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Fandom Avengers Academy (Always open for new students)

Rocket looked in his cup, as he walked back to Groot. Groot looked at Rocket then back to the cup "I am Groot!" he said sternly, pointing at the cup. Rocket grumbled "Don't worry it's just one cup, I'll probably just get a bit of a buzz no biggie." Rocket replied. He tilted the cup back taking a good swig, he licked his whiskers and shrugged. "See it's nothing, you should try some too!" he said, trying to coax Groot into drinking. Rocket noticed his vision was getting a bit blurry, but he brushed it off. Groot crossed his arms and shook his head, "I am Groot!" he scolded, he couldn't believe Rocket was drinking alcohol. "Schtop being sucha big baby... Itsh not like alcohol ever hurt anyone!" he said, giving a small hiccup.

(Still unsure who to tag)
"Messy is how I roll. That's why my movie outsold yours." Wade said as he dragged both the unconscious guards and hid them in a bush. He vaulted over the railing and followed Pietro inside, surveying the lobby. It was dark and rather vacant, with several balconies high above their heads. Wade made his way to the front desk and looked over it, spotting the sleeping form of an overweight guard in a chair. Wade turned to Pietro and made a shushing gesture before hopping the counter top and sneaking up on the guy. Wade slapped his hand over the man's mouth, wakening him.

"Alright, big boy. I have some questions and you are going to answer them. If I like what I hear, you go night night without a scratch. If I don't like them, I will introduce you to my friend, Jai Courtnie........Jai Courtnie is the name of my knife." Wade explained. The guard whimpered meekly.

"You alone?"


"No roaming patrol? No second shift guys? No girlfriend coming by for some on the job late night backdoor lovin'?"

"Muh muh."

"Where is the elevator to the lower floors and basement?" Wade asked. The guard pointed a small hand at the line of doors ahead of them.

"What...is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?" Wade grinned. The guard look puzzled. "Just kidding." Wade quipped before punching both sides of the man's skull simultaneously, rendering him unconscious. Wade took a small keycard of the man and gently laid him down under the desk before climbing over it, falling.

"OW! My kneeeee!" he whined before rolling back up. He strolled over to the elevators and swiped the card, the doors opening swiftly. He beckoned his partner into the small silver box and looked at the control panel.

"Well, this is a problem. The lower areas are only accessible if you have a five digit numerical password. Let's try....1...2...3...4...5." Wade guessed. The panel buzzed red with the words "ACCESS DENIED" in digital flashing. Wade frowned. "Damn. That usually works in movies. Alright, speedy. You input every combination of five numbers as you can. I'm gonna make a quick phone call to buy us some time." Wade pulled out his phone and dialed.

"Weasel? It's Wade. Yes, it's nice to hear from me too. Listen, I'm at that Avengers Academy that Fury dude shanghai'd me into and they're having a party. Thing is, they don't have a DJ or proper drinkage. I'm talking dryer than Al's squish mitten. And Fury personally asked moi if I had any recommendations." Wade paced outside the elevator, looking in on Pietro and making an obscene jerking motion then pointing to the phone, "Yeah, you were definitely my first choice. Just pack up your @#$%, get down here and get this party pumping....All of it....Don't worry. I'm calling Bob to bring some of his HYDRA buddies to help you....Fury is TOTALLY cool with HYDRA....they practically are the same thing...stop questioning me and just get down here!" Wade yelled before hanging up. He poked an app on his phone and turned it sideways. Soon, an image of a goggled young man filled the screen.

"BOB! How's my brother from another agency?" Wade greeted.

"Wade? What are you doing videoing me? You're at Avengers Academy. I could get into a lot of trouble!" Bob said hushed. Wade rolled his eyes and raised an eyebrow, noting movement behind his friend. He got a devilish smirk on his face.

"Oh, I'm just calling to tell you how GREAT AVENGERS ACADEMY IS. MUST BETTER THAN THAT %$^&STAIN YOU CALL A SCHOOL OVER THERE!" Wade said loudly. Bob looked panicked.

"Wait, no-" Bob's face was soon replaced by another, large and beefy.

"Who said that? Who the hell are you?" the man raged. Wade gave the man a patronizing look.

"Oh I was just telling my friend there, who said your school was so awesome and cool, how totally wrong he is. Your school sucks. Your uniforms are stupid. You all dress like rejected knock off Minions." Wade mused, wandering down the lobby.

"YOU-Where are you? I'll crush your skull flat!"

"I'm at Avengers Academy. Club A. I'll even give you guys an in with the drink vendor. Name's Weasel. Can't wait to knock your teeth in, you over sized wiener." Wade taunted.

"We'll be there. What's your name so I know who to beat down first." the man fumed.

"My name? Why it's," Wade peeked back at the elevators to see if Pietro was listening, "It's Pietro. Pietro Maximoff. But my friends call me "Quicksilver". And your mother called me "Daddy" last night."


"BOOP!" Wade chirped as he hung up. He walked back to the elevator and looked in. "Well, that should keep Fury preoccupied for a bit. How's that elevator code coming, my fast friend-o?" Wade queried.

Pietro was pretty sure half of what Wade said every time he spoke was just gibberish. The speedster was seriously considering whether he was insane or not at this point. Either way, he followed him as they approached the sleeping form of the guard.

Pietro caught Wade's drift with the actually legible hand motions and bolted somewhere out of sight - into a supply closet, where he pocketed some duck tape, some spray paint, and a screwdriver. You never knew! He waited until Wade had taken care of it - he was more than happy to let him do the dirty work - before emerging from his hiding. "African or European?!" he whispered to his partner in crime, then sniggered as he banged his knee on the desk. "Aww, want me to kiss it and make it better?"

Pietro followed him up to the control panel. "Alright...but just know that if some alarm goes off, I'm leaving you behind as my scapegoat," he said, having no intention of actually leaving Wade behind, even if an alarm did go off. He started to punch in random combinations, sticking his tongue out in concentration.

The speedster raised an eyebrow at Wade's conversation, only half listening. What was he up to? Pietro didn't know much, but he was pretty sure that Hydra and SHIELD did not get along. But then he realized - that was the point. They were gonna be their diversion, to give them more time to explore down here.

He perked up as he heard Wade whispering, but he couldn't catch all of what the guy said. Wade came back into the elevator, asking about the com which Pietro had gotten about a minute ago. "Dude, if you told that guy you were me I'm gonna kill you," was all he said. "Ready?"

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The little girl kept crying but the music drowned out her cries. But one person could hear her and it made him mad.

With a crash, the window shattered sending glass everywhere as the blonde haired blitzkrieg jumped through. "Get away from her, you freaks!"

The little girl looked up her sobs slowing as she saw the familiar face. "Chase?!"

He raised one of the massive gauntlets on his hands, spurting out a jet of flame. "Get over here Molly, before one of these guys tries anything. And use code names remember so it's Talkback"

Molly did as she was told, running through the evading group of people who were almost singed by the furious fire starter. "You called me Molly" she said with a tone, now beside him.

He grimaced slightly. "Yeah, yeah. Well Bruiser power up so we can take these guys."

Another lick of flame came from his gauntlets. "Are you sure...?"

Chase eyed the room warily, waiting for someone to make a move as he tried to convince Molly.


"Damn we lost him!"

"I think you mean them"

"How hard can it be to find a group of kids"

"Shut up and keep looking! They can't have gone far"

@NJN25@ManyFaces@ScatteredStars@myvalentina @Jessy753@Mathias No Bias@TaleekXD@Faultier@slachance6@Yoshiro@DavidRanger318@Scatterbrain.
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Norrin hovered on his board watching the stars go by the bumping of the music from the party that was being thrown being heard even from the park. (Just assuming it's somewhere around night time) He didn't know why but whenever he daydreamed his mind always went to the mystery which was his past, he sighed to himself as his board casually lowered and raised on its own creating a soothing feeling as a breeze came by which did nothing for Norrin seeing as the weather didn't have much affect on him. The Surfer's thoughts were immediately interrupted by the sound of glass being shattered along with music abruptly stopping, due to his acute hearing he heard what probably was half of a conversation one from a female and a male. Not wanting to waste time Norrin stood on his board and zipped over towards the building getting there in no time at all. Norrin's eyes narrowed on the cause of the shattered glass as he looked at the blond individual and the girl he was quick to speak before something would happen "I don't think I've seen you before...who are you state your business.." Norrin said simply staring at the man almost as if her were staring through him with his icy gaze.

A fight? This, I can manage!

Kaine snuck quickly away to a corner, grabbing his backpack while he moved. Once secluded, he tore his civilian clothes off and threw his Spidey suit on in a hurry. He pulled his mask on, and Kaine Parker existed no more. Right now.....


Only the Scarlet Spider was here. 

The costumed man jumped back into the crowd, adjusting his landing to be near the intruder. His body stood at the ready, waiting for any sign of hostility from the blond boy. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't burn this place down, kay? Party crashing is one thing, party burning is another. So why don't you put the weapons down and we talk carefully about this? Beating you up is really not gonna make me sleep well tonight."

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Joe (Club A)

See! This is what happens when you don't have someone acting as security.
Even though officially he wasn't security for this shindig, he welcomed the opportunity to flex his muscles and perhaps impress a couple of the ladies. Fury would probably complain if Joe assaulted a fellow student but this guy was no student so it was open season for a beat down on this guy in his eyes. 
Joe pushed through the crowd and walked towards the kid before placing a hand firmly on his shoulder. "You've got two choices now, matchstick. You can either leave in one piece or in several? The choice is yours." Joe threatened, as he tightened his grip.

@NJN25@ManyFaces@ScatteredStars@myvalentina @Jessy753@Mathias No Bias@TaleekXD@Faultier@slachance6@Yoshiro@DavidRanger318, @Twist 
The little girl kept crying but the music drowned out her cries. But one person could hear her and it made him mad.

With a crash, the window shattered sending glass everywhere as the blonde haired blitzkrieg jumped through. "Get away from her, you freaks!"

The little girl looked up her sobs slowing as she saw the familiar face. "Chase?!"

He raised one of the massive gauntlets on his hands, spurting out a jet of flame. "Get over here Molly, before one of these guys tries anything. And use code names remember so it's Talkback"

Molly did as she was told, running through the evading group of people who were almost singed by the furious fire starter. "You called me Molly" she said with a tone, now beside him.

He grimaced slightly. "Yeah, yeah. Well Bruiser power up so we can take these guys."

Another lick of flame came from his gauntlets. "Are you sure...?"

Chase eyed the room warily, waiting for someone to make a move as he tried to convince Molly.


"Damn we lost him!"

"I think you mean them"

"How hard can it be to find a group of kids"

"Shut up and keep looking! They can't have gone far"

@NJN25@ManyFaces@ScatteredStars@myvalentina @Jessy753@Mathias No Bias@TaleekXD@Faultier@slachance6@Yoshiro@DavidRanger318@Scatterbrain.

Frank snapped his head around at the sound of crashing glass, and barely overheard the conversation. He pulled out his Mark XVIII and stepped into it, the "acquired" silver iron man suit covering his whole frame. The girl was covering her ears, and the blonde was...defending her. He jumped up, his thrusters engaged. He landed in between Joe and Chase, knocking Joe's hold away. He took a step back and help up his hands. "What can I help you with, sir? It's a simple, Avengers Academy party. If we scared you," he pointed to Molly, "Or you," he pointed to Chase, "It was unintentional. If she didn't like loud music, she should have stayed in her dorm."

He Said loudly through his speakers, "EVERYONE, STAND DOWN."

@NJN25@ManyFaces@ScatteredStars@myvalentina @Jessy753@Mathias No Bias@TaleekXD@Faultier@slachance6@Yoshiro@DavidRanger318@Scatterbrain.
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In a few moments, the situation had quickly changed it was now two against four and Chase was too stubborn to back down. The man in the metal suit seemed to be in charge as he was barking orders so Chase would talk to him. He looked down at Molly who was busy staring up at the alien. They couldn't really just leave as they were surrounded and he in no way trusted these guys. So the brash blonde with the big fists tried a different approach. Intimidation "You think you can give me orders man? The only ones who give me orders are my parents and I wouldn't go near them with a barge pole."

Talkback was now right in the metal man's face, looking him straight in the eye. "So there is no way I'm going to listen you. So BACK OFF!"

Molly turned her gaze away from the brilliant boarder in the sky at Chase's outburst, which in turn made her now catch sight of the grey goliath. He was cracking his knuckles and their eyes met, a wicked smile on his face. "MONSTER!!!!" cried Bruiser, her eyes turning purple.


Chase turned to her before quickly turning back to the armour clad ambassador, his face full of anger. "It's on now!"

The violet eyed visitor swung at Joe, her powers now coming to the forefront increasing her strength to unbelievable highs as with a flick of his wrist Talkback set his foe alight

@DavidRanger318, @Scatterbrain, @TaleekXD@Yoshiro
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Sersi was just about to respond to Strange when she heard a loud crash through the window on her left. Already?, she thought. She may have been in a school for superheroes, but she didn't expect to get into a bar fight with space Vikings and watch the school get invaded on her first day. But it certainly was exciting.

She wasn't the first one to reach the window, but she saw most of it happen. There was a blond guy about her age wearing a metal gauntlet with flickering flames, as well as a much younger girl in a pig hat. At first she assumed that they were just students that she hadn't met yet, although the girl seemed like she was more middle-school aged at most. But then she realized that these seemed really afraid of the students. Or at least hostile in some way. They started to talk about fighting, and the boy seemed to be readying his fire gloves.

"Look, we don't want this to get violent-" she began to say, but the big grey guy, Joe, interrupted her. He seemed to be picking a fight, much to Sersi's annoyance. "This isn't a good idea..." she began to tell him, but it was too late. Joe began to charge and the new boy, whose name was Chase, began launching a jet of flame.

Sersi decided to step in. On a worse day, or if anyone was threatening her directly, she might have turned them into pigs, but she decided to give them a chance. She wanted to know who they were anyway. She used her telekinesis to hold the newcomers, as well as Joe, dead in their places. Chase's flames flickered out as he was unable to move his hand. She was applying the least force to Joe; he could probably break out if he wanted to. Then she levitated in front of Chase and looked him in the eyes, letting her magical allure shine in an attempt to seem comely rather than threatening. She wanted to read their minds to find out where they came from, but couldn't concentrate; she wasn't quite able to use that many powers effectively at once.

 "Oh, I wouldn't recommend attacking us," she said. "And we won't harm you. Just promise that you won't and I'll let you free."

@Twist @Scatterbrain
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Chase was a bit shocked as he and Molly were taken to the air, his attack now singeing the ceiling instead making the decorations disappear almost instantly in the heat. He tried to attack again but couldn't move. He tried to see Molly but he was held firmly in place no matter how much he struggled. It was then a young woman floated below him, dressed in green. He wasn't against attacking her even if she was a girl seeing how she was probably the one making them float, seeing how she herself was floating but he decided against trying. She was quite the looker though, even though she seemed a bit obsessed with green with most her body having some green on it, her hair, her arms, her lips.

 "Oh, I wouldn't recommend attacking us," she said, looking him the eyes even though his eyes were drawn somewhere else entirely. "And we won't harm you. Just promise that you won't and I'll let you free."

He eyed her up, a few times, before responding. "Fine. I promise. Just make everyone back off."

She smiled, before gently placing them on the ground, a little whine coming from Molly who seemed to enjoy the experience. He got up, brushing himself off and looked around. It was then he went to attack but a little hand on his arm stopped him. "You promised" said Molly, her innocent eyes mellowing him slightly.

"But!..." he snapped, quietly.

"You promised" she said again, a stubborn expression on her face and a hint of purple in her eyes.

He rolled his eyes placing his hand on his face before letting out a sigh and smiling at Molly.

@slachance6, @Scatterbrain, @DavidRanger318, @TaleekXD, @Yoshiro
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"Don't get any ideas," Sersi replied with a smile as she saw him raise his gauntlet. "And trust me. We aren't going to hurt you unless you try to hurt us. You might be safe here, you know. Where are you two from, and who are you running from?"

(If they don't answer right away, she's going to read their minds. She could already tell that they were on the run.)

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Janet grabbed a plate and started admiring the food table. Rocket did such a good job with it. She'd have to thank him more later. She started putting some food items on her plate. Stuff like mini sandwiches, fruits, and chips. She really was hungry after all of this partying. Thinking about it, Janet thought she had one heck of a day. First day of the academy, having to plan this party, and then partying. At least it was a good day and not a terrible one. Eating a quick little strawberry before she went sit down she heard a commotion. There was crying, yelling, and fire? Janet turned over and saw two students she hadn't seen before, she didn't even know if they were students here. She took one more strawberry and quickly walked away.
Strange was having trouble.

Body trouble.

It would seem that whatever he'd been injected with was flushing the mead out of his system in a hurry. Too bad it did not take into account the fact it was not simply chemicals at work but relativistic magic. 'Relativistic' because the Asgardian technology was simply advanced enough for it to appear magical without being magical. And what happens when you have a advanced group of beings messing around with alcohol for millenniums? 

That's right kids! Super relativistically magical alcohol!

That said the ungodly combination of compounds was nothing to sneeze at. Deciding to try out an old trick of his when he got sick and didn't want to bother with a headache he turned over spell defense controls to his eye of A. and left his body to his cloak to keep upright. 

"ASTRAL! ASTRAL! ASTRAL PROJECTION! HOooooOOO!" He did a horrible impersonation of a children's cartoon protaganist before being shot backwards out of his body and past his pal Nova and a guy with a very nice stache. ( @Faultier and @Jessy753. Rictor is there too but Strange has been flung back so he couldn't spot him)

"Whoa!!! Stop! Air brakes!! Come on!" he finally managed to stop after phasing through a table and into the floor. All he could see was pitch black as he instinctively tried to go up. Which was very difficult to do with no gravity or sight fall back on. 

Ultimately he rose head first from beneath the wooden floorboards to spot everyone speaking to two kids. One of them being the girl he'd just sent inside and the other an older boy with some very snazzy gauntlets. No longer feeling the effects of the chemicals in his body he adjusted his sense of time to match reality and spoke to the crowd.

"Hello there. Sorry to interrupt but can anyone bring me up to speed here? What are Jack and Jill doing on this Hill and would someone fetch my body a pail of water? I'll probably need to get doused or something once I sweat off the all that 'drunk' of my body." he asked while floating closer to the two children.( @Twist)

Midway to them his body suddenly started spasming in-front of the kids and the others. His head and arms emitted a variety of colors as he fought back for control. "Oh dear I was afraid it was going to well. You guys might want to shield your ey-" And boom went Strange in a flash of light nearly blinding everyone who had been looking directly at him. The only thing they could here was him saying,"Sorry my bad!" to each stumbling person he'd hit.

(Only react if you think you'd have been staring at the floating transparent guy)
( @slachance6, @DavidRanger318, @TaleekXD, @Scatterbrain, @Yoshiro and any other onlookers)
Frank put him arms at ease and started walking away. @Twist He was about to deactivate his suit when he saw a flash @Mathias No Bias, but thankfully it was dimmed by his suit's optics.

He decided then to make things right. He walked up to Mr. Stark and tapped him on the shoulder, still in the silver Mark XVIII. @Jessy753
Pepper stood there, her hands on her hips admiring all the work she had did. She had made a wonderful Christmas Grotto in the basement area of Club A, this area generally being used for VIP parties and special events, with fake snow, candy canes and all the Christmas essentials. It wasn't totally finished as she was still considering whether to have a robot Santa or a real one, same with the elves but all in all she thought she had done a bang up job. She went up the stairs to the party, opening the door just in time to see a flash of light. She hadn't been blinded, but it did make her hurry out to see whatever it was.

"Sorry my bad!" said an almost invisible figure, who she guessed was Stephen.

She was going to help/lecture but then noticed the two new people, a cute little girl and a guy with some very big gauntlets standing near a broken window, ash around their feet. They definitely were not part of the Academy. The party seemed to have been brought to a standstill by these two with an angry looking Joe, a disgruntled Kaine and a imposing Norrin surrounding them. Sersi was also there, talking to the two but she seemed to be keeping her cool. "Well, we've been on the streets as, you wouldn't believe it, where on the run from our parents"

Pepper interrupted them before they could go on "Whats going on here!?" exclaimed Pepper, as she made her way towards the group.

The metal hand mischief maker looked at her, quizzically "Who's this?" he asked, motioning her thumb at Pepper while smiling at Sersi.

Pepper grabbed his ear and turned him towards her "I'm your worst nightmare" she said, her face pouted.

She looked around the room, still tugging on Chase's ear "Whoever's involved in this, come with me! Right now!" she shouted "Everyone else, keep having fun"

She looked over at Janet and motioned for her to get the party going again before pulling Chase down to the VIP area with her, Molly following suit as well as all those involved. As she passed Joe, she considered asking him to watch the door but she guessed he may have been involved. Still it was up to him, she wasn't going to get into an argument with the muscular mafioso in front of everyone.

@slachance6, @DavidRanger318, @Scatterbrain, @TaleekXD, @Yoshiro, @NJN25 
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"Well, we've been on the streets as, you wouldn't believe it, we're on the run from our parents", said Chase. That certainly was interesting. Just as Sersi was about to reply, a blonde woman ran into the crowd and asked what was going on. She recognized her as Pepper Potts, one of the Academy staff members. She demanded that everyone in the group surrounding the newcomers follow her, and Sersi had no real reason to refuse. She was kind of disappointed that the party was over for now, though. It had only just begun. Maybe after this thing got sorted out she would be able to go back. But she was still curious as to who these two were and who their parents were. She tried to recall if anyone had HYDRA had superpowered children, but nothing was ringing a bell. She probably could have gone deeper into Chase's head if she really tried to, but decided it wasn't worth the effort yet. The girl seemed even harder to read. Pepper would probably make them tell the information soon enough.

What was immediately apparent, though, was that Chase was obviously into Sersi. She was used to that kind of thing, even in mid-combat; she remembered times when criminals had been specifically prepared to shoot her but still became infatuated at first sight of her beauty. But she had mixed feelings about it right now. Yes, it partially saved her from being singed, and she usually was pleased to see people attracted to her. But Chase seemed like kind of a jerk, even if he weren't trying to attack the school, so for now it was uncalled for. And Sersi was so used to people giving her the eye that it was sometimes irritating, since she wasn't able to turn her off her powers of seduction very easily. Yes, she could focus it to make it stronger, but she could still see people staring at her wherever she went. Overall, she liked the attention, though, and considering the alternative, which would be transmuting some imperfections onto herself and dressing more modestly, she liked herself the way she was. But these situations she could live without. She rolled her eyes at Chase as she began to leave.

On her way out, Sersi heard a shouting, out-of-control voice that sounded like Strange. She looked up. It was Strange, but not only was he transparent and suspended in midair like a ghost, but he was also spazzing out of control and shifting between every color imaginable. She had been talking to Chase too long to have heard his advice to "shield your eyes"; she simply stared in bewilderment for a few seconds until he emitted a loud noise and a vibrant flash of light. Being an Eternal, she wasn't affected as badly as some of the others, but still needed to cover her eyes for a couple seconds. She gave Strange a look of amazement and confusion before she followed Pepper into the basement. The place seemed fancier and cooler than the area above, with tons of holiday decorations. But right now, she was most interested in Chase and Molly.

Great, just great. Not only was it a waste to suit up, but now he had to be lectured by this admin chick. Kaine was sure he'd seen her face before somewhere. Yet he was just drawing blank after blank. Come on now memory banks, don't do this to me. You know how awkward it will be to ask her name after the yelling? Seriously, and the worst part is that she'll probably ask me to unmask myself, in front of the others. Screw it, I'll just go change back and rejoin the party like nothing ever happened. What's an excuse I could use.....?

"Sorry, had to pee!"

"The dancing made me sick."

"Somebody's poisoned the watering hole!"

Yeah, I think I'll just grab a drink. Maybe I'll finally convince Miss Van Dyne to let me leave....

Using his spidey senses and increased agility, Kaine found a perfect hiding spot in an unused part of the place. He flipped over to it, and quickly changed out of his suit. With his regular clothes back on, he walked to the drink stand thingy. The drinks looked pretty great, but he wasn't trusting these people yet. So he grabbed a water bottle and headed off to where Janet was. "Hey, Miss Van Dyne, I really am sorry, but I really still think I'm not cut out for partying. I do appreciate all you've done though, the dancing was kinda fun, even if I've never danced before." 

Joe (Club A)

There he was just trying to help and protect the others and how does he get repaid? With a slap from "Tin Can Sam" and then stopped in his tracks by "Green Girl". He should of known from the start that anyone who liked green so much would not get along with him. He didn't planning on hurting the two party crashers. Much. Just showing them that he wasn't someone to be trifled with and that they couldn't just do as they pleased. The encounter reaffirmed things for Joe though, these people weren't his friends. Probably never would be. The only one here he could truly rely on was himself. The curse of being a Hulk, I suppose, he thought to himself, you try and help people and how do they show their gratitude? With pitchforks. 

And to make matters worse, Pepper comes out of nowhere and stops the whole thing just before as it gets interesting. To her credit though she didn't appear to immediately assume it was his fault. It was a surprising change for Joe so he thought he'd return the favour and do as she asked and followed her to the VIP Area. Besides he hadn't done anything wrong and it meant that if the two "Runaways" got out of hand, he'd be there to put them down.

@Twist, @slachance6 @TaleekXD

Julia (Club A)

Julia really should have seen this coming but it just reaffirmed things for her. These psychic powers were still new to her and that is why she came here to begin with. So she could been trained in how to use them properly and better help other people. She placed her hand on her forehead as suddenly images flooded into her mind. She could see two groups descending on the school, one dressed in plain clothes the other garbed in green and yellow and with that, the premonition ceased. Could these people have been the ones that the guy with gloves was talking about? She would have to ask him when she got the chance. She also had to inform Pepper of what she had seen, if it was even partly true then Director Fury needed to know.

@Twist @NerdyBirdy
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“Oh, come on Steve, I’m not going to orientation,” He said with a worn out scoff. “Potts already gave a tour when I got here,” Potts and a guard, who he wasn’t supposed to realize was armed. Bucky didn’t hold it against Fury, though. 

Look what he’d done to that S.H.I.E.L.D agent… he’d over reacted and nearly killed a man. It had been so quick… one minute he’s worried, the next he’d moved quicker than he realized he could and had the guy pinned, clawing at Bucky’s strange metal arm to breath. He probably wouldn’t have let go, stuck in whatever trace it felt like, Steve had torn him off… stopped him.

It was all a lot easier when he woke up and truly believed in what this Fury guy told him… that he’d been in an accident. Bucky couldn’t stomach the idea, and yet he felt the same feeling almost every morning after he woke up. So why did that seem like a good idea to Steve? Steve still had that same stubborn look on though so he hadn't really changed his mind.

“It’s just some social get together for the new students,” Bucky shrugged.

“Alright… it’s still a week or so away if you change your mind Buck…” Steve conceded, or did he? His eyebrows had shot up and he had that stubborn look again. “But are you really the one saying this to me Buck? Not the other way around?”

He looked steadily for a minute before his face dropped into a tired smile. “Yeah, guess it’s my turn to be the punk,” he said with a weak grin to his friend. Steve noticed that it bothered him apparently, because he’d changed the subject quickly after that. 

That evening he’d quickly made an excuse he wanted to read up on something, but honestly Bucky just wanted to be alone. He hated this… the more he remembered, the more awkward he felt with Steve. Not that it really affected anything… but Bucky caught himself constantly catching himself, telling little lies, and he hated it. It just didn’t seem right with Steve.

Yet he didn’t really feel like he could talk about it with him either. Apparently he’d died… on some… war mission, and Steve was just happy to have him back. Bucky couldn’t remember all of it, but he felt different. Even when he’d just woken up, something was different, besides the obvious arm. None of it had mattered while he got comfortable in the Academy. Because above all else… Bucky just didn’t want to disappoint Steve.

So he tried to ignore it all, all the things that kept tugging at his attention, or tendrils of thoughts that made no sense to him. Memories of wars and battles he’d rather not have. He ignored the things in his sleep, and he didn’t pull on the threads when they showed up. He tried to just be Bucky. Just be himself. Wouldn’t it make him happier, anyways? To not face all he’d been told about? A war… death… who knew what else during fifty years after that, S.H.I.E.L.D. didn’t.

Bucky didn’t want to know. He just wanted to figure the world out the way it was now, and not disappoint his only friend in the world.

The problem was, Steve did remember more than Bucky did. This war… a second great war, really? What the hell was wrong with the world, the country had enough problems without getting involved in the European war again. It all started to come back more frequently, his time in the war, and a lot of it was due to Steve. The more he let Steve chat about it, the more Bucky nodded and added in small details that would spring with Steve’s recollections, the more Bucky was forced to remember.

He looked down at the book in his lap, the second world war, was what it was actually called. Germany, Nazi’s… God the more he read, the more came back. He flipped a page, and he’d only get through a few paragraphs before he was sitting for hours remembering… so much. The horrible war before Steve got there… he had a few private chuckles to himself remembering times after with Steve, Dugan, Morita, Juniper, Sawyer… Jones and the rest.

The rest… most of who had been locked up with him before Steve saved them. Confusion pinching between his eyebrows. That was… new… but he remembered it, didn’t he? Bucky let his eyes close, and remembered the cages… the strange guns that and torn them apart and stopped any of their attempts to escape.

Zola… that table… those twisted experiments when Bucky was captured seemed hazy….

Bucky shut the book roughly, and rubbed at his head where a headache was forming. Yeah, he could live without that… because it didn’t feel complete. Bucky didn’t want to know the rest though. He’d stood to put the book back when he’d he heard the door of the archives.

Without thinking he turned behind a few of the bookshelves in the back, crouching down to hide himself. He didn’t want to be seen here… and maybe it was the memories because he shouldn’t feel guilty for being in here. He did, though, and Bucky listened quietly as someone checked through a few shelves. He waited them out, and guessed it was a woman by the sound of heels clicking.

Bucky edged forward as they turned to leave, and caught a glimpse of who it was. It wasn’t the green hair, or the odd green dress that bothered him… but the red symbol that stuck out from the arm of her uniform. A skull with tentacles stretching out... cut off one, two more came...

“Hydra…” He muttered to himself, and he knew it… of course, they were with Zola but… no. He didn’t know Hydra from the war. Well he did. But... eh didn't, too. He raised a hand and rubbed at the side of his face. He didn’t want to remember any of this... he didn’t want to remember what happened after him and Steve fought Zola on that train.

The falling sensation he woke up to most mornings, he didn’t want that. Bucky looked to his left side, out one of the windows, and saw the woman walking across the quad. Something about her triggered it. Maybe her, or just the symbol on her arm. He wanted to fight all this… but part of him knew he wasn’t the same Bucky from Steve’s memory anymore. Couldn’t he try to be, though? Just for a little bit longer.

His eyes lowered from the window, and with a sick feeling, his gaze landed on the red star painted on the side of his bionic arm. Bucky’s mouth ran a little dry. It hadn’t meant much to him before, when he’d woken up… but now, after remembering the war, all the war… all his hatred for the Nazi's, for Hydra, for the Axis powers… hatred for this red star.

This had been Bucky, once too apparently. Someone who wore the Russian star, proudly? He didn’t know. But he wore it, it was painted on his damn arm. Someone who could nearly kill a man, no… who could kill a man. A different sort of soldier…

So Bucky ran, he didn’t say goodbye to Steve, and he didn’t say anything to Fury. He grabbed a backpack, with a little food and some notebooks he’d been writing in. He’d worried about getting out of the Academy without Fury stopping him… the man seemed to be in control of everything. But again, an unknown set of skills made it almost easy to sneak out and be on his way. Likely becuase they didn't expect it.

More and more of it came to him as he got farther away, and it made his decision to leave better. The more he remembered of the Winter Soldier… the more at peace he was to leave. He couldn’t face Steve, not after all he’d done. He didn’t even remember details, but their faces started to haunt him at night.

He felt more lost than he had before… until he ran into a little girl. She was with a band of kids, and Bucky stopped himself from creating a confrontation. He had no idea why, but he took it as some kind of sign. They were running away… and the more he heard about it, the more he related to it. Because he wasn’t really running from Steve, he was running from the memories of Hydra or Russia, the memories of this other person lurking within him somewhere.

It was easy to travel with them, to just run away from things, and being around them distracted him from his own thoughts. It made it easier to ignore any gathering memories. In return for their distraction, he protected them. It was easier to fight, or to use these skills, when there was a good reason for it. Protecting these guys, that felt like a good reason.

He sighed when he glanced at his watch and Chase wasn’t back with Molly yet. He followed their trail, another set of skills he’d realized he had was tracking. He ignored the idea of who he’d tracked and why, before this, and focused on finding them. Molly was a sweet little girl, powerful as she was. Bucky didn’t want to see them in any trouble.

It was with an audible groan that he tracked them to the Avengers Academy. Bucky looked at the gates from back in the tree line with a grimace. They couldn't really be in any trouble in there, could they? Fury seemed alright, and Steve trusted everyone there. Steve… he looked away, behind him. He couldn’t face Steve yet. He really couldn’t… it would be easiest to just slip away now. Not go back to the group of runaways. Chase and Molly couldn’t be in any real danger here. Maybe be better off.

Unless Fury decided what was best for kids, like he did here, and sent them home. He was the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. it wouldn’t take him very long to track their parents down. Bucky grit his teeth and cursed a little before he scaled the gates and took off trying to find them.

The sounds of a fight drew him into a building, the recreational one if he remembered correctly. Steve dragged him there to play pool a few times, but that was the most he’d done there. Bucky looked through the window, to make sure they were even in there… and to make sure that Steve was not.

He hoped they weren’t, with so many people in there. Looks like orientation had gone off horrible, since Chase and Molly were indeed in there and he watched the fight start… and end abruptly. Bucky scowled as Pepper Potts dragged them downstairs. That would be more difficult to slip in and out unseen.

This was his best chance to get them out of there, now, before Fury showed up. Before other people showed up that he couldn’t fight. But it meant giving himself away, Potts was sure to recognize him from introducing him to the place…. and that meant Steve would hear about it. 

Hear about it, sure, but they’d all get away before he had to face him. Maybe that was cowardly… but it was honestly better for the both of them in the long run. So Bucky snuck in through the party, staying as casual as he could and hoping nobody recognized him. He moved quickly, so even if they did, he wouldn't be stopped and made his way downstair where they’d been taken.

Bucky wasn’t sure what to do. But he didn’t think talking would do too much, and he needed to get the two of them out there before Potts decided what was ‘best’ for them. They’d take one look at a twelve year old and decide it wasn’t that bad, that they were just silly kids running away. It wasn’t the case, so Bucky decided to go in using force to get them out. 

It’d be the quickest, most efficient way. He wouldn’t actually hurt anyone, but he had an idea that Fury, Potts, whoever else here and in S.H.I.E.L.D must have an idea of who he’d been… a better one than him.

He raised his flesh arm as he stepped down from the staircase, his hand gun raised towards Pepper. Bucky moved to stand against the wall, a giant candy cane, actually. Decoration or no, nobody could get up behind him, still near the door to stop anyone coming down and keep their escape route open. There were other people here, students, he’d imagine. Which meant they all had powers, or at least were like Steve.

“Let those two go,” He said hoarsely. “Don’t get any ideas, either, I can pull the trigger quicker than any of you can finish an attack.” He doubted anybody in a hero’s academy was going to place bets on their rate of success vs Pepper’s life. They might, but he sort of had to hope they wouldn’t, otherwise this would get too long and Steve or Fury might get involved. He glanced at Chase and Molly, silently asking if they were alright.
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Pepper stood there, her hands on her hips admiring all the work she had did. She had made a wonderful Christmas Grotto in the basement area of Club A, this area generally being used for VIP parties and special events, with fake snow, candy canes and all the Christmas essentials. It wasn't totally finished as she was still considering whether to have a robot Santa or a real one, same with the elves but all in all she thought she had done a bang up job. She went up the stairs to the party, opening the door just in time to see a flash of light. She hadn't been blinded, but it did make her hurry out to see whatever it was.

"Sorry my bad!" said an almost invisible figure, who she guessed was Stephen.

She was going to help/lecture but then noticed the two new people, a cute little girl and a guy with some very big gauntlets standing near a broken window, ash around their feet. They definitely were not part of the Academy. The party seemed to have been brought to a standstill by these two with an angry looking Joe, a disgruntled Kaine and a imposing Norrin surrounding them. Sersi was also there, talking to the two but she seemed to be keeping her cool. "Well, we've been on the streets as, you wouldn't believe it, where on the run from our parents"

Pepper interrupted them before they could go on "Whats going on here!?" exclaimed Pepper, as she made her way towards the group.

The metal hand mischief maker looked at her, quizzically "Who's this?" he asked, motioning her thumb at Pepper while smiling at Sersi.

Pepper grabbed his ear and turned him towards her "I'm your worst nightmare" she said, her face pouted.

She looked around the room, still tugging on Chase's ear "Whoever's involved in this, come with me! Right now!" she shouted "Everyone else, keep having fun"

She looked over at Janet and motioned for her to get the party going again before pulling Chase down to the VIP area with her, Molly following suit as well as all those involved. As she passed Joe, she considered asking him to watch the door but she guessed he may have been involved. Still it was up to him, she wasn't going to get into an argument with the muscular mafioso in front of everyone.

@slachance6, @DavidRanger318, @Scatterbrain, @TaleekXD, @Yoshiro, @NJN25 

Frank sighed and followed Pepper and the others to the basement. He stood against a wall with his arms crossed, preparing mentally to answer some questions.
Joe (Club A)

Joe had just settled down with the others when he heard a voice.  “Let those two go,” it said hoarsely. “Don’t get any ideas, either, I can pull the trigger quicker than any of you can finish an attack.” 
Joe smirked. Just what he was hoping for. The chance for more action. Whoever it was making demands had no idea who he was dealing with. Bullets? Against him? He might as well be using spitwads. He knew the others though probably wouldn't be as lucky. Besides he needed an audience for his display of awesomeness.
"Everyone get behind me." Joe bellowed, as he waited for the bullets to fly. 
He loved seeing his attackers expression change as they emptied a magazine into him with no effect.

It never got old.

@slachance6@DavidRanger318 @TaleekXD@Twist @FarFlungDreamer
"Alright! The cavalry's here" yelled Chase, making his way towards the metal armed militant. "Ol' whats his name, saving the day again"

The blonde buffoon rested his arm on his newfound friend's shoulder, aiming his other gauntlet at the crowd. "Looks like we got ourselves a stalemate"

Pepper almost screamed in frustration as the whole situation just kept getting worse but she kept her cool as usual. She peeked around Joe to see the attacker, who did look familiar before quickly ducking back behind the surly shield. She slipped out a folder from beneath her jacket and quickly perused it, hoping to find something that would jog her memory.

"Bruiser get over here already!"

Molly had wandered deeper into the grotto, a little smile on her face as she explored. "Where's Santa?" she asked, jumping around every corner expecting him to just appear.

"Molly. Molly! Get over here" whispered Chase, out the corner of his mouth his eyes firmly set on the other group.

"But I can't find Santa!" she whimpered "Your probably all scaring him!"

Her lip began to tremble, again and all Chase could was roll his eyes. "Stand down everybody, stand down" he said lowering his gauntlet and nudging his combative compatriot to do the same.

The whole room began to settle, a massive groan coming from Joe who almost knocked Pepper over, too focused on her files than the situation. She quickly regained her composure, slipping the folder away before straightening her clothes. "What is going on here!" she exclaimed, mere moments after sorting herself out.

"Uhhh.. Fine. I'll tell you but afterwards we're gone. Got it. No following us or nothing" replied Talkback.

Pepper just tapped her foot in annoyance as Chase sauntered towards Santa's seat, sitting on it sideways, his feet dangling off it's arm. He began to tell them off his parents as well as his fellow Runaways parents who were put of a supervillain group called the Pride, which was essentially a collection of evil time travellers, mages, aliens, mutants, criminals and super scientists. When they all found out what they were, they made a run for it hoping to alert someone of their parents villainy but the Pride have their fingers in almost everything so instead they've all been on the run ever since trying to find a way to bring them down. His arrival at the academy was an accident as Molly had just simply wandered off and they all split up to find her.


"Hey I think I've got something!"

"They're close!"

"Good. Good. It's almost time to bring them back into the fold."

"Gather everyone and then we'll strike!"

@slachance6@DavidRanger318 @TaleekXD, @FarFlungDreamer @Scatterbrain

Natasha Romanoff

Natasha's attention was caught by the strange guy. He seemed to be floating in a transparent form. It was the first thing that actually really got some kind of flabbergasted reaction from her. How..?, she wondered and didn't dare to move her focus of the dude. His body was right next to him and his mind or whatever was next to his physical form. At least that how she explained what was happening to herself. She was about to ask a question but soon the guy explained what was happening on his own. Yet she was really fascinated by that. Perhaps she could actually learn something from him. It could come in handy on a mission to be able to do something like that, couldn't it? @Mathias No Bias

Her initial shock was taken quickly away as the scene around the little girl developed. She stayed away telling herself it was none of her business and she didn't need to get in troubles with authorities on her first day. That never was good and perhaps acting like the "good guy" for a week or two wouldn't hurt her. She turned away to not get too blinded by the Strange's image exploding? She blinked and rubbed her eyes to get her vision back. But she was caught in tracks as she heard a familiar male voice. 

"Not him...", she whispered as her eyes widened in fear and she glanced towards the door. Her gaze landed on the dark hard man she had been so used to work with. Yet she was pretty sure another government had sent him to get her. Mistakes like getting caught needed to be punished after all. Natasha could feel the blood drain out of her body knowing that he was the only one she couldn't fool. @FarFlungDreamer

Tony Stark

His attention was caught by the current scene but he remained to watch the new arrivals. He stood still and quiet, which obviously wasn't very much like him. What caught his eye though was the silver suit. It looked undoubtedly like some of his prototypes but that was clearly nonsense. How would a stranger get a hold of his suit without knowing. It confused him so much that he actually ignored the flying transparent man. He couldn't care less. His mind was obviously occupied with the suit. @DavidRanger318

As soon as the floating image of the man burst into light. Tony cursed and rubbed his eyes. The extreme light left some kind of imprint on his eyes that for a moment. He wasn't able to see anything so he muttered "If I'm not able to see again, that idiot will never hear the end of it!", he muttered to himself and blinked a few times to finally be able to see something. @Mathias No Bias

Once he felt the tap on his shoulder, Tony almost jumped. He wanted to say something but a girl got in his way. His eyesight finally came back and he looked first at the girl who tried to get things under control than the guy who tapped on his shoulder. He was the same dude who had stolen (?) his suit. He marched out and Tony quickly followed. "Hey dude! What's up with that suit?", Tony finally wanted to know. @DavidRanger318
After the potential fight had cleared, Sersi was just beginning to let her guard down when her telepathy suddenly picked up a pair of voices. She couldn't quite tell who they were or where they were coming from, but she could tell that they were close.

"Hey I think I've got something!"

"They're close!"

"Good. Good. It's almost time to bring them back into the fold."

"Gather everyone and then we'll strike!"

"I'm hearing a message!" she exclaimed to the rest of the group. Everyone looked at her with confusion.

"I'm psychic. Someone is planning on attacking." She then projected the voices into the minds of everyone in the basement. "You recognize any of these guys?" she asked Chase and Molly. "Whoever it is, it seems dangerous. Stay alert."

She then realized that she should probably send a message to someone upstairs. But she couldn't send long-ranged messages to people easily unless they were also telepathic. Trying to remember everyone at the party, she thought of the girl with the red sunglasses. She definitely had some kind of psychic ability. "Julia, I think someone's planning to attack," she tried to tell her. "You picking anything up?" She clearly said "yes", and described the people in the two groups. "This could be bad," Sersi replied. "Try to warn the others".

@Twist @Scatterbrain @DavidRanger318 @FarFlungDreamer @TaleekXD
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