Avengers: Age of Youth - Out of Character

When should we start again?

  • Now

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • After school stuff has slowed down (June?)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"Am I actually invisible? I mean, I don't get angry usually, but that's just rude..."

Rosalind just lost points with Crissie. Maybe Cassandra can save it. Maybe not.
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LucianGrey7971 said:
It was only when they found out that all the girls's eyes were blue that the Avengers realized that this Thunderbolts team was extremely dominant race like

So, I had an Idea for Evie's power.

How many uses do you reckon a human body would have if Evie tattooed one of her runes onto them?

Also would she still be considered a hero at that point? :P
I would like to offer my condolences to anyone in the UK that voted to stay. I'm so sorry that this is happening to you guys right now. If you're not allowed to stay/don't want to stay than Canada will take you in :3 <3
CasualDragon said:
I would like to offer my condolences to anyone in the UK that voted to stay. I'm so sorry that this is happening to you guys right now. If you're not allowed to stay/don't want to stay than Canada will take you in :3 <3
Yay, the country's future being decided by people who're going to die in like ten years. Always a great idea xD

I'm from the Uk

:( I just found out we are leaving... That's... Yeah. I don't want to talk politics, because they're boring as all hell. But this has annoyed and upset me. I didn't want to leave, but I didn't get a say in the vot because of my age, regardless of the fact that it would affect me more than the old arseholes who were voting for it.
I guess England is just that one child who thinks they can do everything on their own. The pride of idiots never ceases to amaze me, especially considering most of those votes probably came from people who hate immigration, so I highly doubt they looked at any of the other reasons. Along with all the fear mongering that went on in the leave and stay campaigns; Nigel farage even admitted that he has no idea what's going to happen. I guess I just have to hope this goes well, but I doubt it will.

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but I've liked and commented and posted enough on Facebook that I won't drag it all here ahahahaaa, but thank you for your offer (<3) I've got a friend who has just got back from a year in Canada and is now genuinely considering moving back so it's clearly the place to be!
I'm finally done prepping for summer vacation! So now I'm REALLY back, for reals this time!

Anyways @RiddleWrappedEnigma just wanted to check to see if you were gonna post, wanted to wait to see your response, unless you want me to just reply now, which is also okay.
It's not dead....yet....hopefully...

My time has become limited which bumped Rping down on the priority list. Well, that's my excuse anyways, dunno about everyone else.
Crono said:
It's not dead....yet....hopefully...

My time has become limited which bumped Rping down on the priority list. Well, that's my excuse anyways, dunno about everyone else.
I hope this isn't dead. D:

I like Evie too much :P
AnnaBloodWorth said:
Name: Annabelle Barnes (prefers to be called Anna)
Age: 18

Gender: Female

Alias: Winter Soldier

Child Of: Bucky Barnes


Tall with an athletic build, she has long dark brown hair and eyes.

(for more detail look at my profile picture, sorry I couldn't add it to this post)


Anna was trained from young to be the ultimate assassin. Hydra hid her in the most top secret base where they spent years experimenting on her and adapting her into a weapon that would one day surpass her father the winter solider. The only memories she has are of the trials she had to endure to become the next winter soldier. She was frozen in time for years on end while hydra worked on perfecting her, until hydra was beaten and she was left to sit frozen in a box forever. Until the Avengers discovered her trapped in a glass case of ice.

She was rescued by Capitan American and finally reunited with her father after many, many years. So now she must learn how to rejoin a new world and learn how to be apart of a team and how to use her skills for the good of others.

She holds herself as a tough individual, however she is fascinated by the world and everything in it. Even with all her refined skills she still finds it hard to interact with others and to work as a team player.

She has been trained in most forms of martial arts, can speak and read in French, German, Italian, Chinese, Spanish and Russian, understand Morse code and sign language. Is an expert in stealth and weapons training and also has impeccable hearing and sight.

Because she has little to no people skills she can get a bit awkward around other people.

Anna is still traumatized by her past and prefers not to talk about it. The memories are still very fresh and she wishes only to forget the abuse she took in attempts for Hydra to make her stronger. (Demonstrated by long scars on her back, from whiplashes).


Fire manipulation: She can summon fire and bend it to her will, she is also able to superheat objects and withstand incredible heat (such as explosions and flamethrowers). She can also see in infrared and detects changes in heat signatures.

Basic Inhuman Enhancements: Enhanced Speed, Strength, Endurance, and Reflexes.

Pain threshold: Because of the experimentation done on her she is able to withstand severe amounts of pain, (she is not particularly fond of this gift and dislikes anyone reminding her of it).


Metal left arm (identical to her fathers), it is capable of giving short bursts of strength, additionally the fingers of the arm can sprout claws that can be retracted at will.

Skilled in using most weapons including guns, bombs, knives and swords.

Costume and mask are both durable and the mask is able to filter poisons out of the air.


Similarly like her father she has a 10 word trigger implanted into her mind from the experimentation, when triggered she can become incredibly hostile making her a danger to herself and others, no one has be able to successfully remove them yet.

Also while she is strong and durable, if injured enough her body tired out much like any other person.

Favorite Pass times:

She enjoys exploring places, so you can more often than not find her climbing around trees and buildings in her spare time. Also she loves ballet, and how gentle it is in comparison with what she has learnt in the past, and she loves reading and sketching and catching up on all things modern. She also spends her time training and refining her skills even further.

Favorite Song:

River Flows in You
We already have a child of the Winter Soldier who's quite important plot-wise and this general RP. Though, you could make an OC or @AnnoDomini could say that you could make a sibling.
@AnnaBloodWorth Yes, you can make his sister. Her Bio fits in the cannon perfectly, as Alex was trained as an assassin as well, by the same, so normaly they would\ve had a backup plan.
AnnoDomini said:
@AnnaBloodWorth Yes, you can make his sister. Her Bio fits in the cannon perfectly, as Alex was trained as an assassin as well, by the same, so normaly they would\ve had a backup plan.
Yeah sorry about this. I didn't realize that someone else had taken the title winter soldier, however I would love to have my character have a brother if that's still ok with you.
Is my character accepted? I got a like from one person and a hype cookie from another. Does a hype cookie count?

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