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At the Adventurers' Table: Chapter Twenty

Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus jaydude jaydude Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon

I may will probably have more questions for each of you down the line, but here are some starters:

1. Do you want to play a new game or stick with either or both Sharseya and Broadsword? (If we stick either of those games, I will be changing and simplifying them, making them easier to play with less to keep track of.)

2. If you want to play a new game(s), what are you hot for to play long-term? (If I have it, I'll consider it!)

3. If you're in the Sharseya game, please give me your top 3 favorite NPCs (or top 5 if you like - you can write individual names or groups).

4. If you're in the Robotech: Broadsword game, please give me your top 3 favorite NPCs (or top 5 if you like - you can write individual names or groups).

5. For those of you who still remember and enjoy their characters, if we decide to go with a new game(s), do you like the idea of trying to bring one or both of your current Sharseya/Broadsword characters into a new game? (No promises, but I can try!)
I feel that my connection to Mario and Luna has withered, and would also like to see a new game.

My list of desired game includes, Rifts, Palladium Fantasy, Pathfinder, and maybe DnD 5e.

After this long, I honestly don't remember too many of the NPCs from either game too well. Some of the Broo might be interesting.

I also would like a fresh start in the way of a character. Something different from what I've done lately.
Bria would also make the list for Sharseya.

In Broadsword, I don't have the strong connection to them that makes them stand out to me, unlike the other player characters.
Thanks! Sorry to prod but you know me - the details matter. =)
I'll get to the planning stuff in a bit (or later, depending on how far I get) - but lemme address something real quick:
Apologies to Purr and everyone else for my long silence. I went through some mental stuff months ago and am having difficulties getting back into things. Largely, I suspect, due to self-intimidation at the amount there is to catch up on. Really need to get over that and just post, but I haven't yet. Again, sorry.
Take care of yourself, Kaerri Kaerri ! No need to apologize - take your time getting back into things, and let us know if we can make things easier for you at any point. 'Just post' has been major trouble for me often enough, and quite a few time others (yourself included) have been damn helpful to actually get there. If we can be helpful in similar fashion, we will - and if we can't, then we're still just happy when you do things in your pace.
Thank you, both!

Note: I'm going to mention one universe I've been reading for months now and that's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (original and IDW Publishing, plus some of the 2003 TV series; not the kiddie shows but the grittier stuff with the martial arts, mystical mysteries, and technological twists. Plus, New York in 198X? Michael Jackson Thriller? No internet? TV worth watching and simpler times? Yeah. TMNT using Palladium's After the Bomb rules is one I've wanted to run for some time, so much I was part of the Kickstarter last year. If we decide to swap a game or two, I would run that if enough hands go up for it.
I am waiting for the kickstarter books to show up, too. Other than that, I don't have any of the TMNT or After the Bomb books. I'd have to get ahold of some before I could make a character.
Perhaps a character from either Ninjas and Superspies or Heroes Unlimited would work in that setting. I have books from both those settings, but not TMNT.
1. Do you want to play a new game or stick with either or both Sharseya and Broadsword? (If we stick either of those games, I will be changing and simplifying them, making them easier to play with less to keep track of.)
New - I find it more promising to start with a new sheet of paper than to take the old ones, reboot them, simplify them and do them justice at the same time.
If the majority wishes to stick to these two, then my recommendation would be to first go with one at first and do it right, rather than split the attention between two - unless you're really certain that's the best idea.
2. If you want to play a new game(s), what are you hot for to play long-term? (If I have it, I'll consider it!)
Pathfinder, obviously - you know me. And... Whatever you feel is the best way to tell your story. I'm open to old and new stuff, with you it's about the story, not the system. Setting's not much of a concern, I'm up for everything between the stone age and the far future. Just not the here and now without major changes.
3. If you're in the Sharseya game, please give me your top 3 favorite NPCs (or top 5 if you like - you can write individual names or groups).
I haven't been in the game for long enough to have favorites, I think. I'll give it some more thought, though.
4. If you're in the Robotech: Broadsword game, please give me your top 3 favorite NPCs (or top 5 if you like - you can write individual names or groups).
Trouble. The young, struggling leader - gosh I feel bad for not remembering her name right now. And then the martial Broo to represent all the others. Damn, I'm bad with names this morning.
5. For those of you who still remember and enjoy their characters, if we decide to go with a new game(s), do you like the idea of trying to bring one or both of your current Sharseya/Broadsword characters into a new game? (No promises, but I can try!)
Nope, as mentioned earlier.

Haven't read most of the posts after this one, I'll catch up after work.
Looks like my superpower continues to claim RP kills.

I shouldn't have made those dogtags.
Cat Love GIF

Captain Hesperus
I dunno, I'm going to need time to process it all. Losing my only two RPs at the same time is kind of a heavy hit.
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus I know what you mean. I have known for decades that all games eventually come to a close, but I've been feeling a bit lost myself though I haven't been expressing it. Robotech: Broadsword has been dear to me ever since I made it here on RpN. As for Sharseya, that wonderful world started back in 1999 and I feel it will always be my go-to when I run fantasy.

There still seems to be some interest in Broadsword. If we have enough players, I'm still willing to run it (after I make some changes).

EDIT: I wouldn't mind keeping a modified Broadsword game going while running another game (after Silanon's excellent idea in his above post). That's a clunky sentence. I think I need rest! See you, Gang! =)

I know I've asked this on the questionnaire, but would you want to somehow play Otiorin or Hercules again if I could make it happen? Plus if I am to run different games, I am taking some of my NPCs with me if I can, hence my questions on your favorites. I have spent too much time, energy, and love to simply let them all go (in fact, I want all of the Broo plus Trouble in whatever game I end up running).
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If the majority wishes to stick to these two, then my recommendation would be to first go with one at first and do it right, rather than split the attention between two - unless you're really certain that's the best idea.
That's a very good point and I thank you for it!

Trouble. The young, struggling leader - gosh I feel bad for not remembering her name right now. And then the martial Broo to represent all the others. Damn, I'm bad with names this morning.
Silanon Silanon I'm guessing you mean Lt. Piper from the Broadsword's bridge and Taymee the Rainbow Daemoness of Adamantium?
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus jaydude jaydude Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon

Just woke up not long ago with these "what if" ideas:

1. We ceased Sharseya only and focused on replacing it with a new game? I can list off the games I have/am willing to run and keep an open mind for more games? The idea here is to focus on one game at a time (thank you, Sil, for the great idea).

2. We continue Robotech: Broadsword with PCs Hercules and Eadric? The option for Sil, Sherwood, and Psychie is there to create all-new (level 1!) characters. Maybe they're Traversers, maybe they're not. Just put the option there and if nothing comes of it, O.K.!. It can't be helped.

Either way, keep Broadsword alive with Kaerri and Cap'n's characters as PCs and see what happens? (Disband the Wild Cards. Maybe Herc and Eadric help out First Flight?) Sherwood can tell you I'm pretty good at running memorable games with only two Players. Heh! =)

Hope you're having a good day, Gang!

jaydude jaydude Any additional thoughts since you last posted? What do you think of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Rifts? Other games? I'd offer to run Avatar, which I own, but I think I'd fall on my face there (I find the system difficult).
I'm into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, yes. Not too familiar with Rifts though. Aside from them, I'm only really familiar with Avatar Legends and Exalted.

Well, there's also The Pool, but that's really simple.
I'm into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, yes. Not too familiar with Rifts though. Aside from them, I'm only really familiar with Avatar Legends and Exalted.

Well, there's also The Pool, but that's really simple.
Never heard of The Pool. Ooh! You're a Turtles fan? Which era? What do you like about that universe?

Rifts is Palladium's flagship game. It's a post-Apocalyptic Earth game where magic and super-science run wild. The game is named after portals called Rifts that pull in or take out creatures from other realms, dimensions, other universes. Characters are often Mega-damage (can take damage that would only harm a Real Life tank) making the game super-powered. Entire new cultures have sprung up from the ashes of the old. Demons have taken over entire cities in some former countries. One of its biggest pulls is you can play almost anything the GM allows. It has its drawbacks, but there's no other game quite like it.

I'm not hot to run Rifts right now because I'm not a huge fan of the post-apocalyptic setting - it's one of the walls I'm running into with Broadsword. That's part of my drive for wanting to play a game where there are... lots of people. A big city. Cyberpunk? Werewolf: the Apocalypse? They've got that as does TMNT.
Here's a link that'll tell you all about it: http://www.1km1kt.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/thepoolrpg.pdf

Mainly the 2003 series. That was the one I watched the most of. And mostly I like the family dynamic the turtles and Splinter have, as well as how it blends martial arts, superheroes, sci-fi and other genres together.
Thanks for the link!

Yeah! A buddy of mine turned me onto the 2003 series and now I own it. It's excellent and my top favorite of what animated stories I've seen so far. I also like Batman vs. TMNT movie. Talk about pure fun! Have you seen it? (I might not reply for a few hours; Real Life!)
I also like Batman vs. TMNT movie. Talk about pure fun! Have you seen it?
Not in its entirety, but I have seen parts of it - mainly the fights - on YouTube. Definitely great fun.
Mainly the 2003 series. That was the one I watched the most of. And mostly I like the family dynamic the turtles and Splinter have, as well as how it blends martial arts, superheroes, sci-fi and other genres together.
Same here though you put it better that I could have! =)

Yeah, that family dynamic is part of what draws me into the IDW Publishing stories and the 2003 cartoons.

Jay, this is no attempt to coax you in to the game but the family dynamic I think is one of the big reasons that the Broo are successful in Broadsword. I made them to be one big tribe, one big family, like ElfQuest! And everybody in Broadsword loves my Broo!

Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Kaerri Kaerri The more I think about it, the more I want to keep playing Broadsword one way or another. Even if it's just the three of us. How do you two feel about that?
The more I think about it, the more I want to keep playing Broadsword one way or another. Even if it's just the three of us. How do you two feel about that?
If you say yes, I'll add in more Reggie, Trouble, and Beema? (Hee hee!) =)

Family. Broadsword crew. Broo. Reggie (and Sgt. Booty). Fat Gandalf and Hitomi. Yeah, I've got plenty of family right here in this game! =)

Sounds like Psychie and Sherwood are out, but they're willing to be part of another game I put together.

Silanon Silanon Unless I'm mistaken, I get the feeling that maybe you want to continue playing Broadsword too? If so, if you are welcome to roll up a new character. However, I will be making some changes (including to Technopathy).

If Cap'n and Kaerri are still in, how do you feel about it?
Purr Purr if you start a TNMT game, would you consider letting some characters in from Heroes Unlimited or Ninjas and Super Spies? I’m not in possession of those books until they ship out later on this year.

The other option is to buy some of the PDFs. If I did that, what books would I need?

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