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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

Awesome, I'll make a series of some to kill off, but one to be my main. Is that okay? I was thinking since each sprit had their own personalities one could help out the team. Just one. The others not so much.
@The Suspicious Eye[/URL] and me to coordinate a spirit being summoned, but please no more characters from your part.

[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]Awesome, I'll make a series of some to kill off, but one to be my main. Is that okay? I was thinking since each sprit had their own personalities one could help out the team. Just one. The others not so much.
That's fine! If you'd like, you can follow the set up I have in Mechanics for the spirits that will be killed off so it'll be easier on you and have your main one follow the CS for spirits. However that is up to you. If you want to have all of them detailed and following the CS instead of the Mechanics that's up to you. Although I will ask you to post your spirit in the mechanics section when it's in battle.
NessieAlways said:
Hun no offense, but you've already got too much going on with your human characters. You can't be doing everything. I'm sorry. If you want get together with @The Suspicious Eye and me to coordinate a spirit being summoned, but please no more characters from your part.
Haha, my five characters are doing less in this RP than everybody else's individual characters... Opal and Jeng each on their own do more than my five characters do. I'm definitely dropping Sayuri and Hanako as of right now to become side characters that're just there in Republic City. I might even make Blake and/or Fudo as side characters soon enough.

As for the spirit, I would literally just get it made to be accepted then not do anything with it, and have it so it gets killed or something when I first play it. Basically another spirit summoned that just gets beaten, and no longer exists in the RP.
If you aren't gonna do anything with it then why make it in the first place?

If you want to control another spirit we can do what we did last time Akari summoned the spirit. No need to make another character.
You misunderstand... I will do something with it, just not immediately. I'd just be getting it prepared beforehand so if a nice opportunity to have it appear comes along or something, I already have it accepted and don't really have to deal with possibly missing the opportunity because I was waiting on it getting accepted. But still, I see your point on the second part. I suppose I could get together with you and @The Suspicious Eye for some stuff regarding spirits.
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]You misunderstand... I will do something with it, just not immediately. I'd just be getting it prepared beforehand so if a nice opportunity to have it appear comes along or something

Just as long as it didn't stay too much from the main story, please

You know, it'll be great if someone can play as one of the spirits caged by The Masked Man and the smugglers.
[QUOTE="too much idea]Just as long as it didn't stay too much from the main story, please
You know, it'll be great if someone can play as one of the spirits caged by The Masked Man and the smugglers.

I don't mind I'm making mine now although she/he hates both spirits and humans alike all she enjoys is battle and death.
That spirit can be a special package, something that's going to be taken to a new circus to be tamed or something like that.

When Avatar gang storm the base, it can somehow breaks out and attack both sides. What do you think?
[QUOTE="too much idea]That spirit can be a special package, something that's going to be taken to a new circus to be tamed or something like that.
When Avatar gang storm the base, it can somehow breaks out and attack both sides. What do you think?

I like it. I posted my CS for my main spirit, and now I am working on the sub spirits(^.^). Please feel free to give feedback.
Some players on team Avatar aren't as active as others (like me, I'm a little obsessive), they'll post soon and it'll get going, especially since the weekend is coming up

Btw, Suspicious Eye, I read your CS and totally love it! Just thought I'd throw that out there since I jumped into the discussion earlier lol?
Flutterby said:
Some players on team Avatar aren't as active as others (like me, I'm a little obsessive), they'll post soon and it'll get going, especially since the weekend is coming up
Btw, Suspicious Eye, I read your CS and totally love it! Just thought I'd throw that out there since I jumped into the discussion earlier lol?
Thank you (^.^)

I hope to be a good partner and friend in this Rp. *bows* Please take good care of me.

Alllllllssssssoooooooooo, my characters can get a bit snobby talking with Ina in my mind is a big hassle, she is so uppity. I want to make it clear that I am not a OP player and that 90% of her threats are hollow. You'll know by her eyes when that 10% is.
@The Suspicious Eye I think we have a pretty good group here, so hopefully you'll find a good niche and enjoy it :)

On that note, I'm sure we will all understand, we have a pretty wide variety of powerful characters, but everyone stays within reasonable bounds, so it's all good
@Kiyoko Tomoe

Taking this to the OOC

Flutterby said:
((@Kiyoko Tomoe Its not a personal thing, we just really need to get to the smuggler attack. It's been pages upon pages of other stuff waiting for everyone to be ready to move on, and we've all added to that and thats fine, but one of the main purposes of going to the Fire Nation Capital was to deal with the smuggling ring, as it got us back on track with the main idea of the roleplay. We all understand that you have big plans for your characters and are upset that they aren't happening right now, but Team Avatar had to get past the distractions and serve their current purpose, dealing with the smugglers. It just ended up happening when you were in the middle of something and Im sorry it ended up that way. I would suggest having Fudo deal with Blake and then follow the signs of Terra that could easily be presumed left behind, since he's such a large animal.))
((Well I'm already screwed over without being left behind as Fudo, so I might as well just quit now. I'm getting tired of constantly having to RP with myself because my characters get ignored or something. Blake and Fudo, 80% of the time RPing them while just by myself. Akari/Kotori, literally just got ignored even though standing right outside Opal's house. Posted about her a good three times or so yet nobody fucking cared. How am I supposed to continue enjoying this when my characters are pretty much ignored, or when I get sick just left behind and forgotten about?))

Flutterby said:
We all understand that you have big plans for your characters and are upset that they aren't happening right now
((Also, that isn't the damn problem right here, it's that you just completely dumped Fudo when I was going to have him actually participate in the whole smuggling ring event. I don't have any plans for my characters now though, since you've all just dumped me to be RPing with myself once again. Only reason crap really happens between Fudo and Blake is because I literally have nothing else to do.))
@NessieAlways Seeing as you're the owner of the RP and you're here, would you mind giving some input...? I feel like if I say anything more, it'll go full-on argument, and I don't want to deal with another argument for a while, regardless of how it gets started and whether or not I start it.
I don't mean to sound rude here, but if you intended on having Fudo at the base you shouldn't have given him a distraction at the last possible second. It seemed really spontaneous and unnecessary at such a time. Furthering that, you explicitly stated that he didn't want Lea or Jeng to interfere afterwards, and I felt that if the situation had happened in reality, Fudo would be detrimental to the plan. People were starting to get annoyed at the delays, so I made a decision and left him behind.

The event was already a long time coming, and we couldn't afford to wait any longer. I apologize.
Kiyoko Tomoe] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/6496-nessiealways/ said:
@NessieAlways[/URL] Seeing as you're the owner of the RP and you're here, would you mind giving some input...? I feel like if I say anything more, it'll go full-on argument, and I don't want to deal with another argument for a while, regardless of how it gets started and whether or not I start it.
In all honesty, I'm not going to tell you to stay or leave. That is your decision and while I've loved your contribution and the diversity of your characters, I'm not going to order you to do something you don't want.

If you want to leave and feel as if your characters are useless then go ahead. You don't have to explain yourself, just stop replying and let me know that you're leaving. However, if you're looking for a reason to stay, take my example. I haven't posted in the IC thread for I think about a month. My characters haven't contributed much to the story and I'm still here.

I have a plan of taking Ryo to the firenation and basically beating up the avatar until he decides to help him, but right now is not the time. As much as I want my subplot with Ryo and Izumi to play out, the major plot of finding the balance between spirit world and human world comes first. When Team Avatar got to the fire nation the plot began to drift. Now the players are trying to get it back on track which I really appreciate. If you're characters aren't part of getting on track then maybe take a break or so.

Another example is @too much idea Her main character, dropped out of the RP long ago, but now she's back to contributing once again. Too much idea asked for the players to tag her in when they were about to hit the smuggler's base and they did. @jamaicanviking tagged her in and she's playing once again.

If timing is an issue, don't worry about it I understand completely. I leave one night and by the time I come back there's like 3 pages. I personally can't RP at that speed right now since I have life to worry about. @too much idea is in a completely different time zone and I'm sure other people have been left behind, but they find a way to come back in.

Basically...There's always a way if someone is willing to wait and look for it. If you feel like you're done here then I'm sorry to hear that, but I will respect your wishes. If you think you still have more to contribute, then stick around and find a way to bring in your characters. Right now might not be the perfect moment, but it will come. You just have to be patient. If you need help finding a way, I'm sure the players and I would be more than glad to help you out.
I do have a lot to contribute, but nobody seems to care about it at this point. It isn't even about any subplots or side-stories, but the fact that they didn't even bother to warn me they would be leaving Fudo behind. They just completely dropped me with absolutely nothing to do but RP with myself, and I'm getting tired of RPing alone. I mean Akari/Kotori was completely ignored so I can't implement her into the whole smuggling event in a proper and appropriate manner, Blake and Fudo are literally only there for me to RP alone at this point with how little interactions I actually am given the time to participate in, and then my other two characters have absolutely nothing to do. Not to mention you won't let me make any more characters unless they're side-characters, and that won't work because side-characters are for side-story, and we're not doing side-stories right now.
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]I do have a lot to contribute, but nobody seems to care about it at this point. It isn't even about any subplots or side-stories, but the fact that they didn't even bother to warn me they would be leaving Fudo behind. They just completely dropped me with absolutely nothing to do but RP with myself, and I'm getting tired of RPing alone. I mean Akari/Kotori was completely ignored so I can't implement her into the whole smuggling event in a proper and appropriate manner, Blake and Fudo are literally only there for me to RP alone at this point with how little interactions I actually am given the time to participate in, and then my other two characters have absolutely nothing to do. Not to mention you won't let me make any more characters unless they're side-characters, and that won't work because side-characters are for side-story, and we're not doing side-stories right now.

So what are you going to do? Stay and wait to bring your characters back or leave?
I don't see how I'd ever bring those characters back in. There's basically no point in even trying at this point, since I was already screwed over since Dakup left anyways. If I were to bring them back later on even, it would just be more RPing with myself, since everybody'd already be out of the fire nation by that time, pretty much leaving Fudo and Blake there without a damn other person to interact with. I don't see anybody going to Republic City any time soon which leaves Sayuri and Hanako doing absolute shit, then Akari/Kotori''d be in the same situation as Fudo.

At this point, I only see three options, all of which are shitty. One, RP with myself for half the damn RP, two, kill off all my beloved characters and get a new set that's nowhere near as good in my mind, or three, leave the RP. Go ahead, choose any of the three for me. I don't give a shit about which, since they're all equally crap in my opinion.

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