Avengers Academy - Newest Generation of Heroes.

"Ok then. Give me a name or I will call you John Doe for the rest of our time together." He said with a small grin. He stood up and walked over, holding out a hand. "I'm Logan."
"Lucas" he said shakeing logans hand "you dont, do anything that might keep someone up for hours right?" He asked
"other than yell, scream, shoot things, hit things, break loud things, and anything social media related, no." He replied, shaking Lucas' hand. "don't worry about sleep, I don't do much of it anyway."
"..."-he smiles "I say se are gonna get along" he replied "ill see you at our room" he left

(Gtg bye)
(ok, see ya)

 "Great. I will be by soon." he said as Lucas left. He walked over to the M4 he had and went back to his lane, and fired more into the targets. after an hour or so he came back to the dorm, took off his armor and passed out in the undersuit.
"You know, for a super soldier, you sure are dainty." Virian said with a joking grin, before heading out of the school. 

"Can I ask you a question, Nikolai?"

"So I have been told," Nikolai joked. He wasn't often one to give off delicate vibes—generally, people viewed him as something along the lines of Russian murder-bot, and Nikolai couldn't say he blamed them, considering he, more often than not, was something along the lines of Russian murder-bot, but with Virian, he was different. He knew he was being foolish and clingy, and maybe he was just a hopeless romantic, but with Virian he just melted. It felt just like those far-fetched romance novels about love at first sight. 

"Yeah?" he glanced over at Virian. 
"So I have been told," Nikolai joked. He wasn't often one to give off delicate vibes—generally, people viewed him as something along the lines of Russian murder-bot, and Nikolai couldn't say he blamed them, considering he, more often than not, was something along the lines of Russian murder-bot, but with Virian, he was different. He knew he was being foolish and clingy, and maybe he was just a hopeless romantic, but with Virian he just melted. It felt just like those far-fetched romance novels about love at first sight. 

"Yeah?" he glanced over at Virian. 

"Will you leave me if it meant that you would be hurt?"
Nikolai stopped mid-step, face twisted in confusion. 'W-what do you mean?" he asked tentatively, not understanding the question. 

"Well, uh.. my last boyfriend left because I was a mutant, and some guys from The Church of Humanity beat him up. When I asked him if he, uh... if he still loved me, he called me a freak..."
"Well, uh.. my last boyfriend left because I was a mutant, and some guys from The Church of Humanity beat him up. When I asked him if he, uh... if he still loved me, he called me a freak..."

Nikolai's face softened, and there was a quiet confidence in his voice as he spoke, "Virian, I will not leave you," he tried to look him in the eyes, but he struggled; eye contact was so weird and uncomfortable for him. His expression then slipped into a smirk, "I am offended. You think I cannot handle some little church boys in fight?"
Nikolai's face softened, and there was a quiet confidence in his voice as he spoke, "Virian, I will not leave you," he tried to look him in the eyes, but he struggled; eye contact was so weird and uncomfortable for him. His expression then slipped into a smirk, "I am offended. You think I cannot handle some little church boys in fight?"

Virian chuckled, and kissed his cheek. "I guess you can. Just make sure you don't hurt that precious little face. I don't think I could handle watching perfection get ruined."
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Virian chuckled, and kissed his cheek. "I guess you can. Just make sure you don't hurt that precious little face. I don't think I could handle watching perfection get ruined."

"Do not worry. To this masterpiece," Nikolai gestured at his face, "nothing will happen. But little church boys? They get faced bashed in," and while he spoke in humor, there was a serious hint of truth there. He would, in all honestly, have no qualms with bashing some faces in, should the situation come to that. 
"Do not worry. To this masterpiece," Nikolai gestured at his face, "nothing will happen. But little church boys? They get faced bashed in," and while he spoke in humor, there was a serious hint of truth there. He would, in all honestly, have no qualms with bashing some faces in, should the situation come to that. 

"Here we are!" Virian said, as he walked inside of the restaurant. "I am soooo fucking hungry, man... what are you gnna eat?"
"Here we are!" Virian said, as he walked inside of the restaurant. "I am soooo fucking hungry, man... what are you gnna eat?"

Nikolai glanced around the restaurant-the place retained a very traditional Chinese-look and  was permeated with aromas so delicious he was surprised his mouth wasn't watering. "Everything?" he shrugged, and he was sorely tempted to actually try everything because his stomach was rumbling in the way only a super soldier's could and the smell of the food was enticing. 
Dylan smiled and looked up at the sky. He turned back and before he could open his mouth footsteps and voices could be heard. "Finally," Dylan muttered before standing at ready. When two men rounded the corner of the building he was expecting suites and earpieces, not soldiers with HYDRA patches. They both held UMP 45 sub-machine guns in their hands. Both seemed relaxed but when they laid eyes on the two teens they instantly pulled their guns up high. Dylan was too quick though as his hand turned gooey and covered Kairikudo. The bullets didn't make it past the gooey substance but Dylan's body turned back to normal as blood slowly seeped through a bullet hole. Now the two turned their weapons on Dylan.

@Forehead (Hope you don't mind me making up some sort of plot)

Kairi turned her head towards the sound of the footsteps and voices. An annoyed look plastered her face as she saw the Hydra patches. Her eyes widen a bit in surprised as the goo substance took the bullets for her. Her foot stomped on the ground as the floor beneath her and the two Hydra soldiers turned to idle, causing them to slip backwards. Once they were flat on the ice they begun to scream as ice sickle went through there arms and legs. She turned her hand and the ice coming out of the limbs mental down, attaching itself to the rest of the ice. She moved over to then and kicked the guns away.
Nikolai glanced around the restaurant-the place retained a very traditional Chinese-look and  was permeated with aromas so delicious he was surprised his mouth wasn't watering. "Everything?" he shrugged, and he was sorely tempted to actually try everything because his stomach was rumbling in the way only a super soldier's could and the smell of the food was enticing. 

Just then, about six men walked into the building. "Oh, can I help you guys?" The waitress asked with the smile she was trained to use. But the smile quickly faded, as the man pulled a gun. Then, all of the men reached into their pockets, and pulled on their identical balaclavas as well as the guns they were carrying.

"All right! Everyone on the floor! I want the registers open, and all of your phones in the center of room! NOW!"

Virian looked over at Nikolai nervously. "What do we do?"
"Fuck sake," Dylan breathed through pain anger boiled inside of him. The blood had slowed and the wound didn't seem too bad anymore. "Now I'm gonna have to get a new god damn bouncy ball," he muttered in anger. Dylan held his other arm across the wounds and looked at the two HYDRA soldiers thoughts racing through is mind as to why they were here and not SHIELD Agents. Dylan reached his arm to touch his earpiece, "There better be a bloody good explanation as to why two HYDRA soldiers turned up and not SHIELD," he growled into the earpiece to Ant-man.

@Kairikudo @Forehead



Kairi looked over at Dylan now that the Hydra agents were unable to move. "Were you hurt bad?" She asked in a calm tone of voice. @Physiicz
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Logan woke up and got up from his bed. He showered and made breakfast. He suited back up and went out and jogged around the facility, waiting for the first class to begin.

Lucas got up after him "damn early bird" he whispers befor gettin out of bed. He has the same clothes on and doesn't eat, so he opens his book and reads 
Logan enters the dorm room and sits down on a couch, tossing his helmet onto his bed. "Mornin'." he said as he sat down. "how'd you sleep? ok I guess?" He asked, taking off his chestplate. "So ready for weapons training today Lucas?" He asked.
Lucas almost dropped his book "w-wepons?" He stumbled

doesn't thus thing have a normal class like history?
Logan picked up on his sudden nervousness and furrowed his brow in confusion, "Well why are you and not like SCIOPS or COMTECH over in the S.H.I.E.L.D. Training department rather than here?" he asked.

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