Azae - A World At War - Out of Character Chat

@King Ad Rock I'm still in, I've been extremely busy past week or 2. I'll go ahead and find my pictures again for my CS.

Awesome, take your time.

I finished the Settings/Locations thread!!!!!!!! It's finally done and it has all new pictures! It looks beautiful. It is also no longer titled "Settings/Locations" but it is now titled "The Six Nations". This was a huge step.
@Zuka@Lakita@Lord Zanicus@Darkfeather21@Robyn Banks@too much idea@bottlecap@Edin@Savagai@CupAndCough@Rengar@EmerySnowe@TheImagineer@Chewed @ByTheChesapeake @CharmyPie

We're pretty much finishing up the rebuilding! Here is an update.

Settings/Locations Thread: 100% completed. It is now titled: The Six Nations

Lore Thread: 100% completed (Thank @Dirk Diggler)

Important People Thread: 99% completed (Still need to fix some pictures and formatting )

Overview Thread: 100% completed

Gallery/Maps:  100 % completed (it's a brand new map that @Lakita made. Check it out!)

Rules Thread: 100% completed

Updates Thread: 100% completed

IC Thread: 50-60% (Thank @Kayvan for figuring out SO much and thank @Edin for helping edit the IC posts back to something readable)

Cast Section Thread:  90% (thank @Edin again. Just need to get everyone's pictures up now that we figured out images. The site is being VERY picky with what sources/hosts for images it will take. So were using a certain host. Don't know if I'm allowed to link them lol. I got in trouble for linking discord earlier)

With all this done expect PMs from me tomorrow about getting back into posting again and picking up where we all left off!
Heya, hi!  I know I've been tagged in a lot of stuff, but I haven't formally introduced myself yet.  You can call me either Chessy or Ceci,  I don't mind either.  I'm looking forward to rping with you all!  Down Below is my character sheet for my character:

Name: Shirisha “Shiira” Udjepta

Age: 25

Race: Parshumian

Sexuality: Bi-sexual


On the surface, Shirisha is confident and fierce.  She’s witty and flirtatious, and has a bit of a temper.  She appears cold toward other people’s suffering, choosing to only be concerned for herself.  This is a persona she picked up out of necessity.  When she is acting this way, it is Shiira talking.  The truth is, Shirisha is still very insecure, but she is loving and caring and selfless, like her great-grandmother.  In a way, Shirisha is her inner child, one Shiira tries to suppress as much as possible.

Weapon of Choice:

She uses a wooden staff for protection.  It is nothing fancy.  Just a hardwood staff that she carries with her.  She hasn’t had much practice with it (she stopped trained when she was fifteen), but she’s trying to learn more with it now.  She also keeps a knife for practical reasons, but will not hesitate to use it if her life is in danger.


Shirisha is a small woman.  She stands fully grown at 4’10” and weighs a mere 110lbs.  She likes to use her size to her advantage as she has a habit of finding herself in small places while stowing away on traveling ships.  Although she is tiny, she is by no means a stick.  Shirisha has curves, which she is proud of.  Her sleek raven hair falls down to her hips.  It is thick, straight, and can hardly hold a curl.  She uses oils to make it seem shinier and softer.  Her almond shaped eyes are a deep shade of brown, almost black.  Her lips are full and usually glossed over with some sort of lip color to compliment her light complexion.  Though her traveling makes it hard, she tries to keep well-groomed.



Shirisha never liked her name.  It was her great-grandmother’s name, and though she was told she would grow to like it as she grew older, she never felt like it fit her.  It was a vintage name after all.  She spent many hours crying as the kids her age would poke fun at her name.

“Only old women are named Shirisha.”

As much as she begged her parents to change her name, they refused, telling her she should be proud of her name.  Her great-grandmother was a medic during the T’Odis-Parshum War and saved countless lives when she stepped up to defend the wounded in the medic tent as the T’Odis army advanced.  She was a hero, but telling that story only made the boys laugh harder.

“Your parents are liars.  My parents haven’t heard of her.  Your great-grandmother was no one.”

It was not as though she could prove it.  Her family had no reputation.  Her father was a run-of-the-mill fisherman, while her mother stayed home and tended to Shirisha and her six brothers and sisters.  They were poor, living in Ka Ja Ta.  They’d run through the streets, barefoot with a layer dirt sticking to their faces.  They were the subject of taunts and jeers from many of the children that roamed the streets.

Things did not change as Shirisha became older.  The children’s insults became harsher, and she was such a sensitive child.  She was walking home from school one day when a group of three teenaged boys stopped her.  Refusing to get out of her way, they mocked her, called her names.  One boy started to get physical and pushed her to the ground.  The boys attacked her as she tried to fight back, though she was powerless as the boys overtook her.  Even after they had finished, Sirahee laid on the ground crying.  She was fifteen.

When she finally got up, Shirisha felt nothing as she started to wander the streets.  It had grown dark as she drifted around the city, soon finding herself in a part of town she had never been before.  Lanterns lit the path as she wandered, looking into the shop fronts and listening to the boisterous laughter and music coming from each one.  It was then that she found herself in a lounge of some sort.  The air was smoky as she made her way through the hall.  No one seemed to notice her.  She sat in there and breathed in the sweet air.  An older woman offered her a pipe, which she gladly took.  Even after one breath, the warmth it gave her made her feel relaxed and calm.  She didn’t care as she left the building and wandered further onto the docks where she slipped into a wooden cargo box and fell fast asleep.

When she awoke, all there was was darkness.  Her head ached and the world was rocking back and forth.  At first, she just thought it was her mind playing tricks on her, but she soon realized that it wasn’t a mind trick at all.  She was moving like she was on a boat.  Luckily, she was able to get out of the cargo box she was trapped in and look around.  It was dark in what she suspected was the cargo hold of the ship.  

She spent three weeks on that ship, hiding in the cargo hold.  She was lucky to have found food and water down there.  When the ship finally docked in Yensa, she was carried off the boat with the rest of the cargo.  She was lost and scared, with only Parshumian money to her name.

For the next three years, Shirisha begged, stole, and sold herself to live, evading authorities the best she could.  She slept in the Sea God Vavo’s temple often, the only piece of home she was really offered in this strange land.  Not many others looked like her, leaving her feeling isolated.  She didn’t have anyone she could turn to.

That was until she met him.  Raeger Toddson was a smooth talking man of Kildren decent.  He saw value in Shirisha almost immediately.  An exotic Parshumian in Kildra was an unusual sight.  She was beautiful, he would tell her.  He offered her a room to sleep in, a dining room to eat in, and a bath to soak in.  Though not a noble, he was wealthy.  He clothed her in the finest materials and fed her the most delectable cuisine.  He would never go into specifics when she asked what he did.  “Just an importer and an exporter.”  It seemed simple enough.  Sure the personal guards seemed a bit much, but then again, Shirisha didn’t know a lot about business.  And it wasn’t as though she didn’t have her secrets as well.  The man would never know her real personality.  She was not the sensitive little girl anymore.  She was the charming and flirtatious woman that she used to mask how she really felt.  He would not even know her real name, only ever knowing her as “Shiira.”

It was true that Raeger was kind to her, but she always felt like there was something more sinister under his charming smirk.  He had a darker side to him, just boiling underneath the surface.  For the first few years of their relationship, everything seemed alright.  As time went on though, things started to grow tense between them.  He would bring her to his “business meetings,” simply as arm candy.  He would speak in code around her, but from the thirsty stares she would get from his “clients” she knew that something was wrong.  The people Raeger was dealing with were not good people, and as much as Shiira tried to write it off as just business, she knew there was some shady dealings going on.

Curiosity finally got the best of her one day, and while Raeger was out, she got a look at some of his accounting paperwork.  Like his words, it was all in code, but at this point, she had deciphered some of the code words.  As she read through the pages, it began to click.  These code words, they were talking about people.  He was buying and selling people.  Her heart raced as she heard footsteps coming down the hall. Quickly she replaced the documents, and made it look like she had meant to come into his personal study for other activities.

After that incident, the two became increasingly cold toward each other.  She knew he had to know that she knew what he was doing, and it was a fight for her not to show her disgust towards him.  He stopped bringing her to meetings and came home drunk and angry from the tavern.  He was becoming more and more verbally abusive, telling her she better watch herself if she wanted to keep living the way she was.

One night he laid hands on her, but before he could do anything too harmful, she grabbed a broomstick and hit him over the head with it.  His body hit the floor with a thunk.  He was out cold, but not dead.  Either way, Shiira wasn’t sticking around any longer.  She packed all that she could before heading out into the night.

That night, whether she realized it then or not, she fully abandoned her name.  She was no longer Shirisha.  She was Shiira.

For the next two years, Shiira would travel around Azae, living mostly on Raeger’s money she had stolen as well as a few valuable items she had also managed to take with her when she left Raeger’s estate, selling each one for a good sum of money.
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So @Rengar wrote us up a short but informative Interest Check thread to recruit some new names. Sorry if it seems like I haven't been super active. This real life got a brother backlogged. But it is Sunday! (Well early Sunday AM, I'm about to go to sleep) and Sundays are when I get a lot done. I plan on writing back to everyone at some point today/tonight. I also plan on:

-Removing inactive members from the Cast Section (We miss you)

-Creating new lore threads (One for cities and their descriptions, and another for the physical descriptions of the races complete with reference pictures, and another separate wildlife section with all the animals we've already created and new ones) Let me know if you have any other ideas.

-Fixing the missing images in the Cast Section thread

-Updating the update thread to include new missing PCs.

-Re-adding the bits of lore for the Religion of Azae that is missing from the Lore thread. (Will probably also eventually make a whole separate thread for "Religions".)
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New CS for a new character!

Azria Rohodege


Name: Azria Rohodege

Age: 30

Race: Nomasdae

Occupation: High Priestess of Roadalia

Twin Sister: Taiza "Tai” Rohodege

Description: [photo]

Background: Being the High Priestess of Roadalia takes a lot more than ritual prayers and scented rumination. It is a position of defense in an ever-raging battle of failing morality and absent conscience. It is one of a teacher and one of an advisor; ultimately one of peaceful compromise, but occasionally exceptions must be made. The darkness must be trespassed so that the light might survive. This aphotic encroachment is what Azria Rohodege, High Priestess of Roadalia, must accomplish every day.

Born with the Mark of the Dove, a birthmark signifying the future high priestess of Roadalia, twin sisters Azria and Taiza Rohodege were raised in the church, each being taught the ways of the priestess, so that one day one of them would be chosen to lead the people of Roadalia in all manners of spirituality. They learned well, but as can be expected of those who have much expected of them, they often succumbed to their innocent wild streak. Sneaking out of the temple at night, when all other duties and lessons had been accomplished, the two would meet outside in the brightly-lit city streets to frequent the even brighter merchant gatherings, filling their evenings with song, dance, and often a little drink. Many friends were made, many tricks were learned, and the sisters always returned to the temple and their responsibilities, ever heartfelt and dutiful to the church despite their adventurous escapades.

But such is not the way for things to remain pleasant always. The Queen began to deteriorate, acting strangely and showing signs of brutality. A wall began to be erected, and the merchant gatherings in the city soon disappeared. Innocent people began to be nonchalantly thrown in prison, and their families were left behind. Food and everyday supplies became hard to come by, and the needs of many people only rose higher and higher. Azria and Taiza soon realized that they had a responsibility not only to their church, but to the people of Roadalia, and they had the means to do it.

They began sneaking out of the city at night, much as they used to sneak out of the confines of the temple walls. They met trader groups wherever they went, sometimes as far as outside the borders of the country, where they would move silently through gaps in the wall’s construction. Here they would barter the small gold and silver pieces that adorned the temple for as much food, water, clothing, blankets, medicine and other necessities they could carry back to the city, giving freely to those who knew where to find it.

As this behavior went on, Azria’s love for the people grew. She became more devoted to the righteous cause of the church, using it as a means of lifting the people’s spirits through these hard times. Taiza, on the other hand, loved the rebellious nature of their actions more. She began to go out on her own, often returning with things that were not considered necessities, and without taking anything from the temple to trade for them. Azria began to be suspicious of her sister’s methods, confronting her about it, but being shrugged off. Taiza left more and more, until she never came back.

Azria received a letter from her sister one day, explaining that she had joined a group of fearful characters called the Black Talon Mercenaries, who were causing myriad destruction in the nearby country of Kildra. She expressed a deep regret for what she had done, and wanted to meet with Azria to ask forgiveness and return to her life in Roadalia, serving the people under the shield of night, paid for by the church. Azria was overjoyed, and agreed to meet with her one night as she went outside the walls to collect a large cache of supplies. She would need both of them to carry back the things she won in the trade. Taiza met her there, and as Azria saw her, she was struck with fleeting visions of a confrontation, of striking moonlight and a severed dove. Her head reeled in pain and confusion, and she realized too late that Taiza was not alone. Azria was quickly overcome, relieved of her burden of hallowed wealth, and forced to defend herself from the sharp moonlit blades of their knives. Years as a young girl who spent her time with merchants had taught her well in the ways of self-defense, however, and she was skilled enough to keep from death. The small, shadowed group fled, but not before Azria had obtained one of their daggers, which she flung at Taiza as she rejoiced at her corrupted victory upon leaving. It struck true, severing the flesh of her shoulder, cutting clean in half Taiza’s Mark of the Dove. Taiza left, screaming curses, and Azria never saw her again.

Upon returning to Roadalia, she found that not only was she empty-handed, but her quarters had been robbed of the temple items she had stashed away for trading. She had been used as both a target and a diversion, and now had much less with which to help the people of the city. Her head began to sear in pain again, and she saw another vision, one of a tucked-away closet filled with rations distributed by the high priestess, which she now saw was herself. Since Taiza was gone and had relinquished her right to this title, that mantle would fall now to Azria, and she intended to use her life solely in service to the people of Roadalia.
I apologize to everyone for lack of responses these past few days. I don't know what's wrong with me. I think there must be a huge weather change coming in my region because I am sleeping over 10 hours a day. I wake up with less than a couple hours to get up and get ready for work and my brain is in no condition to write. Responses are coming. I'm still here.
No worries.

Let's try to keep our interest thread at the top of the list without having to bump it too often. If every once in a while one of us can post a reply on there, that might help. Ideally a different person each time and somehow contributing to the actual post.

Here is the post:


Description: (physical, can include a picture)

Weapon of Choice:


Background: (Short biography, at least 3 paragraphs)


Description: (physical, can include a picture)

Weapon of Choice:


Background: (Short biography, at least 3 paragraphs)

Sorry, just a couple more questions.

Do I post the CS here or somewhere else?

can we choose to be any of the six nations or are any of them off limits?
Sorry, just a couple more questions.

Do I post the CS here or somewhere else?

can we choose to be any of the six nations or are any of them off limits?

Your character can be from any nation, but must be in either Libertia, Kildra, or Indoria for some reason because those are the nations we are focusing on in the first chapter. I suggest reading the Six nation thread over. Also, how the races physically look:

T'Odis: Almost Albino-like, Very white skin and light blue eyes. Stark white hair (rarely black). Very Tall, normally over 6 feet.

Kildran: Fair skinned Anglo Saxon (think French, English, Irish, Scottish).

Nomasdae: Ranges from dark skinned middle eastern to African. Somewhat tall.

Parshumian: Different Asian cultures. (Cambodian, Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese)
Your character can be from any nation, but must be in either Libertia, Kildra, or Indoria for some reason because those are the nations we are focusing on in the first chapter. I suggest reading the Six nation thread over. Also, how the races physically look:

T'Odis: Almost Albino-like, Very white skin and light blue eyes. Stark white hair (rarely black). Very Tall, normally over 6 feet.

Kildran: Fair skinned Anglo Saxon (think French, English, Irish, Scottish).

Nomasdae: Ranges from dark skinned middle eastern to African. Somewhat tall.

Parshumian: Different Asian cultures. (Cambodian, Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese)

Okay, thanks a bunch :)  

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