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Fandom ATLA Universe RP

"You can't go pretending to be a boy Miyuki Ryu!" her mother lectured her, and Miyuki cringed as she smell of fried fish, peppered fish, spiced fish, salted fish, and basically every type of fish you could think of, wafted to her direction. She looked up to see her father looking at her sternly, and she sighed.

"Alright, I get it. You must be a fish woman Miyuki. You must eat for fish for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Heck, maybe we should go to the local shrine to give the king of fish our blessings!" Miyuki said, exasperated.

"That's enough Yuki." She hated when her mother called her that. It meant beauty, it meant something as soft as snow. She wasn't soft, and she didn't want to be known as the maiden who owned the fish shop. I want to be something bigger.

Shio Azale

Sansen winced underneath his rider, the creature detected the sudden change in mood. Shio frowned, it was pointless to chase the bandit whilst the man was still on alert. For now, Shio decided to lay low for a bit before continuing the trail. Shio brought his bow back to his back, binding it firmly so it would not fall loose. He then brought a hand down and gave Sansen a pat, the beasts muzzle shot up and he began walking again slowly through the crowd.

Shio exhaled deeply, letting out a sigh. His eyes scanned for a tavern or something to stay at and recuperate. He needed a bit of a rest after travelling so far, a chance to sit down and rekindle his spirits. His eyes glazed from shop to shop, before his eyes were set at a sign above a crappy looking structure that advertised tea. He shrugged his shoulders. This was probably the best chance he would get to have a rest in this disaster of a village.

The raven-haired boy jumped from his mount, landing on the earthy floor with a thud. He walked over to a small post and strung the creatures leash steady to a nearby post. The first thing he noticed when he entered the tea shop was the stench. Did no one care enough about basic hygiene in the earth kingdom? He grimaced, the level of sanitation in the tea shop only served to infuriate him further. He scrunched his nose up, eyeing the waitress that stood not too far from him.

The place seemed especially busy considering the area. This must have been the only place in town that actually served tea. Or at least Shio would assume so, as he could not imagine it being successful with even a slither of competition. "This place smells like crap, how can you run a business like this without feeling absolutely ashamed of yourself?" He inquired, as the women stood there wide-eyed not sure how to address him. "I-" The waitress trailed off, stuttering before Shio cut her off.

"You should only allow patrons in here that don't smell like they just took a bath in fertilizer. " He announced, attracting a few stares from their customers. He lifted his arm in to the air and pointed at a young man clad in green, that had a scar on their face. "This guy looks like a criminal. How can you look at someone like that and think it's a good idea to let the dirt bag in to your establishment?" Shio spoke out loud enough for the man to hear, he clenched his fist firmly, he was basically seething at this point.

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Miyuki sighed in frustration again, blinking back the tears that were threatening to cover her vision. She could feel her parents' gazes penetrating her insides. Habitually, she twirled the big knife on the wooden board and began sliding it under the fish's scales, the transparent shells falling on the floor. Around her she heard the sizzling, and the chopping, and the soft scorching noise coming from the fish she was filleting the cold gray fish in front of her.

{{@Brinie, where is Shio? If he is near Miyuki maybe they could interact.}}
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Yagari's eyebrow arched at the raven boy's remark. Was he really the most interesting thing here? The only thing that probably set him apart was his scar. Even then, maybe some of the other people there had some as well. Seriously? Was he trying his best to get himself in trouble? If he was, he was doing a spectacular job at it. Even he knew when to shut his mouth and be quiet. As much as he would love to slap the raven haired boy in the face, it wasn't best to. He would have his chance later on, but not now. Within less than a minute, he had managed to insult the tea shop and him. He wasn't even here for five minutes, but Yagari could tell that he didn't like him.

His posture, reminded him of how wealthy people would walk. Thinking they owned everything while they were just scum. That's what the raven haired boy reminded him. If he wanted him to retaliate, he was out of luck. It was hard enough staying in this poor excuse for a tea shop without adding him to the picture.

Gritting his teeth, he stayed silent as his eyes switched to another spot of the place. But, he couldn't hide the fact that he knew that the raven boy was still staring at him.

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"Yeah, I suppose Yula was laying about enough, the lazy animal." Ulva said jokingly approaching Yula stroking her neck gently and giving her a kiss in the forehead, She looked at the remaining fish, they were fairly big, could by food for a couple of days each easily three if she rationed it, though thr spoiled quickly without storage. She was hungry as well but they didnt have the means to properly prepare them. She put her backpack down and place the fish inside before bending water in the back with them in freezing it. Not the ideal way and most likely ruin her back back but needs must. She turned back to Anita. "Thanks dear for leading the way."

@Lepolarleopard @Koi Miazaki
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{{Maybe starting a scene at Miyuki's fish shop whenever your characters feel like going around?

@Leo296 @Brinie }}

Miyuki continued to make a depressing little field of fish scales around her, slipping each of the clean fishes to her father's cutting board, where chopping sounds could be heard at intervals.
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Yula snorted in reply to Ulva's last comment about her being lazy, flicking her slightly with the end of her tail after she had pulled away. While she was putting away the two other fish, Yula continued to groom, almost completely dry. Suddenly, she smelled something... Fishy. And it was not the fish she caught, nor did the scent seem famliar to her. Jerking her head up, she lifted her head high, desperately trying to find the scource of that odd, but strikingly different smell. Suddenly, her eyes caught something green and purple gliding in the water before it quickly disappeared under the surface, it's shadow still lingering. Alarm shot through her when she realized it was coming straight towards them. Mrrowing in alarm, she gestured out at the water when the shadow was, nudging Ulva harshly and trying to communicate with her again.

<S-ss oo mth i n g iiiiiin thhhhhee w aaaa ter DDDDDDaaannn ger Mmm uu st g g g o N ow !!!!>

@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Koi Miazaki
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Ulva did not understand what Yula was saying but there was no mistaking something was wrong by how Yula was reacting to the water. "Yeah we need to go." She turned to Anita with a look of comcern and rush. "Yula is sensing trouble we need to get of the ice." She went to climb on Yula.

@Lepolarleopard @Koi Miazaki
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Lowering a wing, Yula allowed Ulva to climb onto her back, feeling her hold on tight to her furry white mane after sitting on top. Knowing that the other girl could use her staff to fly, Yula didn't bother waiting another second and quickly grabbed the discarded saddle in her jaws and took off into the air, away from where the shadow was coming from. After a few beats of her wings, she looked behind her to see that the shadow was just about to reach the small iceberg when suddenly, it disappeared. Suddenly, a large green serpent burst out from the water, screeching down bellow it before suddenly breaking the iceberg in two by collapsing on top of it. The splash was almost big enough to reach them, but luckily, she reacted fast enough from getting soaked once more. She jerked upward, up into the sky to escape the giant's mouth when it appeared again, trying to eat them. Usually, she would have retaliated to gain some distance, but due to the saddle currently in her mouth, it was too risky to turn around and fight back.

@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Koi Miazaki
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Shio Azale

"Remind me again, who smells like fertilizer?" A heavy set man said, his voice boomed through out the establishment. The large man was like a mountain compared to Shio, they exchanged gazes with one another. Shio's expression turned playful, as the waitress hurried to stand between the two, keeping a hand on Shio's torso and a hand on the upset patron. The patron was adorned in rags, and he looked to be a farmer, who built his body from working long days in the sun and from stuffing his face.

It was not the first time someone challenged Shio that was physically much stronger than him, but what Shio lacked in size, he made up for in experience. He got his ass kicked enough times when he was a kid, eventually he learned how to fight in an enclosed area like this. "P-please. Do this somewhere else if you have to, but not in my restaur-" The waitress demands were cut short a second time, this time by the farmer that was covered in rags.

The farmer's fist swung at Shio's head, barely avoiding the waitress' torso. The poor woman stepped aside, shouting incomprehensible words in to the air. Shio took a simple step to the right, the man's fist missing him by an inch. The man continued to move forward from the momentum of his punch. He just needed a little help and he would come crashing down. Shio ducked downwards, and took a swipe at back of the man's knee with his left leg. And with that, the man fell forward, shattering the cheap wooden table a couple were drinking tea at whilst idle.

Shio's eyes peered forward, to examine that stranger from before. It was strange, but he felt like he recognized him from somewhere, which why his attention was initially drawn to him. Something seemed to click in his head, and he recalled seeing someone similar to him as being a wanted criminal. He could not recall the crime, but that man definitely had money on his head.

The waitress put a hand on Shio's shoulder, temporarily removing him from his thoughts. "Get out of here. Now, before I call in the guards." The waitress said, with a surprising amount of weight behind her words. He turned to her and shot her a nasty glare. "Hold on for a moment you sow, there's actually something here that I am interested in." He said, stepping forward the waitress hand became dethatched from his shoulder.

He was already hunting another criminal, but it would not hurt if he got something with the man's scent on it, or at least a name, for later uses. He marched over to the table where the scarred man sat at, placing two hands against it and leaning forward. He had to think of something fast. Shio gripped the handle of the cup at his table, lifting it in to the air to pour the last few drops of tea on to the floor. "Even a dog wouldn't drink this garbage." He said, concealing the cup behind his back.

He pondered if that would be enough, he could not just go around snatching fabric from people, so the cup was his best bet. From the corner of his eyes, he saw the waitress leave the restaurant to go fetch someone, so he did not have long.

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Yagari didn't think it was possible, but he disliked that boy even more. He was even more a dislikable person than he gave him credit for. Not that he enjoyed the tea (which was disgusting), but he paid for it with his own hard earned money. And that kid just waltzed to where he was at, and decided he wanted to take his cup.

"If you hate this place so much, why did you bother coming here?" Yagari asked as he stood up from his seat, noticing that he was hiding the cup behind his back.

He didn't know whether he was a genius or an idiot. Directly directing all attention towards himself, provoking the workers and having the guards come after him was not the smartest move. Although, he would have to give him points for trying that stunt. If he was smart, he would leave about now.

"I wouldn't take that if I was you, stealing is frowned upon," Yagari frowned as if he was scolding a child.

Before the raven haired boy could react, he snatched the cup that he concealed behind his back. The waitress entered the tea shop again with a guard besides her. Maybe that would convince the kid to go away, but, always better to be safe than sorry. With a flick of his wrist, he threw the cup at the waitress who managed to catch it (barely).

"I would be more aware of thieves if I were you," suggested Yagari.

Finally, he would get some peace. If he was that kid, he would learn from this experience. Maybe then, he wouldn't look like an idiot.

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Before the three of them could properly leave the ice platform, a giant serpent appeared just a few moments after Ulva told Amita that Yula was sensing danger. In a snap, Amita dodged the attack by jumping into the air twirling while unfolding her glider, evading the monster with the aid of airbending. She soared as she looked back at the serpent to get a better look at it and it was trying to eat them. Turning her gaze on Ulva and Yula, she was relieved to see that they were alright.

"Wow... That was sudden!
, she said panting a bit. Amita originally planned to just escape the attack and head to the city where she was supposed to lead them until the serpent attacked once again. Just to make sure that they'd have enough time to escape without the monster biting them, Amita closed her glider for a while and twirled to collect some air bended using her leg and foot. With a spin, she kicked a big chunk of air towards the serpent, pushing it away for a bit.



((I guess they're going to the village where everyone is? Haha))

Shio Azale

Shio's nails nearly dug in to the palm of his own hand. Whoever this guy was began to infuriate him to no end. He actually managed to put Shio in to a corner, now he had to leave this little tea shop with less gold than he started with. The only thing he got out of this little ordeal was a new target to research. The guard began to motion towards Shio, slowly. Shio quickly brought his hand to his back pocket and pulled something out.

The guard nearly doubled over in fright over it, mistakenly thinking that he had drawn a weapon. But, instead of revealing a weapon, he revealed a bag of gold coins as big as his palm. He reached in to the bag and pulled out several coins between his index finger and thumb. He paced over to the guard placed the coins in to his palm.

"I apologize for any trouble I may have caused, sir." He scowled out between clenched teeth, barely containing himself from firing a blast of fire at that damned kid. The guard looked in to the set of coins that rested within his palms with a smile on his face. The only thing he liked about villages like these were how easily the guards were bribed. He began pacing over to the doorway, giving a wink to the waitress before he left.

This was not over, Shio thought. He will remember that kids face, and the next time they meet, it won't be in a overrated tea shop.

Sansen nearly leapt at his owner when he saw that Shio was leaving the shop, but decided against it when he sensed the anger emanating from him. Shio walked over and untied the beast from its post. Sansen winced, it's stomach growling eagerly. The sight of his shirshu helped in alleviating some of the anger, but he still could not shake the feeling. Shio gave the creature a rub behind his right ear, before climbing and mounting it.


He'd have to eat some other time, for now he had to try his hardest to remove his mind from the previous encounter and fix it on his animal companion's stomach. Sansen would eat just about any sort of meat, it was not too particular to anything. Although, Shio had noticed that Sansen had snacked on fish a lot more eagerly than any other cuisine he bought for the shirshu.

He recalled passing by an old fish shop awhile ago, a perfect place to pick up food for his exotic pet. Shio gave Sansen a pat, and he started his trail towards the aforementioned store. As always, he left Sansen outside whilst he entered the shop.

The smell of fish instantly hit his nose as he entered, the whole place smelled like the ocean. He would try to control himself now somewhat, learning from his previous mistakes. No fights, no yelling, just get in, and go so he can continue his trail. "Give me ten pounds of whatever slop you have lying around. The cheaper the better." He announced, with his arms stuffed in to his pockets.

Miyuki cringed. Even by her standards, that was definitely a good enough insult to leave any owner mad. She glanced at her father, who looked straight at the stranger who had just entered, and his chopping became louder. Not a good idea, man.

"Well, we do have a new batch of silver fish." Why was mom always so nice to everyone? Father seemed to be turning red.

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Shio Azale

Shio raised an eyebrow at the scene. They had all looked to be related. A family owned fishing business, he nearly spat out at the thought. He could not even conceive how he would handle being damned to that sort of fate, he would rather be tortured. Shio rolled his eyes at the older woman's response. Was it not obvious that he did not care what they were serving? "Yes, whatever. It's obviously not for me, so don't bother spitting in it. I know your type well." Shio instructed, pointing an accusing finger at the older gentlemen that was chipping away at the fish.

He knew the drill, daddy spits in it, mommy picks her nose and leaves an extra little surprise. It was really all these workers could do to retaliate against someone who was just plain rude like him, Shio knew their style well and expected nothing less of the sort of people that would run a family owned fishing store. Especially in a place like the earth kingdom. The distribution of wealth in this nation was absurd. The low-class stayed poor fish slingers like these folk, whilst the rich bathe in a pool of wealth. He pondered why the fire nation did not just steam roll them and make them more proper.

His pet, Sansen stuck his head through the door, deeply inhaling the scent of fish with his powerful nose. Shio turned around and smiled at the animal. "It's for this guy. He needs to keep his nose sharp so we can hunt down baddies." Shio said, smirking at his exotic pet proudly. It was the only thing that kept him tethered to his old way of life. That was back when his father still cared for him, and he did not have to work for himself. One day, he planned to return home and share the hunts he went on with his father, but for now he lacked the courage.

Maybe it was not so bad working at a place like this, he thought. The main thing that made him so distant was the fact that he never got any attention from his parents. At a place like this, you could spend the entire day together. He thought about it a little more, the smell of fish invading his nostrils again, yeah, he was probably better off as it was now.

The Serpent screeched when the wind blast knocked its head to the side, distracting it and allowing Yula to gain even more distance from the huge beast. When she had gotten high enough, she quickly glanced behind her to make sure that she was OK, before staring back down at the airbender girl, knowing Ulva would be concerned for her safety. Yula was surprised at the wind power the flying human wielded, and it reminded her of her own sonic roar, which she couldn't do now thanks to the saddle. The air nomad seemed to know what she was doing, dodging the strikes of the serpent before trying to escape. She was making good progress too, but suddenly, Yula spotted another shadow in the water. Yula's eyes dilated when she saw that the serpent's tail was quickly rising out of the water, lined up to cut off the airbender and bring her down into the sea. Seeing as how her wings were the only weapons she could use from that distance, she began to launch a few feather blades at the serpent's eyes, but they were too far away and only ended up piercing the body, which didn't do anything to stop it, do to it's hard scales. Yula was really starting to loathe the heavy saddle in her jaws, and even thought about dropping it so she could blast the serpent with her flash freeze or her sonic roar, but she knew Ulva really liked this saddle, and didn't have enough to buy a new one. Despite that her mouth was occupied, Yula wanted to fly down there and help, knowing that if she got close, she could fly around its head and scratch at it with her claws.

< A m i t a in t r ou b le S e r ppe n t 's t a i l S hh o o u l d h e l p !!!>

Surprisingly, her thoughts were much more clearer than usual!

Even though she had no doubt that Ulva would want to help, she didn't want to risk her saftey, not unless she gave her the command.


@Koi Miazaki
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Miyuki narrowed his eyes at him, and then looked curiously at the animal that had stuck its head in the doorway. She had never seen anything like it.

"No animals allowed in here," her father interrupted her thoughts, a threatening tone in his voice. Glancing at Miyuki, he seemed like he was about to burst. She knew that he was proud of the little business they had kept up, especially in a village where fish was the most abundant good.

"Dear, you take over," her mother said, and Miyuku couldn't help but roll her eyes. Of course this was bound to happen. Yeah, just throw the bitchy customers on me. Though the look on her father's face told her that it may be a good idea. He really had a temper when it came to his business. As soon as her mother led her father to the back room, she began to chop up the rest of the fish, attempting to ignore her growing curiosity of the animal by the door.

Secretly, Yagari enjoyed the moment of victory. That kid was kicked out, although he should have been earlier on. His mind was at ease as he saw the boy walk out of the shop. However, he was disgusted at the performance of the guard. How that man became one was beyond him. He didn't deserve such job, being bribed by coins. At least, that idiot was out of his hair.

For some time, he continued to linger in the dingy tea shop. Listening to the latest gossip was a bore but might bring something interesting. Puzzling why people were interested in such pointless topics, but also amusing to a slight degree. No one noticed the unoccupied table or the slight breeze from the door. Slipping into the darkness, he crept away.

Yagari strolled though the streets, blending into the shadows. As much as he hated to admit it, he was starting to run low on supplies. The next village could be nearby or far away. Testing his luck didn't also end well for him. After that experience, he preferred to get the heck out of here. The kid gave him an uneasy feeling that he couldn't put at the back of his mind. The sooner he was away from him, the better.

Placing a childish fear above supplies was ridiculous. It wouldn't hurt to go the nearest stall, buy something and leave. Sounds like an alright plan.

Shio Azale

Shio leaned against the wall of the store with his arms crossed, he let out a sigh as his patience started to wane. He stepped forward, catching the younger female employee looking at Sansen. Shirshu were valuable creatures, and he would not be surprised if this was her first time meeting one. He stepped forward, with his arms still crossed across his chest. "That's Sansen. He's what you call a Shirshu... He was bred specifically for hunting, a certain sort of prey. Their noses are famously strong, strong enough to chase a scent across the world." Shio lectured, it was a decent way to pass the time whilst the family prepared the meal for his animal companion.

"His saliva contains a very strong agent that causes paralysis... I chose to breed him to specifically cater to this fact. Even among Shirshu, he is especially effective at this." He rambled, he could go on day in and day out when it came to his prized pet. Truth is, that animal was really the only thing he had still cared for. Days seemed to pass quickly, but the only variable that really ever stuck with him was Sansen. His eyes lit up again, as he reached in to one of his pockets. "Would you like to see his pedigree? His lineage stretches back generations..." He said excitedly, pulling out a folded white paper.

He took another glimpse at the girl, eyeing her up and down, before stuffing the same paper back in to his pocket. "I suppose you don't. I doubt you'd understand it anyway." The raven-haired bounty hunter spoke in a condescending tone, taking his post back against the wall.

Sansen whined louder, tilting his head curiously at the scene ahead of him. The mix of smells was almost too much for the creature to handle. If Sansen was feral, it was likely that he would not be able to resist diving straight in to the shop and snacking up all their goods. Shio let out a soft chuckle, admiring his pet.

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Opening her glider once again to soar, Amita realized that the serpent's enormous tail was almost going to hit her. Using her airbending, she turned to the right to somehow evade the impact, which she did. However, the violent movements of the sea serpent produced a lot of huge splashes which disturbed the air bender's sight since water has been splashing all over her face. Although her body evaded the serpent's tail, her glider was pierced by one of the tail's sharp parts. Amita was now hanging on to her broken glider which was nailed by the serpent's tail. The serpent then moved its tail on top of its head as it opened its gigantic mouth preparing to eat Amita. "Uh-oh...", she reacted as she looked below her, shocked by how large the mouth was. Silly of her that the glider was very precious to her, she hadn't thought of letting go. If she did, she'd go straight into the mouth anyways.


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Miyuki was generally polite to customers. But although she wanted to know more about the Shirshu, she wasn't feeling that friendly towards anyone, including the arrogant prat that was standing in front of her.

"Yes, I'm just a lowly peasant compared to you," she replied sarcastically, rolling her eyes as she chopped up another fish. She hoped he had seen that. I could totally beat him up anyways. She began conjuring up the Fowling Arena in her mind, her brown wavy hair off her shoulders for once, and the punches she could throw.


{{How skilful is Shio in hand-to-hand combat? It would be hilarious if they got to fight in the Fowling Arena at some point.}}
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Yagari never liked fish, in fact he hated it. However, it was his only option as it seemed like this village's main resource was fish. Either that or starve along his journey.

Heading towards the store, he spotted an odd creature outside.A

Shirshu waiting patiently for someone. Only a few times, he has seen one. They were favorite for bounty hunters for their good sense of smell but expensive. He never liked animals that much as most would just drag him down. Though, he understood the value of one.

Though, it didn't seem to like him. Most animals either disliked him or liked him, no in between a which was weird. Not wanting to angry the creature, he just stepped away from it. Hopefully, it would just ignore him.

Shio Azale

Shio raised an eyebrow at the girls cheeky little response. He deplored sarcasm above all other forms of language, he preferred rough and straight forward. If you have a problem with someone say it, do not coat it behind nonsense. Instead of calling her out for it, he thought that it would be more fun to feign ignorance of the girls sarcastic tone. After her statement he gave a firm nod in response, smiling as he did so. "That is absolutely correct. For someone who spends their life chopping away at fishes, you're pretty bright. There are few who are willing to admit how little they provide to society, I applaud you for being the one rational person alive." He lectured her, with his most convincing voice.

He then clasped his hands together and actually started clapping in the restaurant as obnoxiously as he possibly could. The sound of his hands slapping together bellowed throughout the establishment. He sneered at the girl, showing a glimpse of his teeth.

Sansen eyed the man that stood outside of the fish shop curiously. The animal took in several deep whiffs of air to observe his surroundings, before barring a sharp row of teeth at the stranger (Yagari). The creature did get along with most folk, but something was off about this one. Sansen opened his mouth, his long tongue fell out and landed on the floor. The animal's saliva glands started producing in mass, as a clear slime-like liquid starting pouring from its mouth.

Instinct was telling the animal to attack, it barred its fangs further and let out a primal growl. The instant the growl reached Shio's ears he ran out of the restaurant, worried that someone was trying to kidnap Sansen. But, what he actually saw outside was much less pleasant. Did the guy from the tea shopping follow him here?

"You again." Shio said, almost letting out a growl as fierce as his companions. The raven-haired male lifted a hand and pointed at the scarred stranger. "Are you following me? What did you do to Sansen, he's almost never hostile towards strangers..." He intoned, rushing over to the animals side. Shio ran a hand across its fur in an attempt to somewhat sooth the animal. Gradually, Sansen's tongue retreated back in to his mouth and he looked as calm as ever. Shio let out a sigh, relieved, before fixing his gaze back at the stranger.


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For once, Yagari could agree with the boy. Of all places and time, it just had to be now that he met him again? Seems like fate really liked him today.

"Yes, I followed you because you interest me so much," Yagari answered sarcastically, restraining the urge to twitch.

Why did he think he would want to follow him I the first place? He left the tea shop a while before he did. If he wanted to follow him, he would not be out in the open like this. Or, at least, he would tried harder not to be noticed.

"Nothing. All I did was give him some more space," Yagari remarked dully.

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Ulva of course wanted to help. "Of course we should! Get closer i cant bend it from here!" She shouted at Yula as if surprise she need Ulva's go ahead to help the girl. " Drop the saddle if you have to. " She moved herself to be straighter on Yula's back as the moved close. With a movement of her arm, a large water spout came out of the sea moved under Yula and around over Ulva. She separated the water and froze it make large sharpened ice shards which send at high speed at the serpents body."We need to pick Amita up!"


@Koi Miazaki

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