Assassin's creed

I understand, I should have edited the post to where it makes sense now?
Just a warning for now. But anyone else that joins should be told of the major points that happened in the rp so they know where they can jump in.
Yeah, sorry, I never even got an update that this thing had started, I just saw it a few days ago.
If it is not much trouble, could my character survive to the end of the plot? because i was gonna have him go of to France unless you had other plans.
RoyalPhoenix32 said:
Just a warning for now. But anyone else that joins should be told of the major points that happened in the rp so they know where they can jump in.
I like that idea. You could make a "Story so far..." post in the Overview thread or edit the first post in the "In Character RPing" thread.
Sorry, I decided to wait here. I do realize you were in this bit xD
It's alright, I just wanted to make the scene more realistic by including the guards. They shouldn't be a problem for a skilled assassin as you. ;)
This is getting confusing. *scratches his head while reading through the posts a second time*

The story might be out of synch again, if it is then it isn't too bad. It's just guards after all.

I know that the action is starting now but I think we should wait for @Morbuskid. Especially if one of the assassins decide to attack Karliah directly.
Right... anyway, I just responded to one of the guards? Should I have made that clear?
Yeah, I know. As I said, I'm reading through the posts again to make sure not to make any mistakes. I'll post very soon.
Right, right, I understand xD I really need to slow down when I'm typing too, I'll try to make everything crystal clear for you.
Did I write @Morbuskid instead of @Peaceswore? I did, didn't I? Yeah, considering that his character would most likely be involved in the action I wanted to say that we should wait for him.

Sorry if I'm taking a bit long to respond, I was a bit busy.

Also thanks for clearing that up @Morbuskid. That makes things easier. :)
Eh, I'm just whatevering right now
@Christina Verashoth Sorry, but could you please tell me what "...leaving the guard down one." means? I don't know what's going on right now.

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