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Futuristic At the Edge of the Apocalypse, an Eternal Principle

More high rolls. Man, we are going to be so screwed when our luck changes.
Well, there is that bad roll you were expecting.


+3 = 4.

@SephirothSage So, how did Kelly's last turn work out? Did they hit and/or wound an Angelspawn? A big post isn't required, just to inform if it was successful or not, since it seemed like it should have connected and done damage.
What range are we at from the angel spawn? If we are closing in, I'll switch to my Progressive Knife and stab me some bad guys.
Right..... Shit, I wish I knew how to draw and send Diagrams. I have a mental idea about it, but...

Basically, you're close to the angelspawn- within a turns charge distance...

But far out from the actual angel- which is a good three-four turns away.
Gotcha. I just have a much better skill with a blade than I do with the rifles.
Rev up dem legs


I, uh

I put a +3 modifier in there I thought...but it's not mentioning that. Dunno. Brain tired ,_,
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Yes, you can delay your action. Delay takes a full action, so it consumes your turn, but you can declare a half action and a trigger. If the trigger is met, the half action goes off. If the trigger isn't met, your turn is wasted.
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Ugh. Sorry for being half-absentee, and thank you a lot for helping out so much, Word.

I've just... had a lot on my plate in general, lately.
Should the pilot ever roll higher than the chosen person for Initiative, they are wracked by indecision and instead go immediately after them in the turn order.
So it looks like I still go after Irene in the turn order automatically. Yepyep.
I'm not familiar with how DH is normally played, but effectively wasting a turn when choosing to delay an action seems harsh mechanically. At least in this case it seem the option to act fully remains.
DH is harsh. So is AdEva. Just wait until you start taking sanity ego damage.

It isn't really that bad, though. It's for situations where you want to shoot that guy the moment he turns the corner, or pops out of cover. It acknowledges that you're spending time waiting for something to happen and reacting to that instead of just doing things. So you have less time for doing things.
I can appreciate that as part of the rule systems, though that level of granularity is quite significant.
In DH you're a guy/girl with a flashlight and a knife against the horrors of the warp. The first shot often heralds the end of a fight if it lands, and you do not want to be the one to stick your head out of cover first if you can help it. The best answer is often to load up on explosives and just demolish the entire building you think your target is in rather than risk losing half your team fighting it.

You can see why overwatching corners was worth a rules entry ( ;) ).
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Sorry. I wasn't aware that I was up. I'll post right now.
Is it too late to use a Fate Point to swap those numbers around? I keep forgetting about them.
Now you are making me doubt myself. How often do they recover?
@RandomWord , do you remember of the top of your head? I recall that if not burnt, it's 'between sessions', but I might be wrong.
Well, it doesn't help me at all if I never use them; so why not? Lets go ahead and spend that point to nail the Angelspawn and spare the city the collateral damage done.
No, wait; nevermind. Unless there are some external bonuses in play for me to use against this target, even swapping the numbers won't help me hit.

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