[Astrum: Heavens] The Galactic Cantina

Freeman said:
More void nations that sucks..... And here I had hope for Frixz and the rest of them.
Yeah, it's really a shame- Both Frixz and Soulpelt were this close to being done and ready to play, but I guess they lost interest..

That being said, if Frixz and/or Soulpelt, or any other void player is reading this: If you want to reclaim your nation, send me a message- Or if you still want to play, but just not with the nation you had in mind, feel free to make a new claim in the Signup thread! ;)
I shall return, I just need a little time to get my mind in order for it, I got a little daunted and haven't kept up. Soon I promise!
[QUOTE="Doctor Frixz]I shall return, I just need a little time to get my mind in order for it, I got a little daunted and haven't kept up. Soon I promise!

Go Frixz go! You're right at the finish line, all your nation needs are the spacecraft stuffs and bang, you're ready to tango.. in space. Spacetango! :eek:
Probably not right now. My AIT training is like 8hours of classes, followed by an hour or two of homework, continued with cleaning the barracks and running around to get errands done, at least for the first couple weeks. After that, and while I'm catching up on the shinanigans going on here, I'll be able to hop in as probably a minor player.
highdarklord said:
Probably not right now. My AIT training is like 8hours of classes, followed by an hour or two of homework, continued with cleaning the barracks and running around to get errands done, at least for the first couple weeks. After that, and while I'm catching up on the shinanigans going on here, I'll be able to hop in as probably a minor player.
Awh, that sucks! Astrum needs more all-out nation players.

Though I guess I should be glad, just to get another player. :P
[QUOTE="Laréo Vi Finlandia]Awh, that sucks! Astrum needs more all-out nation players.
Though I guess I should be glad, just to get another player. :P

And yet I still do not understand why more people don't join, and the new ones that do seem to disappear after only a few posts.
Freeman said:
And yet I still do not understand why more people don't join, and the new ones that do seem to disappear after only a few posts.
I wish I had an answer to that. :/
Well its not really competition if I"m mopping the floor with you...

Going to approach this one with a totally different play style than normal. Going to have a lot of kinks to work out this time around.
highdarklord said:
Well its not really competition if I"m mopping the floor with you...
Going to approach this one with a totally different play style than normal. Going to have a lot of kinks to work out this time around.
Soooo you don't want to win?
highdarklord said:
Well its not really competition if I"m mopping the floor with you...
Going to approach this one with a totally different play style than normal. Going to have a lot of kinks to work out this time around.
Sounds intriguing! Can't wait to see what you come up with. :D
[QUOTE="Laréo Vi Finlandia]Or then I'll make both of you lose horribly. :cool:

Sad part is I think that can happen
Freeman said:
Sad part is I think that can happen
Oh, it most definitely can - But whether or not it, will happen, is completely up to how you deal with things. ;)
highdarklord said:
-Oppa snippety snap!-

I figured you'd be more of a,


guy, with the whole.. Nation Building.. conquering everyone else.. stuff.. Y'know. :cool:

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