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Dice Avatar Legends: The Northern War - OOC

D. Rex D. Rex D.! Get in here, buddy! I know you have a new job in Real Life, but you're missing out on some fun! With any luck, you're able to do both? I hope? I feel you deserve fun too! =)

The questions and moves for the Idealist playbook should be in the Quickstart, towards the end there's blank character sheet templates.
Oh! I stopped reading at Page 26 (because that looked like GM-related info from then on). So there is more to read! Great! Because I'm not going to own the Core Book until it comes out for non-Kickstarters. Thanks!

The technique in your playbook essentially gets added to the list of techniques you can choose from. So you could have two waterbending techniques, or one waterbending + the Idealist one. One of these is Mastered and one is Learnt, it's up to you which is which.
Ah! It is clear to me that I have a lot of reading to do!

Purr Purr

For the stats, I can show you how I got my numbers.

The Playbook for the Razor comes with these numbers as base:
FOCUS [+2]

I then took for my Moves Air-Cutting Edge that adds +1 to my Focus, giving me a total of +3. Then I added my +1 to my Creativity.
Oh! Playbooks decide our... (I don't have the PDF in front of me) ... character's characteristics? O.K.! Thank you for explaining to me!

It's the Inciting Incident, which is basically just a bit of shared backstory we come up with to explain how our characters met, and why they're working together. We don't roleplay it.
I see. So we do start the game knowing each other and this describes how. O.K..

Toph's a main character who joins the cast in Book 2/the second season of the show. The moment in question comes near the end of the season; not going to say anymore because of spoilers.
No worries. That was plenty. =) Hey, Psychie Psychie ! There's a Toph in here! =)

Of course you can! I only made that template because I figured it would make things quicker and easier for you lot.
Great! And it did just that, Jay! I've just played with the occasional Game Master or two who does things.. differently. I like this your way. =)

Where are you getting those examples from?
From the early pages of the Quickstart.

With this and what we are discussing in our conversation, I think I'm going to have to change my PlayBook and Character concept. Just talkin about all this for sure is fun though!

Time will tell! =)
Hah! I feel like such a dummy! Look at this! The Core Book and Adventure Guide has been here all along thanks to Jaydude!

If I'm missing simple things like this, I really think I need a little vacation. Thankfully, mine starts tomorrow!

One doesn't have to be aged to be an Elder, right? I love the idea of learning from others and helping people with what I've come by, and after looking closely at the Idealistic Playbook, I don't think it's the one I'm looking for.

I bet I can turn this into something long-lasting of fun!

Oh! And hey, Psychie? We're both playing Waterbenders. Do you want to play a pair of characters who are maybe related? Even if they were distantly related, they would probably make for some good role-playing!

Does anyone out there want an energetic mind to bounce ideas off of? My knowledge of everything here is quite limited, but I can try!
Wait. What?

What Is It Reaction GIF by Nebraska Humane Society

Here in the Core Book PDF it sez... you kin haz... a... Sky Bison if you play the Icon Playbook?

A real... Sky Bison? In the party? Just like Aang's Appa?

Complete with advantages and disadvantages of such an animal companion? Fly through the air with the whole party? They really allow this?!

My brain right now.

Our party on the Sky Bison be like:
avatar omg GIF

Followed immediately by this but through the sky:
Animated GIF

jaydude jaydude !! May I play a Sky Bison Icon, pleeease! 8D

Disclaimer: Seriously, the Icon looks kinda cool and challenging! I'd like to try this!
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jaydude jaydude I have been plunking along on my sheet a bit, but I don't remember enough details on locations in the Fire Nation for O-Ren to be from to put a point of origin on my sheet. Do you have any city locations that would work?
There's the Fire Nation Capital, which includes both Hari Bulkan (home to the city's wealthy elite and the royal family) and Harbor City (home to the city's lower classes). There's also Fire Fountain City (where the Gaang go around scamming people and have their second fight with Combustion Man) and the town of Shu Jing (where Sokka trains in swordsmanship with Piandao). There's also the market town in the east where Aang briefly attends a Fire Nation school, the village where Hama resides and the village where Katara finds her mother's killer.

And of course, if none of these appeal to you, you can always create your own place.

Also, a question about my Connections. Are these supposed to be NPCs, or Players? If NPCs, who is with us that I can use in these spots?
Connections are for PC's. Speaking of, Ichen can't serve as one of yours, Psychie Psychie .

Edit: I've also gotten my hands on a supplement that goes into the Razor in more detail, and also includes what I think is the correct moment of balance for that playbook. You might want to copy and paste it into your character sheet.
You were taught to control yourself, and that to give of yourself, to connect, is to lose control. But now, you see that connection isn’t weakness; it is a choice, a true way of controlling your self. You seize that now, choosing to embrace connection to others and spring yourself to impossible heights. Tell the GM how you save those you care about from an outrageously dangerous threat or problem.
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One doesn't have to be aged to be an Elder, right? I love the idea of learning from others and helping people with what I've come by, and after looking closely at the Idealistic Playbook, I don't think it's the one I'm looking for.
According to the supplement that introduces the Elder, the minimum age is mid-thirties.

May I play a Sky Bison Icon, pleeease! 8D
Sure thing, though you should bear in mind that sky bison have effectively been extinct in the wild since the Air Nomads were wiped out several decades ago. They can absolutely still be around, but they're incredibly rare, and most people don't know even know about them.

All this really means is that there can be some interesting backstory as to how your character came to possess a tame sky bison. Perhaps you and/or the people you were raised with found them as a calf when you were young, and took care of them in secret for whatever reason? Perhaps the bison bonded with your character especially, hence why you're able to use them as a team mount in the present day?

Another thing you should probably consider is that those in the world who are still familiar with the Air Nomads - particularly Iroh and Prince Zuko - are likely to draw a connection between your character and the missing Avatar once they know you've got a sky bison. Depending on how things go, you may end up having to deal with a hotheaded Fire Nation exile trying to capture your character in order to regain his honor (Which I am totally onboard with doing btw, if no-one has any objections).
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Also, I believe that I have finished my character. Can you give Liu a look to see if I'm missing anything?
Sherwood Sherwood
Li Bao Liu Bing looks good. Just a couple of things:
  • Being a Razor, you start with your balance at +2 Control, though you can shift it once in any direction from there as per game rules. Your center remains at zero though.
  • Also, you need to specify four mistakes in your character's past that they're looking to make amends for. Admittedly there isn't too much advice on these provided; just specify characters you hurt, or places you tried to subjugate, or anything else regretful you can think of.
For reference, your Balance track should look like this:
Control - (_)-(B)-(_)-{_}-(X)-(X)-(X) - Connection

(I changed the brackets from square ones because putting a single "B" between two square brackets is a bold tag in BBCode, which isn't exactly good for formatting. The X's are there to represent that your Connection Principle starts out locked, as per your playbook feature).
Hey everyone.

In terms of story and worldbuilding, I feel like I've yet to define the scope of the game beyond "some vague region in the Earth Kingdom". So without further ado, here's what I'm thinking in that regard:

The state of Tongdao - a mountainous region in the Northern Earth Kingdom - is one of the many frontlines in the Hundred Year War. The key location of the state is Fort Tongdao, a fortress town situated within a mountain pass that leads to Ba Sing Se, and serves as a natural bottleneck. Under the control of General Shizu, it has so far remained in the control of the Earth Kingdom, but were it to fall, the Fire Nation would be able to march on Ba Sing Se unchecked, as well as flank Earth Kingdom fortifications in neighbouring states.

In recent months, the Fire Nation has assigned General Daizun - one of its most distinguished officers - to take Fort Tongdao and open up the route to the Earth Kingdom's capital. Daizun is a skilled Firebender, respected by his subordinates and gifted in the arts of war; if there's anyone who can defeat Shizu, it's him. At present he is holed up in his own stronghold of Fort Baju - a bastion in the west of the state that taken by the Fire Nation a couple of years ago - from where he schemes and plots to outmanoeuvre Shizu.

The land and settlements between these two fortresses are contested territory. Both the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation have squads and platoons of troops about, some settlements are occupied by the Fire Nation, and there is also a group of anti-Fire Nation rebels (which Luhan and Miku belong to, and which Shizu supports whenever he can) operating within the area.

So what does this mean to you all? Essentially, it really only affects Purr Purr (assuming he's still planning to take the Icon playbook) and Psychie Psychie , owing to their respective playbook features. Ideally, the Icon's role/burden and tradition should be tied to the scope of the game, and O-Ren's squad needs to be identifiable within the same general area (it doesn't necessarily have to be based there though).
All of that sounds great to me, Jay!

Yes! Definitely Sky Bison Icon (that's becoming a personal inside joke because I smile every time I see that strikethrough)! I'm finishing up a big post in our Conversation. Should be done in a few minutes. Lots of ideas! =)
Edit made to my Control, and I just need to come up with four specific things that I have done that need to be atoned for that is not too evil for me to associate with the rest of the group.
Sherwood Sherwood Hey bud! Let me help! Let me help! I can come up with four!

You... stole the Fire Lord's favorite ice cream (but you couldn't help it if it was your favorite flavor too - and it had been sooo loooong since you last ate it!)!

Uhh... you made one too many Fire-related puns (which just barbequed your career right there)!

Err... you kept rolling Misses with your fire archery skills and the same Fumble kept coming up on the dice ("hit nearest fireworks display causing it to go off early")!

Oh wait.. Ahh... This one's perfect! I know what you have to atone for! You wouldn't stop going around the Fire Nation singing...

"Bloodhound Gang - Fire Water Burn (Official Video)"

Yeah yeah! How's that?

What's that?

Oh. You don't really mean you, do you? You mean... your character.


I have no idea.

Honor and fun,
Dann! =)
<facepalm> Everyone, this is my old high school friend Dannigan. I've known him for years, and I don't know if it is his fault that I am the way I am, but it certainly helped.
Edit made to my Control, and I just need to come up with four specific things that I have done that need to be atoned for that is not too evil for me to associate with the rest of the group.
Hmm, I think (mild ATLA spoiler)
Zuko's probably a good benchmark
, and you probably want to lean towards "things I thought were okay at the time because Fire Nation propaganda" more than "actively malicious" so it doesn't end up too evil. Some ideas: being a part of a larger movement that hurt people, recruiting someone to the cause or convincing them what was happening was okay, refusing to help someone who needed it, betraying someone's trust, lying to or sabotaging someone for your own gain
Oh! And hey, Psychie? We're both playing Waterbenders. Do you want to play a pair of characters who are maybe related? Even if they were distantly related, they would probably make for some good role-playing!
We can do that. I wouldn't mind having some family along for the ride.
<facepalm> Everyone, this is my old high school friend Dannigan. I've known him for years, and I don't know if it is his fault that I am the way I am, but it certainly helped.
Oh, did it ever! 8D Love ya, Sherwood! *huggles*

We can do that. I wouldn't mind having some family along for the ride.
Hooraaay! This'll be fun!

Pardon if I'm repeating myself somewhere here. I have come up with an idea for a Waterbending jungle-based tribe (rough draft name, "Children of the Rainbow"). That's where I'd like my character to come. Jaydude seems to like this idea a lot. The Rainbow Children don't get out much (O.K., at all. But they throw my character out there into the world!). So... Psychie? Would you like for our characters to be, say, cousins and when we were imprisoned by the Fire Nation, we discussed it and found out our characters share a common ancestor that way? Or do you want them to know about their shared lineage at all or... what's your fancy, Oh Psychie-lady?
Heya Psychie Psychie . I just wanted to touch base with you quickly regarding your character and their monastery, in case I decide to have it, your squad, Nara or Ichin play any roles in our upcoming game.
  • You mention that your squad is famous for their weapons and their fighting style. Care to elaborate? Like, are they all Waterbenders, a mixture of various benders/non-benders, or something else? I assume we're still going with the whole "warrior monk" thing we discussed earlier.
  • Where is the monastery located? Is it in Tongdao, or another place?
Hey everyone.

In terms of story and worldbuilding, I feel like I've yet to define the scope of the game beyond "some vague region in the Earth Kingdom". So without further ado, here's what I'm thinking in that regard:

The state of Tongdao - a mountainous region in the Northern Earth Kingdom - is one of the many frontlines in the Hundred Year War. The key location of the state is Fort Tongdao, a fortress town situated within a mountain pass that leads to Ba Sing Se, and serves as a natural bottleneck. Under the control of General Shizu, it has so far remained in the control of the Earth Kingdom, but were it to fall, the Fire Nation would be able to march on Ba Sing Se unchecked, as well as flank Earth Kingdom fortifications in neighbouring states.

In recent months, the Fire Nation has assigned General Daizun - one of its most distinguished officers - to take Fort Tongdao and open up the route to the Earth Kingdom's capital. Daizun is a skilled Firebender, respected by his subordinates and gifted in the arts of war; if there's anyone who can defeat Shizu, it's him. At present he is holed up in his own stronghold of Fort Baju - a bastion in the west of the state that taken by the Fire Nation a couple of years ago - from where he schemes and plots to outmanoeuvre Shizu.

The land and settlements between these two fortresses are contested territory. Both the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation have squads and platoons of troops about, some settlements are occupied by the Fire Nation, and there is also a group of anti-Fire Nation rebels (which Luhan and Miku belong to, and which Shizu supports whenever he can) operating within the area.

So what does this mean to you all? Essentially, it really only affects Purr Purr (assuming he's still planning to take the Icon playbook) and Psychie Psychie , owing to their respective playbook features. Ideally, the Icon's role/burden and tradition should be tied to the scope of the game, and O-Ren's squad needs to be identifiable within the same general area (it doesn't necessarily have to be based there though).
Oh actually, re this: any suggestions for Li Bao's origin location? Right now it's just somewhere I found on the wiki that'd been conquered by the Fire Nation, but it makes sense that he'd be near somewhere near Tongdao, but that's been taken or at least already in conflict with the Fire Nation pretty recently. Would it work to be Baju?
(I changed the brackets from square ones because putting a single "B" between two square brackets is a bold tag in BBCode, which isn't exactly good for formatting.
You mean you're not feeling bold about it? Ha ha! =)

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