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Fandom ATLA Universe RP

Hikaru's legs began to ache as he continued to stroll down the street carrying several bags. To make matters worse, his stomach was growling. Sighing as he forced himself to continue, every step became harder.

'I'm so tired, but I'm not finished yet… I must… No one else wanted to or are drunk. They call me a child yet I'm the only one whose actually getting the chores done while they waste themselves away. I… I should eat something soon, I can't continue on without an empty stomach. Next time, I shouldn't be doing their work for them. Although, if I don't do it, no one else will. That would delay us on our schedule, they know it. That's why, they do it. They know I'll bail them out… It's not like I haven't dealt with this before. I'll do what I can.

With this thought in his mind, his spirits were somewhat limited with the self promise of food. Remembering yesterday's delicious fish, he knew where he was going. Luckily, it was close by. His pace transitioned into a quick walk, ignoring all aching of his body.

Smiling as he was just about some way away from the shop's door, soon, he'll have some nice fish. When he was about in a few feet away, he stopped suddenly. Outside, a shirshu which he had seen sometimes. Next to it though, was a creature the books have never mentioned. It was about the same size of the shirshu, beautiful fur with black spots. The cat like creature reminded him of a Polar Leopard, but it wasn't that. It didn't have six legs. His heart rate increased as his pace quickened even more as he stepped forward to get a better inspection of the creature.

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Yula watched as a young human came from the shop, only to recoil in surprise upon seeing her.

Yula simply looked down on the human, being twice her hight now that she was sitting, her eyes still narrowed bordly, thinking nothing of him. However, her tail twitched slightly out of irritation; this human's spiritual energy was not pure, far from it, in fact, and she didn't like it one bit.

When the human asked her why she was there, she didn't answer, of course, mainly because she knew this human would not listen even if she had bothered to try to explain.

She let out a silent huff when he turned his back to her and headed towards the Shirshu, displeased with his lack of interest and snobbish attitude.

To her somewhat surprise, the human undid the leash bindings of Sansen, who bounded up to him in return. The human then proceeded to dump a bag of fish onto the ground, to which the Shirshu gobbled up hungrily. The human chuckled in reply and watch silently, a smile on his face.

Yula tilted her head up curiously. So this was Shio, the human Sansen called "master". Now she had mixed feeling about this. She still didn't like this person's spiritual aroura, but he seemed to care enough about Sansen for the animal to have such positive waves coming off of him, and she could tell it wasn't just because of the food; the animal was genuinely glad to see him.

Yula couldn't lie to herself; there was potential goodness in this human's spiritual life. If he learned to be as compassionate and caring to all creatures and people like he was to his Shirshu, his life would be better, as well as others around him, including Sansen's.

Trying to distract herself from the smell of food, Yula lifted a huge paw and continued grooming, but paused when she felt eyes watching her and a presence approaching. Lifting her head, she spotted another young human, this one wearing red cloth and carrying heavy looking loads in his arms, who was slowly inching towards her. Yula placed her paw down, watching the human approach.

Though she was not at all intimidated by the small being, she was still uneasy being approached, even if it was with caution. This boy's spiritual aroura wasn't nearly as rotten as Shio's though, and so forced herself to relax. The boy, keeping a respectful distance, continued to watch her.

Fluffing her wings, which had been disguised to look like a part of her body this whole time, she saw surprise flash though the young boy's eyes before she pulled her eyes away from him and preened her feathers, still waiting for Ulva to come out.

@Brinie @Leo296
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This is so… I never thought I would see something like this… I guess, I got something out of it in the end. This creature is so beautiful, so magnificent…

Hikaru continued to watch the magnificent creature. Suddenly, the creature fluffed it's wings. Gasping in shock, he marveled at the sight. It's wings were like nothing he had seen or read. Large brown spots covered parts of the gray wings. White feathers and wing claws.

'I always knew that I would see some interesting creatures, but I never guessed I would see something like this. I guess, I'm glad that I bailed them out today. If I didn't, I may have never seen this animal. I wonder what species it is. It doesn't look anything like I've read about before. The closest would be Polar Leopard, but it looks different. I'll have to do some research on this, perhaps I'll find something useful.

The growling of his stomach reminded him of the reason he came here. Heading towards the door, he kept a respectable distance from both the shirshu and the cat creature.

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Whatever the heat was clearly cooled off as some men went ahead on their way. Ok... That was awkward..., Amita thought as she watched the whole scene calming down. The aura of her whole surrounding seemed peaceful than before, which was good, but weird since they just got here. Oh well, it's for the better anyway.

Now that the airbender is not distracted by the scene anymore, she searched where her friend went to, and found Ulva looking over some fishes obviously craving for some. Being one of the nomads, she obviously does not eat meat, but the sight of the waterbender craving for food made her so hungry that her stomach made a noisy grumble which was heard throughout the whole store. "Oops...", she reacted as her face turned red from shame. Not wanting for people to have a negative first impression on her, she quickly made a plan to save herself from embarrassment. "Glidy is so broken she's creaking now...", she said with an awkward smile and chuckle as she held her glider again, acting as if she's checking the damages out.



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Yagari stared at the strange young woman. Why did she feel the need to cover up that? They were in a common place where manners weren't important. To add to that, one of the customers was impolite and managed to not get kicked out yet.

'Glidy? How old is she? Only children refer to objects with such a demeaning nickname like that. Maybe she could have tried another cover up for her embarrassment. Then again, that's probably the closest she could come up with besides die of embarrassment. Perhaps that would have been better.'

@Koi Miazaki
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Shio Azale

Shio waited for Sansen to finish his meal, with his patience gradually wavering. Finally, Sansen scooped up the last fish with his tongue and swallowed it down. Now, Shio planned to rest, restock, and head back out there to continue his hunt. Shio turned around and took one last look at the small shop as well as the other large animal. They were all curious individuals, but not curious enough to keep him from sleep.
Kurai blinked at the young female who collided with him, merely saying a brief "it's fine" before turning back to the male to hear his answer. Upon so, a dissapointed frown overcame his visage. He was disenheartened, he really was. Either way the Bounty hunter left and the other male in the shop soon followed. "Great, I've lost my appetite..." Shaking his head, Kurai donned his hood again and walked outside, there was quite the collection of beings outside. But none more unique than what caught his eye.

It had the body of a predatorial mammal but the wings of an bird of prey. But that was not what got him interested. It was a spiritual animal, that much he could easily tell as neared towards it. Vastly more intelligent than the Shirshu the bounty hunter was so find of. But once he was close enough, he narrowed his eyes in confusion.

Being a spiritually attuned animal was one thing. He had run into a few in his travels, but this....

It was like he was standing in front of a spirit,albeit it on a lesser scale. Like when he enter-

Kurai drew himself away from those thoughts, instead he focused on the....Tiger thingy? In front of him. Looking up at it, his lips parted to speak. "I assume you can understand me..." Judging from the color scheme of her fur, the beast was definetly from one of the water tribes or that region. "Whether or not you can communicate in a proper fashion to answer my question is the real question. Tell me, who is your familiar?" That was the only reason who could think that such a creature would be so far from its region. And those who possessed the ability to have such a being as their familiar intrigued him.

(Apologies for my brief absence)

Yula finished her grooming proudly, tucking her wings against her again, but they weren't completely hidden. Letting out a yawn, she was about to make herself comfortable on the ground when another human came out of the shop. He had tan skin, a black shirt and hood with a strange T looking symbol on a chain around his neck.

Yula froze, her eyes dilating into the smallest slits imaginable when she gazed upon the white-haired human.

This human... had an incredible amount of spiritual energy. So much, in fact, it was overwhelming. As if... he himself was part of a spirit. This energy... it was so familiar too! It reminded her of new moons more than anything, when she had the ability to control shadow fire for one night. How she was not able to sense his spiritual presence sooner baffled her.

When he came closer, her fur fluffed a bit, but it was anything but aggressive, dipping her head lower so that they were looking at each other eye to eye. She rarely did this, feeling more comfortable with her head up high, to search for potential threats. But this human's spiritual aurora told her he was trustworthy.

This human reminded her of the first time she found Ulva in the snow years ago, the strong spiritual energy from both were very pure and strong. Of course, she knew that her and Ulva had an unbreakable bond, but she never imagined that there could be another human with such strong faith in her life!

The human approached her with a thoughtful gaze, slowly turning into one of confusion. Yula's heart beat faster. Could this human possibly be have these exact same thoughts? She saw something like regret flash through his eyes, before it disappeared and instead opened his mouth to speak with her. What he said surprised her greatly; no one ever made a effort to communicate with her this way except Ulva. She was surprised that he would ask for her to say something.

Yula gave a low rumble in reply, to say that she did indeed understand what he was saying to her.

<<Despite his spiritual energy being higher than any human I have ever encountered before, I'm still not certain I would be able to reach him through mind-speak. I do not know why, but my instincts tell me that the ability is reserved only for my bonded. However... I can still try.>>

Instead, she dipped her head respectfully before rightening up and gesturing towards the small shop where Ulva disappeared into, trying to show that she was in there, before looking down at the ground and drawing a water tribe symbol in the dirt with her claws.

<My name is Yula, I am a Polarleopard, the only one that I know of. My home was in the South Pole. I've come here with my familiar Ulva from the Northern Water tribe. We are in search of food and shelter. We have no true destination; we simply travel where we can find the resources to survive.>

Tilting her head back up, her ears pricked in anticipation to see if he understood her, her pupils slowly starting to return back to a more normal round shape.

@Gabriel Leko (Hey no problem, life comes first!)

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While the airbender was acting as if she was checking out her glider, she felt someone think awkward of her. Why not? It was awkward, not to mention it was pretty obvious too. Why did she even do that? Amita could have slapped herself for even trying to cover it up.

Still sensing a cold stare, her eyes searched for where the feeling came from. It immediately landed on a brown haired male who seemed to stare at her coldly as a reaction to her cover up. The airbender's eyes were trapped in his eyes for a while. The stranger's stare was hypnotizing. She wondered what he was thinking about, at the same time she had a hint about what it was. Finally, she broke the stare, closed her glider, and stood up properly. "Uhm... Hi...", she greeted the male as if it was a response to him looking at her.

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No words escaped his lips as he glanced at the strange young woman who had just said, "hi" to him. Usually, no one bothered to talk to him unless they were a waitress or waiter. Perhaps, she was different in a way. Whether that was good or bad was up to anyone's guess.

Her wide brown eyes grazed into his cold dark hazel ones as if she was under a spell. The innocence contained in her eyes was almost a sickening sight to him. Although, it was kind of, something he would not like to admit. Charming perhaps? Appearance wise, she was quite different to most people he came across. Unlike most people who were poised a certain, orderly way, she was quite lively. She possessed a certain element that he rarely came across. What it was, he had no idea. But to anyone else, it was oddly attractive in a way.

'Quite bold isn't she? Most people aren't. Would her reaction change if she knew who I was? Perhaps not, she probably doesn't know me. Unlike most other people who run from the sight of me. Her friendliness is odd… She has no reason to say a word to me. At least, other than that, she hasn't annoyed me yet…'

gave a small nodd, just in case if she was going to annoy him for not noticing her. Maybe that would get the message through. As soon as he got some fish, he would leave. Though, it would be best when none of the people here or that idiotic child started to move out as well. Any unwanted attention was not needed and could prove dangerous.

@Koi Miazaki
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Seeing the stranger respond to her with a nod,

decided to leave him be. He does not seem like the friendly type anyway. The male also looked like he does not want to be disturbed. Anyways, he stared at her coldly a while ago. It would be best to not bother the guy, she decided.

Amita then looked at Ulva's direction to see what the girl's plan was? Does she plan on eating? Finding shelter? Getting a job? Settling here? Or does she want to take a stroll and check the rest of the village out. The airbender had been gone away from home for some time. And she knew her father would be expecting her soon. It is more important for Amita though that she could help her companions until they settle down. With that, she asked Ulva, "So, planning on staying here in the Earth Kingdom?"


Ulva grabbed some food before walking back towards were she last left Yula and Amita. She grabbed a few pits and pieces of food, fish and meat all looked good but thought to wait a bit more before eating. She found Amita and approached her. " I dont know to be honest. "She replied with a sigh, still unsure about what to . " I am thinking i might stay here a bit than go to the south pool, they might help with the issue i have. Oh..." She offered her some vegi dishes she had found." Traditional Northern water tribe. A little thank you for your help. Have you seen Yula about?"

@Koi Miazaki


@Gabriel Leko
Gazing down at the symbol embedded in the dirt, he slowly nodded in understanding. 'It seems my assumption was correct...' However what happened next he was not prepared for.

'Yula....Polarleopard...' His eyes widened at the voice communicating with him. But it seemed strained on his end, as there was some sort of filter.


Well that certainly cleared things up. Though he did have quite a few questions. Beings like this,Like Yula were usually isolated, operated within a specific domain, or were flatout not in this world. And when they did have familiars they were usually Priests,Gurus, or an Avatar. A sigh escaped from his lips. But the world was huge and rules thought to be concrete kept shifting, who was to say that Yula, however rare wasn't merely an outstanding exception?

"You should be careful, though I have no doubts about your strength there are many who would be willing and have the means to capture and harm you." Though Kurai doubted any of them were in this small fishing village, he knew more than a few unsavory characters who would stop at nothing to get even a piece of her. On that same measure, he also knew more than a few unsavory employers, people with powerful connections who would probably hire him to do the task if they caught word.

He would tear out their throats before accepting but his point was still there.


@Koi Miazaki


"Thanks!, she said to Ulva as she happily took the veggies she gave her. Taking one out, she munched one of the vegetables which she found delicious. It had a different taste than the dishes she usually ate in the air temple. Amita was thankful that she got to taste a traditional dish from the Northern Water Tribe. While chewing, Ulva asked where Yula was. The airbender swallowed the piece she was eating and answered, "She's outside", pointing to the direction where Yula was.

Curious about what could be Ulva's problem was, she asked, "What is... the issue that you're talking about? I might be able to help." Amita didn't intend to be nosy, but she was just curious about Ulva's problem and how else she can help her with. After all, the airbender knew that she had already seen various places. She might know something that the waterbender needed.

Ulva nodded and smirked, glad to see Amita was enjoying her food. Ulva herself was trying to eat more slowly but she was so into her food she felt like she was eating it in a manner not befitting her former stature." North pole's climate doesn't make for vegetarian diets but we make what we have very good. Though I should really go for some local flavours while I am here." She said before sighing."The northern water tribe is in civil war with former chief being deposed over succession.... My family supported the chief so my family suffered and now i am in exile."

@Koi Miazaki
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Yula simply nodded at the wise, young human's words.

There had been a few times she and Ulva had run into some dirty people, asking her if she'd be willing to sell her. Of course Ulva always declined, and Yula in turn would always thwack the foolish greedy humans with her tail in passing.

She was not owned by anyone, but chose to follow Ulva on her own accord.

Still, it was very kind and caring that this human was concerned about her safety. However, her own concern was Ulva's above all else.

Raising a paw, she turned it upward, exposing her snowflake patterned paw pad and breathed calmly and slowly. Ice appeared from her mouth and slowly started to make a detailed and strongly-made block in her paw.

She had practiced her ice powers for years, learning that she had the ability to recreate anything that she pictured with her mind, as long as it was small. She also noticed that whenever she would focus her energy on these small objects, the ice used would not melt afterward; it would stay like that forever unless it was under heat for half an hour.

When she was done, she blew on it one more time and the leftover ice particles flew away, leaving a small, clean sculpture on the pad of her paw.

It was the shape of the necklace pendant that the human was wearing, just a bit bigger.

Raising her head once again, she thrust her paw forward, offering the human her thanks in the form of the small token. Her eyes were shinning in gratitude, gesturing for him to take it.

<Thank you human, your words of wisdom will not be forgotten or taken for granted. I will always use my strength for the protection of myself and above all, my companion.>

And just in case he did not understand her, she used her free paw to write the native language in the words, "Thank you" into the dirt.

@Gabriel Leko @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Koi Miazaki
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"Oh my shocks! I'm so sorry to hear that...", the airbender replied in a sorry tone after Ulva told her the problem she was suffering with. Amita felt really sorry for the girl. It was hard for her to imagine somebody getting exiled, especially that it never happens to the air nation. Her mind and heart were filled about worrying for her companion's current state. She wondered what she could say. She thought about how she should act after hearing that.

"Surely it will not be that way forever... I mean, everything will turn out fine.", she responded positively with a smile even though her heart was full of worry. She thought that maybe after the said war was over, Ulva could somehow return back. Amita really didn't know. But she was determined to help the water bender with the best she could.

"Yeah everything will be fine.... What is hundreds of our countrymen dying as the civil war going on... all I have to do is wait until everything ends and any idiot takes overy the chiefdom. " Ulva muttered angrily feeling herself become irritates by Amita word despite being meant well. "That was the most idiotic thing I..." She paused, looked doe and sighed. " Sorry... This whole thing has been tough... I need... I need to find Yula." She walked off feelkng guilty about what she said to were Yula was." Hey buddy making new friends? "


@Koi Miazaki
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He smiled softly at the action before reaching out and taking the small ice sculpture. "You flatter me, giving me such a gift when all I have to offer is mere advice..." Kurai ran his fingers over the keepsake,before grasping it firmly and bowing deeply to the Polar Leopard. "Thank you Yula. It shall bring me good luck in the years to come." The fire bender tucked it away in his pocket for now and was about to say something else when a feminine voice entered his ears.

Turning, he ran his eyes across the rather attractive form of a woman covered in water nation attire. "You must be Yula's familiar..." Beside her, he recognized the girl that ran into him earlier. Upon further inspection, it seemed she was apart of the Air Nomads. 'Strange, so many different benders in a single place...'


@Koi Miazaki

Ulva studied the new man and in truth did not know what to make of him, the man physically looked water tribe by he had the bearing of fire. Not a bad looker by her opinion but didn't know yet whether to trust him despite Yula seemingly taking a shine to him. "Yeah you can put it that way, i appreciate and am surprised you to a chance to get to know her." She said respectfully, stoking Yula gently. "Anyone who does definitely wins point with me... I am Ulva."

@Koi Miazaki


@Koi Miazaki

Yula fluffed her fur out with modest pride.

Seeing these two spiritual people in the same environment made her happy, for some reason she couldn't explain. She was glad the Amita was there too.

Leaning into Ulva's hand, she gave a soft, but deep purr from the back of her throat, stretching out her wings one more time before concealing them against her body, once again making them almost completely invisible.

Suddenly, without warning, she jerked her head up, alarm flashing through her eyes.
She froze to the spot, only her ears moving in quick flicks and flinches, trying to catch a sound.

A wave of great unease and dread overcame her feline features as she searched for the source.

She turned her head in a direction north of the fish hunt, up where only a few other huts lied before giving way to a rocky ledge.

Her eyes slited when she spotted something-no,
somethings-moving at the top of the cliff, zipping in between the trees that lay at the top of the rocky mountain.

From the distance, she wasn't sure as to what they were; the other scents of the food from the vendors not helping with distinguishing their scents. From what her eyes could catch however, the movements we distinctively human, and LOTS of them.


There was the source of her unease.

Despite them sticking to the shadows, she didn't understand why these humans were making her uneasy, or why she even bothered to be wary of them (as they were a few miles away), but her instincts told her that they were anything but a good omen;
Chaos was about to insue.

Letting out a deep growl, she watched the figures move with bared teeth, fully exposing her clear as ice canines in pain view. Her paws were sheathing and I sheathing her equally clear claws in an almost threatening, yet uncertain, way.

Her fur fluffed out as she got up onto her paws, backing away slowly towards the sea in order to get a better view of what she thought of as a threat, protectively wrapping her furry tail around Ulva.

@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Gabriel Leko @Koi Miazaki @Brinie @Leo296 @Artemistel
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Ulva smirked at Yula's pride full look and purr when Ulva cuddled her abit. For what, if being honest, was a freak of nature Yula was a cute animal when she was like that. Yula sudden change in mood shocked and surprised Ulva, never seeing her acting so nervous and protecting before. "Hey, what is with you all over a sudden?" She asked with concerned .

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