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At the Adventurers' Table: Chapter Twenty

If Cap'n and Kaerri are still in, how do you feel about it?
Conflicted - for several reasons:

1.) I'm not sure if I would like to explore the things I already encountered yet again.

2.) I'm not sure if that means that perhaps digging Ylva once more would be an option after all.

3.) I'm not sure how it'd feel without some of the other characters.

4.) No idea whether the changed version of Broadsword would feel enough like the old one, or perhaps too much.

There's probably more. Not too worried about the technopathy, actually. It's always been secondary to other, more awesome stuff. Like the characters.

Maybe if we'd throw our characters into a different environment to get a fresh start? I feel like just going back to the Broadsword as-is might be difficult. Maybe figure out what makes the Broadsword awesome in the first place, take those pieces, and give them a new mission away from the story line thus far. Heck, if you put Piper, Trouble and the Broo in one place, that'd be tempting. Tempting enough for a new character or reviving Ylva? Not sure at the moment. It's a hard question, that one.
Conflicted - for several reasons:

1.) I'm not sure if I would like to explore the things I already encountered yet again.

2.) I'm not sure if that means that perhaps digging Ylva once more would be an option after all.

3.) I'm not sure how it'd feel without some of the other characters.

4.) No idea whether the changed version of Broadsword would feel enough like the old one, or perhaps too much.
Silanon Silanon O.K.. Let me tackle these questions first because Sil is in a different time zone which makes it much later in the evening for him. Also, I'm going to change the order of these questions to make a point.

2. I highly recommend not chasing Ylva. Your prior reasons are rock-solid and I think that route would only lead to frustration.

1. I get this and I think I can compromise; what if you played a relative, foster sibling, or close friend of Ylva? If I made it so that your new character had Ylva's perspective, then your new PC would have to learn less. That doesn't account for everything, but it's a start.

3. With Mario, Toph, and Ylva retired (again that last is up to you), that doesn't touch a single NPC. We may pick up new PCs as time goes on.

4. Oh, she'll be the same old girl she's always been! I may change the atmosphere to something a little more Star Trek and less UEEF Marine.

I put a lot of options in that starship that weren't even touched. If you guys care to discover those, then you can do so at your own pace. No rush.

In the meantime, again, I'm simplifying the game as a whole. I imagine more raids like the one in Central America against the anti-unification League (that was fun and simple)!

Maybe if we'd throw our characters into a different environment to get a fresh start?
Well, my next adventure was to get you guys out of the South Pole. I thought you guys have been there long enough.
Maybe figure out what makes the Broadsword awesome in the first place, take those pieces, and give them a new mission away from the story line thus far.
The story line is one of the things I want to keep simple - there's just too much going on.

Heck, if you put Piper, Trouble and the Broo in one place, that'd be tempting.
Could you elaborate here, please? I thought they were in one place - on the Broadsword.

I love the amount of thought you're putting into this, Sil. Conversations like these are how I become a better Game Master. Thank you! 8D
2. I highly recommend not chasing Ylva. Your prior reasons are rock-solid and I think that route would only lead to frustration.
Good advice - it's just obviously hard to imagine the Broadsword from another perspective.
1. I get this and I think I can compromise; what if you played a relative, foster sibling, or close friend of Ylva? If I made it so that your new character had Ylva's perspective, then your new PC would have to learn less. That doesn't account for everything, but it's a start.
Given that we limited all contact, that'd feel... Weird. I like the general idea to have some background knowledge, but I'd have to put some thought into how to get it right. Good starting idea though!
Well, my next adventure was to get you guys out of the South Pole. I thought you guys have been there long enough.
Longer than expected, most definitely! Was a nice place to be, though.
Could you elaborate here, please? I thought they were in one place - on the Broadsword.
They are - I wrote half of the thought down and not the other. Sorry for the confusion. I was kinda wondering whether the Broadsword might be too big of a place for three plus npc's. And whether it might be a good idea to have more focus on a few things at a time, rather than have it all in one place all the time. If you would, for example, put the PCs and a few characters - say Piper, a few of the Broo, Trouble - on a raiding mission away from the Broadsword, that'd put a clearer focus on whoever and whatever goes on that trip. The Broadsword, with all its options, is both awesome and tricky - one can get stuck in there quite easily, story-wise.
And another thing I meant to mention since I saw the system mentioned here and there: Exalted isn't really my kind of system. Gave it a try several times, never warmed up to it. Just figured I'd mention that I'd be less excited about that one than others here.
Good advice - it's just obviously hard to imagine the Broadsword from another perspective.
Yes. Perhaps initially. But to create the character is to create the perspective. Do I not l have dozens of NPCs throughout the Broadsword game, each with their own different perspectives?

I've got you covered here, dear Sil! For the sheer heck of it, please try this gaming exercise.

Seriously imagine another character you have played on RP Nation on the Broadsword.

How might Aldrin the White perceive this ship? The crew? The Broo? This world? What does he see? How does he feel?

Got it?

Now try Shaona of the green hair. Whar about her?

How about Eron? =)

You now know that the trick of changing perspectives is to know your characters well. By putting Ylva in the backseat and letting someone else drive, you now see the world through their eyes. This can be done in any game. =)
If you would, for example, put the PCs and a few characters - say Piper, a few of the Broo, Trouble - on a raiding mission away from the Broadsword, that'd put a clearer focus on whoever and whatever goes on that trip.
Ah! Yes I was thinking something similar.

Re: Exalted. Oh, I couldn't run that game well if you paid me - it's still too chunky for me! Ha ha!

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