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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Well you know....getting hit by a car life. It wasn't to bad though, it was just gash marks from large peices of broken glass. There was many more gashes but those healed quickly, just my right arm was slowly healing." She replies before quickly avoding his eyes not sure what he would think @Steel Zinogre

"That would be interesting but I promise to at least come home with all of you, where the smaller you won't feel alone." She states softly smiling at her daughter that was soon to be grown up through time of course
"Like I said. Anything raised from the underworld is completely useless. It affects the spirit, draining it and destroying it. Not only that, but it also negates any type of field around the dead. We need humans and aliens for this fight." @Steel Zinogre

Braziel looks at the arm, gently holding it as he examines it. "Sadly, the only thing I am an expert at is destroying. I wish I could help you." He looks into her eyes. "I'm sorry for leaving you. There was something I had to attend to. I wanted to find the real reason I was sent here. I found it, so now I am allowed to be here again."

Alexandra smiles, happy again to be with her entire family. She only wished she could've seen her father. Who he really was. How he acted. Sadly, she didn't go far back enough, before she was born. She looks down, her eyes a tad misty. She knew something no one else did. @DemonGirl27
DemonGirl27 said:
"Well you know....getting hit by a car life. It wasn't to bad though, it was just gash marks from large peices of broken glass. There was many more gashes but those healed quickly, just my right arm was slowly healing." She replies before quickly avoding his eyes not sure what he would think @Steel Zinogre

"That would be interesting but I promise to at least come home with all of you, where the smaller you won't feel alone." She states softly smiling at her daughter that was soon to be grown up through time of course
"Focus your rage on the enemy, and the battle will be yours." Cassie heller heard War's wise words play in her head, and her massive gauntlet glows and growls, eager for battle as her sword did the same.
National said:
"Like I said. Anything raised from the underworld is completely useless. It affects the spirit, draining it and destroying it. Not only that, but it also negates any type of field around the dead. We need humans and aliens for this fight." @Steel Zinogre
Braziel looks at the arm, gently holding it as he examines it. "Sadly, the only thing I am an expert at is destroying. I wish I could help you." He looks into her eyes. "I'm sorry for leaving you. There was something I had to attend to. I wanted to find the real reason I was sent here. I found it, so now I am allowed to be here again."

Alexandra smiles, happy again to be with her entire family. She only wished she could've seen her father. Who he really was. How he acted. Sadly, she didn't go far back enough, before she was born. She looks down, her eyes a tad misty. She knew something no one else did. @DemonGirl27
"Well shit. That just completely shot down my plan." Maxton said in disappointment as luna awakens, and shook herself, fluffing up her fur that was plastered down. "Or maybe...... If used right, minerva and luna would certainly help, they are living creatures, right?" Maxton asked, since he was onto something. or o he thought.
Victoria then piped in, "Hey Alexandra...now that we got things a bit settled. I am curious as to hwo your fighting style is....of course you won't be fighting me. Instead it would be your Great Uncle here." She stated, which led to him almost blacking out again but she helped him not pass out on the wood floor again. @National
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DemonGirl27 said:
Victoria then piped in, "Hey Alexandra...now that we got things a bit settled. I am curious as to hwo your fighting style is....of course you won't be fighting me. Instead it would be your Great Uncle here." She stated, which led to him almost blacking out again but she helped him not pass out on the wood floor again. @Steel Zinogre
(I think you meant to tag National)
Ori smiles happily, "I am just glad your back, things just wouldn't be the same without you honestly" she mumbles quietly since she realized she said it without thinking @National
National said:
(Its okay xD @Steel Zinogre
Luna then purred as she rubbed her cheek on Richie, and then left to go to the tower. "Looks like she likes you richie, never thought of you as a ladies man." Maxton said jokingly as strout went hysterical in laughter.
"If I can do it, so can you dear." She encourages her

Ori looks down and hugs herself blushing furiously stuttering on her words speechless about what just happened @Steel Zinogre
Raknor stood near the large indestructible glass viewing area on the giant leading warship that was Thanos' own, looking down at the planet below. With them nearing the time for battle he'd stayed close to Thanos so that when he was summoned he was already there. The aliens fists tightened in anticipation for the battle before turning and walking towards his leader he bowed his head inside his helmet out of respect for crossing his large arms over his chest, "Just give the signal, and it'll be done." He said with a deep raspy voice that was slightly muffled by his suit and helmet.

@National @CasualDragon
Alexandra's legs shake nervously as she gets into her fighting stance, looking up at her uncle. "A-alright! Let's do this!"

Braziel looks up at the sky, hearing the birds chirp. "The day is here. You are ready for the fight, right?" @Steel Zinogre
"Just to make things easier.." Before he had a say, she took 3 of his stones. "Alexandra makes first move.." She states, watching them

Ori nods, "If this may be our last, it was great meeting you" she replies quietly before kissing him on the cheek softly and then looking away extremely shy
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Alexandra nods, and she fires two energy blasts right at Mega Vision.

Braziel blushes a little as he also looks away shyly. Being the big guy he was, he was still timid at heart. @DemonGirl27
Fortune looked across the city, a mask and a few parlor tricks and yet, in some ways she had signed up to join the fight for the end of the world. It was fucking stupid, she had gone in or check ups, done the occasional spar, hit the punching bag, but she was still standing next to the people who she knew she hated...But...In some ways they weren't so bad. She had made a promise to her brother to give them a chance, and although she wasn't about to get buddy buddy with them all, she could respect them, and she supposed she had power to use, so she might as well use it to fuck up some aliens. She stood up and stretched, "Alright....I'm as ready as I'll ever be....I hope I'm doing the right thing here."

By his leaders side, that's were Kal'Thou'Zar belonged, he swore his life to his master, he was to be his weapon, the one who got the results. He turned to Thanos and put a hand over his chest, "Master! We are ready for your orders! Give us your bidding and we shall gladly lay down our lives to get it done!" He got to his knees and continued, "After all, we exist only to serve you!"

Marth Flames

Marth coughs. "hurt..." he croaked as he stood. he was a strong boy as he was bleeding from his head and his left arm was limp beside him. he stumbled, more like careened away but stopped himself, and stood up, spitting blood. he wiped his face with his shoulder and his legs stopped moving. he fell forward, on his face and convulsed, vomiting a bit of blood in the mix and whimpered "leggies work bad!" he whimpered in pain as he lost his hero-self and started to bawl his tiny eyes out among the dirt and vomit, unable to move and one arm was broke, and his legs, he had no feeling in...

(thanks @CasualDragon!)
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LokiofSP said:
Dear Cass,
I hope REALLY hope that this letter never reaches you, I hope that I'm making this out of paranoia and that me and Conner can find you and drag you out of whatever hole you're hiding in. But just in case I never made it to that day, I figured I owed you a few words.

I wanted to start by saying I'm glad you were gone when you were.

I... I don't know what happened to me after awhile, but so much happened that I nearly lost it, I was so close to crossing the line while you were gone, ask anybody, near the end I became somebody you wouldn't recognize.

The only reason I found hope is because of your friends, they're amazing Cass. When I was over the edge they grabbed me and pulled me back up, got me to my feet and told me to be more careful. I say this because if you keep going the way you were before you left, your walking into a hell you won't survive if you go it alone, but if you go it together, there's no way you wouldn't come out stronger....Trust me, I know.

I really wish, more than anything I could say these words in person, wish that I could have seen you one last time before this happened, but I suppose I'll just have to be patient now.

I can't wait to hear what stories you have to tell when we meet again.


((Omigosh dude.....))

Cassie sniffed as a tear ran down her face. "Ivory...." She put the letter on her bed next to her and grabbed her pillow. She buried her face in it, sobbing. "Why..... Why are so many of you dead?" She whispered. "If I was there...." She blamed herself for everything that had gone wrong while she was gone. Everything bad that had happened, she wasn't there for. She should have been able to pull her team together. She breathed in deeply and removed the pillow from her face.

Maybe She couldn't save them...... But like she told Massacre..... She could damn well sure avenge them. She gently grabbed ivory's letter and opened her closet, going down to her not-so-secret lab (seriously, what was the point of having a secret lab if everyone knew where it was?!?) And opened her trophy Case. She put it, along with her Father's Mask, into the case next to her First robot (automatic spoon-feeder) and Country spelling bee trophy. Then she began to work.
Connor flipped on his commlink as he left his bike to enter the main tower area. "Someone want to tell me why rubble flew out the window of the tower? Today of all days?" The blonde stepped into the elevator with his arms crossed, they we're supposed to be a well oiled machine now or at least a better oiled machine, and none of the self-proclaimed bad guys should be bothering them or getting into the tower without everyone's know-how.
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DemonGirl27 said:
"If I can do it, so can you dear." She encourages her

Ori looks down and hugs herself blushing furiously stuttering on her words speechless about what just happened @Steel Zinogre
Cassie had not noticed the new horseman arrived, since she was mainly focused on getting to the tower. "Hurry Odis and Corvus! we must meet with them!" she commanded as ruin ran faster.
National said:
Alexandra's legs shake nervously as she gets into her fighting stance, looking up at her uncle. "A-alright! Let's do this!"
Braziel looks up at the sky, hearing the birds chirp. "The day is here. You are ready for the fight, right?" @Steel Zinogre
"I don't care, I am damn proud of who I am. And plus, how can I resist really large boobs anyway?" maxton asked with a smirk, waiting for his response. "I am strout." Strout said, meaning 'I care not for females, they do make good company, but I have no interest in love or lust like maxton is." strout smiled at richie, and maxton groaned. "you're a tree! How can you reproduce if you can....... Oh yeah, don't you spread seeds or some shit like that?" maxton asked the tree.
He dodges it and does an upper cut.

Ori then starts walking, "Let's start heading towards the others are at" she says quietly not looking at him as she stares at the ground. @Steel Zinogre
Braziel nods quickly as he follows her. After a moment of silence, Braziel pipes up. "Are you blushing?"

Alexandra flies up from the uppercut. He still had his power stone, arguably the strongest of the gems. She gets up wobbily, and she opens her mouth, and whispers. A humongous shockwave flies out straight towards Mega vision. @Steel Zinogre

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