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Fandom ATLA Universe RP

Miyuki hadn't realized that someone so contemptuous could be so ignorant at the same time. She grit her teeth and remained silent as he started to make slapping sounds with his hands, and then looked up as she heard a low growl, her hazel eyes bright with curiosity as she glanced at the boy who seemed to be running out just as fast as he had come in. Even more curiosity overwhelmed her until she couldn't stand still with her routine knife and fish. Peeking through the curtain behind her to check that her parents had gone inside the house, she pushed the door open to see what was going on.

@Leo296 @Brinie
Without another moment of hesitation, Yula descended, flapping her wings furiously to gain distance so she could reach the stranded airbender. Her face was contorted into a snarl, no one messed with her companions! There were plenty of fish in the sea, it didn't have to prey on humans to eat! Her fury caused her to grip the saddle harder in her teeth and acsenedtily piercing it a bit. Which gave her an idea. Thinking quickly, Yula tossed the saddle out in front of her, the saddle flying out a great distance thanks to her strong neck muscles, followed by a sonic roar, which gave the projectile even more force when it hit the serpent in the eye, just as it was about to close in on Amita. The serpent roared again and lashed out with its tongue, but she quickly froze it before it could reach them, causing it to screech in pain. Still subconsciously thinking about the saddle, Yula then quickly shot ice at the falling object, covering it in a solid block before it reached the water, so it could be retrievable later, before focusing her attacks back on the creature. As she did that, she could sense the ice being bent from Ulva flying at the serpent rapidly. While the serpent tried to get away from the attacks, it dropped it's tail, sending Amita, still grasping her torn glider, towards the cold ocean. Faster than wind, Yula tucked her wings to her body like a falcon, causing her to go twice she speed in a burst of energy. She flew underneath the tail and caught a dangling, screaming Amita on her back, pulling up just as she was about to hit the water. She thought about flying away right then, but she decided that the serpent needed to be taught a lesson. Streaking back upwards, she swooped around and flew by the creature's head, before letting out a loud sonic roar right where its ears should have been. The serpent screeched in retaliation and wriggled in the water as if had been electrocuted, before sinking into the sea, defeated, and swimming away.

@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Koi Miazaki
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Shio Azale

Shio paused for a brief few seconds, as he started pondering. Maybe he could just capture that pest right here and now? Sansen was with him, which meant he could actually paralyze him and drag him back home for a reward. Shio remained silent despite the man's insults, his eyes glanced around the area, and he frowned. There was not sufficient space for him to fight reliably in an area like this, Shio did not know why, but he felt like he should not underestimate the person that stood ahead of him. Plus, he liked to formulate a plan when it came to hunting, he would not jump the gun and spring out on him this time, not in a place like this. He needed to adequately research his target beforehand... He also had to confirm that this was infact the same person he remembered hearing about. He easily could have just been a regular civilian.

"Tch. A no name like you isn't any more of my time." Shio bickered, waltzing back in to the fish shop, with his back turned to Yagari. Shio stepped backwards in surprise, when the fish- lady nearly swung the door open on his face when she exited her shop. Shio scorned her, waving his finger back and forth. "There's nothing exciting to see here, just another urchin. Go back inside and prepare Sansen's meal, peasant." Shio said mockingly, recalling the sarcastic tone she used on him just a few moments ago.


Ulva wanted to do more to fight the serpent but Yula seemed to have things sorted. In fact it was quite impressive to see Yula work though she didn't do Ulva any favors in terms of balance, having to hold on tight. When Amita fell it was her chance to shine catching her in her arms." HI there... Need a lift?" She commented winking at her and letting Amita sit on Yula. Ulva patted Yula head."Well done buddy, that was really something!"

@Lepolarleopard @Koi Miazaki

As the serpent's tail violently swung while Amita grabbed on to her broken glider, the girl slowly lost grip and was separated from the only tool that allowed her to fly before landing in Ulva's arms. Her hair, hair face, her clothes, everything was soaked with water as she blinked multiple times dazed off due to how quick everything happened. The airbender looked at Ulva when the water bender winked at her asking if she needed a lift. The girl simply stared at nothing as she sat on Yula until, "Woah! Yula is a one girl army! Way ta' go, Yula!", she cheered, standing up, and then patting Yula's fur. Her smiling face dramatically changed into a sad one though, as she turned around to gaze at the spot where they were attacked, the place where her trusty glider died. "I'm gonna miss you, buddy", she told her glider while looking at its carcass being dragged around by the fleeing serpent's tail. Happy memories of her and the glider seemed to return back as she begun to reminisce the times they spent together.

Still looking behind, Amita's left hand quickly swung towards the direction they were heading, pointing to a certain mountain in front of them. Without looking, she gave the directions, "See that mountain directly in front of us? There should be a village near the sea. You could easily see it once we get there...". The girl grieved for her glider as if she was a character from a dramatic soap opera, hoping that this too shall pass.


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"Grieving over a staff? I though you air nomads were not big on pocession and stuff?"Ulva asked curiously when she noted her sadness over the staff. Admittedly Ulva never left the water nation so her understanding of other nations were purely academic, she wouldn't know if air nomads took there staffs so seriously though knowing it was important.

@Lepolarleopard @Koi Miazaki
Yula watched the serpent swim away, still tense after the fight and her facial features still bore some hostility as she panted, the battle taking a small toll on her strength and endurance.

However, as soon as she heard Ulva speak to her and pet her head, she looked behind her proudly with a purr, happy that she had helped to save the two. It really was on pure instinct, she didn't know that she could be that powerful in battle!

It was the first time she had ever fought something bigger than herself, and she was proud that her quick mind was able to stop a disaster from happening. Straining her neck more, she was able to get a clear glimpse of her.

She was lucky to have such a caring and understanding human to look after, and visa versa.

Though she no longer had enough energy to communicate her thoughts, Yula was equally proud of her skills with ice bending as well, knowing it would have been more difficult to distract the serpent without her assistance.

She was reminded, happily, that this is why they worked so well together in the first place.

Remembering the saddle, she slowly descended again as the two girls started to talk amongst themselves, keeping an eye on the last place she saw the serpent disappear, even though she knew it had gone. Reaching out with her paws, she gripped the large ice cube like an eagle to a fish, and lifted it out of the water, her wings beating the air as she rose up again. She then waited for further instructions from Ulva, after hearing the airbender mention a mountain and a village.

She left out a soft
mrrow? upon hearing her tone of voice, concerned that the girl was hurt until she realized that she probably missed her flying stick, which apparently she had dropped during the battle.

A part of her felt somewhat guilty for the sadness of the flying girl, but there was nothing she could do about it now, except give her a lift back to her home, if Ulva instructed her to.

Suddenly, her eye caught something brown and orange floating in the water a few yards away and she let out a happy chirp, lowering again and picking it up with her tail as she passed, waving it up behind her to show the other two what she had found.

@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Koi Miazaki
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@Leo296 @Brinie @Artemistel


Kurai let out a deep sigh as he rose from his position, clapping his hands free of dirt and other residue as he stared at his creation. 'All done....'. It was a shrine, sitting under the solitary tree for miles on a rocky precipice. It was fairly simple, no larger or taller than a meter. In the bowl in front of it several smoothed river stones lay. The head piece of the creation being a circle with two distinctly colored halves. One white, and one black. Kurai ran a hand through his hair under the grey hooded cloak he wore. The fire-bender had been in this town for a month now. He needed to lay low and recover from a rather serious injury. The only serious injury he had received since starting out on his own path. One that could have easily been avoided had he been more vigilant.

He would not make the same mistake twice.

With those thoughts said, he was about to turn around and make his way back to the town. It was lunch time and he was in the mood for some of the best fish this region had to offer. Kurai had grown quite fond the shop during his monthly stay and had become something of a regular.

"Ah, how could I forget..." The white haired male turned back towards the shrine and flicked his hand at it. Two small spheres of black flames hit two other small bowls on either side of the construction. "There we go..."

It didn't take long for the bender to reach his destination, the half-shirting wearing male was a bit put off by the large Shirshu in front of the establishment but it seemed tamed so he paid it no mind. Upon entering the shop,he blinked once and surveyed the area before acting. "Excuse me gentlemen...." Slightly pushing his way through to the counter, he was greeted with a familiar face. "Hello Miyuki, you wouldn't happen to have caught some more Silver fish would you?" The request was asked with a smile,though he was quite sad...

The fish was really that good!
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Miyuki couldn't take another word of this man trash talking her and her shop. Her typical good-natured persona had diminished even before her mother had dragged her in the shop for her shift. Instinctively, she swung at him, though with less ferocity than her usual hits in the Fowling Arena.


Shio Azale

His eyes widened, shocked that the fish-girl would ever think of harming him! He was caught completely off guard by her actions, so he did not have the footing required to successfully dodge her strike. Desperate, he opted to block her attack. Shio lifted his right arm up to absorb the blow, he was knocked back some, shock clearly read on his face. The girl had a lot more power than she led on, he can tell that even then, she was still holding back some.

Shio snickered, rubbing his right arm with his opposite hand. The blow still stung a bit. He was not used to getting hit like that, being fast and maneuvering was his strong point in close-combat situations, but he did not even get the opportunity.

"Tch, is that it? That was the one blow you're going to land so I suggest you stop while your ahead. I expect my order will be free for that little outburst. Where's your mother?" Shio scorned, his eyes looking towards the back of the restaurant. The girl's mother seemed like the only reasonable person around him. Someone like this was definitely not suited to selling merchandise. He hoped that the mother would oblige his request, otherwise he'd have to report the outburst. He hoped that the village wasn't so primitive that they'd ignore what happened here...

It was at the moment where, he saw a white-haired man walk in the restaurant. Shio turned to him, holding his right arm that was still sore from the hit he had just taken. "I wouldn't suggest shopping here. These fish people are as violent and blood-thirsty as piranhas." Shio suggested, curiously scanning the stranger with his eyes. From looking at him, he was unable to tell where his origins where, but he hoped that the man would heed his warning.



@Gabriel Leko
"What, you're going to tell my mom because I tapped you on the arm?" Miyuki replied.

Honestly, she knew she couldn't take another lecture. She nervously ran her hand through her hair. Suddenly, she saw a famaliar face just as the man began to discourage him.

"Long time no see Kurai," Miyuki smiled at an old friend, momentarily forgetting the conflict between herself and the former customer.


@Gabriel Leko

@Artemistel @Brinie

Kurai watched the entire exchange with a curious eye before chuckling. "Indeed it has, a week too long without some of your seafood..." He turned to the male, the one who had in part been the cause of the commotion. "Understand while I don't particularly condone her actions in throwing the first punch..." His smile turned into a downright vicious smirk, his voice filled with bemusement as he said his next words.

"It's unwise to poke where Piranha's are residing, no? I personally think we should all just let bygones be bygones lest the situation escalate. I'd rather not wait much longer for my meal..."
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Ignoring the insult, he just waited to see what else would happened. If one was to make a ranking of insults, urchin would be at the bottom. It was about as offensive as one arriving early.

Entering the shop, none of the three seemed to notice the door opening slightly. The fish place was with no question, a step up from the tea shop. At least, it didn't remind him of a place meant for animals rather than people.

Throughout the whole time, Yagari just stood observing what was happening. The raven haired boy really didn't learn his lesson from the tea shop. Sometimes, it seemed like he was asking to be kicked out. The girl had some patience though that seemed to be wearing thin. Unlike the doormat waitress, she didn't take his comments. The punch (if one could call it that) was something that he should gotten earlier. Along with a slap on the face for being an idiot. The scolding the boy got was worth the trip here.

'Smart move kid. Just insult her, get tapped lightly and demand a free meal. You're a shoe in for the idiot of the week award. Just enjoy it before someone takes your place.'

Meanwhile when he was observing, a tanned young man with white hair entered. Seeing that twat getting scolded more was almost enough to cause a small smile to form.

'Yes, and you're the only normal person here. In this shop, there's a crazy server who has the nerve to punch customers. A stranger who purposely upset your pet. And there's you. You're the only normal one here as you insulted the place, acted like a spoiled brat and whined. Truly, you're the only decent person here.'

@Brinie, @Gabriel Leko, and @Artemistel
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Ulva commented on the way Amita grieved for her staff. It was true that air nomads did not value possessions much but one does have a sense of value for a thing, especially if that was your main tool or what one might call her "best friend" which made a lot of her experiences possible. "Yeah... ideally, we detach ourselves from worldly possessions. But... it's just that... she's my buddy.", she answered in reply, lost for words on what else to call her glider. "Oh well, I can get myself a new one", she added sadly. Not long after though, Yula changed course a bit and turned to pick something up from the water. She spotted the glider back from the dead! Koi stood up in amazement! "Woah! Glidy!!!", she called her glider which had so many names. In a snap, she hugged her worn glider, reunited with it once again. "You're alive! Thanks Yula. You really are wonderful!", she acknowledged her once again for making her a favor for the second time in less than an hour. Embracing the glider, she felt the holes it incurred because of the attack. Glidy was indeed worn out and it really did look like it got back from the dead. "Hmm... It doesn't look good...", she said as she examined the sheets of the staff. "But no worries! Once we get to the village, it'd be easy to get this fixed!", she said with a positive attitude and a huge grin on her face as she closed her glider once again returning it back to hang on her back.

"Oh!", she gasped as she looked far into the distance. The girl moved to the side to get a better view of the upcoming terrain they were getting close to. After some time, she opened her broken glider once again, turned to Ulva and said, "Here we are! We can land here now." Once her glider was opened she bended air upwards so as to make her jump high into the air allowing her to soar towards the land as she directed Yula and Ulva to the place where they can unload. Although her glider was obviously broken, Amita could still control the air somehow, even if she looked a bit shaky than making smooth turns. Landing on a vacant spot, she waited for Yula to set her feet to the ground.


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Ulva wasn't sure whether to be amused or weirded out by the girls obsession with the girls affection for the staff. Though she had to admit if a simple staff gave someone the ability to fly like she did, maybe she couldn't blame her for loving it so much. She personally didnt like flying, finding it scary and only does it out of necessity but she understood why people do it. She saw the island in the distant around the same time the girl did and smirked when she flew off. She patted Yula." I think i like her, buddy." She commented.


@Koi Miazaki
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Yula's ears twitched slightly at that remark, and let out a good natured deep rumble from her throat.

<<I like her too!>>

Flying onto one of the docks, she landed, of course, with the utmost of grace, dropping the large cube of ice in front of her as well.

She dropped down to allow Ulva to climb off of her, dipping her head towards Amita like a bow, before tackling the ice cube and breaking it with her strong, polar bear paws. The saddle lay inside, a bit damp, but undamaged.

Dragging it out, she swept the remaining ice into the ocean with her tail and she placed the saddle by Ulva's feet before pulling away and taking in her surrounding with curiosity in her ice-blue orbs.

The town was very earthy indeed, and there was a strong smell of fish close by.

There were very few people around, and the few that were around were either off in their own world, or staring at her in shock and awe.

Remembering that Ulva still needed to eat, she let out a bear like huff towards Ulva, indicating that they should probably move soon.

She didn't understand why humans didn't just eat fish raw, but she knew Ulva liked her food tarnished by fire first before consuming, for whatever strange reason.

Though she hated fire (giving off heat and all), she had to admit fire-tarnished food made it smell stronger and more tempting.

She was sure that some other human would lend her human some.

@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Koi Miazaki
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Ulva climber of Yula when they landed and winked at her to show she was glad she like Amita as well and that they had to move. She moved a bit a head of the two and looked on for the village seeing smoked stack in the distance. However she was distracted by the area itself. " Wow... Never been in an area not covered in snow before... So much green and... Brown. "She said before frowning at herself. <come on Ulva, some way of words you have.>


@Koi Miazaki


Shio Azale

Shio shook his head dismissively at the girl, this whole place reeked of disorder. "I imagine it is normal to strike patrons you disagree with in this little village. But in normal, functional societies, you are meant to always obey your costumer." Shio hummed as if he was teaching a lesson to a toddler. Shio starred at the white-haired man with disinterested eyes. "I suppose I should not expect any less from vermin. But, I do wonder, why are you so eager to eat garbage?" Shio drummed on, his eyes turned to face the rowdy girl lest she try to strike him a second time.

"I'm not sure you are aware of this, having been raised in a dirt hole, but it is not normal for employees of a business to attack a costumer without being physically provoked. " Shio reiterated, this time to the younger gentleman, his voice rattling with disappointment.

It seemed as if everyone was against him now, he believed it was because of pure envy. They were poor and delusional, they clearly lived in a different sort of world than he was acquainted to. Shio did not avert his gaze, when insults were spewed at him. He offered the man a warm smile, his eyes lit up with joy. "Yes! You understand my quarrel with this restaurant. Both me and this stranger have agreed that I am entitled to a free order. Surely you will oblige now, miss?" Shio intoned, graciously. He did understand the sarcasm behind it, but again he thought it more fun to play along. Sarcasm was the lowest form of wit, after all. It was fitting for a savage to be so fond of it.



@Gabriel Leko
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Kurai merely let out another sigh before he shrugged. "Hey, if you think it's trash what am I supposed to say? I think it's good, you think it's trash though I doubt you've had it before. That's the way people work and I'm not going to waste my time trying to change your mind....However...." He trailed off, before turning and removing his hood and really looking at the other male for the first time. Golden orbs boring into light brown hues.

"Surely a bounty hunter has better things to do with their time other than get into squabbles with mere peasants. Which leads me to assume that garbage you're about to buy is for the rather fine Shirshu outside?" He paused immediately after his query, before snapping his fingers at the male. "That's what the fish tasted like! It's been eating at me for weeks but now I remember. Boiled Shirshu, the larger they are the more succulent the meat is actually. And because it's boiled the meat actually softens, not at all like how fried Shirshu tastes. Though that's probably just as delicious. You have my thanks for jogging my memory....as a matter of fact since I'm hungry right now...."

He walked closer to the male, until only a foot separated the two before speaking. "Say, how much for that animal out there? I'm sure we can come to an agreement on the price..." The Harbinger of the Eclipse spirits rummaged through his bag before grabbing what he needed. "How many of these would suffice?" In his hand was a solid gold bar, an ingot to be precise. "But seriously, I do find myself hungering for some Shirshu right now..."



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Miyuki muttered a agreement, and went back into the store to fetch the sack of fish that was waiting for the man's Shirshu.

{{Sorry guys, but I will be taking a rather long break from the internet and roleplaying, so please continue on without me. Thanks! You can just improvise and have it so Shio gets his fish, and Kurai gets his order, and then you guys can be on your way!

Thanks for understanding.}}

Amita walked with Ulva and Yula through the village. The airbender wanted to make sure that if ever she'd leave both of her companions, they would be in a good and comfortable state. The girl was sure that her father wouldn't mind her being away anyway. Might as well take a stroll in the earth kingdom. "Haha! Isn't it nice to experience something for the first time? Being in another kingdom really is exciting.", she replied with a smile.

The airbender wondered what Ulva and Yula planned to do now that they are already in the Earth Kingdom. Maybe they're hungry, she wondered. While walking the girl turned around and walked backwards, asking both of her companions, "Are you guys hungry? There are a lot of shops and restaurants here. The food might interest you. Other than fish of course. The major food of this village is fish, but I'm sure you guys have a lot of those from where you came from.", she went on and on until, "Oof!", her back bumped into a white haired guy. She turned around to see what she hit just as when the man was telling someone in a threatening tone how he found himself hungering for some Shirsu. The airbender looked at the people who were involved in the heat, the white haired guy and another man with a Shirsu. Just as her eyes landed on the animal companion, she gulped while her face showed disgust at the thought of eating meat. "Ew", she commented softly. Realizing that the white haired man who she bumped into might hear her, the girl immediately turned her gaze back to him and in a slight panic, she apologized, taking a step back."Oh, sorry for bumping you! Please don't mind me.", she said as she blushed, feeling ashamed that she just interrupted something, whatever it is.



@Gabriel Leko

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Ulva followed the girl smirking a little bit as Amitas reply, eased her previous feeling of idiocy. "It is, though i mustly happy to walk on solid ground that doesn't give way under ones feet.. Feels so good. Or there is the risk of falling a great distance as well." She commented before being distracted by a stall that was surviving some food. She knew that they had the fish that Yula had fished out but she wouldn't waste an opportunity to try local food. Yula can get have the fish."Way ahead of you, Amita." She looked at what the food stall had on offer at first ignoring what had happened to with Amita at first. She was just too hungry.


@Koi Miazaki

@Gabriel Leko

Yula, loyal as always, followed behind Ulva, while taking in her surroundings and eying things with both curiosity and caution.

Most of the things she saw were new to her, as she has only seen ice and snow for the majority of her life, and she was starting to get used to the feel of small pebbles under her paws again. She had climbed moutains back in the South Pole, but most of the ground was covered in snow and ice.

He nose twitched again at the strong scent of fish, which was coming from the shop only a couple paces away.

Sitting outside the hut, was a creature about her size, resting with its head on it's paws. She noticed that the leash attached to him was tied up to a post, and his back also adorned a saddle, making it clear to her that this animal was tame.

She had never seen a creature such as this one before; it was brown with a black stripe down its back, a big pink wormlike nose, and a scrunched up face. Yula was somewhat shocked that there was another species of animal her size that was not a Polar Leopard, as she was only familiar with creatures from the South Pole and small hybrids from her journeying with Ulva.

Eyes wide, she approached the creature, standing in front of Ulva in a protective way, not sure weither he was hostile or not.

As she stepped nearer, the creature lifted its head and sniffed the air with its unusual nose, baring its teeth slightly, moving its head towards Yula.

She observed the creature, stopping her advance as she watched with curious and cautious eyes.

This animal, she realized, had no eyes, and depended on its nose to see.

The animal sniffed the air again and moved his head back and forth, as if it was having trouble seeing over a large crowd.

Yula narrowed her eyes questingly.

<<Why would he have a hard time sensing me? I'm right in front of his muzzle. Maybe it's because he has never encountered anything like me before. I would understand if that was the case, I've never met another creature like myself either.>>

She let out a bear-like huff, which caused the creature's ears to perk up even more. He stood up from his resting spot and tried to walk towards Yula, though the leash stopped him from taking more than two steps. He strained his neck towards her, hidding away his teeth and making a snuffing, purrlike sound instead, tugging on the leash the held him back.

Yula, suddenly uncomfortable with the close proximity of the animal, flattened her ears and growled lowly in warning, raising her hackles slightly and unfolding her wings slightly in a defensive manner.

The creature recoiled slightly, but for some odd reason, in stead of becoming hostile and growling back, it let out a soft whimper, lifting a paw as if injured while tilting its head, ears drooping sadly.

Yula didn't at all understand what this animal's intention was, and backed away from it, slightly disturbed by its actions, letting out another huff before looking for her companion, until she realized that both Ulva and Amita had entered the shop without her.

Lumbering towards the enterance, she sat a couple feet away from the door, opposite from the large creature across for her, and started grooming.

The creature continued to whine and scratch at the ground, pulling at his leash at an attempt to break away, but the leash was too strong. Yula proceeded to ignore him, but she heard his scuffling and the specific stomps on the ground he made, and raised her head up to watch.

The creature spoke to her, not in words, but through actions. Yula, being an animal herself, understood what the male creature was trying to convey to her.

<<His master... Shio... Calls him... Sansen... Humans call his kind... Shirshu... Asking me... Why I am blurry to him... Asking... What I am... Wants me to... Come closer...>>

Yula remained still as the (as she now knows), Shirshu tries to continue to reach her, but after a few moments he eventually gives up, resting his head back onto his paws and panting slightly due to the leash straining his neck. His face never turned away however, despite not being able to see her, his nose flaring at every breath he took.

After a few seconds of silence, Yula cranned her ears back towards the shop as she heard the door swing open.


@Koi Miazaki



@Gabriel Leko
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Shio starred skeptically as the man actually praised the stores food. In truth, he needn't have to taste it to know of its quality. Fish was cheap and easy to get a hold of, and in Shio's eyes, cheap food was bad food. He grew up eating fine cuisine and found that it was hard to get rid of his tongues acquaintance to the finer things in life. He looked onward as the man removed his hood. Maybe now he'd be able to get a closer look at him, so he could plainly see his place of origins. What he saw however, confused him even more. Still, Shio was unable to properly gauge the man.

Shio looked at him quizzically at the mention of eating Shirshu, he was not sure whether or whether not that man was serious. His eye twitched when he even went as far as offering to buy Sansen! He scoffed at the man when he pulled out a solid gold bar. What a ridiculous offer... Shio's cheeks flushed red with embarrassment."Surely you jest? I would not sell Sansen for twice his weight in gold..." Shio affirmed, as the young girl came back from the back of her shop. Shio took the bag of fish from her hands and offered her a fatuous smile.

He got what he came here for, so there was no longer any point in marinating with the filth that crowded this place. Shio exited the shop without saving another word, though he was initially startled when he came across a strange creature that stood by Sansen. "What's something like you doing all the way out here?" He asked, though he obviously did not expect an answer.

Shio untied Sansen's leash and the primal creature ran to his side. Smiling Shio emptied the sack of food on to the floor and the animal began munching through it like it was a light snack. Shio chuckled lightly at his animal, it was always funny to see its eagerness when it came to eating food.


@Koi Miazaki



@Gabriel Leko
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The two young women who entered the shop looked to be about in their late teens, perhaps a few years younger than himself. The first girl was somewhat tall and a water bender. The other, to be honest, had never seen a girl like her. Strange yellow and orange clothes covered her body. Outside of the shop, a large cat like animal, perhaps it was related to a Polar Leopard. Never heard of such creature, must be rare.

Arching a brow as he heard the offer that the white man made to the kid, he couldn't help but shake his head. Once in a long while, he was enjoying himself somewhat. The respond from him (white haired guy) was quite humorous in a way. From the shadows, Yagari enjoyed the sight of the kid blush in embarrassment.

As the door shut behind the kid, Yagari stepped outside of the safe heavens he called the shadows. Soon, he would have to leave as he had several more days of travel to get to his destination. Waiting patiently in line behind the two young woman and white haired man, he decided what fish he would buy. Something light and easy to eat when traveling would be best.



@Gabriel Leko

@Koi Miazaki

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