Assassin's creed

@Isune You have to help me. I think I'm messing up one post after another. You character is basically in his civilian clothing and took his knife and gun with him, correct? And is there anything else I might have forgotten?
@Isune Alright, thanks. I thought about posting but if you don't mind I'm gonna wait for Phoenix and Christina. My character is still in the middle of an action scene after all.
Hahaha, yeah I still feel kinda bad for not giving Erik some time for his smartassery when the action scene started. ^^
It's fine, I'm sure he'll have time to do that later, though this is the first time he has ever been captured. I have a feeling Alvin won't let him live it down for a while.
Awww are you already bored with me? Good job now I'm depressed (not). You can post one more time and Erik will make a run for it. Since you didn't check for weapons, he has a few tricks he can do. Also can I like wound your character badly? Like poke out an eye? xD

@Morbuskid Wasn't sure about that one. I thought you guys would be far enough away. Let's just pretend what Alvin said happened before that shot.

@Peaceswore Hey, not fair! I wanted Alvin to find you guys, shoot Morbuskid's character and be the hero of the day. *pouts*

Encreedem said:
@Morbuskid Wasn't sure about that one. I thought you guys would be far enough away. Let's just pretend what Alvin said happened before that shot.
@Peaceswore Hey, not fair! I wanted Alvin to find you guys, shoot Morbuskid's character and be the hero of the day. *pouts*

That wouldn't work because i have a sense remember
Don't worry, I'll let you guys have your fun. I'll just let Alvin find you and give Armando a reason to run away if that's alright.
Encreedem said:
Don't worry, I'll let you guys have your fun. I'll just let Alvin find you and give Armando a reason to run away if that's alright.
Are you kidding me, Armando knows hundreds of fighting styles included the balanced melee and marksmanship of the bersagliere, how do you even expect to beat someone as well trained and someone that is at the same age as you.
Yep, what Peaceswore said. Also Alvin has still got 6 shots with his revolver and 1 with his sword. I don't really know what Armando's "sense" exactly does but avoiding/blocking/whatevering 7 shots sounds unlikely.

@RoyalPhoenix32 Would your character still be at the riding club at this point or already at her home? Seeing how everyone has scattered, it probably isn't necessary to make multiple posts about how Alvin is traveling through the city.

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