Assassin's creed

Yay! I can respond right away because I have no life! *Sniffles before going onto a full on sob fest*
By the way, I think I made it sound like a "hidden blade" was some kind of special assassin or clan member. I'm simply referring to the weapon almost any assassin carries with him.

Aaaah, I really need to remember to add name tags. Does anyone know whether someone will get notified when I edit a post to add a tag?

Also, do you guys already want to continue or shall we wait for others to sign up and introduce themselves? I tried go create a scenario where people should easily be able to join in. (enter the room and sit down... doesn't seem that impressive now that I think about it)
When you edit a post and then tag someone they won't get notified. Also I like how you tried to make it easy for people (that are Templars) to join in. Though it may be a bit till someone joins. Really it's up to @RoyalPhoenix32 .
I like it but Templar are getting all the action while the assassins are laying on their butts, we just need people to be active for this.

Also playing unity
Would it be fine with you if i could kill one of the Templars who is going to the meeting but is late? I am not talking about a main character more so as a AI you know someone who is completely non important to the story .

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I also have a computer but i need to get it cleaned out because i downloaded a bunch of games and the one that screwed me over the best was Napoleon-total war.

Also i am done with my post.

oh no! im missing all the fun

:P I guess thats what I get for obsessively planning my character heheh

im almost done with my character's form, ill have it posted soon! I just need to finish her art ~

@Christina Verashoth

No offense, I like your posts but they don't really match up with the rest of the story. So far the scene is the following: Three Templar are in a large room in the riding club. There are only three guards. They each stand at the inside of the front and back entrance while the last one is preparing a meal. Alvin Mandane (my character) is a careful if not even paranoid person, therefore there are no servants.

I don't want to talk for @RoyalPhoenix32 but I think you should try to synchronize your story with ours.
Wow... whoops xD I will take care of that right away!
I agree on that. Your story should sync with what is going on. I let you by with intro post but from now on, try to stay in sync.
Sorry xD too much reading from the beginning, that was hard as hell to focus on.
It's alright, one should think on how their character will react to others but if introducing, one should be free of the other characters.

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