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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

It wouldn't be tilling me what to do really. It'd just be helping me make my decision. Unless of course you have some way for me to actually become a part of the main events without making Blake and Akari/Kotori seem to be forcing themselves into the event, and without Fudo literally having dumb luck and legitimately finding out about it and all that, then be my guest. Otherwise, just pick one of the three for me, or we'll literally be here forever with me an inactive bystander taking up space with a decision that's total crap.
@Kiyoko Tomoe I believe I already have a suggestion that would help Fudo get back in, he can have his subplot with Blake (I understand that's RPing with yourself, but that's how you've set it up), and since Terra is a large, non-native animal with people riding him, Fudo could either follow a physical rail or ask people along the way. As for Akari, its a simple matter of no one felt it was the right time to notice her, but she is in the area and she can follow them to the base if you want her involved. These are just suggestions, you don't have to follow them exactly or at all, I'm just trying to be helpful. That being said, if you feel you no longer want to be a part of this RP because your characters don't have the ability to do what you want, that's your decision.
@Kiyoko Tomoe

Flutterby have give you a good idea to make your character jump into the story and to the entire event again.

Ill be harsh, but the main problem is that you have too many characters that i don't even know who's who especially with the whole Akari Blake reversal thing that makes it even more confusing than ever.Most of the player of this RP have 1/2 character and they stick with it, developing their character and contributing to the story thus makes the whole RP more exciting and, admittedly, more addicting.
So avatar Jeng still has to master fire bending right?

Would it be too much to have the Fire bending master at the smuggler's base?

He can either be helping the smugglers (Bam! plot twist), captured by them, or has been stalking them for a while and waiting for a chance to strike.

It can be the Smuggler's base captain bodyguard, who doesn't like him for not treating him well and grow fond of the spirits and want to help them but he can't because he's just alone against to many.

When the Avatar comes he can backstab the captain and help freeing the spirits and help the gang fight The Masked Man before joining them and become the Avatar's teacher
@Flutterby[/URL]'s, once again I wanted to have Akari/Kotori join in a proper way, which would be to tag along with them, not follow them and spontaneously join. That'd just be me asking for more shit to happen with Kotori than need be. If somebody'd noticed her outside, she'd be a lot less likely to be the target of killer intent for too long. Given the circumstances, Kotori'd probably end up half-dead by the time she'd have the chance to call herself Kotori if I did it the suggested way.

Also, regarding the whole Blake/Akari switch thing, it isn't confusing at all. Blake is just Blake when I refer to her as Blake, Blake is fake Akari when I refer to her having a cloak on and/or use Akari for the name, and then Akari, for a good while, will always be Kotori. That is, if I continue with the RP. Also, Fudo wouldn't have some kind of way into the event either, since he's no longer with Fudo and Lea. Blake can't end up following Fudo secretly to there to spectate and then meet up with Kotori afterwards...

Also, don't dare say I brought that upon myself, because @jamaicanviking posted, I didn't get to post, and then he didn't even give me prior warning he'd be leaving Fudo behind and not giving me the chance to post. Just because somebody gets sick and has to delay posting doesn't mean you can just throw out any courtesy regarding such a thing.
I had to make a call. Everyone was getting ornery because the plot wasn't going anywhere (me included), and you had just decided to get Fudo sidetracked again. I didn't give any warning because that was how I assumed you wanted it to play out, given the suddenness of Blake's appearance and the fact that you, again, explicitly stated that Fudo wanted no interference. I didn't think you were going to resolve it in the next post, seeing as that would effectively defeat the purpose of the encounter entirely and waste everyone's time. Once again, I apologize, but given the circmstances I needed too make a decision; let the Fudo/Blake thing play out and delay the raid further, or advance the plot and still let the Fudo/Blake thing play out. You can see why I picked the latter option, since I thought it would be best for everyone.
Still, a little warning would've been nice. Regardless of what you think is going to happen, you don't go posting twice in an interaction before the other party can post between your posts, unless proper warning and time after the warning is given. There kinda was purpose in that whole Fudo/Blake thing though. Blake ends up following them all secretly and watches, and then Fudo actually has the anger required to do some shit in the event rather than just get his ass fully handed to him at the beginning like he did from that metalbender on the smuggler ship.
So why can't the scenario still play out? We've given you perfectly valid ways for your characters to re-enter, you're just not giving us any leeway here. You've got to meet us halfway on this. Continuity isn't a must in this RP. Back in the beginning, I had Jeng took a train to Ba Sing Se, but @too much idea had made a post afterwards already greeting him, despite the fact that he technically wasn't there. I rolled with it, since it was a benign thing and didn't affect anything negatively. What I'm saying is, it's not impossible to break realism for the sake of the roleplay. Seeing as you've given Fudo black fire, surely you understand that.
she'd be a lot less likely to be the target of killer intent for too long
For someone who's not there to follow the drama, i don't understand why did she suddenly become a target. Or what's the reason and how did them exchange identity. Consider is an outsider opinion.

You should understand that now that things have progressed there is no way that the Avatar can turn around to pick up Fudo. jamaicanviking have said everything that i want to say.

Just follow Flutterby's idea and this useless debate can end.
@Kiyoko Tomoe I love that you want lots of action and development for your characters, but you have to be willing to have that in the context of a group Rp, which is a co-op of writing. If other characters make it so things you plan cant happen exactly the way you plan, you have to be willing to adjust and think of something new. Same thing if you character goes ignored, you adjust and jump back in. During the second encounter with Akari, I couldnt realistically get Opal near enough to attack, so I had her shoot arrows from a short distance away and get very close to different characters, but all of those posts were ignored, so I jumped back in when I could. Part of this is being willing to adjust and work with the other players, even when it gets a little bumpy like now.

Since Team Avatar is also waiting for @Lioness075 now would be a good time to have Fudo and Blake duke it out and Fudo catch up, maybe in one longer post so you dont have to wait for posts in between, if you still want to be a part of this roleplay
Flutterby said:
Fudo catch up
Once again, that's the whole damn problem here. How's Fudo supposed to catch up, when he has no clue where they're at, what they're doing, or anything else...? Last I checked, nobody informed Fudo of the whole purpose of going there being for the smuggling and all that. It would've been a lot easier on me if I had at least known I would be left behind beforehand, and not given time to post before @jamaicanviking posted a second time in the same interaction. That was actually quite rude, not even giving prior warning and time that he wouldn't be giving me another post. At least then I could've possibly gotten back from being sick in time to actually post what I had ready, and most of this problem wouldn't be happening.
@jamaicanviking[/URL] posted a second time in the same interaction. That was actually quite rude, not even giving prior warning and time that he wouldn't be giving me another post. At least then I could've possibly gotten back from being sick in time to actually post what I had ready, and most of this problem wouldn't be happening.
Okay stop!

You're making a mountain out of a mole hill and its pissing me off.

People are trying to help you but you don't let them. I didn't want it to come to this, but...

Either you take the advice they so graciously gave you, jump back in and stop making drama or you're out.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Their suggestions would work for Akari/Kotori to just follow I suppose, but once again, Fudo doesn't know where they're at, so exactly how can he catch up like they're suggesting he do? Explain that one to me, please. If you can explain how that would work without him just stumbling upon the smuggling base purely through luck and all that, I'd be more than glad to. I mean, I've already played push with luck enough so far, so I honestly don't see luck as a fair or proper option for this at all.

Also, regarding the following of the badger mole tracks... Badger moles don't leave tracks, if you hadn't noticed in the show with the numerous times we've seen badger moles in it. That makes that kind of an invalid suggestion, since I doubt Terra would really be an exception to the fact badger moles don't leave any kind of footprints and all that.

Also, on a separate topic, I've been waiting a good while for an answer or something to one of my questions. Asked this a while back or said it in some way (way before this whole issue). Would you mind if I made Sayuri and Hanako side-characters to get another character or two? They virtually already are side-characters anyways. In fact, even less than side-characters at this point, as I haven't used them once since Dakup left. I honestly don't see much point in playing them now, since nothing's going on in Republic City.
Ok I'm sorry, but dude you have to many characters. And if it will stop all this drama please use luck, or just say Terra is a special alien bagger mole that leaves tracks, I don't care, but seriously this complaining is unnecessary and annoying.
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Ok, now you're getting on my nerves. It just seems like you're going out of your way to be difficult with us. Badger moles never left tracks because it was an arbitrary animation flaw; in fact, I don't think any animals did unless the plot demanded it. In reality, a gigantic animal weighing at least a ton or two would obviously leave tracks.
Look, if you really wanted to join back in with team avatar, you wouldn't keep letting logic get in your way. I was role-playing by myself since page 50, but I interacted with Novice, and now I have a plot running. I just waited until I thought was a good time to post, most of the time. I tried to get in with team avatar, but they left to go to the house, and I didn't get the slightest bit mad, and now I got back on track. We all gave you suggestions, and you pushed us away, so why should we come running back? Since you won't take suggestions, we can't help you, and we won't if you keep on shoving logic into our faces.
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Peaceswore said:
Ok I'm sorry, but dude you have to many characters. And if it will stop all this drama please use luck, or just say Terra is a special alien bagger mole that leaves tracks, I don't care, but seriously this complaining is unnecessary and annoying.
jamaicanviking said:
Ok, now you're getting on my nerves. It just seems like you're going out of your way to be difficult with us. Badger moles never left tracks because it was an arbitrary animation flaw; in fact, I don't think any animals did unless the plot demanded it. In reality, a gigantic animal weighing at least a ton or two would obviously leave tracks.
I literally just asked for a way to have Fudo find them without pure luck, and you guys get angry at me. All I was saying is I don't want to follow luck when I've already pushed luck plenty of times. I also simply just went by the anime on the badger moles. Not once in that post did I say anything that puts me as being difficult, yet you guys are still getting mad at me. I simply wanted an explanation of how I should do it without luck. If you're going to ask me to stop being difficult, then treat me like this when I stop being difficult, maybe I should quit.

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