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Dice Avatar Legends: The Northern War - OOC

I have a question about the Combat Techniques and how we are able to pick one that is Mastered and one is Learned. Since I'm going with the Weapons skill, do I pick from these maneuvers?
You certainly can, or you can pick something from Universal Techniques. Your playbook's advanced technique is also available as a Mastered Technique, regardless of your Training.
Oh. So we have specific maneuvers to choose from in each category. Ok.
You all get the nine basic techniques (Ready, Retaliate, Seize A Position, Strike, Pressure, Smash, Test Balance, Bolster or Hinder, Commit), one Mastered advanced technique, and one Learned technique.
I'm not going to be a bender, but instead I'm going with a Weapons training with the Razor Playbook.
Oh. We've joined the OOC channel. Hi everybody! 8D

EDIT: I'll start reading from Page 1 to catch any answers to the many questions I've already got! That'll save folks the hassle of... well... you know. =)
I'm open to a lot of things, and our focus can certainly be changed once the game's underway, but ideally, a focus should be something that would take a season of the show or a trilogy of comics to accomplish.
What? There are comics too? Just so everyone knows - I have never before seen Avatar: The Last Airbender until Jaydude brought it up last week. I now own the 9 Blu-Ray Aang-related collection (and I'm up to the 2nd Disc, Chapter.. 18 I believe).

PLEASE, no spoilers! Or if you do wish to share some with the others...

...put them in a spoiler, please! 8D And here, have a flying cute kitten for opening this! Wheee! =)
I Belive I Can Fly Blue Sky GIF

For backstory, each playbook gets five questions they have to answer, so I suppose it wouldn't hurt to start with them. In the case of the Idealist, the questions are:
  • What tragedy befell you at a young age?
  • Who do you hold most responsible for the tragedy? Why? (This character will be an NPC)
  • Who helped you through your grief? What did they teach you? (This character will also be an NPC)
  • What symbol, heirloom, or mark do you carry to remind you of what you lost?
  • Why are you committed to this group or purpose?
Ooh! I'm playing an Idealist!

I came up with a bit of a character for last time and I think I'll stick with him, Guardian playbook Earthbender. I've been playing with the idea of having a more healing/spiritual focused earthbender, with something similar to how Seismic Sensing can detect lying through listening to their heartbeat.
Hi, Wandering Owl Wandering Owl ! I'm Dannigan, a long-time RP Nation member and buddy of Sherwood, Psychie, and good ol' D. Rex D. Rex . You're welcome to call me Dann if you like. I like the way you post - your word choices and sentence structures make you easy to understand. =)

Heya D! *hugs* Grats on your new job, Bubba! 8D

The bit about seismic sense being used as a diagnostic aid is certainly an interesting idea, and I can definitely consider it plausible in the setting, given how Toph's lie detection works.
Whoa! Earthbending can do that? Yeeks. Maybe I shouldn't ask (spoiler territory!).

Goodness, I missed a bit here. Have been training at a new job.

Do we got a run down on who wants to play what?
Jaydude and I are heavy in Conversation. Jay's patiently and thoroughly introducing me not only to Avatar: The Last Airbender, but this new gaming system too! I've pre-ordered the Core Book, the Map Pack, and the Dice (because I like dice). Boy, do I wish I'd known about this Kickstarter!

So far, my concept is based around a teenage Idealist Earthbender with the Wilderness background raised in a jungle village in a deeply-spiritual and ancient tribe of loving natives. Think of the Cambodians and Montagnards during the Vietnam War (those who helped out the U.S. Military). They went from crossbows to machineguns literally! Or maybe the Amazonian tribes in the movie, The Emerald Forest?

I would like the character to be some kind of spiritual martial artist (like Muay Thai/Muay Boran).

EDIT: I have changed videos to this exhibition. I realized that by putting a "Not Safe for Work" (Ong Bak/Lawrence Kenshin) video that I was likely giving the wrong impression; this is a game based around pre-teens and teenagers while the video I posted was meant for adults. This video instead works much better for what I'd like to roleplay. For example, you see that dance they're doing prior to the spar? That's the Ram Muay or the ritual dance Muay Thai boxers go through to warm up their bodies and cleanse their spirits while displaying respect for their ancestors, their trainers, and the audience. Only when the Ram Muay is complete does a fight between boxers commence. They often wear (pre-fight) the Kruang Rang (religious artifact) around their upper arm and the Monkon, a brightly-colored headband that identifies the fighter's teacher. In Real Life, professional fighters are expected to not fight using their real name, but a fighting name that represents the school. For example, Buakaw is not the name of that incredible fighter, but instead it means "White Lotus" for his school. It's little things like these I'd like to add just to my character, for if I am going to play in a game where martial arts is taken seriously, I would like to bring a little serious martial arts with me into the game. Know what I mean? =)
"Muay Thai Boran Exhibition"
Contact begins at about mark 3:53 if you lack for time.

I hope that my martial Earthbender is allowed to study herbalism/holistic medicine, philosophy, and all things jungle-related. However, he's lousy with technology and hasn't even been to the big cities. They'd (gender undecided) really never want to except that (and again this is all rough draft) the Fire Nation one day demanded his village's resources. They refused. They fought and the Fire Nation burned his village to ashes along with everything he ever knew. Now he's a real fish out of water. Alone (unless Jaydude says otherwise, of course), scared, confused, and really hurt, they seriously want revenge but their ancient teachings speak of compassion being the way, not payback. And for compassion, one must forgive. But how do you forgive an enemy that has taken everything you've had and everything you know? They're a creature of action too and a wild one at that.

For a name? Hmm... I feel "Bamboo" fits the concept so far. Plus that sounds like a cool name, right? =)

That's all I've got at the moment (pending Jaydude's approval) and again, this is only a rough draft, but hey, a guy's gotta start out somewhere, right? "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Lao-Tzu in Tao Te Ching.

See you!

Honor and fun,
Dann =)
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Because my brain would not keep quiet and let me sleep, I have changed the Muay Thai/Muay Boran video to one that is a better-suited for the game. But hey! I'm happier this way. Have a good day, everybody! =)
Sorry if I'm spamming the channel at ungodly hours, but given the interest I thought everyone should know - it looks like I'll be playing a Waterbender after all! Now after all that thought into Muay Thai/Muay Boran, I very well may change martial systems to something I feel is more fitting for the water principles. A "hard-soft" system would probably be best. Hapkido perhaps? There's a lot of inherent goodness in the philosophies of that wonderfully-positive system! I think it might be fun to roleplay too.

Any thoughts, my fellow RPers? =)

YouTube lacks for quality Hapkido videos but then again, Hapkido was never about the fame and business, but about the character, skill, and spiritual welfare of every student studying it.

This is from the 1970's series Billy Jack which introduced Hapkido to the Western world. The Korean black belt in this scene was a real master. Master Bong Soo Han has passed on but a more compassionate, skilled, and wise human being you might never meet. If anyone wants an example or two of his wisdom, just let me know. =)
"The Trial Of Billy Jack (1974) 'Hapkido'"

"What is Hapkido Even Good For?"

And a Hapkido poomse ("form" or "kata" if you like the Japanese term).
"Hapkido Kido Hae Basic form #1"
Hi, Wandering Owl Wandering Owl Wandering Owl Wandering Owl ! I'm Dannigan, a long-time RP Nation member and buddy of Sherwood, Psychie, and good ol' D. Rex D. Rex D. Rex D. Rex . You're welcome to call me Dann if you like. I like the way you post - your word choices and sentence structures make you easy to understand. =)
Hi Dann! Thank you so much - I can get caught up in trying to put my thoughts down sometimes, so I'm glad it all makes sense! I've been around here, on and off, since maybe 2015? I love that this is a community people can stick around for so long. Looking forward to writing with you!
Whoa! Earthbending can do that? Yeeks. Maybe I shouldn't ask (spoiler territory!).
The healing thing is my own invention - I don't wanna spoiler anything if you haven't met Toph yet, but it's somewhat based off some niche Earthbending abilities in canon, with a side of "wouldn't it be cool for Earthbenders to get healing/spiritual links like the other elements do".

Any thoughts, my fellow RPers? =)
It's sounding really interesting! If you haven't yet, you could look into the real-world inspirations behind the bending styles in the show, to find similar ones - waterbending takes a lot of inspiration from Tai Chi, for example, and earthbending from Hung Gar.
I hope that my martial Earthbender is allowed to study herbalism/holistic medicine, philosophy, and all things jungle-related. However, he's lousy with technology and hasn't even been to the big cities. They'd (gender undecided) really never want to except that (and again this is all rough draft) the Fire Nation one day demanded his village's resources. They refused. They fought and the Fire Nation burned his village to ashes along with everything he ever knew. Now he's a real fish out of water. Alone (unless Jaydude says otherwise, of course), scared, confused, and really hurt, they seriously want revenge but their ancient teachings speak of compassion being the way, not payback. And for compassion, one must forgive. But how do you forgive an enemy that has taken everything you've had and everything you know? They're a creature of action too and a wild one at that.

For a name? Hmm... I feel "Bamboo" fits the concept so far. Plus that sounds like a cool name, right? =)
Yes, you can know herbalism and all that other stuff with your background.

The backstory works, and it's up to you whether or not there are any more survivors after the attack. Also, bear in mind that as part of the character creation process, you'll need to mention two NPC's who play a part in your character's history. In the case of the Idealist, one of these is the person who helped them through their grief, and the other is the one responsible for whatever tragedy affected them so badly (presumably this would be the one who led/ordered the destruction of your village).

As for your name, there is a short bit about naming characters in the quickstart. Earth Kingdom characters generally have East Asian-sounding names, though given that your character comes from a more unique culture, this doesn't necessarily have to be the case for them.
Psychie Psychie and Sherwood Sherwood , I should point out that the mastered advanced technique that comes with the playbook is not a free technique. It's just an option unique to the playbook in question. You can start with it, or a different advanced technique available to your training, but not both of them.

That aside - and this bit refers to D. Rex D. Rex as well - do either of you need/want any help with your character histories? Or does anyone need any help in general?
I was under the impression that it was. I'll edit the sheet. Sorry. New system.

For a background, I was thinking that I was at first trained as a soldier in the Fire Nation before being told to perform atrocities that finally crossed my inner line and I refused. That got me arrested for disobeying orders and sent off to the prison where I met the other characters and learned some of the truth of the war. Trying to atone for the war crimes I committed, I put my lot in with the other players and I'm trying to make up for the things I have done in the past, all the while trying to keep my background as a Fire Nation soldier secret.
I was under the impression that it was. I'll edit the sheet. Sorry. New system.
No worries. I'm learning it myself, and after all the time I needed to learn Exalted and Robotech, I can forgive this. ;)

For a background, I was thinking that I was at first trained as a soldier in the Fire Nation before being told to perform atrocities that finally crossed my inner line and I refused. That got me arrested for disobeying orders and sent off to the prison where I met the other characters and learned some of the truth of the war. Trying to atone for the war crimes I committed, I put my lot in with the other players and I'm trying to make up for the things I have done in the past, all the while trying to keep my background as a Fire Nation soldier secret.
Sounds good, though keep in mind that in accordance with game rules, your character's past crimes can't be so heinous that they're unforgivable. Also, your character does get to be a fair bit tougher than rank-and-file grunts.
Ok, I'll go with that.

EDIT. And this post puts me at 45,000 posts! I need a life.
Sherwood Sherwood , I should point out that the mastered advanced technique that comes with the playbook is not a free technique. It's just an option unique to the playbook in question. You can start with it, or a different advanced technique available to your training, but not both of them.
Sorry! I'll fix it.
- waterbending takes a lot of inspiration from Tai Chi, for example, and earthbending from Hung Gar.
You noticed that too?

In Book 1, Episode 9, "The Waterbending Scroll" I noticed the techniques on the scroll was totally Tai Chi Ch'uan! But Hung Gar Kung Fu? I hadn't made that leap yet (there's a pun in there somewhere). Thanks for pointing that out! Tai Chi, I've practiced (big shocker there; who hasn't?). But Hung Gar? I don't know nearly as much as I'd like. Neat! =)

Or does anyone need any help in general?
jaydude jaydude I could use it, please! Besides having tossed a lot of ideas your way via Conversation (and thanks for the Cookie-Likes!), I have the Quickstart, but I am lost when it comes to some of what I'm supposed to be doing here.

and sent off to the prison where I met the other characters and learned some of the truth of the war.
"The prison where you meet..." Do what? We start in a Fire Nation prison? Captured together? What did I miss (or not yet get to)? Ah! I see. Now that I have some free time, I'm (finally) on the Character page. Let's see what's here!

Alongside Luhan, the player characters managed to escape from their cells,
Wait. Hold on. What?

This has already happened? I'm... lost. Is this what we are supposed to roleplay through? If so, why do we know it first? I'm not used to knowing the story in advance. Is this something that's stressed by the gaming system? Or am I off the deep end again?

and Toph has yet to invent Metalbending.
Somebody named Toph invents Metalbending?

You have all answered the call willingly. You might have been pressured to take on the role of a hero (or taken on the role because you feel guilty about your past actions), but you have chosen to be a part of the team. That’s why your team won’t fracture or collapse at the first conflict—one way or another, you want to be here fulfilling your group’s purpose with your fellow companions.
So we start off the game knowing each other already?

You are still growing and learning. All of the heroes of Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game—regardless of age—are people who are still learning who they are and what they care about. Your two balance principles are in tension because you haven’t quite decided what you care about most, and your adventures are in part about discovering what truly matters to you!
This is the coolest thing I've seen yet! 8D

Character Sheet Template
Oh! Thanks for the terrific template, Jaydude! Boy, that makes things nice and uniform... =)

jaydude jaydude Are we allowed to add Tabs? I routinely put Inspirations and Notes on my Character sheets (but I can put them in My Private Workshop if you'd rather?).
O.K., per the Core Book... "Every playbook starts out with two stats rated +1, one rated +0, and one rated -1. Add +1 to one of those stats that’s important to your character, either specializing in one of your strengths or offsetting one of your weaknesses."

So I see how this is possible (the +0 was simply raised using the "Add +1."
Creativity: -1
Focus: +1
Harmony: +1
Passion: +1

But how is this done?
Creativity: +1
Focus: +1
Harmony: +2
Passion: -1

And this?
Creativity: +1
Focus: +3
Harmony: -1
Passion: 0

It's really cool and all but I can't find how this is done.
(Start with one Mastered Technique, and one Learned Technique. For each Technique, specify what approach it is - Defend and Maneuvre, Advance and Attack or Evade and Observe - and whether it's Learned, Practiced or Mastered)
But also...
I should point out that the mastered advanced technique that comes with the playbook is not a free technique. It's just an option unique to the playbook in question. You can start with it, or a different advanced technique available to your training, but not both of them.
So... uhh... I guess I'm supposed to be asking things like...

What is the "option" for Idealistic Playbook?

Can my Waterbender start off with two Waterbending techniques? None? One?

So, we can only a Technique in a given approach? How are approaches changed? (Feel free to just point me at a page or page + paragraph in the Quickstart or wherever.)

Oh. And am I the only one using the Quickstart RPG? Are there others beside Jaydude using something else? Because I can't find a good portion of what I've seen on other character sheets. Is there a book I'm missing (that's... not on pre-order)? =)

EDIT: Oh, wait! Some are in the Lore page, I bet. Man, I'm tired. Thankfully, I'm taking a mini-vacation soon! With good work comes good benefits! =)

So... what are the Five questions for the Idealistic Playbook?

What are the Moves for the Idealistic Playbook, please?
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But also...

So... uhh... I guess I'm supposed to be asking things like...

What is the "option" for Idealistic Playbook?

Can my Waterbender start off with two Waterbending techniques? None? One?

So, we can only a Technique in a given approach? How are approaches changed? (Feel free to just point me at a page or page + paragraph in the Quickstart or wherever.)

Oh. And am I the only one using the Quickstart RPG? Are there others beside Jaydude using something else? Because I can't find a good portion of what I've seen on other character sheets. Is there a book I'm missing (that's... not on pre-order)? =)

EDIT: Oh, wait! Some are in the Lore page, I bet. Man, I'm tired. Thankfully, I'm taking a mini-vacation soon! With good work comes good benefits! =)

So... what are the Five questions for the Idealistic Playbook?

What are the Moves for the Idealistic Playbook, please?
The questions and moves for the Idealist playbook should be in the Quickstart, towards the end there's blank character sheet templates. I'm using the Quickstart, but jaydude's also posted PDFs for other content - the Playbooks ones are on the first post of the CS page. It'll be on pages 11-12 of the Core Playbooks pdf.

For techniques, the type of approach determines which order they're resolved in combat, as well as being affected by a couple of other things (eg an ability could give you +1 to all Advance and Attack moves). You can use whatever approach you want on your turn.

The technique in your playbook essentially gets added to the list of techniques you can choose from. So you could have two waterbending techniques, or one waterbending + the Idealist one. One of these is Mastered and one is Learnt, it's up to you which is which.
Purr Purr

For the stats, I can show you how I got my numbers.

The Playbook for the Razor comes with these numbers as base:
FOCUS [+2]

I then took for my Moves Air-Cutting Edge that adds +1 to my Focus, giving me a total of +3. Then I added my +1 to my Creativity.
This has already happened? I'm... lost. Is this what we are supposed to roleplay through? If so, why do we know it first? I'm not used to knowing the story in advance. Is this something that's stressed by the gaming system? Or am I off the deep end again?
It's the Inciting Incident, which is basically just a bit of shared backstory we come up with to explain how our characters met, and why they're working together. We don't roleplay it.

Somebody named Toph invents Metalbending?
Toph's a main character who joins the cast in Book 2/the second season of the show. The moment in question comes near the end of the season; not going to say anymore because of spoilers.

So we start off the game knowing each other already?
At the very least, you all start the game reasonably friendly towards each other.
You are friendly! While some of the other companions might give you a headache or make you roll your eyes at their silly antics, you are all friendly with each other. You might have only met during the inciting incident or still be learning about each other, but you know your adventures will draw you closer. It’s okay to be rivals with a teammate—or even a bit jealous of them sometimes—but you all are closer to friends than not. If ever your character comes to believe they are entirely at odds with the other PCs—or perhaps even bitter enemies or foes—that’s a sign that it might be time for you to make a new companion who fits in better with the group.

Are we allowed to add Tabs? I routinely put Inspirations and Notes on my Character sheets (but I can put them in My Private Workshop if you'd rather?).
Of course you can! I only made that template because I figured it would make things quicker and easier for you lot.

.K., per the Core Book... "Every playbook starts out with two stats rated +1, one rated +0, and one rated -1. Add +1 to one of those stats that’s important to your character, either specializing in one of your strengths or offsetting one of your weaknesses."

So I see how this is possible (the +0 was simply raised using the "Add +1."
Creativity: -1
Focus: +1
Harmony: +1
Passion: +1

But how is this done?
Creativity: +1
Focus: +1
Harmony: +2
Passion: -1

And this?
Creativity: +1
Focus: +3
Harmony: -1
Passion: 0

It's really cool and all but I can't find how this is done.
Where are you getting those examples from?

If we're talking about starting characters, some playbook moves are just straight stat increases, as is the case in the example provided by Sherwood Sherwood . That could explain the second and third examples you provided.

What is the "option" for Idealistic Playbook?

Disorient (Advance and Attack)​

Pummel an engaged foe with quick blows; mark 1-fatigue to shift their balance away from center.
For context, if a foe loses their balance - i.e. it gets pushed too high - they're taken out of the fight. This is generally a quicker process than making them mark all their conditions - the other way to subdue a foe in this game - but NPCs get to use more techniques per combat exchange as they're pushed more and more off-balance.

Think of Disorient as an attack meant to goad or infuriate your foe to a point where they make a mistake and open themselves up.

Can my Waterbender start off with two Waterbending techniques? None? One?
If you're not taking your playbook's advanced technique (which is always a universal one btw), you can absolutely start off with two Waterbending techniques.

So, we can only a Technique in a given approach? How are approaches changed? (Feel free to just point me at a page or page + paragraph in the Quickstart or wherever.)
If you want to read up on the combat exchange system in general, there's page 21 of the quickstart, there's a section on combat in the first post of the Lore Topic, and the second page of the Moves pdf I provided there goes into detail about them.

At the same time, I'll try and sum it up as best as I can:
  1. When two or more characters wish to fight each other and the outcome is uncertain, they enter into what's called a combat exchange. If the outcome is reasonably certain, I'll play it as such, or ask you to make a rely on your skills and training roll.
  2. An exchange is essentially a few seconds of fighting abstracted down. At the start of it, every participant picks one of the three approaches (Defend and Maneuver, Advance and Attack, Evade and Observe), which determines what techniques they can use, and the order of movement for the exchange.
  3. The participants take turns choosing and executing their techniques (players have to roll dice first). Those who picked the Defend and Maneuver approach go first, followed by those who chose Advance and Attack, and finally those who went with Evade and Observe.
  4. Assuming there are participants willing and able to fight after the exchange, rinse and repeat.

So... what are the Five questions for the Idealistic Playbook?
Questions are as follows:
  • What tragedy befell you at a young age?
  • Who do you hold most responsible for the tragedy? Why?
  • Who helped you through your grief? What did they teach you?
  • What symbol, heirloom, or mark do you carry to remind you of what you lost?
  • Why are you committed to this group or purpose?

What are the Moves for the Idealistic Playbook, please?
You have the choice of two from:

The Strength of Your Heart​

When you use Seize a Position, foes must mark 2-fatigue to block your movement.

Whatever I Can​

When you spend time talking to the locals about their problems, roll with Harmony. On a hit, you hear about the most significant and serious problem at hand; the GM will tell you who it affects and what is the cause. On a 10+, you can ask a follow up question about the problem or cause; you take +1 ongoing when you act on the answer. On a miss, you wind up creating a whole new problem with your questions and ideas.

Your Rules Stink​

When you stand up to an adult by telling them their rules are stupid, roll with Passion. On a hit, they are surprised by your argument; they must shift their balance or offer you a way forward, past the rules. On a 10+, both. On a miss, your efforts to move them only reveal how strongly they believe in the system—mark a condition as their resistance leaves you reeling.

It Doesn’t Belong to You!​

When you secretly pocket something owned by someone undeserving, roll with Harmony. On a hit, you swipe something from them (your choice) without them noticing you took it. On a 7–9, the thing you took isn’t exactly what you thought it was; the GM will tell you how. On a miss, you grab the goods, but they notice—and pursue—as soon as you exit the scene.

Can’t Knock Me Down​

When you are engaged in combat with superior opposition and openly refuse to back down or flee, roll with Harmony for the rest of the battle whenever you defend and maneuver; you cannot choose to escape the scene by using Seize a Position for the rest of the fight.
jaydude jaydude I have been plunking along on my sheet a bit, but I don't remember enough details on locations in the Fire Nation for O-Ren to be from to put a point of origin on my sheet. Do you have any city locations that would work?

Also, a question about my Connections. Are these supposed to be NPCs, or Players? If NPCs, who is with us that I can use in these spots?

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