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Fandom Avengers OOC

Intended to pull an OC from another but will re-flavour power origin/backstory to fit better. Power was self-body control and non-euclidean biology, essentially they get bigger/denser the deeper you went but externally wasn't visible. Alternatively Human Tardis, Bigger on the inside.

One idea for MCU was to connect it to space stone experimentation.
Pretty much Strong, Durable, with range of Strength tricks/body control trips. Due to how body worked if they got stabbed the blade would quickly go to like a needle wound as it got pushed in/be harder to push deeper due to increasing density. The advantage was they could walk around without destroying the ground from weight.
Copy pasted old CS. Will adjust images depending on types you want used.
Also what Year would we be starting in?
I plan for my character to change into land mammals, reptiles, amphibians and birds, and to communicate with them. However she cannot change into or communicate with fish, marine mammals and insects. Would this be allowed? There would be weaknesses to this of course, like a time limit on how long she'd be allowed to stay in animal form etc.
I’m in a few ideas at the moment, with the central being an archer archetype hero with a playing card theme.
So what “age” of comics are we going for with outfits/tone? Are we doing realistic MCU style, or allowed to be a little colorful with background and character ala the comics?
Soooooooooo, i have a superpower in mind for my oc, but i think it still needs some help. Mostly cause i just thought about it now, so i was thinking i could post the idea here for some review?
So, i was thinking about an adaptability superpower? Something that, over the course of the roleplays, he would finish fully developing during no the role. The superpower wouldn’t most likely start off as some kind of regenerations, but after a near death experience, he would gain the power to control his body totally. This would be stuff like manipulating your muscles, spendings up bloodflow and oxygen, and increasingly you’re adrenaline. Then finally, it would evolve into its final state. The ability for him to adapt to a situation he isn’t in by gaining something that wouldn’t help him. Wings for flight, an extra organ for fire breath, bones as dense as vibranium. Stuff like that’s. He would most likely be a practitioner of the iron fist as well, although a rookie
It would likely be around the start of the ultron arc, or somewhere around there.

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