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Fandom AVATAR: The Exiled Chronicles (IC)


. D O V E

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Almost a century after the unification of the Mortal and Spirit realms by the hands of Avatar Korra, the world as we know it has come to know peace. Humans and spirits, once separated by a tumultuous relationship, have come together in a harmonious coexistence that propelled society into a new era of knowledge and technology. With each advancement in technology progressively blurring the lines between benders and non-benders as well as worldwide efforts in promoting spiritual education, the troubles of yesterday has loosened its grip on today's times.

Yet, as history has shown, peace is but a fleeting moment in the tapestry of time. Beneath the serenity, a sinister storm began to brew precedented by whispers of political intrigue and shadowy threats that could once again disrupt the balance of the world. Amidst the festering evil, the wheels of fate rolls and the cycle of the Avatar continues, bringing forth the new beacon of hope.

And this is her story.

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Book 1: Chapter 1

The harsh wind of the arid skies muffled the cries of the palace guards as a Midnight Griffin soared over them at bullet speed, swiftly evading the elemental projectiles being hurled at its way as the sun mercilessly beat down the vast expanse of the Sand Kingdom. A pair of feminine figures sat atop the animal, the first one looking worse for wear as she cast her fiery gaze at the chasing sand sailors before moving her arms into a circular motion. Below, grains of sand gathered and brewed two storms of dust, creeping into the chasers. Prompted to dodge for their safety, the sailors had no choice but to cut the chase and helplessly watched as the assailants escaped amidst an onslaught of sand.

"The Avatar has gotten away!" One of the sailors yelled after the storm dissipated, his eyes zoning into the empty horizon.

The sound of another Sandsailer skidding to a stop grated from behind, promptly followed by a footstep as a regal figure dismounted and took off her helmet. Chestnut locks with thin streaks of white flowed with the wind and cascaded down bronze skin as the Queen of Sands set her furious gaze at the direction of her kingdom's most recent criminals.

"Contact the Earth Empire immediately and demand answers!"
She barked at the soldiers who scampered at her command. "You will not get away with this, Avatar Xiurong..."

High above the desert, the Avatar huffed as distance reduced her hunters into the size of a grain of sand, her strained shoulders lowering as soon as it became clear that they were now out of reach. She winced when she leaned forward, the movement irritating the fresh bruise on the side of her torso graciously given to her by a captain of the palace right before she activated her Avatar State. A dark mist clouded her eyes at the thought, the raging flames momentarily dimmed out by remorse as scenes of earth and fire consuming the castle walls flashed in her mind, the devouring light accentuating the terrified look of soldiers and servants alike.

With a slight shake of her head, she peered over her shoulder and regarded her companion with a stoic look. "Yara." She called out to the Waterbender who has been her only constant companion for the past few weeks, a rule enforced by the Grand Lotus. "You didn't get hurt, did you?" Exhaustion lingered in her voice far stronger than any hints of concern. The Avatar's gaze scanned the healer from her head and downwards, looking for anything that would upset the Grand Lotus at the sight of.

Everything happened so fast. The last thing Xiurong could properly remember was storming into the throne room and demanding answers from the Sand Queen, only to receive taunts and threats which fueled her fire. In the end, everything escalated into a fight until she has been cornered into activating her Avatar State. She could only wonder where Yara was amidst all the destruction. Everything was too hazy for a recollection, but she could hark back to telling the Waterbender to stay with Nightwing outside of the palace. There were also fragments of her carrying Yara over her shoulder and issuing for Nightwing to take off while dozens of guards chased after her.

A tremor amidst their flight cut her musings short and stole her attention, prompting her to put a hand over the griffin's feathers and ruffle them in a soothing manner. "What's the matter, boy? Are you injured?" She once again looked at Yara, glaring this time. "Did he get hurt? I told you to watch over him."

Beneath the duo, the creature's leg scratched at its belly, each motion backed by the intention of getting something off itself. They began to sway side to side as Nightwing grew more and more agitated, pushing Xiurong to soothe her pet with more pats and reassuring whispers. Busy in keeping their little group afloat, she almost missed the sight of a familiar airship coming into view ahead of them.

The massive air vessel made up of alloy metals and advanced machineries steadily approached, the sigil of the Earth Empire proudly glaring from its steel surface. Grabbing a firm hold of the side of the griffin's neck, the Avatar commanded her mount to soar for the airship's docking station.

Through the smallest gap between her eyelids, the ridges of sand at the horizon slid by faster and faster on either side of the Avatar's form. Between that and the way the wind whipped around her ears, Yara was certain this was the fastest she had ever flown atop Nightwing. Which seemed appropriate, to avoid being knocked out of the sky - even if she couldn't fathom how things had gone so poorly as to end in violence and destruction. The motion, the height, the anxiety... Yara's stomach was flip-flopping in an extremely unpleasant way.

Her concentration on not losing her lunch was broken by the Avatar speaking. There wasn't much warmth or concern to the question, but she felt no surprise at the blunt tone and mostly-cold expression that greeted her when she opened her eyes the rest of the way. Yara blinked back at Xiurong, swallowing thickly, as the last few minutes replayed in her mind.
Standing next to Nightwing, murmuring to the griffin about the stifling, overwhelming, horrid dryness of the desert. Almost as bad as flying.
Guards shouting, running. Some kind of horn being blown, more guards, more shouting. She had tried to stop one and ask what was going on. All he knew was there was trouble in the throne room. She had started forward to follow the extra guards, but the outer wall exploded out towards her, throwing her back towards Nightwing. The stone courtyard where they had been waiting had bit into her skin when she landed. Something else had landed on her back, some bit of rock or debris, and would no doubt leave behind a bruise if she didn't do something about it.
Yara glanced down at her palms. Slightly bloodied, extremely dusty, and quite sore. There was a spot on her cheek that felt like it was likely the same.
"Nothing serious," She replied, raising her voice slightly above the sound of the wind. Yara was about to return the question, when Nightwing's shudder had her crouching lower and grabbing on, eyes squeezing shut.

"Nightwing was further from the palace. Nothing would have hit while we were still on the ground." At least, she didn't think so. In the moment, the griffin hadn't been her top priority, since she was supposed to be an Avatar-healer, and the Avatar was not in sight.
"If he's hurt, I'll look when we land." She offered the appeasement reluctantly, but staying on Xiurong's good side seemed especially important after.. whatever just happened to make them enemies of the Sand Kingdom. And she would have agreed to healing an earthworm if it would keep them on track to landing on the airship, which at least had walls.

. D O V E . D O V E

B E I F O N G , X U
Interacting with: Flutterby Flutterby Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum . D O V E . D O V E
Location: Hovering over neutral territory

Heading to the middle of the Sand Kingdom to hopefully get some information through diplomacy had been the plan. The clue that led to the Sand Kingdom was flimsy, at best, but Xu was confident that he could at least frame it in a non-accusatory way. Maybe they could even get to an agreement and they would agree to a collaboration. Though, the council was rather unhappy with this decision— as they usually were. But whatever, they didn't want Xu meddling in their little affairs? Then he was going to make sure he was going to do something he wanted.

And then the radio crackled to alert him of new information. Extremely new.

It made Xu want to turn the airship around and maybe go into hiding... unfortunately, that wasn't really an option. The council had alerted him of the Sand Kingdom's report. The queen did not specify what consequences she wished to bring upon Xiurong, and by extension the Earth Kingdom, but she did call for a meeting. How convenient that he was already heading there anyway. In any case, the council decided to jump the gun and call for Xiurong's exile. The young prince argued with the council about lessening the sentence of the avatar, citing how it would just hurt the Earth Kingdom more if they permanently exiled the protector of the nations.

The discussions went on and Xu's determination waned far faster than the councilmen's, besides the real power on the throne drowned out his voice. He was not old enough to be trusted to become the emperor while their father was gone and it was as clear as day that they were going to make the most out of it while letting him take the fall.

"Jia." He called out to his retainer as he re-entered the bridge to relieve the woman of her temporary duties as the pilot. "It seems like we won't be having a neutral meeting after all. My sister has decided to stir the pot and it's boiled over." He raised two fingers to pinch the bridge of his nose. "I'm not sure how it will go. Hopefully, the negotiations to keep this from reaching a war wouldn't demand too much from us... but it is the perfect excuse to get some leverage on us."

Still, Xu didn't have the privilege of being able to go back in time so he could just do his best to run damage control and hopefully keep his head above water. He took over piloting the airship to the Sand Kingdom. Once they were a bit closer, he spotted a familiar avian creature in the distance. Right. She escaped.

He flipped a couple of controls to let the airship hang before opening the bay doors to let Nightwing land.
"Time to welcome the visitors."

With that, the prince made his way down to the bottom floor of the airship. It always wasn't a pleasure to his sister, especially since he knew how this conversation would go down. Still, it was best to be courteous anyway even if Xiurong did not share the same sentiment. "XIurong, Miss Yara." He greeted, a polite smile plastered on his face even as he inspected them. They were worse for wear. It seemed like the report didn't lie after all. "Been on an adventure I see."

Amidst the towering skyscrapers of the Republic City, the renowned Korra Park bustled with activities as it has been transformed from a verdant area of recreation to a temporary field of ice as the city welcomed its annual Ice Skating Competition. Backed by multiple bigwigs of different industries, the event has been highly anticipated by both locals and international guests, including skating champions from the Southern and Northern Water Tribes themselves. Atop the sponsorship ladder and spearheading the event was the Tosuda International, a globally acclaimed automobile company that has painted itself to be the manufacturer of the vehicles of the rich.

The click of heels against marbled floors pervaded the luxurious private room above the event hall as a feminine figure walked her way to a desk by the wide window occupying the entire wall overseeing the ice rink. Below, tens of men could be seen arranging a catalogue of ice-specialized vehicles with the Tosuda emblem proudly shimmering on its fronts. With a thud, the woman placed a clipboard of profiles on the desk, the pictures and details of every guests attending the show listed on its surface.

"Your father won't be able to attend." She began as she adjusted the glasses on the bridge of her nose, her blonde braided hair swaying as she turned to face the other occupant of the room. "Nonetheless, the Duke sent instructions. He wants you to make sure that nothing goes wrong during the event and to pay extra attention to particular guests from the Northern Water Tribe." She flipped the pages of the clipboard to show certain faces, one of which being a tall and aged man with silver hair notably known to be the president of a transportation business in the Northern Water Tribe, and the other being a young girl with brown hair. "They shouldn't be hard to spot. The girl walks around with a bear-leopard, and is the granddaughter of a healer that your father respects."

Eventually, she began to approach the man, the nameplate on her chest that read 'Citrile' coming into view when she reached out to fix his necktie. "He isn't asking much, Maizen. He just wants you to make them feel very welcomed and enticed to purchase stacks of our latest releases. Surely you can do that, right? After all, he's been very gracious in giving you the opportunity to... show the world what you're made of." Citrile offered him a smile before stepping back, her calculating gaze set on the white-haired heir.

Tashi Choyang

Tashi wondered if he had made a bad decision. Nah, he decided, he couldn’t have, seeing as these two sitting on the griffon were making the same decision. The majority was in the right, right? He ignored the crowd of guards that had been following using sand-sailors and how much more numerous they were and how the two figures sitting on the creature he was clinging to didn’t even know he existed.

Spitting out strands of blue-black fur, he furrowed his brows and turned his mind to a very important question. To keep on shoving his face into the griffon’s underside or to face the desert dunes and eat sand? It was unfortunate that there was no one around to direct him down the right path; he didn’t think the two sitting on top had to make the same choice he did. The airbender had no idea if the muscle agony from gripping the creature would be worth the unobstructed breathing and fewer hairs in his mouth, and he wasn’t sure if he even wanted to try.

He didn’t have long to contemplate though, as a furry claw came swiping at him from the side. Mildly alarmed, he released his right arm and leg, which, of course, caused his left leg to slip off with nothing keeping it in place, which meant he was dangling way too high off the ground using only a single noodle arm and that noodle arm was shaking. Reaching up strenuously with his other noodle arm, he yanked too hard on the fur and the beast started quivering just like his arms. To Tashi, it was less of a quiver and more of a quake, but he wasn’t the size of a small hut, so what would he know?

Using the power of not-wanting-to-die-early, he clamped his legs back onto the creature and started awkwardly crawling around, dodging the legs that were poking way too close for comfort. At this point, he had forgotten he was an airbender, had a flying device on his back and wouldn’t die even if he fell, so he truly was panicking whenever the swinging limbs came close to swiping him off. Before he could make a fool of himself and ruin the reputation of all airbenders everywhere by screaming his way down to the ground, the griffon finally landed. This was significant because it used its legs, so they weren’t harassing him anymore and he was probably safe. What they landed on he couldn’t actually see through the fur, but it was dark and enclosed and hopefully not going to shank him like the guards looked to be wanting minutes prior.

Someone said some words beyond the range of his mode of transportation, and it didn’t sound like the two sitting on the creature above, but his ears were too busy concentrating on his sore limbs to listen to what it was exactly. His arms strained like vermicelli through a bottomless pot, which meant they weren’t exactly straining, more like—

With that quiet exclamation, his fingers slipped off the fur and he fell off the griffon.

He blinked and laid frozen on the metal floor, mildly shocked, before his brain rewired itself. Had someone else gotten off the creature yet? If they hadn’t, it was only polite to stay on—he corrected himself—stay in place. Realizing that he had no idea if someone had left the griffon, he considered it for a bit before deciding he was too lazy to crawl out and get up either way.

Peeking out from under the creature and noticing a particularly well-dressed gentleman standing in front, he thought about it for a second. He was still tired, the floor was nice and cool, and he had just come to the resolution that not moving was good.

he said and nodded knowingly.

Interacting With
. D O V E . D O V E Flutterby Flutterby AI10100 AI10100
Airship docking bay, under Nightwing
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Jia Xiaodan

Jia took a deep breath as she felt the cold metal of the airship beneath her foot. It helped calm her nerves. Somehow she already knew where their journey was going... An encounter with someone she wished never to see again. Just thinking of the Avatar sent a chill down her spine, as memories she pushed to the back of her mind came flooding once more. She could feel her chest tighten at the memories of a long broken friendship.

"Mrooo..." Barnaby called out from the top of the wheel and pulled Jia from her thoughts.

"Jia." Xu called which prompted her to turn around and acknowledge him. She let go of the wheel and stepped to the side.

Jia let out a sigh as Xu continued talking. "Knowing your sister." Her words were laced with a hint of contempt despite the blank tone of her voice. "Not to mention that the Empire is still fragile..." because of your father. The earthbender didn't dare say it. Her hand found its way to Barnaby's head, there was a sense of comfort washing over her as her fingers dragged itself to her catowl's soft fur.

She stood like that with Barnaby for quite some time, all the while Xu continued to pilot the airship. Sensing the shift in the prince's movements spurred her to place her attention forward. Of course we'd meet halfway to the Sand Kingdom. She let Barnaby down and followed Xu to the hangar... Hesitantly.

Her mouth clenched at the mere sight of Xiurong. The Avatar looked exhausted, perhaps the most pitiful the woman has been in all the times that Jia had known her. A part of her thought that Xiurong deserved this, karma for everything. A part of her wanted to slap herself for even thinking such thoughts, especially because she was still a princess of the Earth Empire. Amber eyes had found it's way to the waterbender, who's appearance looked almost as horrible as the Avatar's. She nodded to both of them in acknowledgment— mostly to Yara, a reluctant gesture of acknowledgement.

Jia stood behind Xu. Now that there were others in their midst, there was little room for comfort. She was a Dai Li, and the Prince's retainer before she was his friend. She felt the hum of the engine beneath her feet and along that was the heartbeat of... Seven beings in the ship? That wasn't right. Jia immediately took a step forward as a man suddenly appeared under Nightwing. In a split second small shards of earth levitated around the intruder's neck. "Speak and identify yourself. Any action that you do in malice will bring you straight to the prisons of the Earth Empire." She threatened, her voice was firm yet her face hardly held any emotion in it.

mention: . D O V E . D O V E Flutterby Flutterby
interaction: AI10100 AI10100 Ambiloquous Ambiloquous

Combustion Bender
Maizen Tosuda
Republic City, Korra Park
"If that's what we're calling it, sure."

Flipping through a few papers presented a tall man matched the photos to various faces in the crowd below. Miscolored eyes narrowed on some, whilst the man laughed at others; closing the folder and placing it back on the desk behind him he bemused "Quite the characters, some of these people. A bear-leopard is rather large, no? Suppose I'll go to where the others avoid.". Was this truly what his father wanted him to deal with? The odd bigwig, who just want to be complimented as they buy a set of cars to brag with; It all felt rather pointless, yet it was this or home. And back home likely meant there. Shaking away memories never quite got easier, but at least he could do it quickly. "I won't ask what on earth this healer did to earn my father's respect, but I think I'll start with them first. If they're part of the show I'd like to clear away any issues they might have. Start with the gears and the machine will work, or whatever they say. I'll try not to support dear old dad and his...graciousness."

Stepping closer to Citrile Maizen leaned down slightly, pointing to his forehead with a curious look. "Tattoo isn't visible, Right? the makeup artist touched up that so I didn't have to deal with nosy guests, but I just want to make sure. It's an annoying conversation. Good? Good. Alright, let's go talk up the rich." Drawing up to full height Maizen smiled, making for the door.

Amidst the crowds of onlookers and separate section for important people called for a different Maizen and it would be one delivered. Polite and well spoken, Maizen conversed and fake laughed his way through, making small small stops for paparazzi pictures and important introductions along his way to the Northern water tribe's procession. It was always so odd how similarly these conversations played out, how repetitious some of these guests could be. He even had time to secure a deal for a fleet of armored trucks, to which he promptly snuck a rare smile and wink towards his assistant while assigning a representative to handle the specifics. When he eventually spotted a duo matching their files, the heir waved his hand high in greeting. "Sorry for any interruption, I simply had to introduce myself after hearing you brought a bear-leopard. I've actually never seen one! And if you're their owner, that must make you...Kallik, right? Maizen Tosuda, a pleasure. How are you finding everything so far?"

. D O V E . D O V E Crimson Rose Crimson Rose

Code by Serobliss
A pair of half-familiar figures were waiting for them in the hanger of the airship. Yara was aware enough of the world to recognize the Prince, and Xiurong's brother, easily. Dai Li Jia, his ever-watchful companion, was recognizable more by her uniform and the context than by her own features. Yara may have felt bad about that, in another situation, but her connection to the Earth Kingdom Royal Family was almost non-existent. She read the most important of the reports the White Lotus often sent her, of course, and there was always gossip. The gossip was endless, really. But, she traveled with Avatar Xiurong, not Princess Xiurong - a flimsy but often important distinction.
She did return Jia's nod, and gave Prince Xu a similar one, as politely as she could.

The instant it was reasonable to do so, Yara clambered, clumsily and with a sour grimace, off of Nightwing. She was halfway through the process when there was a voice from under the animal and a soft thud.
'Oh' was right.
Yara stifled a sigh, not able to move so much as an inch before there were threats of violence.
"A stowaway." Yara's voice came out far flatter than she had intended. "I suppose that rules out an injury from a projectile."

She finished climbing off of Nightwing, ending up more or less next to the stowaway's legs, facing Jia. Yara tilted her head slightly to get a look at the man on the ground. His attire could be to keep cool in the desert, but gave the vague impression of an Airbender, maybe because he didn't appear tan enough to spend lots of time under the unrelenting sun. Brown hair, decently windblown now. His eye color was somewhat startling, and Yara blinked. She often felt that way about the green-gold-amber colors that were more common in Earth or Fire heritage. She had felt the same way the first time she made eye contact with Jia, as well.

Yara glanced up at her then, but those eyes were still on the 'threat.'
She looked down again, and tried to soften her face into lukewarm neutrality. She could feel that it only worked about halfway - mostly because she still felt ready to barf.
"Probably trying to get away from the crumbling, burning palace, hm?" An attempt at de-escalation, as she eyed the rock shards, but thinly veiled as a question to the stowaway.

Stellar manners, Yara, she mentally chided herself, please, go ahead and tell the Prince's bodyguard how to do her job.
The shards just looked like the kind of thing that could end up inside of anyone, if something went wrong in the next few seconds. And she would prefer fixing that not become part of her job.

. D O V E . D O V E AI10100 AI10100 Ambiloquous Ambiloquous Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum
Kallik had always dreamed of visiting Republic City, but she never imagined she would actually get the chance, especially for a thrilling skating event like this. The thought of attending a skating event just had excitement coursing through her veins was almost surreal. It was something Kallik had only fantasized about as she'd practice out on the ice back home, with her beloved companion. She had never truly believed that her aspirations could materialize into reality through her performances. Yet, here she was, standing in the very city she had longed to visit, on the verge of embracing an experience she had always yearned for. Her parents were understandably distressed by her grandmother's choice to welcome the young water bender into their lives, along with the enormous, anxiety ridden fluff monster that weighed over a thousand pounds and trailed Kallik wherever she went. They found themselves in a challenging predicament, as opposing her grandmother's wishes was not an option. As a highly regarded healer in the Northern Water Tribe, her grandmother's authority and respect made it difficult for them to voice their concerns without feeling the weight of tradition and familial duty that her father's side of the family withheld. Despite times being way different, she had to be born into the one of the most traditional standing families in the North.

Despite the thrill coursing through her veins, a wave of nervousness washed over her; this was her first journey beyond the North Pole, and the thought of venturing overseas was both exhilarating and daunting. She couldn't shake the mix of excitement and apprehension that filled her heart. The city was warm almost too warm, and she could feel it taking an effect it was much different than what the water bender was use too. Same with the crowds that surrounded the park her Gran had left to go talk to some high-ranking officials leaving the two to explore the area just a tad before it was time to perform their set.

The city had a lot of strange smells some good and some not so appetizing. While the large buildings were a stark contrast to the serene icy landscapes and cold air she was accustomed to back home. Not seeing a singular glacier was pretty overwhelming, not just for her but for Nukka as well who was pretty much pressed up against her at this point. Trying to get as close as possible with each passing moment, seemingly not really liking the change in environment or the people that had tried to reach out to him wherever they went. At least the few hermit crabs she had smuggled in her pocket from one of the many stops along the way down here seemed to be content.

Who knows how he'd be once the show actually starts, and he gets out on the ice with her. As Bear-leopard has been rather riled up the whole trip.. Even on the boat Nukka had almost sunken the boat twice after a fish had swam a little too close for comfort. The captain wound up banning him from the top deck and made him stay in the hull of the ship

As they walked, they found a quieter space a bit tucked away from more of the heavy crowds and children with grabby hands that wanted to touch the danger floof.

"Take it easy, Bud; it could be worse, right? You could have been stuck in that cramped room on the boat for even longer," Kallik remarked, gently stroking the soft, dark fur of her bear-leopard as he settled into a corner, leaning against the wall for comfort for some down time. Just as she was about to relax with him, a stranger approached, launching into conversation, which only served to heighten the anxiety of her timid companion, Nukka, who was already feeling overwhelmed by the bustling atmosphere.

"Tsouda? I think that name was mentioned by Gran as someone significant around here," Kallik mused a little cluelessly, nodding in response to the stranger's words while positioning herself protectively between him and Nukka, who was cowering behind her. For both of their comfort, in case the Bear-leopard did something such as try to bulldoze another wall

"Ah uh, yes, I am Kallik, and this is Nukka I've raised him since he was a small cub. Now he tends to accompany me everywhere I go, and he's also one of the performers for today," The dark hair girl spoke, a hint of awkwardness evident in her demeanor.

The Prophet The Prophet

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