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Fandom Avengers Academy (Always open for new students)

"Just came here to eat," was the flat response. This lady was a flirt, and he could tell she was older than she looked. He spotted from his peripheral that Strange had concocted some drink, and was acting a little different. Then he saw his eyes widen in shock after he drank some of the liquid. Something wasn't right...

"Fun is something people have that aren't me," he continued, focusing back on Sersi. Wait...was that...? He looked perplexed for a second, and sniffed the air. Alcohol. He looked over at the drinks Strange was shocked at, and two plus two equals wrong drink. "Oh, boy." He pulled the Mark XVIII from his bag and set the briefcase down. He then pulled out a concoction of some type, followed by a tranq gun.

"Inebriation reversal," he explained to Sersi. "I think Strange may have gotten alcohol by accident."

He poured the vial into a port on the gun, then silently started the injector. It would fill each dart as they were chambered. He fired from his hip at Strange. All that was heard was a "thwip" as the dart left the chamber. It wouldn't harm him, just reverse the alcohol effect.

"You can rearrange stuff." He said. "Rearrange that alcohol to something passive. Please."

@slachance6 @Mathias No Bias
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"Do I look like I want to ruin the party?" Sersi responded as she took a sip of her own drink. @DavidRanger318 "Not yet. I want to see where this goes." She gave him a look of disappointment when he pulled out his tranquilizer gun, but didn't do anything to actively rebel against it. She then scanned his mind quickly to see if he was hiding anything. He definitely was, but she couldn't find much of it. He had a strong will; he was very hard to read. Maybe if she tried harder she could learn some of his secrets, but for now he was uninteresting. "See you later, Frank," Sersi said as the returned toward the center of the party.

Another guy had also just entered the club, and he was quite the sight. He was dressed in an expensive-looking suit and had clean, slicked-back hair, but he was an inhuman gray-skinned monster much larger than anyone else in the room. But he was clearly trying to be classy and make a good entrance, which probably would have been more effective if he didn't look like something out of a horror movie. He was interesting, but not enough for Seris to go towards him and say anything yet.

"Good job with this," Sersi laughed as she showed Strange her mead. @Mathias No Bias "Hopefully these guys can control themselves better than the Asgardians. I'm not sure if I'd count on it though." She started looking around. No one seemed to be acting too different yet, but after all, it was only one drink. She was ready to get things back under control if it got too out of hand, but she wanted to see what would happen.

Logan tasted his drink and quickly realized that it was alcoholic. He was a little surprised that someone had brought it into a school, but it didn't really bother him. He'd had his share of alcohol when he was on the run in Canada, and his healing factor made him even more tolerant. He was more worried that they would all get in trouble. Of course he would end up breaking the rules eventually, but getting caught on the first day doesn't exactly set up a great track record.

The big guy, Joe Fixit, had just joined the party, after practically breaking open the door. Logan was kind of surprised at how confident and outgoing he was. He certainly wouldn't be if he looked like that. Then again, he didn't really like that kind of personality. Anyone who goes out of their way to make strong impressions to people through talking is usually trying to cover up the fact that they aren't any good at more practical things. And it usually just came across as annoying to Logan. Maybe it was because he was more of an introvert and just couldn't do stuff like that. It was the same thing with that chick in the green outfit. She was smoking hot, but he was at least confused by how impetuous and talkative though. But she wasn't annoying like Joe. She hadn't picked on him yet, and she looked way too good to be getting on his nerves. She was probably just out of his league. Logan chuckled at how little sense any of these thoughts made.

Logan remembered that sign that Joe had put up about the battle in the arena. His logical side kept trying to keep his desire for battle at bay, but his warrior instinct got him more and more hyped. Yeah, I'll give you your Fix. I'll wipe that smile off your face. He accidentally bared his claws for just a second, but retracted them before anyone could see. "I'm in. Tomorrow," he said confidently to Joe once he eventually came his way. @Scatterbrain
Natasha Romanoff

"What kind of magical resume?", she asked Strange and added "Pulling of party tricks like tumbling through some sort of portal?" Natasha didn't look too impressed. She had seen weird shit so far so this was just something to add on a long list. Moreover him rolling eyes on her didn't help on the impression she had on this guy.

Natasha looked confused at Selene. Was she serious or had that been a joke? Why would her hair colour have anything to do on her ability to spy? The more she thought about, the more offended she became. "Well, no. Actually if you're good in that business it shouldn't matter what hair colour you have. If you're invisible no one can see you.", Tasha told her and crooked her eyebrow a little adding "Moreover, it's a lot of watching and learning by how people behave. If you're good, life isn't a James Bond movie." She chuckled a bit to herself as she thought about it. In fact only the missions which failed turned out like one of those blockbusters. From that point of view 007 was a really bad spy and a disgrace to this working gield.

The time the door of the club opened, she looked over to it. It was a guy with a skull shirt entered the room. He looked grumpy. She was trying to estimate who was actually a threat. But no-one seemed to want to fight her or get in trouble so far. So she continue to opt to socialice. But of course she was only acting like she had fun. There was nothing like acting approachable to find out various things about people. 

Once the socerer offered drinks to everyone, she took a glass. Without thinking much she took a sip and quirked her eyebrow. She tasted the alcohol instead of cocoa. She looked at Strange and started to smirk. She leaned over to Selene and Strange asking "who do you think gets drunk first?" A small smirk appeared on her lips. She only felt a little tipsy from her sip. She had drunk wodka before so this wasn't that bad to her.

Her gaze went to the guy who tried way too hard for Natasha's opinion. "Does that ever work?", she asked him above the sound of the music. That sounded more of a bad pick up line to her than she was actually able to believe that someone had ever fallen for such a line.

Tony Stark

"Oh, come on. Don't be a spoilsport! You're with Tony Stark. People will love being around me and therefore you. It's a chance of a lifetime, dude!", he spoke sure of himself. Tony started slowly walking towards the club, he was sure Rictor would follow him. Still he casted a look over his shoulder to see if the guy would tag along. After all who would want to miss the opportunity to party with the one and only Tony Stark.

There was no way he would leave the kid behind. Even if he had to drag him there but the guy seemed like he needed a good party. Plus he was getting really late - no fashionably late but late. So he needed someone to tag along. Tony couldn't look like the loser who had no friends. Technically he had no friends here but still no need to actually show that.

Groot felt a chill go through his body when Selene was done reading his palm. She got his story right it was kind of creepy. Groot looked out the window, seeing snowflakes drifting down. He walked towards the window with childlike curiosity. "I... Am... Groot?" he said, putting his hand to the window. Rocket saw Groot staring out the window, he felt bad for not being with him at the party. Rocket ran over to his friend ducking through people's legs. "Hey pal sorry for not being with you at the party but I'm here now so what do you want to do?" he said, scrabbling up the side of the window to see what had infatuated Groot. His fur stood up when he saw snow coming down, he liked snow but he didn't want to be wallowing through it. "I am Groot?" Groot asked Rocket, still oblivious to the world around him. Rocket nodded "Sure we can watch the snow fall but I'm going to get a drink... Something exotic." he said, looking at everyone chatting and a new guy came in he looked like all muscle. Rocket shrugged and sniffed, something was alcoholic and he wanted a taste. He mumbled seeing someone had ordered some food appearantly not satisfied with his taste in food. Then he found it, it was definitely alcohol, burned his nose when he got a whiff. He snatched the cup and walked back to Groot trying hard to conceal his prize.

(Dunno who to tag)
Frank was thankful the scantily clad woman decided he was uninteresting, or at least that What she portrayed.

He saw Strange react to the dart, and walked over to him. "I saw you didn't order those drinks intentionally. That's the only reason I won't report this to Fury. You've been hit with an anti-inebriation serum. Hopefully it will help."

He saw the redhead out of his peripheral, eyeing him. He didn't worry about it, as long as she didn't try anything.

Where was the mushy lady with red glasses? He wanted to thank her for the party so he could be fed and hydrated.



@Mathias No Bias

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This was a bad idea. A very bad one. I think I'll go see that hostess girl and thank her for the party. That's what people do when they leave parties, right? Kaine made his way past the mass of people, heading for where he had last seen Miss Van Dyne. He caught a glimpse of her dress, and rushed over. Tapping her shoulder, he scratched his head before speaking. "Thank for the party, but I really have to be going. I guess I'm not really a party person after all, you know?"


Janet shined in her new dress and wore a bright smile across her face. Sipping a drink she noticed was a bit odd, but she shrugged it off and continued drinking. When she felt someone tapped her shoulder, she turned around to see Kaine talking to her. Though she doesn't remember him every formally introducing himself to her, Janet is the social butterfly and social media expert, and basically knows everyone. She noticed he seemed nervous due to him scratching his head, but when she realized he was leaving Janet seemed disappointed. "But why aren't you a party person?" she asked. Maybe if he told her why, she could somehow fix it and he would stay and everything would be fine.

Kate - Hawkeye

Kate ended up losing track of time while testing arrows. "Oh #### I'm late to the party". She runs back to her dorm room. "Sorry Lucky can't play now". Lucky gives Kate a sad look as Kate rushes to the bathroom after grapping a suitcase. A few minutes later Kate exits the bathroom in a dress, hair and make up done, and with a refilled quiver of arrows. You never know when you'll need to shoot something with an arrow. Kate leaves the dorm and rushes to club A after making sure she closed the door to her room to make sure Lucky doesn't get out. Should I announce my arrival with a loud trick arrow or walk in normally? I'm awesome enough that I don't need to make a big display of my awesomeness. Kate walks in and removes her coat.


She listened to Natasha talk to the boy Strange. Speaking of magic, there was a lot of it going around. From the food to a blast of wind that had a distinct magic feeling to it. It was getting to the point it almost permeated the air, a sort of o-zone of spent magic. She rubbed at her amulet and wrinkled her nose at the displays. They'd be magically spent by midnight if they didn't pace themselves. Or maybe that was just her, needing to constantly feed her magic with the life forces of others. It seemed like a curse, especially because she never seemed sated. She needed to find something to keep her hands occupied, before she started looking for someone to feed on. Selene drank more of the magical beer, hoping it would take the edge off.

Selene agreed with a shrug, "You stand out, is all. Very pretty; bright hair; memorable. But your right, if you don't want to be seen, there are ways like turning invisible. Is that something you can do too? Super power or something?" It was hard to tell, what people were hiding. @Jessy753

Selene genuinely let out a snort of laughter at Natasha's question. Looking around at everyone at the party she pointed out the big hulking guy, Joe, "Him. I bet he's a lightweight under all that muscle. Second guess is the animal infested royal tree. One or the other." She said in the hopes of being right. To her that would be the funniest situation. @Jessy753 @Mathias No Bias


Petulantly, kicking the ground a little bit, he followed behind Tony. "Promise me that If I make a fool of myself you'll put me out of my misery." He said. Rictor was still exhausted, but being young and stupid seemed to go a long way into giving you the endurance to push through. Now he just needed to find a way to get past his personality. If only there was some alcohol or something at the party. @Jessy753

The guy who had tried to help him before was leaving the party, and Rictor tried to wave again. "Thanks for trying to help, amigo. I'll remember it." He shouted after him, hoping to make up for the first impression he'd made. @DavidRanger318
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Joe (Club A)

Joe looked around the club. There was quite a few ladies about, some of them Joe didn't recognise but hey, they'd get to know him soon enough. He noticed the babe in black point at him and he crossed eyes with a lady in green as she crossed the room. She was a looker despite her poor choice in colour, for some reason he just hated the colour green but he wouldn't hold that against her. He could tell they were both interested in him but before he could make his move Logan approached him.
"I'm in. Tomorrow." he said.
Joe was a little confused about what he meant, he was more concerned about the ladies then anything else. Oh right! His challenge.
"That's great, peewee but do me a favour and buzz off." Joe mumbled to Logan.  "I don't want you ruining my chances with the ladies here." Joe leaned in closer to Logan and put his hand to the side of his mouth. "Maybe if you put on a nice suit, an eye patch to add a bit of mystery then maybe we can pick up some ladies together. Until then. Scram!" 

@slachance6 @myvalentina
What? She wanted to know why? This girl was trying to understand his intentions. Gotta admit, this is kinda new territory for me. Kaine thought about it for a moment, then answered her. "I've never really been to a party before, let alone go to a school party. Heck, I've never even gone to school. It's nice and all, but I kinda suck at being social. People don't stick around me for very long." 


Janet the felt pity for Kaine. "What? Who wouldn't like you? You're super cute and super nice!" she said. "If you've never been to a school or a school party, how do you know you don't like it?" she asked, her hands on her

hips. "Here," she told him and took his hands "I'll stick with ya." She dragged Kaine and brought him to the middle of the club where the music was loudest. "Go on and dance!" she shouted over the loud music and started to dance with no shame.

"Hello? Hello!?"

There was no answer to the little girls cry, the Quad and Campus grounds deserted in the gloom of the evening. She looked around her eyes lighting up as she looked at all the strange and impressive buildings around here. This place is way cooler than the "Hostel. " She skipped through the snow, singing a little tune as she went through the Quad stopping only when she got to the Bulletin Board. She looked at all the little bits of paper and flyers covering the board ripping off the ones that had caught her interest, such as the open challenge, and cramming them into her pockets, until the nosy newcomer caught sight of the words party written on one of the notes which made a huge smile appear on her face. "YIPPEE!!!!!!"

She jumped up and down in excitement before hurtling off to the party. Well hopefully.
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Ultron crushed the AIMbot head as he finish the 51th wave,

".......is that all this place got" and with that suddenly the command screen turns red an a word says New Threat shown up

"This Better be Interesting"  said ultron as a the place begin to shake and 3 enormous robot show up


Next Stage : Adaptoid Sentinel

As the sentinels plasma cannon are charging toward him, Ultron use his sentry to block the attack, decapitating them while he use his energy sword to slash the sentinels head, but the sentinel  adapted and quickly turn its outside material into diamond, knocking him back as the other 2 sentinel barraging him with plasma blasts.

"Okay, that's hurt , said ultron as he then try to use his technopathy ability to hack into the sentinel system only to realize the sentinel use a closed system.

"That's New"

The sentinel begin charging his cannon again, but as one of the cannon finished charging Ultron managed reverse the gravitational field to direct the sentinel shot into other sentinel head, destroying it.

The other sentinel then charging to ultron on a diamond form and using  Diamond blade formed on his hand to stab him which ultron quickly reacted by using his own plasma blade to counter the attack and once again direct it to the other sentinel head which left him with only one sentinel to go.

"Come on, It's Only you and me now" Said Ultron which the sentinel responded by charging his head disintegration beam on Ultron.

"Ow Shit"

The Sentinel then use all his other cannon and missiles to barrage ultron.

as the fire dies down The Sentinel scanning for Ultron body which  he couldn't find as he find that dozens of Ultron sentries are already forming a circle around him, and with one command charging at the sentinel, destroying it.

"Would you like to proceed" The Robo-Dojo AI spoke as the last sentinel head touch the floor.

"Enough for  today I think"

"So it is then" Replied the AI as the dojo system shutting down

"......... I think the party may do...." Said Ultron as he exit the dojo to go to the Club for some refreshing
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Strange was stupendously worried with his state as he fought to keep words from slurring out of his mouth. One miss-spelling could prove disastrous! He judged that he would be best set if he got the numbers of all the single lad... oh man he needed to get out of here quick!!! Sadly he was pretty much stumbling at best now. Sensing this his cloak hovered him just over the ground in a way akin to a suit on a rack. Strange was hit by something amidst his groggy state of mind while floating along!

"Son of a...! Who would shoot at him with a dart?He thought as he pulled out the projectile. He saw a guy with a skull holding a gun and chatting up with Sersi which rang some warning bells now that the drink was wearing out. @DavidRanger318

In the same area he noted the large tree and others handle the mead better than he did. Well ... guess he was more normal than he thought!

Then she came up to him as he was making for the door and congratulated him."Yeah... getting people drunk was ... all ... part of my plan." He laughed as his head cleared and he recalled she'd charmed him earlier. "Also I hope that next time you can just beguile me the old fashioned way dear. Spells and romance rarely end well." He kissed the back of her hand but his cloak had never stopped moving so it pulled him away before anything else could happen. "Uhhh ... All part of the plan!!" he said as he went out the door and was confronted by a ... a kid? @slachance6

"Oh hey there. Sorry I think you've got the wrong place? Are you lost? Where are your dom and mad? Uhhhh ... I mean mom and dad." he shook the last bit of his drunken stupor off. @Twist

Or so he thought until he noticed a big robot headed his way? What the hell was he injected with?! he wondered as it got closer to him and the girl. Instinctively he told the girl to head inside and wait there.

"Who are you?" he asked the robot that was hopefully not something he had just imagined. @Particle9


Kaine had no idea how to respond to all of this, so he stood there for a few seconds while this girl danced in front of him. Okay, don't panic, I can work with this. Just watch how the guys dance and follow their movements. Kaine began to dance slowly, until he started becoming a bit more comfortable with himself. 

And so began the worst dancing ever done by a Spider Man
"I don't know about you guys, but I have a very, very bad feeling about drinking on this particular night," Being a superhero had made Rider trust his senses the more and more he donned his helmet, and his senses fed him a peculiar feeling of being watched by someone, that someone named Director Fury notwithstanding. On the contrary, not a single drop of worry was present in Nova's voice, taking a carefree sip from his cup of mead as he rested a hand on a nearby table. 

It was a pleasant surprise for the buckethead (probably everyone else as well) to receive a floating cup whose contents seemed to be cocoa. Given how the weather had decided to go frosty as the night settled in, it would be the appropriate beverage Strange would give to warm their evenings. Though a bit disappointed as the promise of a steaming hot cup of cocoa was false, it became even more of a pleasant surprise as the beverage wasn't cocoa at all -- it was mead, Asgardian mead. The same stuff that drove the buckethead into waging a damn war, if the soldiers were replaced as drunk Norsemen, their guns as glass and chairs. Though it did make him worry a bit how all the superpowered students were freely given alcohol, it was quickly drowned out by mead and the sound of music playing. Not his place to care about it, anyways.

Managing to hear the last part of Sersi's remark, the Nova Force user scoffed. He'd began to question if she actually attended a real party, or something. Those usually ended either very well, or very bad for the people who partook of it. The venue was a constant though, almost always looking like the latter in the aftermath. "More than a few of these people are hormonally-charged, teens with ages barely legal enough to drink, and emotions that are as consistent as cornstarch water -- us included," Probably. Rider took another sip before continuing. "Combine that with alcohol and superpowers, well..." he trailed, his eyes soon drifted from one side of the gymnasium to the other, before it began to fixate on a rather funny sight. @slachance6

Strange (@Mathias No Bias) being dragged away to the exit by his sentient haberdashery, preventing him from making any sort of moves on Sersi any further. Who knew capes had feelings? Nova sniggered to himself in half-drunken stupor, the cup nearly falling from his unsteady hands. It was only until someone (@Twist) way too small to be in this place had came into view that he had stopped from emptying his drink altogether. 

It was a kid, a normal-looking kid that had looked so noticeable amongst the oddities that existed in the gymnasium. The normalcy was a refreshing feeling to Nova, as his mind returned to it's alcohol-soaked thoughts. I had no idea that Fury was accepting elementary school-aged children as well. For Rider, this single day was just him riding a huge rollercoaster named Emotions, the current situation its steepest inclination it would climbBut it's drop was yet to come, apparently in a form of a huge freaking robot. @Particle9

"What the heck is that thing?!" the mead had caused him to loudly slur-shout in shock, dropping and therefore destroying his third cup of the day. @anyone within the vicinity
The bright lights and loud noises made it easy to find where the club was even for the unacquainted tiny trespasser. She tried to look through the window, multiple shades of colour shining out from it, but wasn't tall enough so she ran to the door, which suddenly opened. She skidded to a halt as a garishly garbed guy came out, who was acting rather unusual. "Oh hey there. Sorry I think you've got the wrong place? Are you lost? Where are your dom and mad? Uhhhh ... I mean mom and dad." he asked upon noticing her.

His breath stank, making her eyes water as she almost gagged. Bleeehhhh!

Suddenly the stinky stranger arms were around her as he pushed her into the club with some urgency. Inside the club she shivered slightly, her body reacting to the unpleasant odour of the man, before she regained her composure. She looked around the club, her mouth agape at all the colours, and balloons and food.... It was then her stomach rumbled and she realised she hadn't eaten in a while so without hesitation and no forethought the underfed urchin made a beeline.  

Kate was quietly enjoying the party until she heard a loud scream @Faultier which caused her to grab an explosive tip arrow from her quiver and looks towards the person that screamed. Kate notices a weirdo in a strange helmet looking at a robot that looks kind of scary and needs to get blown up with a barrage of arrows. Ok Kate the robot doesn't seem to be attacking and there seems to be no  present danger. Kate puts the arrow back into her quiver. "You should avoid screaming when you around people with dangerous powers and weapons because someone could  of gotten hurt".

Janet clapped her hands and clearly ignored Kaine's awful dancing. "You see? This isn't so bad!" she said with a smile, having to be a little loud because of the music. If anyone said they didn't like parties, it was basically Janet's life mission to make them change their minds. I mean, parties are great! Still dancing, she thought if anyone didn't want to be Kaine's friend after this, they're crazy. "I'm gonna go grab some food," she told him. "You just keep on breaking it down dancey-pants!" she said, patted his shoulder, and made her way to the food table. She grabbed a plate and started putting some food on it after she grew quite an appetite from party planning and party-ing.

The ravenous runaway looked over the food, settling on munching away at the nachos and cheese stopping shortly for a drink of a soda between mouthfuls. There was other drinks on the table, in little cups but it smelt just like the weirdo who grabbed her earlier so there was no way she would be going near that. She felt someone near her, walking around her trying to get some food herself. The fun sized female wrapped her arm around the bowl of nachos as she eyed the girl who didn't really seem to notice the pink hatted party crasher.

She was rather pretty in a yellow top and with a poofy black skirt, a big smile on her face as she hummed to herself as she filled her plate. It was then that the little girl noticed her reflection in the punch, her face covered in grime and cheese, and the general distortion of her reflection didn't help the now self conscious stranger as her lower lip began to tremble. Her feet were wet as well and her hair was sticky with cheese. She looked around the room for a little reassurance or a way out but there was so many people in really nice clothes and she couldn't see through all of them and they were all really happy and she was now really sad.

And so came the tears and the cries of the lost little girl who was a stranger in an even stranger place

@NJN25, @ManyFaces, @ScatteredStars, @myvalentina @Jessy753, @Mathias No Bias, @TaleekXD, @Faultier, @slachance6, @Yoshiro, @DavidRanger318, @Scatterbrain.
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Julia (Club A)

Julia had been watching all of the others having fun since she had arrived, when she noticed that even Frank appeared to have been caught up in the festivities. He was mingling with everyone and even appeared to have been flirting with the girl in green. That's when Julia realised something, if Frank, the most serious person she had ever met, was having more fun then her, than things definitely needed to change. She couldn't mope around all day, she and Rictor would sort things out so there was no reason why she couldn't start having fun. She stood up and walked towards Frank. 
"I see you decided to show in the end. That was one outcome I wouldn't have predicted." She said with a cheeky smile.

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Why is it that when a cute girl asks us to do something, we can't help but obey? So help me God if I got this from Parker, I'll kill him. 

Looking back on the situation at hand, Janet's absence caused him to stop dancing immediately. He kinda just stood there. Already Kaine's brain kicked into high gear, desperately scrambling for some way to escape this. But not a damn thing came to mind. He'd never been a social butterfly, so he had no experience dealing with this. For all his power and might, people had the upper hand in this environment.

[SIZE= 18px][COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)][FONT= 'Lucida Sans Unicode']Natasha Romanoff[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]


Her eyes followed the guy with the guns through the room. She kept her distance but she knew better than to not pay attention to people with guns. Especially if they demonstrated to use those in any given moment. Like he just did. Part of her wanted to go over and introduce herself but than again she couldn't bring herself to care. She was sure that they would meet again or perhaps he would come over sooner or later. @DavidRanger318

"What's wrong?", she asked Selene noticing her glimpse at the amulet. She could easily tell that something was off or worrying her. It was funny how easy people could be read if they didn't know how to control their body language. "No, I'm not able to turn invisible. Unlike many other students I'm actually able to do nothing. Normal human being I'm afraid but I can fight pretty well. What about you? What makes you a 'super hero'?", she asked her and smiled gently.  Natasha didn't think of herself to be one of the people to rescue the world one day. She wanted to infiltrate governments, digging up dirt instead of helping humanity against any kind of threat. @myvalentina

She looked over to the people Selene suggested who would go fully drunk. "I don't know perhaps even our wizard guy over there.", she suggested and nodded over to the guy who called himself Strange. She drank more of the liquid and felt slowly a warm sensation settle in of whatever alcohol she was drinking. Her own self trained awareness of her surrounding was slowly ceasing. So the crying of a young girl took her by surprise. She tried to push the drunken state out of her system but the mead didn't seem to vanish that fast. @Mathias No Bias @Twist

[COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]T[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]ony Stark[/COLOR]

"No need to feel that down! You're here with me. People will love to be around us.", he said sure of himself and went to Club A with Rictor. "No worries about anything! The ladies will love hanging around us.", the young billionaire said sure of himself. After all the girls always seemed to love being around him. Sure his presence came with free drinks but who wouldn't pay for anyone's drinks if you had beautiful girls in each arm. @myvalentina

Both Rictor and Stark arrived at the party at the same time with the little girl and the robot. Tony glanced curiously at the robot. The metal seemed familiar to some of his sketches on a suit he was currently developing. But perhaps that could also be his imaginations. "So who are you tin can?", he asked the robot looking dude curiously. He seemed worth getting to know. @Particle9

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