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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Braziel gets up , shaking his head. "What the hell was that? I could've knocked down five mountains with that trip. Least it didn't hurt." He mumbles as he looks over at a small little female, sleeping right next to him. He clears his throat. "Who are you? And do you trip me?" @DemonGirl27
Ori looks up at him as she yawns and then rubs her eyes, "Don't you remember your own friend?" She asks still slowly waking up as she then goes back to her casual self, "I only wanted to surprise you, I'm sorry" she looks down and stands up before hugging herself quietly @National
She smiles at them both before looking away and sighs, it always hurts to talk about him before replying "Kind, smart, handsome, funny..... Protective at times. I never got to be with him much...." Tears start running down her cheeks, "I miss him so much......." She whispers on the verge of tears as Mega Vision hugs her softly wiping her tears away
Pyrite finished taking off the bandages he had wrapped around his hands, finishing putting small dents in the punching bag. He put back on his other clothes and sat down at the ground for a few moments, "....This is it....The battle we've been waiting for right?" He looked up at the ceiling, "God, I hope I've done enough, because lord only knows I'll be useless in this fight."

A bag was thrown at his head, "Yeah right, shut up." Sarah stepped from the dark, on her person was the armor and weapons Pyrite had originally made a few months ago minus the helmet, he had made some stuff for the others, but some ultimately turned him down, "Don't get to lost up in your own head that you forget to do your job, after all, I'm counting on you to make sure my suit doesn't break down mid fight."

He smiled for his sisters sake and kissed her forehead, he began to make his way to his computer, his post for the fight. He had multiple screens and wires everywhere, organized chaos is what he'd call it. He sat down on his chair and put on his headset, he looked out the window to the sky, 'This is it....I promise to everyone, I'll make things right this time...' He turned back to the screen and turned it on....
National said:
Richie nods. "Thanos, weaknesses? Hah, that's funny." @Steel Zinogre
Alexandra's eyes widen in surprise, hearing a rin of her crack, but she smiles happily as she hugs her uncle back, ignoring the pain. "You are all still alive.. Thank god.." She says, still sobbing.

Braziel runs into new York, still having a ton of momentum, until he feels something hit him. Being the clumsy man he is, Braziel trips, crushing the floor around him, and skidding through the sidewalk right into a building, collapsing it. @insanekiller19
"I'm serious richie. We gotta find that chink, and exploit it, and we can bring him down that way." Maxton said with a sigh, and turned to aleena. "Wanna add any input to this?" he asked. @BeamMeUpScotty @National
Connor sat on the edge of his bed at home, having moved back into his room at his parents home for the last week so he could spend a little time with them. Today was the day, supposedly, and he looked at the desk across the room then stood up and walked over grabbing an envelope off of it before sitting back down and whipping out his phone and texting Cassie.

"I don't know if you've read Ivory's letter yet, you have your reasons as I've had mine but you really should read it before we leave. I know I will be, and I'll be over there in a bit."

With that he opened up the envelope and started reading. He'd put opening it off for too long, and it wouldn't be right to go into this battle and get himself killed without reading it at least.

@sitanomoto @LokiofSP
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Cassie, who had finally been able to stand, was now in her room after the explosion. She wasn't too worried about it, though. She'd faced worse.

Her phone buzzed and she read Connor's text and she sighed. She replied with a simple "OK" and took out her letter. She opened it and sighed again as she began to read.

(On @Crono's first, wait a few for yours @sitanomoto)

Dear Conner,

I don't know what to write for you, but I felt I had to write something for you, so I'll do my best to put what I'm thinking on the paper.\

I wanted to thank you for everything, out of everyone that I met on the team, you were arguably the one I wanted to be like the most, you're smart, you're supportive and you refuse to see the bad in anyone.

But more than that, I can say without a doubt that you were my best friend.

I'm sorry I left early, sorry I didn't stay, sorry about any bad feelings I made you feel, but I wrote this to tell you whatever happened wasn't your fault, and most of all I should apologize for how I acted before I died. I became something terrible, I hated how I started to think, how I started to act, how I got further and further from what I wanted to be the more I tried to be it. I feel like I messed everything up for everyone and then made you clean it all up.

I don't know how to apologize, and I feel like these words aren't enough, I can only hope that they bring you some kind of peace.


P.S. I thought if I couldn't get all my thoughts down through words, I'd share something with you at the very least, so I left you a song, my mom used to sing it to me when I was younger and it always calmed me, I hope it does the same for you:

(This would be like a music box in character, did it because I figured he'd want to give Conner a tad more)


Dear Cass,

I hope REALLY hope that this letter never reaches you, I hope that I'm making this out of paranoia and that me and Conner can find you and drag you out of whatever hole you're hiding in. But just in case I never made it to that day, I figured I owed you a few words.

I wanted to start by saying I'm glad you were gone when you were.

I... I don't know what happened to me after awhile, but so much happened that I nearly lost it, I was so close to crossing the line while you were gone, ask anybody, near the end I became somebody you wouldn't recognize.

The only reason I found hope is because of your friends, they're amazing Cass. When I was over the edge they grabbed me and pulled me back up, got me to my feet and told me to be more careful. I say this because if you keep going the way you were before you left, your walking into a hell you won't survive if you go it alone, but if you go it together, there's no way you wouldn't come out stronger....Trust me, I know.

I really wish, more than anything I could say these words in person, wish that I could have seen you one last time before this happened, but I suppose I'll just have to be patient now.

I can't wait to hear what stories you have to tell when we meet again.


There was a point halfway through the letter Connor told himself he wouldn't get emotional, but as he folded the paper back up and listened to the music box there was no holding back anymore. So he shoved his face into his hands and he wept, and as he did so he made a promise to himself that he would stay the man that Ivory saw him as...well that and he'd hit Thanos twice as hard for Ivory. Connor understood that this battle was going to be a bloodshed but he was going to do his best to see that everyone came home, losing the people closest to him was getting old. Tony, Pietro, Thor, Aedan, Cassie, Alex, Ivory, and yeah Cassie had come back but it wasn't enough.

After he'd taken a moment he grabbed his comm and suited up, he said goodbye to his parents though he knew they'd be stopping by to see the team off before they left Earth. Once out in the garage he slipped his helmet on and hopped onto his bike, the one he'd gotten weeks ago. Starting it up he drove out onto the street heading for Stark Tower.
Raitei stood on top of Avenger's Tower looking out at the city. The sky was however storming clouded with lightning flashing but no rain pouring. It was almost as the rain was holding itself until the first blood is shed or maybe because Raitei was not allowing it to like he was bottling a lot inside him in anticipation of th battle. He would likely have to go all out on this one, he had also made sure to train to improve the more subtle applications of his power such ad his telepathic communication also even gave up an eye to improve his sensory abilities. He looked far different now, his hair was brown and he had six katana sheathed at his waist. He was ready for not s battle but for all Hell to break loose and ready to make sure he is not among the fallen on this day.

Jordan stood on a building with his eyes closed and arms folded "...He's almost here...well, hope those idiots finally got their shit together...who am I kidding, this world is screwed." He sighed and turned his head towards the sky, it was close...the feeling that he got when worlds were changing, the reason that he chose a certain name...the symphony of Chaos was about to begin anew.
Crono said:
There was a point halfway through the letter Connor told himself he wouldn't get emotional, but as he folded the paper back up and listened to the music box there was no holding back anymore. So he shoved his face into his hands and he wept, and as he did so he made a promise to himself that he would stay the man that Ivory saw him as...well that and he'd hit Thanos twice as hard for Ivory. Connor understood that this battle was going to be a bloodshed but he was going to do his best to see that everyone came home, losing the people closest to him was getting old. Tony, Pietro, Thor, Aedan, Cassie, Alex, Ivory, and yeah Cassie had come back but it wasn't enough.
After he'd taken a moment he grabbed his comm and suited up, he said goodbye to his parents though he knew they'd be stopping by to see the team off before they left Earth. Once out in the garage he slipped his helmet on and hopped onto his bike, the one he'd gotten weeks ago. Starting it up he drove out onto the street heading for Stark Tower.
(I know he was not very close to connor, but you forgot REDD.)
Charlize and minerva finish their sparring match, and leave the training area, and head into the living area, where minerva just plops onto her massive bed, and immediately falls asleep, while charlize gets a bit to eat from the kitchen. "I miss my dad, maybe i should give him a call, if I can find a phone." she said aloud to herself as she made herself some macaroni and cheese with cut-up steak in it, which she reheated in the microwave. @Anyone
Finn was sitting in the Tower and reading a science magazine and eating a banana for the most part. Nothing too exciting was happening. He flipped through the pages reading the interesting articles and skipping over the ones that weren't too interesting. Finally he sighed and tossed the magazine aside. He leaned over and ran his hands through his hair. It was happening too soon. Shortly they would be off the planet fighting a purple space alien that wanted to destroy their planet. It was not a typical day even for the Avengers. He straightened his posture and stared blankly at the wall. He wasn't even going to attempt to make sense of the weird situation they were in. Seconds later there was the sound of an explosion which wasn't an unusual sound as they were in a huge science building. This didn't sound like a science explosion though and he hurried out to see Marth in the rubble of the explosion. The scene seemed awfully suspicious but there was no way that Marth could have done it could there? He wasn't going to question it at the moment. Marth could be hurt and he was just a little kid. He rushed forward and pulled pieces away to help Marth out of the dirt and into the big common room he had been in moments before. "What happened? You okay?" @GoldenCharizard4 ((I got your back pal!))

Zar received the transmission from Thanos and wiggled a bit excitedly. This was the perfect opportunity to show zis boss what ze was made of. It was time it was time it was finally time! Ze hurried as fast as possible to Thanos' side and tried to look a little more professional. "Lord Thanos! I am always at your service great one. Your greatness boundless sir. How may I be of use! How will his greatness start his rise to the top! You will crush that pitiful planet! Its heroes will be no match for you and your great strength mighty one!" Zar was almost in tears with the excitement but ze managed to maintain his cool. @National ((So it begins my friend!))
Connor's ride to the tower was rather normal and boring, and he couldn't be happier on that note. That would be shattered when he neared the tower, hearing a small explosion from inside he looked upwards to see a piece of rubble that had broken through one of the windows now plummeting down towards a panicked crowd. Connor twisted the throttle on his bike, causing the bike to surge forwards along the street until he broke off onto the sidewalk for an angle and with one hand he reached back and grabbed the shield of his back and threw it at the rubble in an attempt to break it up.

The shield did it's job except for a single piece that was still aimed at a small group of people still scurrying. That's about when he saw the sword rising up out of the crowd at a straight angle at the rock and Connor couldn't decide if he wanted to smirk or roll his eyes at the sight of his clone as the piece of the tower hit the sword and broke apart harmlessly hitting the ground.

Carter grunted at the sight of Connor, "Your losing your touch, it's amusing to watch." If it hadn't been for his helmets visor Connor's now official eye roll could have been seen as he slowly drove up and planted his feet down to balance the bike, then reached up and unfastened the helmet. "Well look at you being a hero." Connor said joyously. Now it was Carter's turn to roll the eyes, this was becoming a thing, "There was a rock flying at me, did you expect me to just let it hit Rogers? I didn't do it for these worms." The clone pointed his sword at the people who we're staring at the two of them and the broken window up further on the tower. "I dunno, I think hanging out with us has rubbed off a little on you." Carter snorted as he walked by Connor heading towards the front entrance to the tower, "In. Your. Dreams. You'll give up trying to turn me one day, you seem extra adamant about it. What's the deal?" Connor shrugged as he put his helmet back on, "A friend told me that I refuse to see the bad in anyone today, I'm trying to live up to that." "In other words idiocy is contagious, good to know." Carter entered the tower while Connor drove his bike around to a side-garage entrance.
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[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla](Just letting you guys kno. I am Having surgery tomorrow so I don't know how frequent or infrequent my posts will be.)

( I hope it will go well with your surgery
Alexandra goes up, and hugs her mother. "I never met him, but I'm happy he was my dad." She says happily, tears of joy slipping down,her cheeks.

Braziels eyes widen. "Ori? Is that you?" The big man jumps up and grabs the girl, pulling her into a gentle hug

(It has begun. I'll answer to your guy once everybody else's sergeants reply)

@Steel Zinogre
National said:
Alexandra goes up, and hugs her mother. "I never met him, but I'm happy he was my dad." She says happily, tears of joy slipping down,her cheeks.
Braziels eyes widen. "Ori? Is that you?" The big man jumps up and grabs the girl, pulling her into a gentle hug

(It has begun. I'll answer to your guy once everybody else's sergeants reply)

@Steel Zinogre
"you know, that horse rider can summon demons and crazy shit like that, maybe you two could combine your forces? IT's just a thought." maxton said as strout quickly replied with "I am strout." Saying 'That is not half bad maxton, maybe we should try it rich, see what happens.' the living tree suggested.
She smiles and hugs back, "You would have loved him..." she kisses her forehead before they all get up. "Now I am sure we have some last minute training before we head off with the others to help with the fight with thanos." Victoria then grabs a hold of her hand, "I will get a baby sitter for the younger you, while we fight together....as a family." She smiles brightly

Odis looks at they're cousin, "So when are we heading off? It seemed a bit quite from when we last met your teammates.." he states noticing the silence they got from what was happening. "Also If only our last cousin was here..then it would be like the four horsemen all over again.." which made the two laugh. @Steel Zinogre

She nods while hugging back, "Mhm..." she smiles before winicing as her right arm was stinging since from the elbow to the wrist was bandaged up and dry blood showing through the bandages. @National
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Richie shakes his head as Richie takes a small box out of his pocket. He chucks it at Maxton. "That is a sensor Nega- bomb. Thanos has been in touch with powerful sorcerors, and has several weapons and bombs that make demons entirely useless. He's planned ahead. This one bomb could wipe out all the demons in half a city. Luckily, these only hurt demons. @Steel Zinogre
Alexandra beams back up at her other, tears drying up. "Mhmm! That's all I want." She looks over at Mega Vision, and smiles. "Uncle, I'm happy you're still alive. You fought so hard. So hard to give me another chance to save this world. You,died 2 years from now. Its so nice to see you all again. And of we die again, at least we die as a family.

Braziel sees her wince in pain, and he gently drops her. He looks over at her injured arm. He looks at her, concerned. "What happened here?" @DemonGirl27
DemonGirl27 said:
She smiles and hugs back, "You would have loved him..." she kisses her forehead before they all get up. "Now I am sure we have some last minute training before we head off with the others to help with the fight with thanos." Victoria then grabs a hold of her hand, "I will get a baby sitter for the younger you, while we fight together....as a family." She smiles brightly
Odis looks at they're cousin, "So when are we heading off? It seemed a bit quite from when we last met your teammates.." he states noticing the silence they got from what was happening. "Also If only our last cousin was here..then it would be like the four horsemen all over again.." which made the two laugh. @Steel Zinogre

She nods while hugging back, "Mhm..." she smiles before winicing as her right arm was stinging since from the elbow to the wrist was bandaged up and dry blood showing through the bandages. @National
"We could head off now odis, we need to meet with them to make a plan of attack." she said as she gently kicked ruin, making him lead the sprint towards the tower.

National said:
Richie shakes his head as Richie takes a small box out of his pocket. He chucks it at Maxton. "That is a sensor Nega- bomb. Thanos has been in touch with powerful sorcerors, and has several weapons and bombs that make demons entirely useless. He's planned ahead. This one bomb could wipe out all the demons in half a city. Luckily, these only hurt demons. @Steel Zinogre
"What about the undead? Like zombies, since she can raise those too, and that is some scary shit, especially on halloween." Maxton said as strout chuckled. "I am strout." he said, saying 'I find the zombies interesting, since they come in many different variations, like animals and their subspecies.' he intelligently said.

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