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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

Aside from the fact that i'm surprised that it's not Sogata x Opal but Opal x Jeng, 20 pages?!

Need a recap, and now since the Avatar is already in their trip please summon me when you guys are going to attack the smuggler's base in Fire Nation
Well, Sogata's always got Akari, should Akari prove redeemable. I can actually see Akari redeeming herself somehow, and then the two ex-criminals hooking up xD

Well, if Akari were a little older, or if Sogata doesn't mind a four year age difference.
I'm sorry guys, I haven't been active for about a week or two. :P

Need to sort out my future. I will be free of this stuff soon, maybe? But probably if my character can reenter :P
Hey guys! So I'm slowly catching up...I have my last test of the week on Wednesday so after that I should have a bit more time. Plus Saturday is Single's Awareness Day and I'm planning on spending my entire day locked in my room eating pizza and Ice cream while catching up on RPs and binge watching Netflix...of course things might not go as planned so I wont promise anything, but I did get 1 new summary up so that's one less thing I have to worry about.

I'm working as hard as I can to catch up and write a post possibly formulate some plans or something
Hey everybody,

Sorry about not being on as much, my life has been a lot of preparation for my life in the next couple of weeks. On March 4th I ship out to bootcamp. I'm sorry I haven't told you all sooner, but I felt it was better to tell you now, rather than wait till the day before. I know that this RP, will make it. I know that after I leave it will make it. @Kiyoko Tomoe , I am sorry about not being able to get further than maybe the first couple of dates. I feel as though they could have gone further. @jamaicanviking Keep this going. This goes for all of you. I have a couple weeks left so I will reply as soon as I can, but after that. I don't know when I will be back.


Jacob Kupfer

A.K.A Dakup​
@Dakup Ohhhh, you'll love boot camp. ;) You mean Basic Combat Training for the military, right? Which branch are you going into? I got back from Basic for the Army last fall.
It's a shame that you have to leave, man. I like what you brought to the table thus far, and I was really looking forward to how your characters interacted with everyone else's. I don't know very much about military training, but regardless, I wish you the best of luck in boot camp!

But hey, you aren't gone yet. Let's make the most of what time there is left, shall we?
You're damn right I got some time left so I'm not going to stop replying until I can't. In two weeks we can get through a hell of a lot. And Lion, I do mean basic for the U.S Navy. I'm nervous, but that happens with things you are not use to, you get nervous until it's your norm. I'm keeping up with my family, who were in the military at one time in their life.
@Dakup Ah, well, the best of luck to you. I'm enlisted in the Army National Guard, so I've no idea what it's like for the Navy. I can only imagine there'll be more water involved for you. :P
OMG @Dakup That's amazing! Congratulations and I wish you luck in boot camp!

It sucks that you have to leave, but you're contribution to this is greatly appreciated. Even though I haven't been active in the RP as much, I really enjoyed RPing with you in those few heated scenes between Kavi and Sogata. I'm sorry you wont be able to continue, but I'm glad you made it this far. If this is still going by the time you get back feel free to jump right back in! Hopefully by that time life isn't as complicated anymore and we can actually spend some time RPing =P

As of now, I'm looking forward to reading your characters' lasts words =') Make these last few posts count!
It really is a shame that you'll be leaving us. I also would like to wish you luck, and I as well enjoyed RPing with you. If I had the time, knew how to play them, was confident I'd be able to even keep up anyways, and had your and Nessie's approval, I would play Tomoki and Sogata for you. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to play more than what I have, I'm not confident in my ability to keep up, and I don't know how to really play them. I do hope that when you get back, this is still going and you jump right back in with us though, @Dakup.
When I was a little kid I got this avatar card that I thought was so cool, I never really knew where it was from or who the girl was because it was never in either Avatar or the Legend of Korra. I looked her up and can easily fix up her backstory, but here is the character Malu. I don't mind making a OC, but I was just curious.
If we're gonna fast forward than I think we should meet the sogata family, and f we do that then I think the smugglers should make a guest appearance.

Tag me if I have to see it
We should probably just have them arrive at the docks and move from there. I'm interested as to how Iak is going to react to meeting the actual Avatar after seeing so many imposters.

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