personal library. A cynic in nature, he believes in pragmatic solutions to life issues (which in his mind translates to unbounded brutality).



Background: Born into a Nomasdae crime family in Kildra, Arcsidian spend most of his childhood watching his father torturing and murdering slaves and enemies. As a teenager he had already explored most of Azae, which contributed, greatly to his cynical and twisted sprite. As a young adult, he intimidated even his own father. When his sister joined a fanatical religious group within Kildra, Arcsidian attempted to locate his sister when his father insisted on it. He was to either bring her alive or as a corpse.

As an old man "Lenard" had already lost much of his sense of self. That translated into pointless blood feuds and retaliations, which involved most of the rivalry. That in turn contributed to the death of his mother Isha. The hit order on his sister was too much for arcsidian to bear. In the end arcsidian decided to fake her death by returning a disfigured head from a female Nomasdae slave-worker.

Towards the end, the old man's confusions turned into a full-blown paranoia, which resulted in a mass killing of the family captains. These episodes reached their peak when the next attempt was on arcsidian's life. Arcsidian concluded that putting lenard out of the business would bring peace between their rivals and ease the tensions within the family. Arcsidian assassins infiltrated the Lenard's encampment in the middle of night, suffocating him in his sleep. Arcsidian then took the leadership.
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So I haven't seen ANY of these OOC messages since, oh about friday...

Notification system is broken :(

I'll be sure to just check in on this tab everyday now.
Updates: !!!

Next Garnerge/pirates post is getting worked on just not sure when it will be finished. I plan on getting a lot more lore up this weekend (some stuff you guys created quite a bit a go that I have been slacking on.) @Edin you may come in based on the action in that post. PM when you can I have some ideas for your post.

@Crucified Fear : You may solo post again continuing from where the pirate Izem came to Kael's rescue. If you need help, let me know.

@too much idea @Robyn Banks @Zuka : Will begin the secret meeting post by Saturday night. Hold tight.

@Savagai @Zuka : How's the next post with Rufus and Lilly coming along?

An incredible post filled with action between @CharmyPie and myself is in the works and almost finished!
King Ad Rock]Updates: !!! Next Garnerge/pirates post is getting worked on just not sure when it will be finished. I plan on getting a lot more lore up this weekend (some stuff you guys created quite a bit a go that I have been slacking on.) [URL=" said:
@Edin[/URL] you may come in based on the action in that post. PM when you can I have some ideas for your post.

@Crucified Fear : You may solo post again continuing from where the pirate Izem came to Kael's rescue. If you need help, let me know.

@too much idea @Robyn Banks @Zuka : Will begin the secret meeting post by Saturday night. Hold tight.

@Savagai @Zuka : How's the next post with Rufus and Lilly coming along?

An incredible post filled with action between @CharmyPie and myself is in the works and almost finished!
Editing now Senpai c:



We actually wrote more and didn't realize how long it was already so I cut it back for next post kek
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Hey guys, unexpected overtime tonight, so getting that new lore up and posting will have to wait until tomorrow night :(

If you haven't realized yet, @noremac is no longer with us and I will be taking over all posting as the Pirates.
Hey guys!

I'm going on a Holiday right now, I'm sure @Zuka and I have enough text for a third post anytime this week or the week after this one.

I will be back in 15 days, and won't be online cause yeah, no WiFi
Savagai said:
Hey guys!
I'm going on a Holiday right now, I'm sure @Zuka and I have enough text for a third post anytime this week or the week after this one.

I will be back in 15 days, and won't be online cause yeah, no WiFi
If it needs embellishing I understand enough of Rufus I'll fill in the gaps if you like?

I won't do anything crazy just cute stuff c:
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Lakita said:
He got his head crushed in :C
Oh!!! I was thinking of Rufus's father in our duel post.


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Ugh, so many people not signing on at at all. Hope they're all alright.

Don't worry I'll always be here. This thing will keep chugging on even if our numbers dwindle.
Updates: !!!

There is now a Roadalian culture description under the nation description spoiler in the Settings tab! It was written by our own @Lord Zanicus. It describes what it's like to spend some time in Roadalia. There will be one for every country eventually so bear with me.

There is also a NPC bio by @Lakita for a deceased member of the Black Talons, Channarong Kaouthai. Check it out!
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Updates: !!!

-We now have a NPC description for the first lieutenant of the Holy Knights of Azae Kira Bamalu in the Neutral characters tab done by our new member @Edin!
Updates: !!!!!!!!!!!

-If you don't already know, the website is updating on Aug 8th and will be offline anywhere from 2-8 days. This could be a huge and devastating blow, but I seriously hope you all return. Got a lotta love for you guys. Just start checking back in on the site on the 10th to see if it's back up. Everything will be like you left it (I'm told) but we'll have more features! Yay!

-Very unfortunate news: I have removed @noremac, @bottlecap, and @Windows95Toaster from the Cast Section since none of them have signed on in over a week. Their character sheets are safely saved away in case they come back and since one of them (@noremac's Adam) is involved with plot already they will eventually be made a NPC and given a bio in the neutral characters tab. This news sucks, but is always expected in a long term large scale RP of this magnitude. We still have 11-12 participants, so I'm thinking we're completely fine.
Hello there :) I am joining the rp, and here's my character sheet. It's a bit short, but I hope to expand it with the rp.

Name: Yue Manik

Age: 23

Race: Parshumian - T'Odis

Weapon of Choice - although she's skilled in throwing daggers, she prefers to fight her opponents head on with a sword

Personality - Yue is mostly seen as a cold and cunning individual. Her demeanor keeps her from gaining many friends, but her few friends understand that she's kind at heart. Her thoughtfulness causes others to see her as condescending. With a missing father and strict mother, romance is the last thing on her mind, and she often pushes people away too quickly.

Description: Her T'Odis blood contributes to her height at 5'10", along with grey-blue eyes and pale skin. Since those of T'Odis descent can have black hair, albeit rarely, Yue is sometimes mistaken for a full-blooded T'Odis. However, her Parshumian mother contributes to a thin frame and lean muscles. Yue prefers to wear comfortable, efficient clothes that are suitable for both fishing and combat. She is mostly seen wearing blue and gold colors.

Background: Yue's father met her mother on a visit to the island, and the two fell in love under the lights of a festival. However, the romance didn't last when her father left on a quest and never came back. Since the age of nine, Yue has been living under the strict regimen of her mother, and she receives training in combat nearly every day.

Yue has a pet bird named Kiki, and she never lets her out of her sight. She has trained the bird to deliver messages, although she's rarely used that ability.

Yue has a jagged scar on her back from a sword sparring match gone wrong, a scar that she's hidden from her mother for years. The girl who gave her the scar visited her often to take care of the wound, and the two are now best friends.

Now, Yue is wandering the mainland in search of her missing father, and will do nearly anything to get him back.
Hello everybody!

I'm here to introduce myself and share with my character sheet with everyone. I look forward to joining this RP with you all and hope to have fun while (hopefully) making this more fun for everyone as well!

I hope you all like it!


Name: Berk T'Luuh

Alias: Shadow

Gender: Male

Race: Nomasdae (Father) / T'Odis (Mother)

Age: 26

Height: 5'11" (180 cm)

Weight: 165 lb (80 kg)


Berk's skin was more closely like that of his mother's, but because his father was a bit darker, he wasn't quite as pale. He had medium to long black hair and dark blue eyes. He would usually keep a full light beard and light mustache going. Berk had a lean and toned body and wasn't big for his height. His height and weight came mostly from his father as his mother was much taller than both of them. He typically wore light leather armor that had a couple of straps around the pants and a couple of straps around the body. Around his waist, you would generally find him wearing a dark red sash that was tucked between his armor and straps. His arms were also wrapped with leather vambraces. When carrying his weapons with him, his quiver would be strapped tightly around his right thigh; as the arrows were quite short they would not stick out when moving or bending his knees or leaning with his upper body. Berk had a sheath on his back for his two identical large daggers and either carried his bow or placed it on his back with the bowstring against his chest and the limb against his back.



Berk is normally shy, quiet, and reserved especially around strangers or people he does not know well. Interacting with people is something he often gets nervous about, but he gets better about it the more familiar he becomes with each individual. Berk dislikes direct confrontation, but does not hesitate to engage in a conflict or fight if he feels strongly that it is needed; he is very sympathetic to others and likes to help, but dreads the potential awkwardness such interactions might bring.


Berk's main strength was that he was nimble and agile. He wasn't particularly strong, but was built to move quickly and overcome difficult terrain and obstacles. He relied mainly on his speed and his ability to remain undetected to achieve his goals. He has great control over his breathing and heart rate, which allow him to be a better marksman.

Weapons: Primary & Secondary

Primary - Bow & Arrow

The bow was made from an incredibly rare and durable material of unknown name to Berk. It's length was long enough to be accurate up to 550 yards (500 meters), but light enough to not hinder his movement too much. The arrows Berk used were usually dark in color, they varied based on the types of materials he could find. His arrowheads were unique, however, in that they had a notch carved into them that, with an accurate shot, would allow the arrow to stick to an object that may have been too strong to penetrate by clamping on to it.


Secondary - Large Dagger x 2 (19" or 48 cm)

The large daggers were made from a strong and durable steel, their hilts had been modified by Berk to better fit his grip. There was nothing remarkably special about the daggers, other than that they were uniquely customized to Berk's comfort and his efficiency in wielding them.



Berk was born in the region between L'Aorn and the North Mountains, in the Empire of T'Odis. They didn't live too far from a nearby town, but their home was slightly out of the way of common travel routes. There was a small community of inhabitants that had lived nearby and were scattered throughout that small area. His father, who was a Nomasdae that went by Aland Brickenden, was married to Heka T'Luuh; Heka's parents were both from T'Odis. Berk was their only child together. Heka, unfortunately, died during child birth and Berk grew up without knowing his biological mother. His father took care of him with the help of a nearby friend, her name was Rusa T'Raeg; they eventually fell in love and got married. She raised Berk as if he was her own son. She also had twins with Aland, a boy and a girl, named Eyr and Pegar, who were Berk's half-brother and half-sister. They were born when Berk was around 6 years old.

At the age of 16, Berk decided he wanted to travel and see other places. He did not want to be confined to the same place for the rest of his life. While he had a loving family, he felt that his purpose was elsewhere; after receiving a blessing from his father and step-mother, he began his journey of adventure and discovery. Unfortunately, he was not very experienced in the outside world. It was not the wilderness or the beasts that proved overwhelming, but people. Being naive, he got roped into an unsavory group of bandits. While mostly, harmless, they made their living stealing; and not just to survive, in addition to food and supplies they would steal jewelry and gold.

Although Berk was not comfortable with them and what they did, he went along for a while before he decided that this was not who he was and not what he should be doing. At the age of 18 Berk disappeared from that group, hoping to never come across them again. For the next two years he lived from place to place, never staying in any place long.

Not finding that which he felt was calling to him, he wandered, not quite sure if he was ever going to find it. At the age of 20 he stumbled upon and saved an old man in the wilderness. The man convinced him to stay and help, to aid him in gathering food and supplies and basically any chores that were required. In return, he told Berk that he would teach him what he knew. This included mastering ones heart rate and breathing through meditation. While the old man did not teach him any combat, Berk would utilize his training to improve his fighting skills while hunting and traversing the harsh and various types of terrain.

When Berk turned 24 the old man got sick and died shortly after; old age had caught up to him. But not before passing on what knowledge he had to Berk. Berk remained there for a while before growing restless again, this was not what he was looking for. He felt it would aid him, but it was only one step closer to finding his peace. He eventually left, wandering the land; throughout his training and practice, he developed great skill in his weapons and was extremely agile. He was determined to find a use for these skills that he hoped set him apart from others.


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